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wow! Part 8 was hot!

cannot wait to read how TJ brother is borough into the fold.

thanks for the great story!

  • Thanks 1
On 21/8/2024 at 7:14, joeri said:

Parte 3 aceptación de la nueva vida
Tj se despertó después de un sueño largo y excitante, y se sintió miserable por las drogas. La habitación donde dormía estaba iluminada con una luz indirecta suave y miró a su alrededor por un momento. Con su mano quiso agarrar su polla tiesa como todas las mañanas para masturbarse con su erección matutina pero golpeó la jaula de la polla y se dio cuenta de que una de las últimas cosas que Peter había hecho fue encerrar su polla. Entonces ahora sabía por qué, también sintió que el tapón anal se asentaba bien en su agujero. No es que el tapón lo hiciera sentir incómodo, pero sintió que estaba allí. En su cabeza comenzó a repasar todo lo que había sucedido la noche anterior y si había tomado una buena decisión o no, pero no tuvo que pensar en ello durante mucho tiempo porque se dio cuenta muy rápidamente de que había tomado la única decisión correcta. Debido a su educación, sabía que las drogas que le dieron no cambiaron su forma de pensar, sino que solo permitieron que sus verdaderos sentimientos y necesidades salieran a la superficie sin timidez. Así fue como supo que era la decisión correcta y que debía entregarse por completo a ella y utilizar su entrenamiento para aprender todo lo que pudiera sobre su verdadero ser.
Aunque quería quedarse en la cama, se obligó a levantarse. Se arrastró fuera de la cama y salió de la habitación. El pasillo estaba oscuro y no vio ningún interruptor para encender la luz. Pero cuando dio el primer paso hacia el pasillo, la luz se encendió. De nuevo, era una luz indirecta suave y elegante y continuó explorando porque aún no había visto mucho de su nuevo hogar. Entró en el espacio habitable y, para su sorpresa, no había ventanas en ninguna parte. El espacio habitable estaba bellamente decorado y moderno y vio una carta sobre la mesa de la cocina. Se sentó a la mesa y, con ojos soñolientos y todavía con resaca, comenzó a leer la carta.
este es tu nuevo hogar durante tu entrenamiento. Espero que lo mantengas como mantendrías tu propio hogar. El frigorífico está lleno de comida y bebidas, así que adelante. Quiero que te cuides, especialmente después de una sesión. Quiero que obtengas suficientes vitaminas y electrolitos para que estés listo para otra sesión. Además, eres responsable de limpiar la sala de juegos después de nuestras sesiones y de limpiar las cosas que usamos. Cuando puedas y aún quieras jugar contigo mismo, siéntete libre de hacerlo también. La casa también está equipada con un gimnasio, así que quiero que pases al menos una hora todos los días en el gimnasio y cuides tu cuerpo.
Ahora, lo más importante.
Tienes un reloj inteligente en tu muñeca, con esto puedo monitorearte, cuándo duermes, frecuencia cardíaca, etc. Si piensas en correr, puedo ver perfectamente dónde estás. Tenemos un acuerdo y quiero que lo cumplas.
El reloj también te avisará cuando te visite. Cuando recibas la notificación, tendrás media hora para prepararte antes de que llegue. Espero que para entonces te hayas lavado el coño, que aún estés sin vello, que te hayas tomado tu dosis de G que está lista en el frigorífico. Te tomas la dosis de G inmediatamente después de recibir el mensaje para que ya estés bien colocada cuando llegue. También espero que estés con los ojos vendados y esperando a cuatro patas en la sala de juegos en la cama con el culo mirando hacia la puerta. Estas son las reglas básicas y si no las sigues, sufrirás las consecuencias. Además, de vez en cuando recibirás tareas adicionales de mi parte como ahora mismo.
En tu coño he colocado un consolador y también tienes un cinturón de castidad que no te puedes quitar, así que ahora cuando pase la primera vez no podrás lavarte el coño, no te preocupes por esto. También acabo de recibir una notificación de que estás despierto y ahora te enviaré una notificación 6 veces cada hora para que infles aún más el consolador porque el tapón que está en tu culo es inflable. Encontrarás la bomba en tu mesita de noche y puedes conectarla al tapón para poder inflarlo. En cada informe, empuja la bomba 2 veces. De esa manera, cuando regrese allí, tu coño estará más abierto y finalmente podré follarte. Porque no te equivoques, muchacho, ese coño tuyo será una de tus herramientas de trabajo más importantes. Aparte de eso, no recibirás ninguna tarea adicional. Pero si quieres entrenarte más y hacer feliz a tu mentor, entonces te sugiero que tomes un consolador largo e intentes empujarlo lo más profundo que puedas en tu garganta para que tu garganta se entrene y puedas hacer que tu reflejo nauseoso desaparezca.
Siéntete libre de caminar por tu nuevo hogar y siéntete libre de explorar. No puedes salir porque las puertas están cerradas, tampoco hay ventanas porque quiero que puedas concentrarte completamente en tu entrenamiento. Todas las habitaciones también están equipadas con cámaras y si quiero siempre puedo vigilarte y ver qué estás haciendo.

Pero también tengo otro regalo para ti. Todas las habitaciones están equipadas con cámaras, pero la sala de juegos es la que tiene más. Así que todas nuestras sesiones se graban y, si quieres, puedes verlas cuando quieras. Si instalas la televisión en la sala de estar y revisas el menú, probablemente encontrarás las sesiones rápidamente. Así podrás disfrutar de tu progreso en momentos claros.
Por último, si te preguntabas dónde estaban las cosas que trajiste contigo, esas están conmigo, durante tu entrenamiento no necesitas ropa a menos que te la dé yo. Durante tu entrenamiento estás constantemente desnudo y listo para empezar.
It was quite a stretch for Tj to process this on a sober stomach, but the main points were clear to him and he was comfortable with them. He went to the refrigerator and got something to eat and drink. There he also saw a filled syringe with a bill saying dose G to be taken when the mentor comes. He plopped himself down on the couch and was curious about the session he had already had with Peter. He turned on the TV and looked for the session. It was indeed very easy to find the session again and when he pressed play he felt that his cock spontaneously wanted to get stiff again but was stopped by his cage. While the Tv was charging to the session light up for the first time watch and TJ knew what to do, he quickly walked back to the room and looked for the little pump to attach to the butt plug. He quickly saw it lying there took it to the living room. Meanwhile, the session was already playing and Tj watched with open mouth at how professionally the session seemed to be filmed. Meanwhile, he was figuring out how to attach the little pump to the plug and with some difficulty he succeeded. He gave 2 squeezes on the pump and felt the plug inflate and his pussy begin to stretch. During that Tj sat watching the movie which did last several hours he got a few more notifications and each time he pumped the plug further. What was fairly easy to bear at first was not so easy after a few hours. His pussy was now being pulled open fairly wide and he was having trouble getting a position in the seat. The session was coming to an end and he watched Peter cum in his mouth. Tj relived this moment back in his fantasy and was stroking his body with his hands. He wanted to play with his cock again but again he felt the cage preventing him from playing with it. Tj had become extremely horny from watching the session again and went to the playroom. He wanted to make his teacher happy and prepare his throat for throat fucking. He took a thin but long dildo and put it in his mouth and pushed it as deep as he could but kept getting to a point where he couldn't go any further without starting to gag. Then he decided to change things up and relaxed and put his fingers in his throat and went as deep as he could in his throat until he gagged again. But each time he tried to go deeper and deeper and his patience and practice was rewarded because after a few attempts he managed to stick his fingers deeper.
Tj didn't get much time to enjoy victory with his fingers and to further refine his technique because the watch gave a new message. Boy get ready it said.
Tj knew what he had to do. He felt back nerves because he knew a new session was coming and because he also knew he would almost certainly be fucked by Peter for the first time. Somehow he was afraid of it but on the other hand he was also very much looking forward to it because then he would really know whether this slut life was for him or not. Tj hurried to the kitchen took the syringe filled with G, squirted it into a glass and poured in some fruit juice and drank it in 1 gulp. The dose was very concentrated and the taste was unbearable. He would definitely not take fruit juice next time and quickly drank another glass of fruit juice to get the taste out of his mouth.
He quickly cleaned up all the stuff, cleaned the dildo he had used and put it back. Tj sat down on the bed on all fours and put on the blindfold and sat ready as his teacher had asked him to.
It wasn't long before Tj felt himself getting horny slutty again because of the G and he realized that the dose he had taken now was definitely more than when he had arrived. He had become so slutty and horny by now and he quickly grabbed the pump of butt plug and gave it 2 more pumps. 

Sintió cómo esas bombas adicionales estiraban aún más su coño y comenzó a gemir levemente. Peter, para entonces, ya había entrado en la habitación y vio que Tj rápidamente había abierto su coño un poco más y estaba bastante impresionado con su pupila y lo rápido que había aceptado su nueva vida. Porque lo había estado siguiendo a través de las cámaras todo el día y estaba satisfecho con lo que vio. Tj aún no había escuchado a Peter entrar y estaba en su propio mundo cachondo. Con su mano izquierda acarició su cuerpo y su esfínter se tensó y relajó constantemente alrededor del tapón haciendo que se sintiera como si lo estuvieran follando. También empujó contra su próstata y ya estaba drenando pre-semen de su polla enjaulada. Su calentura también lo hizo hablar en voz alta.
T: oh sí, fóllame con esa polla gorda, fóllame el coño. Oh, joder, sí. Usa mi agujero.
Tj estaba completamente en su propio mundo sucio y no se dio cuenta de que Peter estaba de pie junto a él y lo miraba divertido. Peter puso su mano en el extremo del tapón y lo empujó más profundamente en el coño de Tj que comenzó a gemir más violentamente pero todavía no se dio cuenta de que Peter estaba de pie junto a él y comenzó a decir en voz alta lo que tenía en mente
T: oh sí, eso es. Más, más profundo. Oh, cómo quiero tanto montar al señor polla gorda. Quiero sentirlo en mi agujero de puta y quiero que me llene el coño con su semen. Hmmm sí. Quiero que me convierta en una puta, una verdadera puta que vive solo para ser follada.
Peter no podía creer lo que escuchaba. Se le hizo espontáneamente difícil escuchar a Tj hablar así y ahora sabía con certeza que había ganado la lotería porque ya había ayudado a muchos heterosexuales a transformarse de heterosexuales a un verdadero vertedero de semen, pero Tj todavía estaba en otro nivel. Con esta zorra podría llegar hasta el final, Tj se había rendido por completo y superaría todas las expectativas. A Tj querría acoger y conservar porque no se encuentra a menudo a alguien como él.
Peter se paró frente a Tj y dejó que su polla rígida colgara frente a su boca. Tj olió el olor cachondo de la polla sucia y sudorosa y tenía la lengua colgando de su boca, pero todavía estaba en su propio mundo cachondo.
T: oh, mierda, cómo quiero chupar la polla del señor. Hmmmm, ya quiero mostrarle cuán profundo meto su dichosa polla gorda en mi garganta.
Peter ya no podía contenerse, sin importar cuánto disfrutara viendo el espectáculo. Se estaba poniendo demasiado cachondo por el comportamiento de puta de Tj. 
P: bueno, ¿qué estás esperando, zorra? Demuéstramelo, ya estás metiendo mi polla más profundamente en tu garganta.
Tj fue sacado abruptamente de su mundo cachondo al escuchar a Peter. Pero no tuvo que que le dijeran la tarea dos veces y no tuvo problemas para meterse la polla de Peter en la boca con los ojos vendados.
P: hmmm, pones cachondo al señor, muchacho. Mírate en qué chico sucio ya te has convertido después de una sesión. Parece que realmente has encontrado tu vocación.Sí, deja que esa polla se deslice profundamente por tu garganta.
Las palabras de Peter solo pusieron a Tj aún más cachondo y dejó que la polla gorda y dura se deslizara lo más profundo que pudo por su garganta. Peter se sorprendió gratamente de que Tj ya había dado un gran paso hacia adelante, ya que su polla ya estaba varios centímetros más adentro de la garganta de Tj antes de que tuviera que atragantarse.
P: Buen chico, estoy orgulloso de tu progreso. Estás demostrando tu compromiso con tu entrenamiento para convertirte en una verdadera zorra.
Peter retiró su polla de la garganta de Tj, que todavía no se había cansado de la polla de Peter y se resistió por un momento. Peter le dio una ligera palmada en la cabeza para llamarlo al orden.
P: Compórtate chico, conoce tu lugar y haz lo que te pido.
P: Levántate chico
Tj se puso de pie y Peter desabrochó los cierres. El cinturón de castidad cayó y Peter lo sostuvo un rato más, desinfló el tapón y pudo sacarlo del ahora abierto agujero de Tj sin esfuerzo. Tj sintió que su coño se relajaba y una sensación de felicidad lo invadió. P: Salió del cinturón y quiso sentir su coño con sus manos. Pero Peter le dio un golpe un poco más fuerte contra su cabeza.
P: No toques tu coño, zorra. Ese coño es de mi propiedad y no quiero que toques mi propiedad.
P: Siéntate a cuatro patas, zorra, y ofréceme tu coño para que pueda inspeccionar tu agujero.
Tj se sentó a cuatro patas y presentó orgulloso su coño a su maestra. Peter vio como el esfínter ya se había abierto ligeramente y ya no se cerraba del todo. El tapón inflable había hecho bien su trabajo y con dos dedos entró en el coño abierto de Tj. Tj quería más y empujó su culo hacia atrás para que los dedos desaparecieran más profundamente en su agujero. 

P: Qué putita tan ansiosa. Al señor le gusta eso. Veamos hasta dónde le metes los dedos. 

Tj no necesitó más estímulo y empujó su culo aún más atrás para que los dedos desaparecieran por completo en su agujero y de puro placer comenzó a gemir. 

P: linda putita, señor, veremos si tu coño puede soportar un consolador más grueso ahora. 

Peter tomó un consolador más grueso que la última vez que había usado y sabía que si Tj podía introducirlo en su agujero, estaba listo para ser follado por él. Tomó 2 buenos cristales grandes, lubricante y los poppers. Vertió algunos poppers en un paño y lo puso en una máscara. Colocó la máscara en la cabeza de Tj para que no pudiera evitar inhalar los vapores de los poppers y luego también empujó los dos cristales en el coño de Tj. Tj sintió cómo su coño comenzaba a arder de nuevo, pero debido al G y la dosis constante de poppers ahora estaba volando violentamente. 
Peter sintió cómo el esfínter de Tj ahora se relajaba por completo y supo que era el momento adecuado para empujar el consolador en el coño de Tj. Rápidamente untó un poco más de lubricante en el coño y el consolador de Tj y colocó la punta del consolador contra el coño relajado y lo empujó suavemente hacia adentro. Tj, que ahora también comenzaba a sentir los efectos de Tina que comenzaban a apoderarse de su cuerpo, se hundió entre sus brazos, su cara estaba en la cama y su trasero se empujó hacia arriba para que Peter pudiera continuar trabajando su coño con el consolador. A través de la máscara, Peter escuchó cómo Tj gemía felizmente. También vio cómo Tj empujó su trasero hacia atrás para ayudar a deslizar el consolador dentro de su coño. 

P: hmmm sí, puta, tu coñito está bien abierto y estará listo para recibir la polla gorda del señor. ¿Quieres la polla gorda del señor en tu coño, perra?

Tj escuchó lo que Peter le pidió, pero estaba volando tan alto que sólo podía emitir gemidos.

P: Tomaré eso como un sí, perra. 

Cuando Peter hubo empujado el consolador hasta el fondo del coño de Tj, se quitó la máscara y la venda de los ojos y miró los platillos voladores de Tj por un momento. 

P: ¿Te gusta, zorra? ¿Te gusta sentir ese consolador grueso en tu coño? 

Tj, que todavía estaba acostado boca abajo en la cama, asintió. 

T: hmmm sí señor, esto es jodidamente maravilloso. 
P: ¿Crees que señor podrás manejar su polla en tu coño? 
T: sí señor, quiero que la metas dentro de mi coño más tarde y llenes mi coño con tu semen. 
P: Me gusta creer en esa zorra, pero yo decidiré cuándo y cómo follaré tu coño.
T: hmmmmm, ok señor

Tj se hundió de nuevo en su mundo cachondo y sintió que el consolador entraba y salía de su coño todo el tiempo. Peter notó que el esfínter de Tj se había relajado por completo y ya no tenía problemas con el consolador. Sacó el consolador del coño de Tj y solo quedó un enorme agujero vacío. Peter miró con orgullo su creación. 

P: levántate, puta. 

Tj se puso de pie y sintió que no se paraba firmemente sobre sus piernas debido a los poppers y la tina que recorría su cuerpo. 
Peter se acercó a Tj y tomó sus pechos con firmeza. Puso sus labios sobre los de Tj y comenzó a besarlo fuerte y ferozmente. Tj disfrutaba cada momento que sentía los labios de Peter y quería agarrar a Peter para acercarlo más a él, pero Peter no lo dejó mientras apretaba su pecho con más fuerza. Peter empujó a Tj de rodillas y le ordenó que le lamiera las bolas. Tj abrió la boca sacando la lengua y, aunque preferiría lamer la polla del señor, lamió las bolas de Peter y las tomó suavemente en su boca. Tj descendió con su mano hacia su propia polla y quiso comenzar a tirar de ella, pero chocó con la jaula de la polla y sintió que Peter lo golpeaba en la cabeza. 

P: tu atención no debería estar en tu polla sino en la mía, zorra. Tu polla no tiene absolutamente ningún papel que desempeñar aquí porque mira, de todos modos no la pondrás dura. 
T: pero. 
P: pero qué zorra, ¿dije que puedes hablar? ¿Crees que la pondrías dura, zorra? 
T: Estoy tan cachonda, señor, que creo que se pondría dura. 
P: en serio, zorra, ¿estás tan segura de eso? ¿Te atreves a apostar por ello? 

Tj miró a Peter con sus platillos voladores y estaba seguro de que su polla se pondría dura que aceptó una apuesta. 

P: Está bien, zorra, te dejaré libre la polla durante nuestras sesiones y tendrás 5 sesiones para que se te ponga dura. Si lo consigues, puedes dar la vuelta a la situación y ordenarme algo y lo haré. Pero si no puedes ponerla dura, déjame perforarte los pezones. ¿Tenemos un trato? 

Peter podría haber pedido mucho como contrapartida, pero aun así se mantuvo civilizado porque no quería asustar a Tj. 

T: ok señor. 
P: buena zorra entonces tenemos un trato. 

Peter también sabía que Tj nunca conseguiría que su pene se pusiera rígido durante una sesión porque le daría suficiente Tina para que su pene se mantuviera flácido. 
Peter deshizo la jaula del pene y la puso sobre la mesa. 

P:disfrútalo puta porque en cuanto termina la sesión esa jaula vuelve a entenderse

T: gracias señor. 

Tj sintió que su pene se liberaba de la jaula y eso lo hizo sentir liberado. Pensó que su pene se pondría duro espontáneamente, pero no fue así. Tiró de él por un momento, pero todavía permanecía flácido. En la mente de Tj, esto no tenía sentido porque estaba muy cachondo y en su mente su pene estaba tan duro que podría perforar una pared con él. Pero cuando miró su pene, permaneció pequeño y sin vida. Peter miró a Tj con anticipación y diversión.

P: ¿Qué pasa, perra? ¿No se te está poniendo dura esa verga tuya? 
P: La verga de una zorra no se pone dura, muchacho. Eso ya lo aprenderás. Esa verga tuya no tiene ningún significado. Ya lo descubrirás. De rodillas, zorra, dale placer a esa verga que se puede poner dura.

Tj se puso de rodillas y tomó ansiosamente la polla de Peter en su boca y la dejó deslizarse profundamente en su garganta. Peter dejó que Tj perfeccionara un poco más su técnica de succión y después de quince minutos pensó que era hora de ir a recoger la flor de Tj. Tiró de Tj hacia atrás y lo empujó sobre la cama. 

Tj sintió el colchón plastificado tocar su espalda y entonces notó que estaba bañado en sudor porque no tardó mucho en sentir el sudor sobre el colchón. Peter se acercó a una mesa donde tenía lista una jeringa con la primera eyaculación de Tj. Era una dosis razonable, no la que le iba a inyectar a Tj más tarde, era la justa para hacerlo volar sólidamente pero demasiado poco para que no se diera cuenta ni sintiera nada. Quería que Tj se diera cuenta y sintiera que le habían elegido y poder disfrutar de su primera cogida. 

Tj notó que las sustancias químicas estaban perdiendo su control sobre su mente a medida que comenzaba a pensar con más claridad. Observó cómo Peter regresaba con una jeringa y lo miró con los ojos muy abiertos. Peter le colocó un torniquete alrededor del brazo y buscó una vena bonita. 

P: listo para volar muchacho. 

Tj sabía lo que Peter iba a hacer y, aunque estaba preocupado por ello, esperaba con ansias su primer golpe. De alguna manera, sabía que esto iba a suceder y también había hecho las paces con el consumo de drogas, pero tenía miedo de lo desconocido y de las consecuencias que vendrían después. Tj asintió con la cabeza hacia Peter. 

P: ¿Estás segura, zorra? Si te meto esta jeringa en el brazo, nunca querrás nada más. Entonces saldrá a la luz el cerdo que hay en ti y aparecerá tu verdadera naturaleza. ¿Estás lista? 

T: Sí, señor, solo despierta al cerdo que llevo dentro. Estoy totalmente listo. 
Mientras tanto, Peter había encontrado una vena bonita y Tj había encontrado un pequeño aguijón. Peter había visto que algo de sangre se mezclaba con la tina en la jeringa y estaba listo para catapultar a Tj al cielo de los cerdos. 
P: Tú mismo te lo buscaste, muchacho. Libera ese cerdo que llevas dentro. 

Tj miró la jeringa en su brazo y vio el líquido de color rojo desaparecer en su brazo. Peter sacó la aguja de su brazo, aflojó el torniquete e hizo que Tj sostuviera su brazo sobre su cabeza y empujó su dedo donde estaba la aguja. El 
corazón de Tj latía rápidamente mientras esperaba que el golpe golpeara y allí estaba. Al principio tenía un sabor extraño en la parte posterior de su garganta y sintió opresión alrededor de sus pulmones. Tuvo que toser vigorosamente y luego fue catapultado al cielo. Dejó caer su brazo y cabeza sobre la cama. No sabía qué esperar, pero nunca esperó esta sensación celestial. Se sentía como una puta para ser follada por todo el mundo, todo su cuerpo estaba cargado eléctricamente y necesitaba ser utilizado. Todo en su cuerpo rogaba por atención, pero su coño lloraba más fuerte. Las manos de Tj corrieron sobre su cuerpo. Peter tomó la máscara vertió sobre un nuevo fajo de poppers y lo empujó dentro de la máscara. 
P: ¿cómo está la puta del vuelo? 

Tj estaba volando tan alto que apenas podía hablar. 

T: Hmmm, mi coño quiere tu polla gorda, señor.

Esa fue solo una palabra para Peter y tomó un poco más de lubricante, lubricó su miembro y el coño de Tj, tomó las piernas de Tj, las puso sobre sus hombros y puso su grueso glande contra el brillante y hambriento coño de Tj. 

Tj sintió el glande presionando contra su agujero y abrió los ojos y miró a Peter con ojos hambrientos y anhelantes. 

T: Sí señor, empújelo hacia adentro. Toma mi cereza y haz un verdadero volcado de semen de mí. 

P: mmm, qué puta más cachonda eres. Voy a follarte el coño, muchacho, para que luego recuerdes este momento con gran placer. 
P: coge la máscara, puta, y huele los poppers muy rápido

Tj tomó la máscara y olió los poppers con fuerza varias veces y sintió que la intoxicación adicional subía a su cabeza y sintió que su coño se aflojaba aún más. Peter se tomó su tiempo y empujó suavemente su glande más allá de la primera barrera del esfínter y vio a Tj cerrar los ojos nuevamente y dejar escapar un profundo suspiro.

 Tj sintió que su esfínter se contraía al máximo y gimió con fuerza. Era una sensación maravillosa sentir la cálida polla de Sir deslizándose dentro. No había esperado que fuera una sensación tan maravillosa y sabía que esta no sería la última vez que su coño recibiría una polla. Peter sintió que el coño aún estrecho dejaba entrar su polla y se apretaba a su alrededor. Era como si el coño de Tj no soltara su polla y la sostuviera para siempre. Aunque Tj estaba bajo la influencia de Tina, sentía y se daba cuenta de todo. Pero todo era mucho más intenso y quería más, mucho más. Su coño tenía un hambre que no podía satisfacerse.      

P: hmmm que coño tan lindo y apretado todavía tienes muchacho. 
T: tu polla es tan linda y gorda señor, empújala más profundo empújala hasta el fondo de mi agujero. 
P: para cuando termine con tu coño muchacho tu coño ya no estará tan apretado sino un lindo agujero empapado. ¿Quieres ese chico un lindo agujero empapado que cualquier hombre de verdad pueda follar? 
T: oh joder sí. Invita a todos tus amigos señor ellos pueden venir y follarme el coño. Quiero poder compensar mi daño y convertirme en una verdadera puta. 

Mientras tanto, Peter ya estaba hasta las bolas en el coño de Tj y dejó que su agujero se acostumbrara al tamaño y grosor de su polla por un tiempo y luego comenzó a empujar lentamente para que Tj pudiera disfrutar de su primer polvo por un tiempo antes de comenzar a embestir su coño con toda su fuerza. 

Tj sintió cómo la polla de Peter se deslizaba dentro y fuera de su coño y cómo su esfínter se relajaba cada vez más. Cuando la polla gorda pasó por su esfínter, todavía sentía un ligero dolor, pero ahora este había desaparecido por completo y podía disfrutar plenamente de esta sensación celestial. Sintió cómo la polla de Peter masajeaba constantemente su próstata y sintió cómo su vientre se humedecía con su pre-semen. Tj sintió cómo el Sr. comenzó a aumentar ligeramente su ritmo y cómo las bolas rellenas del Sr. golpeaban contra su trasero cada vez que estaba en su punto más profundo. 

T: oh my god, I don't want this to stop. I feel like the luckiest bitch there is. 

Tj's words only made Peter even hornier because he saw and knew that Tj was now completely sold and would want nothing more than to offer his pussy to the first best cock he could find. He had created a new cum dump and that made him horny as hell. 

Peter drove his pace once more and heard how Tj could only moan and watched the boy's transformation into a hungry slut happen before his eyes with every thrust he gave. He pulled his cock out of Tj's hole and pulled Tj a little further onto the bed and now crawled onto the bed himself. He pulled Tj's legs back open and as befitted a real slut now pushed his cock all the way in at once. Tj closed his eyes and opened his mouth and was moaning heavily. Peter could not restrain himself came on top of Tj. Although Tj had no experience of being fucked yet, his body knew what to do to keep the fat pole in his cunt and like an accomplished slut he tilted his ass a little and wrapped his legs around Peter. Peter placed his lips on Tj's and began to kiss him firmly. He fucked Tj like this for at least 10 min. He pulled his cock out of Tj's pussy and turned him around and ordered him to sit on all 4. Peter pulled Tj's ass closer to him and pushed his cock now without mercy deep into Tj's hole. Tj's cunt could by now handle Peter's brutal approach very well due to the quiet beginning and he heaved a deep sigh of pleasure and delight. Peter gave several firm slaps on Tj's ass that they began to see beautiful red. It gave Tj the feeling of being a lust object of a dominant man and that completely fitted into his image of his true self. He was from now on a lust object, an object of use, a hole to be fucked by a real alpha male. 

P: Come on horny bitch, fully surrender your cunt and let me hear how much you like being fucked

Tj's head completely spinning because he had just snorted heavily on the poppers, he dropped his head back on the bed and with his hands pulled the jaws of his ass open so that his hole was pulled open some more. Peter was pleasantly surprised by Tj's effort and gave him a few more firm slaps on the ass.

P: yes that's it boy, just pull that pussy of yours nice and open and let my fat dick fuck your pussy. That's what your pussy is for boy to get fucked. 

T: oh fuck, oh fuck, hmmmm yes sir. This is blissful. 
P: Shall I fill your pussy with my cum boy. Or shall I shoot it into your mouth. 

Tj moaned heavily due to Peter's firm thrusts

T: hmmmmm. In my pussy sir and then let me lick your cock clean. 

P: That's spoken like a true slut boy. You are a true find. A born slut. You won't be fucking any more pussy boy. Because you won't get that cock of yours stiff for it anymore. All you'll want is to get fucked by real men. 

T: Oh fuck yes, fuck my hole sir. Fuck me hard.

Peter ya no pudo contenerse más y golpeó con fuerza unas cuantas veces más el culo de Tj, que ahora estaba todo rojo y embestía con mucha fuerza. Tj disfrutaba de cada embestida que recibía, gemía mucho y tenía una sensación constante de que se estaba corriendo porque su próstata estaba sobreestimulada. De su polla flácida corría un flujo casi constante de líquido preseminal sobre el colchón. 

P: Oh, joder, muchacho, voy a llenarte el coño de semen. Aquí viene tu primera carga, puta, ¿estás lista? 
T: Sí, señor, dámela. Anhelo tener un coño completamente follado. 

Peter gruñó muy fuerte, dio una última embestida fuerte y luego atrajo a Tj con fuerza hacia él para que su miembro estuviera en lo más profundo. Tj sintió la polla gorda llenando su coño. Peter dejó caer una sobre la espalda de Tj y luego cayó de espaldas. 

P: Vamos muchacho, limpia la polla de ese señor y prueba el sabor de tu coño y del semen que hay en tu coño. 

Tj no tuvo tiempo de recuperar el aliento, se dio la vuelta y colocó su boca alrededor de la polla flácida cubierta de semen de Peter. Probó su coño por primera vez y el sabor de su semen lo llevó de nuevo al éxtasis. Para disfrutarlo durante mucho tiempo, lamió la polla hasta dejarla limpia como si fuera un helado. 

Cuando la polla de Peter estuvo limpia y recuperó su fuerza, llevó a Tj de regreso a su habitación. Le dio un vaso lleno de una dosis moderada de G y le puso auriculares y mientras tanto volvió a colocar la jaula de la polla en la polla de Tj.

P: bebe, muchacho, luego te recuestas en tu cama y te pones los auriculares. Puedes dormir, pero déjate los auriculares puestos hasta que recibas una notificación. Entendido. Si noto que te los quitas, iré y te ataré. Te daré confianza, así que no lo arruines. 

Tj tomó el vaso y se lo bebió como siempre de un trago. Para entonces ya sabía muy bien lo que iba a pasar y se tumbó en la cama. Se puso los auriculares pero no oyó nada. Al principio pensó que debía decir algo al respecto, pero decidió no decir nada de todos modos. Peter dejó a Tj solo de nuevo y se aseguró de que la nevera estuviera llena y de que las próximas tareas de Tj estuvieran listas. 

Después de unos 20 minutos sintió los efectos del G y comenzó a volver a entrar en trance, pero seguía sin escuchar nada. De repente, empezó a oír gemidos muy ligeros, los gemidos lo hicieron hundirse más profundamente en su trance. La nueva dosis de G combinada con las otras sustancias químicas lo adormecieron. Pero su subconsciente captó las señales constantes que llegaban a través de los auriculares. Estas estaban destinadas a cambiar el pensamiento de Tj. En los auriculares, escuchó sonidos constantes de un amo usando a su esclava. Con frases repetidas como eres un vertedero de semen, una puta, tienes una guarida que solo sirve para ser follada, tu polla no tiene uso. Eres un cerdo, quieres beber pis directamente de la polla de tu amo, quieres que te den una paliza, eres una puta sucia, .... El subconsciente de Tj no pudo evitar procesar todo y Tj tuvo otro sueño sucio y cachondo. Un sueño que cambió su forma de pensar y lo transformó de un buen chico valiente a una puta sucia que solo podía pensar en sexo. 

Tj se despertó porque su reloj le dio una notificación. A través de los auriculares no escuchó nada más y miró el reloj y vio que el señor le había enviado un mensaje para que se quitara los auriculares y comenzara con sus tareas. Se quitó los auriculares y luego su mano fue a su coño. Se sentía un poco áspero e hinchado por la primera cogida que había recibido. Empujó con su esfínter por un momento para sentir dentro de su agujero con su dedo, y luego el semen que todavía estaba en su coño se derramó sobre su mano. Tj sintió que su mano se mojaba con el semen de Peter y miró lo que había sucedido porque esto era nuevo para él. Olió su mano e inmediatamente sintió una sensación cachonda por el olor. Sin pensarlo, abrió la boca y lamió suavemente su mano. Esta era la primera vez que no estaba bajo la influencia de las drogas y aún se ponía cachondo con el semen de otro hombre. El sabor era tan celestial como lo era bajo la influencia y ahora lo sabía con certeza. Era gay y no solo gay, era una puta. 

 Cuando hubo lamido todo el semen que había salido de su coño Tj intentó levantarse pero se sentía fatal, las sustancias químicas lo habían empujado a un serio bajón y se recompuso y se levantó, fue al baño y se duchó. Cuando salió de la ducha se sintió mucho mejor. Fue a la cocina y comenzó su día. Tomó sus vitaminas, comió algo y comenzó con sus quehaceres. Fue a hacer ejercicio un rato y al final de su día miró la sesión anterior. Tj comenzó a tener problemas con sus bolas porque comenzaban a sentirse tensas debido a su incapacidad para eyacular. Era urgente que pudiera aliviar sus bolas de una vez. 
Nuevamente recibió una notificación de Peter para que se preparara para una sesión. 

Así pasaron los primeros días y Tj había cogido un ritmo constante en su nueva vida. No tenía noción del tiempo en absoluto porque no tenía ni idea de cuánto tiempo había estado en el granero. Se levantaba, se duchaba, hacía sus tareas y tomaba sus vitaminas y, de hecho, había olvidado casi por completo su antigua vida y era perfectamente feliz. Servir a Peter y solo a Peter seguía en su cabeza, todo su mundo giraba en torno a eso.
Peter lo entrenaba todos los días, le enseñaba a hacer garganta profunda, le abría más el coño y cada vez que terminaba la sesión recibía una dosis de G y los auriculares y, aunque Tj ofrecía su brazo cada vez para que Slam pudiera anotar, aún así no conseguía más por ahora. Peter lo mantuvo con ganas de drogarse, pero esperó un poco más para ponerlo bien. Pero eso no duraría mucho. 

Después de la quinta sesión, Tj todavía no había conseguido una erección y había perdido la apuesta. Peter pronto le perforaría los pezones y, en realidad, estaba deseando que llegara ese momento. Le parecieron excitantes los piercings de Peter en sus pezones y, así, Peter podría jugar aún mejor con sus pezones. 

Después de unos días, la manera de pensar de Tj empezó a cambiar. Empezó a pensar sólo en sexo y quería más y más y más. Se sorprendió a sí mismo, pero quería probar la orina y que varios hombres lo poseyeran a la vez. También empezó a tener sueños en los que se volvía positivo. Si bien al principio tenía miedo de infectarse, ese muro empezó a derrumbarse cada vez más. Quería quedarse con Peter y poder dormir en su cama. También sabía que sólo un verdadero conejillo de indias podía dormir en la cama de un señor porque no quería que su cama tuviera carga negativa. El sentimiento seguía ahí, pero enterrado en lo más profundo de su subconsciente, pero cuanto más pensaba en ello, más empezaba a apoderarse de sus pensamientos el deseo de volverse positivo. 

Hasta que una mañana se levantó después de una sesión y en la carta que estaba en la cocina leyó que tenía que beber las 2 botellas de agua que estaban listas ese día pero no ir al baño. 



  • 3 weeks later...

Part 9 The visitor

5 weeks later, Peter got a call from Rob that he and his wife were leaving on a cruise for 3 weeks and if Liam could not stay with them that time. So that Liam could reconnect with his brother and show him that he was a cum-hungry bitch just like his brother. Peter immediately got a stiff cock when hearing this from Rob and thought it was a brilliant idea, as he had thought he would not go through with this. Rob said that they would not leave until the beginning of the Christmas vacations and that he would have to spend the holidays with them. Peter did wonder how old Tj's brother actually was and whether he would feel like staying with them. Rob said that his son was 19 years old and that he shouldn't be afraid of fucking a child. Rob also told him that Liam had no other choice because the house was being renovated during the time they were traveling. A painter would be coming, the parquet was being renewed and some new windows were being put in so Liam would not be able to stay home all by himself. Peter said Liam was certainly welcome and would make the necessary preparations for his arrival.
Peter felt he would keep this as a surprise for his pig and let Tj know nothing. Tj, meanwhile, was busy making contacts with other clueless boys to meet on their next trip and then introduce them to the world of Tina and submission. The weeks passed and on the particular day that Liam was to be dropped off by his father, Tj was ordered by Peter to put on a jockstrap that day because someone would come along who would be too shocked by seeing him completely naked and wearing a penis cage. Tj did what was asked of him and walked around the house all day with a jockstrap, although by now he thought this was weird to walk around the house with a jockstrap, by now he was so used to walking around naked at home and by now he also thought it was just normal to be naked and ready for use. Normally when someone would come, Tj would open the door naked and actually just kneel down and open his mouth to greet the visitor. This usually ended with the visitor getting his pussy sprayed before he went inside and did what he had come for. But now Tj was walking around with a jockstrap. A little past noon the bell rang and Tj went to the door and opened it. To his great surprise, he saw his father and Liam standing there. For a moment he was upset by the unexpected visit. But not only Tj was upset also his brother was startled. He knew he was going to see Tj and Peter but had not expected Tj to open the door almost completely naked. His father, on the other hand, felt his cock begin to leak in his pants at the sight of his naked son of a whore.

T: Liam, dad what are you doing here.

Liam looked somewhat irritated and with a puzzled look at his brother.

L: didn't dad let you know I'm coming to stay here for three weeks and how are you walking around, put some clothes on dude. As if I couldn't take care of myself perfectly.
T: uh, no. Dad did I miss a message or phone.
R: no son, I had asked Peter if he was okay and thought he would notify you.
T: ah no he didn't say anything. Come in.

Tj let his brother and father in.

T: walk through to the living room.

Liam walked through to the living room and let his father carry the suitcases inside. Tj helped him and when Liam couldn't see anymore his father took hold of Tj's ass and locked cock.

R: Later I want to feel your mouth and ass over my cock, got it.

Tj gave his father a kiss on the mouth.

T: hmmm daddy, I was already a waiting when you would ask. My pussy could use your load.

R: that's my boy.

Rob gave Tj a gentle slap on the ass and now walked to the living room as well. Peter came downstairs and just saw Rob enter the living room.

T: you could have told me this.

Peter started laughing.

P: isn't this a nice surprise and gift for you. Your brother is coming to stay here for three weeks and your father wants you to rebuild your bond.

Peter winked at his student and gave him another quick kiss and together they also entered the living room. Peter saw Liam for the first time. He saw how there sat a handsome, masculine guest who for some reason was slightly tougher than his brother, although they actually looked fairly similar. Still, Liam had a little more masculinity about him. Peter could also see that Liam was well-muscled and that he was certainly well provided for in his briefs as well. Liam was wearing a camisole and it was open so his chest hair was quite visible. 

P: you must be Liam, nice to meet you I am Peter.
L: yeah I'm Liam.
R: show your manners boy.
L: yeah saw guy.
L: thanks for letting me stay here. Don't expect me to walk around naked though.

Tj looked at his brother's manners with a puzzled look, for he did not know him like that.

P: That's not necessary boy. Tj just likes to walk around the house naked and that way we don't have to take off many clothes either if we feel like it.

Liam looked with a dismissive look and took out his cell phone and started playing a game.

R: sorry for his manners but he would have preferred to stay with a friend but his mom and I didn't want that. Because then he would party all day. Just because he doesn't want to continue his studies doesn't mean he can go out partying. Early next year he can start working, and if he earns enough he can live alone, then he can do whatever he wants.
R: but as long as he lives at home he has to listen.

Rob winked at Peter and made sign that he wanted his son of a whore alone for a while.

P: shall I show you your room Liam and show you what's in here.
L: yeah sure.

Peter took Liam upstairs and showed him his room, Liam's room was diagonally across from Peter and Tj's and although Peter could have chosen another room further away from them or put Liam in the barn, he had still chosen this room because it made it easier for him to let Liam hear how his brother enjoyed being fucked by him.
Liam took his bags and Peter helped him unload them after which he took Liam back downstairs. Liam heard some kind of smacking

L: what is that sound.
P: no idea, that will probably be the dishwasher. Come I'll take you outside for a while

Hopefully he believes me, Peter thought to himself. He himself knew what that sound was, but Liam wasn't ready for that yet.

P: let me show you the domain so you have an idea of what you can do here because if you like to take a walk you can walk here for several hours.
From the moment Rob no longer heard Peter and Liam, Rob changed his paternal behavior to that of a horny and dominant master. He took hold of Tj and pushed him to the ground. Tj was not startled by this nor was he impressed anymore, willingly he got on his knees and opened his father's pants and took the stiffening cock in his mouth and started sucking his father's cock. When she heard Liam and Peter coming back down she didn't even stop. Tj had his father's cock throat-deep and drool was running from his mouth. When he took the dick out of his mouth for a moment and made some noise to catch his breath he heard Peter say that must be the dishwasher. Tj looked relieved and heard Liam and his master go outside. Rob took hold of his son and told him to sit on all fours. Rob got on his knees and without mercy he pushed his cock balls deep into Tj's pussy. Tj began to moan blissfully.
R: hmm, fuck boy. Your cunt is even more delicious than last time.

R: does your master fuck you every day bitch.

T: yeah daddy, he fucks me at least 2 times a day and if I'm a good pig he invites some friends to use me.

R: Good boy, let that cunt of yours spoil real man cocks. That's what that cunt of yours is for.

Rob was firmly fucking Tj's cunt and almost reached his high point because he wanted to fill Tj's cunt up before Liam and Peter got back.

R: are you going to corrupt your little brother too boy. Are you going to educate him and infect him with your virus so that when I get back all two of you can ride daddy dick like real bitches.
T: oh fuck yeah daddy, I want to corrupt him, pozz him and make him a whore and make money off of him.

R: fuck boy, you make daddy fucking horny you dirty bastard, your master has made a magnificent villain out of you.

R: I'm going to fill your cunt up boy
R: let your daddy's dirty load flow nicely into your bowels.

Rob squirted Tj's cunt full of his toxic load and then pulled Tj upright. He kissed his son and then they heard Peter and Liam coming back in. Rob was able to put his cock back away just in time before they came back into the living room.

R: and boy are you going to like it here while we're gone.

Liam had already thawed a bit and was pleasantly surprised by what he had been shown.

L: I think so yeah. Peter has promised me he will take me fishing sometime, did you know there is a river here a little further.
T: I knew that yeah.
R: well then, I'll go then. Behave Liam and do what they ask, ok.
L: yeah dad
T: we will take good care of him

Tj winked at his father. Tj walked behind his father to let him out and Peter hurried to walk behind Tj and quickly whispered something in his ear.
P: euh honey, you are leaking from your pussy. You need to hold your father's cum better.

Tj quickly stroked along his ass and legs and felt that his father's seed was indeed running down his leg. Tj was lucky that Liam had not seen this or he might have been too shocked and they could put away their plan to transform him. Tj quickly licked the seed from his hand and left his father outside and then went back to Liam. Liam was still feeling a little uncomfortable with Tj because he still thought it was weird that he was walking around naked and they also hadn't seen each other since Tj had come out of the closet. When Tj was back in the living room he just crossed Liam.

T: heh what are you going to do.
L: I'm going to my room.
T: no desire to talk some.
L: nope

When Tj and Peter were alone for a moment Tj looked at Peter.

T: since you have known for some time that he is coming to stay here for a while, I can assume you have a plan.

Peter began to laugh, since he also knew Tj much better by now, and he heard that Tj was somewhat jealous and angry that he had not been informed of Liam's arrival. On the other hand, he did think it was a nice surprise. Peter took hold of his pig and kissed him.

T: well do you have a plan.
P: Sure my sweet pig.
P: We are going to leave him alone for a day or two first, then I will make some rapprochement and let him get to know me a little better. Will take him to go fishing one day so we can bond and you start to get a little jealous of our bond so to speak. Then we'll put on a show in our room for a few nights with the door open so he can definitely hear us and then we'll strike.

T: ah sir obviously still thought very carefully about it.

Peter started to laugh

P: yeah sure baby.
P: sorry I hadn't informed you but thought it was a nice surprise for you.

Tj started twirling his ass around Peter a bit.

T: it kind of is.
P: did your father fill your pussy nicely.
T: you should just feel it and maybe re-set your you mark.
P: hmmmm

Peter pulled his pig toward him and turned him over. He opened his pants and his stiff cock jumped out. Tj felt his masters cock slide into his leaking cunt and started pumping.

P: hmmm, your cunt is nice and full. You dirty whore. You still can't resist getting your cunt filled up huh.
T: oh fuck. Oh no, I'm such a dirty whore master. Punish my pussy for being so naughty.
P: hmmm, no because a whore like you needs to be squirted full.

Tj felt how Peter started filling up his pussy and how more and more seed started running down his legs. When Peter pulled his flaccid cock out of his pig cunt he gave him a slap on the ass.

P: just clean off your legs before your brother sees you, because imagine if he thinks you're a whore.

Tj looked at Peter and started grinning.

T: I can hardly say that soon he will be walking around like that too for sure.

Now Peter was grinning
P: just stick to the plan.

As agreed they left Liam alone for the first few days and on the third day as they sat at the table to eat Peter started talking to Liam about fishing.

P: tomorrow is nice weather no fancy coming along and have a day of fishing.
L: ah yes that's good. I was actually looking forward to doing that.
P: that's settled then. Tomorrow morning at 8 we leave.

The next morning Liam was ready to leave. Peter showed him what they all needed and he had also provided a basket of food for them. The left and Tj was left alone.
At first Liam still felt a little uncomfortable going out alone with Peter but as the day progressed, the tension Liam had at first turned into pleasure and the conversations also became smoother and more friendly. Liam felt reasonably comfortable with Peter.

P: do you already have a boyfriend or girlfriend
L: I don't have a girlfriend no, I don't know if I would want one yet either. I do enjoy my freedom.
P: good for you dude, stay as long as you can on your own then you can fuck any dab you find without accountability.

Liam blushed and Peter saw that.

P: oh sorry to be cheeky but thought you could stand that men talk.
L: oh don't mind though.

Peter felt he could ask some more questions.

P: have you had a girlfriend before.
L :yeah have had a few
L: you ever had a girlfriend
P: yeah have had a few but it never felt right.
P: and already gone beyond holding hands only

Liam blushed again.

L: it, hasn't happened yet unfortunately.
P: you shouldn't be ashamed of that though.
L: I'm not ashamed either, just hope it doesn't take too long anymore.
P: should I reach out to my contacts for you.

Liam laughed.

P: you shouldn't laugh a handsome guy like you. Give me a minute and you could squirt your seed right away.
L: and then suddenly there is a man in front of me for sure instead of a woman.

A grin appeared on Peter's face.

A grin appeared on Peter's face.

P: Didn't say it would be a woman hehe.

Peter saw that Liam could appreciate him, and he also felt that he was judging him. But he wasn't sure about that. As they walked back home, Tj saw from afar that Liam was acting completely different than when he had left. He saw that Liam and Peter must have had a nice day by all means and that a bond had formed between them. As they got closer, Tj heard how the two were joking around like 2 good friends

T: and how was it
P: hey honey,

Peter gave Tj a loving kiss and squeezed his bare ass. Peter felt how Liam looked at him in a jealous way and felt like his plan to have Liam's trust and attention was starting to work.

P: well, it was nice to get to know your brother better.
L: yes it was very nice, would like to go again though.
T: then I will go with you hehe.

Peter began to laugh playfully.

P: don't you trust me with your brother maybe
L: yes maybe you don't trust us
T: euh yeah but may I not be there maybe
P: sure baby.

They sat down at the table and ate their evening meal. Afterwards they watched some TV and then went to bed.

Peter thought it was time to let Liam hear for the first time how hard his brother was enjoying his cock and when Peter and Tj went to their room they had deliberately left the door open. Tj sat on all fours on the bed and Peter began to fuck Tj vigorously. Both Tj and Peter were moaning loudly so Liam would definitely hear. Liam was in his bed and indeed heard that something was going on and got out of his bed and opened his door. Then he heard how Peter was fucking Tj vigorously. Liam heard Tj moaning and begging for more. He heard how Peter was slapping Tj's ass and how much Tj liked it.

T: oh yes hit me harder master, I'll be a good boy.
P: fuck, your pussy is nice and wet boy. You sure were jealous of you that handsome brother of yours. You must have been afraid that I would drop you for that nice ass he has.
T: hmmm yes, I was a little scared yes.

Peter winked at Tj for he had heard that Liam's door had opened.

P: wouldn't you like to share my dick with that handsome brother of yours.

Liam meanwhile had quietly come out of his room because he was curious about what was going on in the room and subconsciously it excited him too.
He saw that the door was open and against his better judgment he stood at the door and cautiously looked inside. He saw his brother sitting on all fours on the bed and he saw the back and bare ass of Peter who was firmly pounding his brother's ass. Liam was startled as he felt his own cock begin to get stiffer in his pants. He heard how Peter patted his brother's ass and how he was about to squirt and saw how Peter curled his toes and began to jerk violently as he filled Tj's pussy. Liam heard how violently Tj moaned when Peter filled his cunt and he also heard how his brother addressed Peter as master and how Peter addressed his brother as slut and pig. Liam quietly snuck back to his room and closed his door. He looked at his boxers and saw that his cock had started leaking pre-cum and was still hard. Liam was confused because how on earth could he get so turned on by seeing his brother get fucked by another man. He crawled into his bed and although he wanted to sleep right away he couldn't, he was completely confused. He had never thought about 2 men before, it had never excited him before either, but the strange thing was that his cock had become stiff and had started leaking pre-cum. That night he slept very restlessly and the next morning he didn't know what to do at the table. He noticed that he looked at both Tj and Peter in a different way. Especially Peter he now looked at with a different feeling and look. Deep inside, a feeling began to bubble up that Liam had not known existed.
Tj and Peter knew that Liam had seen them engaged last night, because there were cameras in the house and they had seen Liam standing there watching as they watched the footage. Liam was unaware of this and had no idea they knew he had been watching.  Peter got up from the table and gave Tj a kiss. Liam startled himself because somewhere deep inside he felt a kind of jealousy toward his brother getting a kiss from his sweetheart. Peter's radar worked perfectly as always and had noticed Liam's unverbal communication and was now sure they had Liam where they wanted him. Peter walked around the table and put his hands on Liam's shoulders, Liam felt a kind of warmth he had never experienced before come over him.

P: What are you guys going to do today.

Liam didn't know what to say for a moment as he was still too startled by Peter's touch and the feeling it brought.

L: uh no idea, maybe lay some in my room.

T: no we're not going to do that. Otherwise go with me to town, because I have to do some shopping.
L: going along to get groceries so.
P: fine, then I'll see you tonight.

Liam went with his brother to get groceries and both brothers had a nice day, their bond became back like before and when Tj said he had one more store to do, Liam was shocked because Tj went into a sex shop. Liam hesitated to go in because he had never been inside such a store before.

T: are you going in with me or are you going to stay out here.

Liam was completely out of his milk.

L: uh yeah ok, kinda weird isn't it.
T: what's weird.

L: that I'm going into a sex shop with you.
T: don't come so prudish man, it's just a store. It's not like I'm asking you here to blow me or anything.

Liam followed and went inside with me. When he got inside he looked around the store and he had never seen so many toys together. Many of the things he did not know nor did he know what they were for. He followed Tj who walked through the racks and soon had a dildo in his hand. He saw how uncomfortable Liam was and how he looked at the thick dildo he had in his hand.

T: You shouldn't look so weird Liam, yes it is going in my ass.
T: is this your first time entering this kind of store?

L: yes, you guessed that right, and also think it's a little weird coming in for sex toys with you.
T: not so prudish dude. We are grown people, I have a partner, we have sex and we like to use toys too.

Tj took some more jockstraps, bondage rope, whips, a cock cage and nipple clamps and watched Liam look at them with fascination. Finally, he took another butt plug from the rack and watched Liam's brain process what all Tj brought.

T: you have no idea what this is hey.
L: no, I don't have a clue.

T: this one goes in my ass and stays there.

He saw that Liam was turning red and that he couldn't hold his own. Tj started laughing.

T: you still have a lot to learn dude.

Tj stood by the penis cages and took out 2.

T: which one would you take

Liam looked a little funny at Tj and then pointed to a penis cage.

T: ok this one it will be then.
Tj paid and they went back home. As they sat back on the couch that night, Liam noticed that he was looking at Peter more and more in a different way. He enjoyed it when Peter gave him attention and he didn't know if this was still something friendly for him or if there was more to it, because all these feelings were completely new to him.
When they went back to sleep that night, Liam heard Tj tell Peter that he had another surprise lying in the bedroom. Peter slapped Tj's bare bottom and whispered something in his ear. Liam felt the jealousy bubbling back and went to his room and hoped he would hear them busy so he could go back and check on them. After an hour or so he heard Tj moaning again and snuck back out of his room and he was lucky because the door was open and he was able to watch what Tj and Peter were doing again. He was curious to see what Peter would do with his brother and what all the stuff was for. As he carefully looked inside he saw his brother standing up blindfolded and tied up. To his great surprise, he saw how his brother's cock was trapped in some kind of cage. He watched as Peter played his brother's nipples with a whip and Liam felt his cock get all hard again. This time he couldn't contain himself and began to gently play with his cock. Liam looked on and saw Peter now inserting the dildo into Tj's asshole and Liam, to his own surprise, felt his own ass itch.  Liam looked on and felt himself getting extremely horny from what he was seeing. He looked in admiration at Peter's manhood and allowed himself to be completely taken in by his feelings even if he didn't know what to do with them. For some reason this felt both wrong and totally right.  He watched Tj enjoy everything Peter was doing to him and Liam began to fantasize that he was Tj and that Peter was using him. Suddenly Liam made a noise and fled to his room because he didn't want to be caught. Peter pretended not to have heard anything but knew Liam was watching them. Liam crawled into his bed and began pulling firmly on his cock and fantasizing about Peter and Tj. He squirted and smeared his seed all over his belly and went to sleep. The next morning Liam had a hard time not letting on that he had more and more and more feelings for Peter. Both Peter and Tj noticed this and that day they went one step further. For Peter fucked Tj about noon and left the door open so Liam surely had to have heard them

 Liam was at a loss for words. That night when they went back to watch some TV, Peter came into the living room with some drinks. Tj saw Peter's devilish look and knew what was going to happen that night. Tj crawled close to Peter and was rubbing his ass against Peter the whole time, Liam was watching it the whole time and was getting more and more turned on. After they finished their drinks and they went to their bed Liam felt that he had become even more aroused and he had every effort to hide it. Before Liam went into his room Peter took Liam for another firm hug and Liam enjoyed the caress Peter gave him. He felt his whole body heat up and he wanted Peter to continue stroking and using him. When Liam was alone in his room, he felt all confused. What were these feelings, why did he suddenly feel so horny and why was he so attracted to his brother's husband. After half an hour, he heard back that Tj and Peter were engaged and he couldn't contain himself and went back to look. But this time, Liam wasn't so careful because the G that was in his drink made him less concerned about them not hearing him. He was so excited and his inhibitions were so lowered that when he was at the door and he saw them engaged, he had dropped his pants all the way to the floor and he had started pulling on his stiff dick and he had started moaning lightly. Peter and Tj had heard it immediately and knew they had to make their move. Liam had not seen that Peter had stepped to the door, because Liam was in his own horny fantasy that he was living out. Now it was Peter who was watching Liam, and Liam didn't realize it because he was playing with his cock with his eyes closed, and with his other hand he was stroking his body. Suddenly Liam felt another hand caress his body and he looked up confused and startled to see Peter standing in front of him. Liam stood rooted to the ground as he looked into Peter's eyes. Peter saw that the G was doing its job well and saw the familiar look of a slut in the making who was letting his true nature come out for the first time with the help of G. Peter stroked Liam's face with his one hand and with his other hand he stroked Liam's now limp dick from the indulgence and looked at him with a horny look.
P: Do you like what you see, Liam.

Liam didn't know what to say and was embarrassed. Liam looked at the ground and saw Peter's fat and stiff cock looking straight at him.
L: I don't know, this isn't me, I euh , I euh
Peter's cock mesmerized Liam and almost made the water run out of his mouth. Peter had noticed that Liam was staring at his cock.
P: do you like what you see? You want to feel that fat cock of mine, don't you.

Liam turned red and preferred to crawl away in a corner somewhere. But deep down he knew Peter was right and that he wanted nothing more than to feel and taste that cock of Peter's because the fat cock looking at him enchanted him and took over his whole thinking.

L: I euh, I ....

P: shhhhhh, you shouldn't be afraid or embarrassed. I have felt it for several days now that you are getting feelings. If you want to feel my cock then just take it baby and let your true nature come out.

P: do you want to join us sweetheart.

Liam felt Peter's hand lovingly stroking along his face and his other hand pulling on his limp cock and couldn't put his feelings away. Peter saw that he had to strike and placed his lips gently on Liam's. Liam got all hot inside when he felt Peter's lips and let out a sigh full of desire. Peter was kissing him all over now and he felt that Liam was now completely in his control. He took hold of Liam's hand and placed it on his stiff cock. Liam took Peter's cock in his hand and let out a deep sigh.

P: come on in and let's enjoy each other together
L: but my brother.
P: he won't mind.

Peter pulled Liam into the room with him, Tj was already behind the door and took hold of his brother and kissed him directly. For Liam this was very uncomfortable at first, but because he was so horny, he could not restrain himself he kissed Tj back.
P: hmmm yeah kiss each other. Hmmm yeah.
Tj stopped kissing for a moment and whispered in Liam's ear.
T: master's cock is enchanting isn't it. Wait until you can taste and feel it. You'll never want anything else little brother.
Liam was still completely confused and nodded as he looked back at Peter's enchanting cock.
Peter went to the nightstand and took the pipe filled with Tina and handed it to Tj. Tj melted the crystals and sucked in the fumes and blew a big white cloud into the room. 

Liam looked enormously fascinated as he watched Tj blow that cloud. He then handed the pipe to Peter who also blew a cloud. Again Liam watched with wide eyes and then it was his turn. Peter placed the pipe against his lips and let the crystals melt back.
P: Just suck in the fumes baby, you'll feel better.
Liam was completely floored by all that was happening but deep down it was as if he had no choice and had to go along with this and suck in the fumes. He had gotten so horny and didn't want this to stop and sucked the Tina inside.
P: good baby and now keep it in as long as possible.
P: blow out you are doing fine.
Liam looked into Peter's eyes and blew his first cloud into the room.
P: do it again baby you will feel so much better.

After Liam blew his second cloud he felt the heat come over his body and how his thoughts clouded and how the desire for Peter and Tj grew and took over everything. Peter sucked on the pipe once more and then placed his lips on Tj's and blew the cloud into Tj's mouth. Liam sat with big longing eyes watching Tj making out with Peter and he bit his lower lip and began to moan lightly.

P: do you want too baby, do you want me to kiss you too and make you nice and horny.
Liam looked longingly at Peter and nodded.

L: oh yeah, hmmmm.

As Peter melted back the crystals, Tj kissed Liam again. Tj felt how his brother was completely slipping and almost completely ready for his true nature to come out. Peter pulled Liam's head toward him and placed his lips on Liam's and blew the horny cloud into Liam's lungs.

T: oh yes, let yourself go completely little brother. Just let master make you completely horny and bring out your true nature
Tj's words made him completely fucked up. He could no longer contain himself and let himself go completely because the Tina and the G in his body had completely displaced his clear thinking and had given way to dark horny and dirty thoughts. Tj began stroking and licking his brother's body. Peter kissed his newest conquest and Tj and Peter wrapped their tentacles around their prey like a well-oiled team to introduce him to damnation.
Liam didn't know what he was talking about because he had never experienced this before. Like many his age, he was a complete virgin and had absolutely no experience with sex let alone sex with men and even then under the influence of G and Tina.

The Tina in Liam's body fully began to do its job and he felt a huge and unknown desire rise to the surface. Liam did not know what to do with this or what to do with it. He began to sweat and enjoyed every touch and kiss he received, which only intensified his horny feelings. Peter broke the kiss and looked into Liam's eyes. He pushed the pipe against Liam's lips once more and let him blow 2 more big clouds before taking him to the bed. Peter sat down on the bed and Liam pushed him to his knees and Tj also sat down on his knees. Liam watched Tj as he began to lick Peter's cock. Liam watched in admiration as Tj began to work Peter's cock with his tongue and mouth and felt an irresistible desire for Peter's cock rise. Peter looked into Liam's eyes.
P: Do you want to lick my cock too baby. I know you want it and crave my cock. Just take it and please indulge my cock baby, here you don't have to be ashamed of who you are let your true nature come out completely.
Liam was completely fucked up and the horny inexperienced slut in him took over completely. Liam moaned full of horny desire

L: hmmm, yeah. That cock looks so enchantingly delicious.
P: let your brother help you and lick my cock. You will love it baby believe me. You will never want anything else.
Peter took hold of Liam's head and pushed him towards his cock. Tj made way and looked into his brother's eyes.
T: hmm yeah, lick master's cock with me. Let's see how much you like his cock little brother.

Liam couldn't help but stick out his tongue and placed the tip of his tongue against Peter's wet glans. Liam felt a kind of relief come over his body the moment he tasted Peter's glans. Peter pushed even more toward his cock so that Liam's lips also kissed his glans. Liam felt an urge come on that he had never experienced before and licked Peter's glans with desire.
P: oh yeah baby, just lick my dick nice and kiss your brother while you are spoiling my cock.
Tj began kissing his brother with Peter's cock between them. 

 When Liam had Peter's glans all the way in his mouth, Tj broke the kiss and pushed Liam's head down so that he would have his master's entire cock in his mouth. Tj looked at Peter and was also extremely horny. He sat up a little straighter and started making out with Peter while pushing Liam's head up and down, making him suck his first cock. Liam was getting hornier by the second and didn't know what to do with his feelings. He tasted pre-cum for the first time and the taste of Peter's pre-cum was something he had never tasted before but it tasted so heavenly that he wanted more of it. Peter had another glass with an extra dose of G on the nightstand and signaled to Tj to take it. Peter pulled Liam upright and started kissing him. Tj handed Peter the glass and Peter placed it against the lips of the unsuspecting Liam. Drink up honey, you're sweating so much and you can't get dehydrated. Liam did as he was asked and drank the glass down. Peter pulled him back to him and kissed him again. Tj began to lick Liam's body again and worked his way down until he came to Liam's limp cock. He took Liam's cock into his mouth and began sucking on it. Although he couldn't get any more life into it, Liam still began to moan in pleasure because in Liam's mind his cock was hard and he was so horny. He enjoyed the warm mouth around his cock and moaned with pleasure while Peter was still kissing him. After about 15 min, Peter saw that Liam had sunk even deeper because of the extra portion of G and knew that the real work could only begin now. Peter stroked Liam's sphincter with his finger and looked deep into the now flying saucers of his prey. Tj saw the finger on Liam's sphincter and he licked his way down through Liam's balls. Tj began licking at the sphincter and Peter continued stroking Liam in the meantime. Liam began to moan more heavily due to the new sensation he was experiencing on his ass.
P: oh you are so delicious baby. I want to be able to ride you in your ass. Do you want us to ride your pussy baby. Do you want to make us happy.

Liam was extremely horny and his ass was giving him weird but desiring signals. His head was completely spinning and he longed for more but didn't know how or what to do. He moaned and kissed Peter.

L: oh I want to do anything for you guys. I am so fucking horny and want to make you happy.

L: I've never done this before and don't know if I can.
P: sure you can baby. We're going to help you. We're not going to hurt you. Do you trust us baby.
L: yeah I trust you guys.

Peter pushed his finger against Liam's tight sphincter and he felt Liam needed some help and took a bottle of poppers and pushed it under his nose.

P: Take a good sniff of this baby, you'll see we're going to take good care of you.

Liam sniffed the poppers and felt an extra layer of horniness come over him and his ass relax and Peter's finger slide in. Liam looked longingly at Peter and let the experience of feeling something in his ass for the first time wash over him. He let his mouth hang open and began to moan. Tj began to lick Liam's nipples and now Liam was completely over the moon.
P: oh your pussy feels so nice and tight baby. Do you like it baby

L: oh yeah, this is so nice, hmmmmmmmmmmm, don't stop.
P: no we are not going to stop yet baby. But you have to be clean baby.

Liam didn't know what Peter was talking about but nodded. Peter pulled him straight off the bed and Tj went to the bathroom in their room and Peter pulled Liam with him.

P: get on all fours baby, your brother will get you clean.

Tj ran water and took the shower head that had a special head on it to stick in a butt to rinse. Peter stood in front of Liam and offered him his cock.

P: otherwise lick my cock again baby. Let's see you like to make me happy.

Liam looked at Peter's divine dick and felt the urge to suck it rise again and took the dick in his mouth and began to suck and lick Peters dick somewhat uncomfortably. Tj placed the shower head against Liam's sphincter and pushed it in. Liam was startled at first but Peter looked at him reassuringly.

P: We'll clean your pussy baby, you shouldn't be scared.

Liam felt his bowels filling up and at some point he couldn't hold back.

P: let it out baby.
Liam let the water run out of his ass and Tj watched as clean water immediately ran out. Tj looked at Peter and nodded to let him know they could continue. Peter pulled Liam upright. Tj dried Liam off.  The three stood there for a moment and kissed each other briefly. Peter pushed Liam into his brother's arms and let them make out with each other for a moment. Tj took off his jockstrap and watched Liam as Tj's cock was locked in the cock cage. Tj saw how Liam looked at his locked cock.

Tj: I belong to master, and he decides when I can play with my cock. It looks lovely doesn't it brother.
Liam looked with fascination at his brothers locked cock and nodded.
Tj: if you are a good boy and you listen well to master maybe he will want to lock up your cock too. Would you like that
Liam looked at his brother with horny and longing eyes but couldn't answer because Peter was coming back
Peter had been to the nightstand and taken some shards of Tina and when he came back into the bathroom he told all two to sit opposite each other on all. Peter first sat behind Tj and pushed a shard of Tina into his pussy while looking into Liam's longing eyes. then sat on Liam's ass and also placed a shard against his sphincter. Tj started kissing his brother again and Liam felt the shard push Tina into his ass and a burning sensation bubbled up in his ass.

L: oh fuck that burn, oh fuck

Tj started kissing his brother even more

P: shhh, baby. It will feel better later.
Peter sat down behind Tj and pushed his stiff cock into the pussy of his slave and lover. Liam was getting hornier and hornier by the G and tina and watched Tj begin to moan and his mouth fall open as Peter pushed his cock into Tj's pussy. Liam's own ass also began to itch more and more and how an empty feeling began to develop in his ass. Liam watched how Peter's mesmerizing cock kept sliding in and out of Tj's cunt and how Tj was enjoying it. Liam knew no more with his horniness and wanted to enjoy it as well as how his brother enjoyed it. Peter saw how Liam looked and knew he had the boy where he wanted him. Liam would be begging to be fucked too in a few moments and give up his innocence forever. Liam started moaning and couldn't stand the empty feeling in his ass anymore.
P: is there something baby. Want to ask you something.

L: oh fuck. Peter, I want to enjoy your cock so much too .
P: do you want that baby.
L: yeah, I want that. 
Tj: that's not how you ask little brother. You have to know your place.
If you want master to fuck you you must submit to him, address him as master, do what he commands you, refuse nothing and make no demands. 
P: listen to your brother Liam, because he speaks too truth.
Understand what he is saying.
Liam was completely fucked up and watched Peter still fucking Tj's pussy and felt his own ass and body begging to be used. 

L: yes master, I understand and will submit to you completely.
But my ass is so empty master.
P: is that so baby, do you want master to do something about that for you.

L: yeah very mutch master.
P: do you think you can handle master's cock in your pussy slut.
L: I don't know master. 
P: do you want to become like your brother master's slut and pig boy.
 Do you want master to stretch your pussy all the way open.
Liam had gotten way too horny and was flying too high to think completely clear anymore but this felt completely right and this was what he wanted and needed.
L: oh fuck, oh fuck, I am so horny master I will do anything for you
Peter pulled his cock out of Tj's pussy and went to Liam and let his cock with Tj's pussy juice hang in front of his mouth. 

P: show how much you want masters cock in your cunt slut.
Lick masters cock clean before it can go in your cunt. 
Liam opened his mouth and eagerly took Peter's cock into his mouth and licked it completely clean. Peter then pulled Liam upright and pushed him onto his back on the bed. He felt at Liam's sphincter with his finger and he was able to push 2 fingers inside. Peter looked at Liam and watched as he closed his eyes began to moan and enjoyed how those fingers were entering his pussy.
Peter looked at Tj and nodded and whispered in his ear.
P: he will need something stronger, not a full one but half to start and bring the lube it will be needed. 
Tj knew what to do and took a half point out of the slide and took a bottle of lube. Liam meanwhile was fully enjoying the fingers sliding in and out of his ass and he did not notice how Tj tied a tourniquet around his arm and how he inserted a needle into his arm. 
The sting caused Liam to open his eyes and look at the needle stuck in his arm.

L: what 
Tj: shhhh, trust me little brother. 
You will thank me later and you will feel better and you are going to be able to free your inner slut. 

Liam watched as Tj pushed in the plunger and the red liquid from the syringe disappeared into his vein. Tj removed the needle from his arm and unloaded the tourniquet, holding his arm above his head. Liam looked around anxiously for a moment for what would happen but then felt a tickle in his throat that made him cough heavily. Liam felt a shot of dirty horny feelings and thoughts shoot through his body and take over everything. Instantly, all his inhibitions were gone and all he could think about was dirty sex. 

 Liam exclaimed. 

L: holy shit, oh fuck. What the fuck is happening to me. Liam started moaning loudly and was squirming on the bed.

Liam started moaning loudly and was squirming on the bed. Peter watched the tough guy turn into a hungry and willing slut and he already saw immediate potential in Liam to make him work at the brothel. It thrilled Peter immensely to have a tough guest turned into a willing slut and to have his alpha side taken off and turned into a beta. Peter pushed three fingers into Liam's glowing pussy and he saw how Liam looked at him with longing and hungry eyes. 

L: oh my god, this is heavenly. Don't stop please, give me more I need more. 

Liam moaned at it and completely didn't know what to do with himself. 

Tj: see you started to feel much better bro. Let that slut in you come out then master can spoil your pussy with his fat cock. 
L: oh yes, oh yeah master take my pussy I want to feel your fat cock so much in my pussy. please take my pussy. 
P: first I want to see your inner slut boy. 

Liam opened his mouth and let his tongue hang out of his mouth. Peter started laughing 

P: is this your inner slut boy. You will have to do better. 
L: I feel like such a dirty whore master. Tell me what to do so I can feel that enchanting cock in my pussy. 

Peter pulled his fingers out of Liam's cunt and stood next to him. 

P: first suck our cocks hard and play with your cunt yourself and make me horny so I feel like fucking your cunt slut. Show me you want to serve me. 

Peter threw a dildo on the bed, opened Tj's penis cage and offered Liam his cock as did Tj. Liam looked at the dildo and the slut in him took over, he took the dildo and pushed it into his pussy. He closed his eyes and heaved a deep sigh. 

P: this way we are never going to get stiff slut.
Tj: suck on master's pole brother. Show us you really want this. 

Liam opened his mouth and let Peter's fat cock slide into his mouth and started sucking on it while pushing the dildo into his pussy with his hand. 

P: Don't forget my pig's cock boy. Let that cock hunger take you in completely.
You were only made to suck a cock and make a man enjoy you with your mouth. This has always been your true purpose boy let the cock hunger completely take over your thinking. 
Liam turned his head and took his brother's cock in his mouth for the first time.
Tj found it immensely horny to see and feel his brother sucking his stiffening cock and for a first time, he didn't do a bad job of it interests. Tj's cock had become completely stiff and Tj took hold of Liam's head and pushed his cock deeper into Liam's mouth. Liam began to gag and tears sprang to his eyes. 

T: good brother let that throat get used to that cock. Because this won't be the last cock in your throat, get used to it. 

Liam was far too horny to protest or resist and let the cock slide deeper into his throat despite gagging.
 Peter saw that his newest conquest was fully surrendering and ready for his first fuck. He stepped back, pulled the dildo out of Liam's cunt and placed his glans against the sphincter. Tj took the poppers and shoved them under Liam's nose. Liam knew what to do and sniffed the poppers very hard several times and felt his body get even hotter, his head start to spin even more and his sphincter relax. He felt how Peter's fat glans pushed against his sphincter and how his sphincter almost surrendered to the intruder.
Suddenly he felt a stab of pain in his cunt, it was like being split in two and he screamed. Liam watched Peter with wide-eyed flying saucers as he felt his fat cock slide in.

L: oh fuck, it hurts, in can't take it. 
T: relax little brother, just let master slide his cock inside your pussy and the pain will go away by itself. 
Liam didn't know what to do because the pain was unbearable, but he was so horny and had lost all control of his body that he couldn't pull away.
When Peter had pushed his cock all the way into Liam's virgin pussy he let him get used to it for a while before he would thrust. He could see from Liam's face that the pain was beginning to ebb away and how the pain was turning into pleasure and even more desire. As Liam felt the pain begin to go away and give way to pleasure, Tina and G took it back from him. His pussy gave him a feeling of bliss and he no longer felt like the innocent boy of a few days ago. 
His mind was now completely fucked and his inner slut had come out fully.

L: oh fuck, oh yeah that's it. Hmmmm, I am a slut master a dirty slut. 
Make me your dirty slut master. 

Peter very quietly began to slide his cock in and out of Liam's pussy and saw as he had seen many times before that the boy was transforming more and more into the slut he would become.

P: hmmmm do you want to become our dirty slut boy. 

Liam moaned and enjoyed the feeling of the first cock that had entered his cunt.  

L: oh yes master, I want this so bad, make me your dirty slut.

P: good boy, then we are going to make you a dirty cock hungry bitch. 

Peter signaled to Tj to go piss on his brother. Tj stood up and took hold of his half stiff cock and started pissing on his brother's body. Liam looked at Tj and saw how Tj was pissing on him. Liam startled himself because although he was flying very high and was very aroused by this, deep down he still thought this was weird that his brother was pissing on him. But the dirty and horny slut in him that still had the upper hand loved this, the cock in his pussy and the piss running down his body made him completely clouded over and he completely surrendered and submitted to Peter's will and laws. Peter now had complete control over him and he would be allowed to do whatever he wanted with him. 

P: Do you feel dirty enough boy.

Liam looked at Peter with big eyes and open mouth and moaned loudly. 

L: oh yeah master. Oh fuck yeah. 

Little by little Peter began to fuck Liam pussy more firmly and felt Liam's pussy loosen up too. Tj again pushed the poppers under Liam's nose and Liam now took hold of the vial himself and sniffed the poppers for a very long time, giving him another fit of horniness. When he had given the bottle back to Tj, peter turned Liam over and he had to sit on all fours. Peter now at once pushed his cock balls deep into Liam's pussy. Liam no longer moaned in pain but like a real slut of heavenly pleasure. Tj came and sat next to Liam and whispered in his ear. 

Tj: isn't masters cock nice to feel in your pussy brother. 

Liam looked at Tj with a horny grin

L: Masters cock is blissful to feel brother. I finally understand why you fell for men. 
L: I also want to serve master like you and give him my life. 

Tj: good brother. Let your inner slut define your life you won't regret it. 

Peter began to fuck Liam's pussy harder and harder and Tj offered his cock back to Liam who began to eagerly suck his brother's cock. Both Tj and Peter felt they were going to squirt.

P: do you want our seed in your pussy and mouth slut. 

Liam couldn't say anything because he was firmly sucking but moaned loudly. 

P: I'll take that as a yes slut. 
P: squirt his mouth full pig, and let him taste your toxic cum. 
Tj: yes master. 

Tj was glad he got to squirt because he couldn't hold up his seed anymore and let the cum squirt out of his cock into his brother's mouth. Liam didn't know what was happening as he felt his mouth fill up with his brother's seed. Liam wanted to spit Tj side cock out of his mouth but Tj took Liam's head firmly and pushed his cock deeper. 

Tj: don't you dare spit my cum out slut. You must swollow it, cum you must always swallow. 

Liam looked at Tj with a still confused and horny look and tried to swallow the seed although he liked the taste, had some trouble with it. 

 Tj: good boy, next time it will be much smoother. You will learn 

Peter began to thrust harder and Liam could not help but moan heavily as Peter pounded very hard into his still tight cunt. Peter felt he was going to squirt and moaned very loudly. 

P: fuck, here comes my load bitch.
 Here comes your master's cum.
Liam felt how Peters cock spurt string after string into his tight cunt and then Peter fell down on his back. Peter pulled his cock out of Liam's cunt and fell down on the bed. 
Tj saw his opportunity and took Peter's cock in his mouth and licked it clean with great relish. Liam looked at it and felt that he himself was not yet satisfied and pushed Tj away and took Peter's cock in his mouth himself.
Peter started laughing and Tj looked at his brother with wonder and with jealousy. 

P: no fighting for master's cock sluts, master has enough cum for both of you. But for tonight this will have to suffice. 

Peter took Liam to his room and tucked him into bed. 
Liam was still fully aroused and could not sleep right away and was all the time replaying the movie of what had just happened in his head.

When he woke up the next morning, he first wondered if this hadn't all been a horny dream. But when he looked under the sheet he saw that he was completely naked and when he felt his sphincter with his fingers he knew for sure that this had not been a dream. 

What was he going to do now, how was he going to face Peter and Tj after what happened last night. Liam had so many questions, and didn't know what to think, do or how to behave. He looked next to him and saw that there was a filled glass with a letter and next to it was a jockstrap like Tj wore. He took the letter and read what was written on it.


You probably have a lot of questions. If you want we will help you answer them. But I think if you listen to your inner self you already know the answers yourself. If you want it to stop here then we understand and then we will have had a nice evening. Then just come downstairs and we will pretend that nothing ever happened. If you want to go further and realize that this is what you need in your life, then drink the glass empty, take a shower, put on the jockstrap and come downstairs. Then get on your knees at the stairs and tell me that you want to submit to my laws and that you want to be my slut. Do know once that you said that there is no way back and you are my property forever like your brother.
Liam felt his stomach tighten and crawled deep under his sheets. He did indeed have a lot of questions and although he had a big knot in his stomach about whether he wanted this and whether this was okay, he did not regret what had happened last night. When he started thinking back to Peter's enchanting cock he felt his own cock start to get hard again. He could no longer deny to himself that he did not get excited when he thought about Peter and his brother. Would he accept Peter and Tj's proposal or would he leave it at that. Liam looked at the glass and the jockstrap. He thought about his brother and how happy he looked since he was with Peter. Liam wanted to feel that happy too and he also realized that he had never really had anything with a girl there had always been something missing. He took the glass and felt his heart pounding in his throat. Liam knew that the drink had to contain drugs because they had given him chems the night before. He looked at the glass again and made a decision that would determine the rest of his life. He placed the glass to his lips and drank it down. The taste was unbearable and he wondered why he hadn't noticed this yesterday. He walked to the shower and took a long hot shower. He dried himself off and put on the jockstrap. With shaking knees and full of tension for what was to come he walked to the door and walked into the hallway and took the stairs down. When he was downstairs he knelt down and waited for what was to happen. Liam heard Peter and Tj busy in the kitchen but stayed seated as instructed. After a few minutes Liam felt himself calming down more and more and he started to feel incredibly horny again and how his thoughts were increasingly taken over by an urge of submission and a desire to serve master. Liam licked his own lips and his hands started to caress his own body. Peter and Tj had been standing in the doorway watching for a while now and Liam, who was completely occupied with himself, had not noticed this. Peter quietly walked towards Liam and let his limp cock hang in front of his mouth. Liam smelled the scent of Peter's unwashed cock and felt how his horniness increased when the scent was in his nose. He looked at Peter's cock and then he looked up.

P: I see that you have made a choice.

The chems ensured that Liam had already gone back into slut mode

L: yes master, I want to serve you and be happy like Tj.

Liam felt himself getting hornier and hornier and although his primary self had not yet completely transformed into a slut, he still wanted to suck Peter's cock but Peter pulled back a bit first and Liam started to moan lightly with horniness and desire.

P: is that so, do you also know what this means.
L: yes master. I know that I have to submit myself completely to your laws and that I will become a real slut like my brother.
P: I like to hear that. Then we will start your training slut

Tj who stood ready with a collar and penis cage next to Peter, put the collar around Liam's neck and locked it.

Tj: do you see this penis cage brother.

Liam nodded.

Tj: you chose this yourself in the store. I knew this would be for you.

Tj got on his knees and put the penis cage around Liam's limp cock and locked his cock just like his own. He took the keys and put them in Liam's hand.

Tj: if you really want to become a master's slut and slave then you give your freedom to him now.

Liam looked at the keys in his hand and realized that this was the last thing he would be able to do of his own free will. But the G in his body had already taken over completely and he longed for that delicious smelling cock of Peter. Liam sought the hand of Peater and put the keys in his hand and looked Peter in the eyes.

L: I want to be your slut master.

Tj and Peter looked at each other and knew that their mission was successful. Liam would become their slut and would be trained to work in the brothel later.

P: open your mouth slut, I have a candy for you.
Liam opened his mouth and Peter put a pill X on it. Liam knew that he was being given chems again and looked at Peter.
P: Do you need something to drink boy to swallow your pill.
Liam nodded. Peter took his dick and started to piss.
P: drink then boy and swallow that pill.

Liam looked at the pissing dick and knew that this would be the first test of many and with hesitation hung under the pissing dick and let the piss run into his mouth. He found the first taste in his mouth very strange and weird. But because of the G in his body he started to like the taste very quickly.

P: take that cock in your mouth slut and drink from the tap and don't let a single drop of what you get from your master go to waste.

Liam did as was asked and without thinking about it he took the cock in his mouth and swallowed the piss and his first load of piss.

P: good boy. Now we can really start your training. Baby take him with you and get him ready for me. Shave him and rinse his cunt because it's going to be necessary. By the time you come back I want him to be completely flying, submissive and ready to start his training.

Peter gave Tj a chain and Tj clicked him to the collar.

Tj: follow me

Tj pulled the chain and Liam stood up and followed Tj to the bathroom. There he looked in the mirror and saw for the first time his collar and his locked up cock and the realization hit him that from now on he would become a dirty slut just like his brother.

  • Like 1
  • Piggy 8
  • Thanks 1

Honey, I'm so sorry I have not paid attention as soon as you published it but it's not exactly the best time for me. 

Anyway, I love the story and wish you could go ahead and have little Liam pozzed up good!

  • 2 weeks later...

Part 10 fucked into the family

Tj lubricated his brother with shaving cream and started shaving his chest, Liam stayed nice and still but had every effort to control himself. After about 15 min Tj finished shaving Liam's chest and legs. Then Tj smeared Liam's cock and balls with shaving cream to make these also nice and bald. But Tj watched as Liam came more and more under the influence of the X and began to change. Liam began to moan and was now out of control. 

L: hmmmm, ohhhhh, I want to become such a good slut bro. I want to become like you and serve master. Will I be able to make master happy bro.

Liam started rubbing his just shaved chest with his hands. 

L: I am a smooth shaved slut. Hmmm I want so much to suck master's cock, to feel him deep inside me 
T: shut up now, and stand still or I will cut your cock with the razor. 
Tj gave Liam a tap against his tense and sensitive balls and Liam groaned for a moment from the rush of pain that went through him.
T: If you well behave, willing and good slut will make master happy. Listen to him carefully and do everything he asks and he will reward you little brother. He will let your true nature come out and take over your whole being. 
L: oh I want that, I really want that. I want to be like you and be able to pleasure his cock. 
T: do you really want to be like me brother. 
L: mmmmm yeah, I really want that. 

Liam was totally into the chems and was horny as hell. 

T: so do you want to become a pozz slut like me and feel his virus flowing through you. A dirty pozz cum hungry whore who wants every guy's toxic load in his pussy.
Although Liam had heard the words pozz and virus, still they didn't really penetrate him. What did penetrate him were the words cum and every guy's load in his pussy and Liam started fantasizing out loud while Tj was now shaving his ass. 

L: oh yeah brother, I want his dirty load in my pussy. I want to become his pozz whore and any guy's cum he can offer me. 
L: I want to be such a good slut, a dirty cum whore. 

Tj watched Liam with a big grin on his face and watched his brother turn into a bitch before his eyes who would get on his knees for any guy to suck him dry or offer his pussy. When he was done shaving, Tj still rinsed Liam's ass before straightening him back up and letting him look  and admire his new self for a moment. Liam saw himself in the mirror and got even hornier than before. 

L: oh my god, I am real slut bro. Will master be happy with my slut body. 

Tj kissed his brother and then licked his nipples. 

T: I think so brother, if you want to show him that you are a real slut. Then crawl on all fours to him lick his feet and tell him you are ready to serve him

L: oh yeah, I'll do that brother. I want to be such a good slut for master. 

Liam sat down on all fours and Tj pulled the chain. Liam followed and Tj went to the bedroom where Peter was already waiting. Liam crawled to Peter's feet and started licking them. Peter looked at Tj with a big grin and Tj winked at Peter. 

P: what's up slut, do you want to spoil master's feet. 
L: I want so much to be a good slut for you master. I also want to become pozz pig like Tj and serve you the same way. 

Peter's grin turned devilish 

P: is that so slut. Do you also want to feel our virus flowing through your body. 
L: yeah master, I want to be the best slut that there can be. 
P: our virus you have to earn boy. You don't just get it. If you really want it you will have to prove yourself. Just stand up so I can inspect you. 

Liam stood up straight and Peter looked at Tj's shaving. 

P: You did that nicely pig. 

Peter took hold of Tj and began to kiss him firmly. Liam looked at it and felt shortchanged and wanted Peter to kiss him too and with his hands he tried to push Tj away. But Peter pushed Liam away and patted him around the ears. 

P: no slut. You need to know your place. I decide what happens here and who gets what. Understood. If you want to be the best slut you have to know your place.

Liam was startled for a moment but still wanted to be the best slut there was. 

L: sorry master, sorry. 

Peter opened Tj's penis cage. 

Get on your knees slut and thank my pig for shaving you so nicely. Liam got on his knees and started sucking his brother and saw how Tj was still kissing master. Peter took hold of Liam's head and pushed his head forward so he got all of Tj's stiffening cock in his mouth and started to gag. 

P: you are going to have to learn that boy if you want to become a real slut. 
Peter let him suck Tj's dick for a while longer before letting him suck his dick. 

Tj had to sit on all four. Liam had to lie under Tj and lick Tj's balls. Liam watched as Peter pushed his fat cock against Tj's sphincter and slid in easily. The desire for master's cock increased for Liam each time he watched the cock slide in and out of his brother's pussy and heard how Tj enjoyed it.
P: do you also want this fat cock in your pussy slut.
Liam had a hard time speaking with his brother's balls in his mouth but Peter could hear that he wanted it too. 

Peter pulled his cock out of Tj's pussy and took hold of a thick dildo and threw it on the floor next to Liam. 

P: If you can get this smoothly into your cunt, I will fuck you again. Before that, you can forget it. 

Liam looked at the dildo and knew he would not get this into his pussy easily. 

P: with looking at it it won't work slut. 

Liam placed the dildo with the suction cup on the floor and placed the tip against his sphincter and wanted to sit on it but quickly noticed that it would not work and started moaning. 

P: what's up slut. Is it not working. 
L: no master. But 
P: what am I with a slut that can't even fit a dildo in. Pig show your little brother how to do it. 

Tj took Liam's place and smoothly slid the dildo into his pussy. Liam looked at it wide-eyed and felt embarrassed. 

P: what are we going to do about that slut. 

L: I will try until it works master, I promise. 

P: I should hope so. 

Peter gave Liam a pat on the ass and sat down on the bed. 

P: come on start it slut.

 Tj cleaned off the dildo because he didn't want his brother to get infected with his virus this way. Liam tried again but again failed to get the dildo past his sphincter. 

P: give him a shard for in his pussy pig, and let him snort some poppers. Maybe then this pathetic slut will manage to get a dildo in his pussy

Tj took some shards of Tina from the pouch that lay on the nightstand and handed them to Liam. Liam looked oddly at the crystals and didn't quite know what to do with them. 

P: you shouldn't look at those rocks so weird slut, you should put these in your cunt so you get hornier and your cunt gets hungrier for that fat dildo, and you can let it slide inside. 

P: you want masters fat cock in your hole, don't you. 

Liam was impressed by Peter's changed behavior into a super dominant man who was humiliating him, but he love was so enchanted by Peter that he wanted so badly to please him by being the best slut there could be. He did as Peter said and pushed the shards of Tina into his cunt and pushed them as deep as he could. It wasn't long before he felt a burning sensation coming on and he wanted to start moaning but Tj didn't give him the chance and pushed his stiffened cock into Liam's mouth. Liam understood why Tj did that and Liam swallowed his “pain” and sucked on his brother's cock. Liam closed his eyes and he felt his body getting hornier and hornier and how his cunt began to respond to the shards he had pushed in. Liam began breathing more heavily and began to sweat heavily. With his free hand he felt at his sphincter which was glowing, felt much looser and wanted to suck his finger inside. Liam began to moan and felt his cunt yearn for the dildo. Tj quickly shoved the poppers under Liam's nose and let him sniff it well a few times. Liam began to fly higher and higher and when he placed his sphincter on the tip of the dildo something magical happened. His sphincter opened like a flower and allowed the tip to slide in. Liam started moaning heavily from a shot of pain he received and jumped up for a moment more. 

P: Just relax slut, and that dildo will naturally slide into that pussy of yours. 

Tj quickly smeared some lubricant on the dildo and on Liam's pussy and let him sniff the poppers again. Liam lowered himself again and, once again, his sphincter let the dildo slide in. This time Liam had no pain and let out a deep sigh when he felt the dildo slide in. Liam lowered himself completely and felt the dildo slide deeper and deeper into his pussy until he could go no further. Liam let out a loud moan and keen asking approval to Peter. 

P: If you were expecting applause slut then you are wrong. I'm not impressed at all yet. That dildo should be able to slide into your hole by itself. If you want me to fuck your cunt later, start riding that dildo now as if your life depended on it. Got it.

Liam did as Peter instructed him and began to ride the dildo, at first it was still a little uncomfortable and he felt that his sphincter was still tight but after a few minutes he began to feel that his sphincter was getting looser and looser and the dildo was sliding in more easily. 

Liam felt himself getting better and hornier. He closed his eyes and as he let the dildo slide in and out of his pussy he stroked his nipples and willed himself to pull on his trapped cock. Peter stood up and came to stand in front of him. 

P: hmmmm, that already looks better slut. But if you want me to fuck you you will have to make me hard.
Liam immediately opened his mouth and took Master's flaccid cock into his mouth. Liam wanted to start sucking but noticed that his mouth was filled with Peter's piss. 

P: Drinking slut. I will give you my fluid and you must drink it. If you want to become my slut you will have to learn to swallow all my fluid. 

Liam struggled to swallow the flood of Peter's piss. He just managed not to have to spit it out and when Peter stopped emptying his bladder, he felt Peter lovingly stroking his head. Liam immediately felt better again when he felt the gentle touch of his master. Did he not do so badly after all. 

P: hmmm you didn't do bad little pig. We'll be able to make a real slut of you after all. Now make my fat cock hard so I can inspect your cunt. 

Liam began eagerly sucking Master's cock and watched as Tj and Master began making out with each other again. But this time Liam was not jealous, he got to suck Master's cock and that gave him all the satisfaction he needed, because in his cunt was still the fat dildo and for a moment Liam felt like the luckiest slut there could be. 
When he had sucked Master's cock stiff, Peter pulled him straight and the dildo popped out of his pussy. Liam immediately felt the empty feeling in his cunt and began to moan. Peter pushed him onto the bed and lay down on him. He placed his glans against Liam's gaping sphincter and pushed his fat cock inside. Liam felt his cunt being filled and pulled up by Peter's cock and the moaning turned into a feeling of supreme happiness. 

P: This one sure feels better than that dildo, doesn't it slut. 
L: oh fuck, oh yeah master. Thank you, hmmmmmm your cock feels so heavenly in my pussy. 

P: sure master's cock feels heavenly in your pussy slut. Any cock will feel heavenly in your cunt. Should I take you to a sauna you would be the biggest whore around because you would offer your cunt to anyone, wouldn't you slut. Tell me what an cock whore you are and that you would let anyone fuck your cunt. 

L: oh yeah sir, I'm a big whore and would let any cock fuck me. It is so nice to feel a cock sliding into my cunt.
P: will you let master sell your cunt slut, will you let master make money from that cunt of yours? 
L: oh yeah sir I will earn a lot of money for you with my cunt. You may sell my cunt sir so it can be fucked constantly. 
P: I like to hear that slut but I will have to train your cunt a bit first so that a cock can slide in smoothly isn't it. Because customers of a whore expect to have a sloppy hole. 
L: hmmmm, yeah, give me a sloppy hole sir so I can make you proud. 

Tj gave Liam a pat on the ass. 

T: you are such a dirty whore, little brother. Make master real proud of you. 
L: hmmmm yeah. 

Peter began to thrust more firmly into Liam's now loose cunt. 

P: Are you going to let your daddy know that you have become master's slut when he comes to get you.
L: fuck yeah, I am going to tell daddy that I am your whore and slut and I want to stay here and make money for you with my pussy. 

P: that's it my slut. 
P: master will fill up your pussy now slut. Enjoy it. 

Liam felt master's cock begin to squirt into his pussy and his hole filled with master's cum. After Peter regained his strength for a moment, he pushed another shard or 2 into Liam's pussy and a butt plug. He put ankle and wrist straps on him and tied him to the bed. 

P: take those VR glasses dear and put them on the slut's head. 

Tj did as Peter asked him and put the Vr glasses on his brother's head. Peter started the program with his computer and they left Liam alone in the room. 

T: what are the Vr glasses for. 

Peter looked at Tj with a grin 

P: those VR glasses are for reprogramming his mind and brain. A program is now playing that makes it clear to him what his new purpose in life is. That he loves cock, cum, piss, serving men and that he is a real sub serving a real alpha male and has no will of his own anymore. 

T: does that really work. 

P: it works, but he will have to do it a few times. It is like hypnosis, he is in a trance and willing through the chems.

The new ideas will suppress his old thoughts and take over everything, so his consciousness will change and he will think he has always been this way. Once he is ready he will eat completely out of our hand and do anything we want and question nothing. He will then want nothing more than to give a blow job and offer his ass to a real man. He will never want to be dominant again but always put himself at the service of real men who will be allowed to use him. His previous life will be like a distant memory for him and he will submit completely. He will love getting hurt and will do anything we want because he will no longer have a will of his own.
Tj started grinning and kissed his lover. 

T: that's why I love you so much. 
P: hmmm, come here my dirty piggy so I can play with your pussy some more. 

Liam lay on the Vr glasses all day and when he Tj dropped him off he was completely exhausted. Tj tucked Liam into his bed where he spent the entire night reliving the flashing images and sounds again. Liam's thoughts were overwritten little by little and his new personality took over. So almost 2 weeks passed and by the time Rob and his wife returned Liam had been transformed into an unscrupulous Tina and G slut who would do anything to get a shard or slam and have his cunt filled with cum. Liam's mind was completely taken in by Tj and Peter and he would do anything for them. Liam was under the influence of chems almost all the time and, like Tj, walked around the house naked. He had already fully adjusted to his new lifestyle. He made sure his cunt was fuckable at all times and his cunt could also already almost slide a fist inside. The tight sphincter had completely disappeared and Liam was now the bearer of a still negative but sloppy hole. Through the constant imbibing of the Vr glasses, Liam did begin to long more and more for the moment when he would become pozz and the wait for it would soon be rewarded. For Rob had sent Peter that he would come and get his son. Tj had noticed that Peter had begun to treat him differently over the last two weeks, he was still his slut/slave and lover but he noticed that his role was no longer the slut at the bottom of the ladder but that he had moved up so he was gaining more and more trust from him and was also allowed to do more, he was also allowed to decide what happened to Liam when Liam and Tj were alone. Tj was above Liam and Liam was subordinate to Tj and that felt good to him.  Peter had not yet let Rob know what had happened to Liam and what his son had become in the meantime. That would be a surprise for when he came over. Also, they could then have a session together with the newborn slut and they could Pozz him together. 
Rob stood at the door and rang the bell. Peter opened and welcomed Rob. 

P: how has the trip been. 
R: good, how did it go here. Did that bitch behave himself. 
P: yeah he behaved himself.
R: were you able to transform him into a cock hungry slut? 
P: go see for yourself, he's in the living room, he's waiting there. 

Rob walked on to the living room. When he entered he saw how Tj was enjoying in the sofa how there was a naked dude eagerly sucking his cock.  Rob saw how the naked shaved slut enjoyed sucking on the cock and heard how he slid the cock deep into his throat and began to choke on it. Rob snuck closer and saw that it was Liam and felt in his pants how his cock was starting to get stiff. Rob got extremely horny from seeing his two sluts of sons working on each other and started squeezing his cock.

R: Look what we have here. What happened to you. 

Liam looked up when he heard his father's voice. Normally he would have been embarrassed to death and would have walked away but the imprinting of the Vr glasses, the chems and the acceptance of his new existence did not embarrass Liam. Liam looked at his father with big flying saucers and a slutty and horny look. 

L: hello daddy 

R: what are we doing here boy. Are we sucking Tj's cock nicely ?
L: yeah daddy, Tj and master have such a nice cock to suck. Since I have been here daddy, I have found my true calling. 
R: is that so boy. And what is that calling then
L: to be a whore daddy, a dirty pain whore.
R: hmmm, I like to hear that my boy. Has Tj made a nice pozz whore of you yet my boy. 
L: not yet daddy. 

Liam started moaning

L: but I want it so bad daddy. I want to be a pozz whore so bad. Let him make me a pozz whore daddy, I'll be a good boy then.

Rob gave a firm pat on the Liam's ass. Liam groaned and looked at his father's fly and saw how in his father's pants a fat stiff cock was showing off and the water was coming into his mouth. 

L: can I suck your fat cock too daddy. I will spoil your cock nicely with my mouth and if you want you can also fuck my pussy. HMMMMM 

Liam's eyes swirled around in his head and the Liam of a few weeks back would never have spoken to his father this way. But Rob was pleasantly surprised by the changed Liam sitting in front of him. He squeezed his cock once more, took hold of Liam's head and looked deep into his eyes. 

R: do you want this toxic cock of Daddy's in your mouth son and do you want to feel Daddy's infectious babies swimming in your pussy.
L: oh yeah daddy please. 

Rob looked at Liam with a devilish and hungry look and took hold of his short shaved head and pushed his face into his crotch. Liam smelled the blissful smell of unwashed cock through his father's jeans and licked along the cock on the jeans with his tongue. 

R: Have a good smell of Daddy's dirty toxic cock you dirty whore. Then you can spoil daddy with your mouth and ass. 

Liam started moaning again and watched as Tj started making out with his father. Peter was watching the whole time with his cock in his hands at the horny scene going on in his living room. 
Rob undid the button of his pants and his stiff cock jumped out. Liam had the dick in his mouth in a split second and Rob pushed Liam's head towards him so that the dick disappeared all the way down his son's throat meanwhile he was making love to Tj. Liam was well evolved by now and could already suck throat deep.

R: hmmm that's it son. Keep sucking daddy's cock.

 Tj and Rob were still making solid love and Liam continued to suck both cocks well. Rob took hold of his youngest son and pulled him straight and started kissing him firmly now. Liam felt his father's hands go down his back to his ass and take hold of the jaws of his ass and squeeze it. Then he felt a finger from his father go to his sphincter to see how loose his cunt already was. Rob's finger immediately disappeared into Liam's sloppy hole. 

R: Such a sloppy hole you have son. Hmmmmm. Daddy is proud of you. 

Rob spat in Liam's face and then licked it back off. Liam groaned and held his mouth open and his tongue out slightly. Rob sucked on Liam's tongue for a moment then kissed him back fiercely. 

R: sit down on all four boys so I can inspect your pussies. 

Liam and Tj sat down on all fours next to each other and Rob sat behind them and gave all two of his sons and pat on their asses. 

R: Peter do you have some candy for my naughty boys. 

Peter nodded and pointed to the bag that was on the coffee table. Rob took the bag and took out 1 shard for Tj and 2 shards for Liam. 

R: do daddy's boys want a nice piece of candy for their pussy from daddy. 

Liam and Tj meanwhile had already started kissing each other again and shouted at the same time 

L T: fuck yeah daddy. 

Rob simultaneously pushed the shards into his sons' pussy and he continued to keep his fingers in their pussy to feel the shards melt and their pussy begin to glow. It wasn't long before Liam's pussy began to glow and that he began to drive against his finger. 

R: yeah fuck yourself on daddy's finger you dirty son of a bitch

Liam began to moan and Peter handed a double dildo to Rob. Rob immediately knew what to do with it. He pushed one half into Liam's cunt, and he left Tj on the other end and pushed this into his cunt. 

R: fuck each other nice boys and let Daddy enjoy the show you will give him. 

Liam and Tj began moving their asses each back and forward causing them to slide the dildo into the other's pussy. Rob came to stand in front of Liam and made him suck his cock back. Peter did the same but on the other side with Tj. Rob bent over and gave another slap on his sons ass cheeks. 

R: fuck yeah boys. Make daddy proud and show me what cock hungry boys he has. 
R: does this one also drink piss Peter, or haven't you been able to teach him this yet. 
P: empty your bladder and see what happens, I'll empty mine too then mine can have a sip too. 
R: fuck yeah. 

Rob growled and let his bladder run free. Liam felt his cock-filled mouth now also fill up with his father's piss and eagerly let it flow in, Tj's mouth also filled up and like a trained slut he too let it all flow in. 
Rob let his sons ride the dildo for a while before straightening and kissing them both again. 

P: come let's go to the playroom there we have more options. 
R: This is your house here Peter, I will follow you. 

Peter walked ahead to the playroom and Rob followed along with Liam and Tj. 

R: this looks well furnished Peter, you can certainly keep the sluts busy in here for hours. 

Peter grinned and took a filled syringe from a drawer. 

P: will you give Liam his slam or will we let him do it himself. 
R: let me shoot him to the stars. After that we can corrupt his pussy. 

Liam was pushed onto the bed and lay down. 

R: give me your arm boy. 

Liam gave his arm to his father and felt him put a tourniquet around his biceps. Then he felt a small prick and watched as the clear liquid in the syringe turned red with his blood. 

L: oh yeah daddy, slam me and then infect my pussy with your toxic cum.
Rob looked into his son's flying saucers and kissed him. 

R: fuck yeah boy. We're gonna infect your pussy with our dirty cum and make pozz whore out of you. 

Liam felt the liquid disappear into his arm and quickly got a short gasp. It was not the first time he had been administered a slam and knew what was about to happen. First he had to cough vigorously and then all the inhibitions he still had expired and he became back to being the supreme whore who wanted to feel all the cock in the world in his cunt. 

L: oh fuck, oh fuck I'm such a dirty whore. Fuck my cunt daddy. Stick that dirty fat cock in my cunt and squirt it full of your toxic cum.

Rob growled as he watched his son squirm and beg on the bed like that. Tj, meanwhile, was sucking Peter and now also sat down on all fours next to Liam.  Rob got behind his sons and pushed his stiff cock into Liam's pussy first and immediately began to fuck him firmly. Liam moaned with pleasure and began making out with Tj again. Peter settled into a seat and enjoyed the spectacle. 

Rob gave a few pats on Liam's ass which was now starting to look nice and red and pushed some of his fingers into Tj's pussy which was still waiting to be filled.

R: ride against daddy's cock boy. Let me feel how you enjoy feeling your daddy's cock in your pussy. Thank your maker with your cunt for the slut life he gave you.  

Liam started riding his ass against Rob's cock and moaned with pleasure. 

L: yeah daddy, you have such a nice cock, hmmmmmmm

Peter threw a toothbrush at Rob. 

P: if you want to Pozzen him with Tj later you will know what this is for. 

Rob winked and pulled his cock out of Liam's pussy and pushed it directly into Tj's all at once who now also started moaning loudly. Rob took the toothbrush and inserted it into Liams pussy and began to scrub the walls of his hole with it. As he fucked Tj he saw how the brush began to hang full of blood and he took it out and threw it away and gave Liam another pat on the ass. 

R: We are going to make your ass pozz tonight boy. You can be sure of that. 

Liam who was flying high started moaning. 

L: yeah daddy, I want to get pozz so bad. 

Rob pulled back his cock from Tj's pussy and lay down on the bed. 

R: come ride daddy's cock boy. 

Liam threw his leg over Rob, took hold of his cock and pushed it against his gaping sphincter and let the cock slide into his bleeding cunt. Rob grunted loudly and Liam started going up and down on his father's toxic cock. Tj also crawled onto the bed and got behind Liam and pushed him against his father's belly. Rob began kissing Liam again and Liam felt Tj push his cock into his cunt with his father's for the first time. Liam's cunt was now filled with his father and brother's cock. 

R: hmmmmmm, fuck yeah. This is the perfect father and son getaway and daddy's greatest fantasy. 

R: let's make him pozz together son. Let's fuck him in the family. 

Liam felt his pussy being pulled fully open how hu was now completely full of cock. Tj quietly began to set the pace because he wanted to enjoy this for a while anyway. This was only the second time he had fucked a cunt again since he was under master's control. This time Tj was calmer and enjoyed fucking an ass more. So Liam's ass was already not as tight as Nathan's a few weeks ago. Tj heard how Liam moaned with every thrust he gave and it also thrilled him immensely that he and his father were fucking his brother. Tj's dark side came back fully to the surface and he pounded Liam's ass, not as a slut but as a novice master. Peter had straightened up and come to stand next to his slut and whispered in his ear. 

P: is it nice honey to fuck your little brother. 

Tj kissed his partner and looked deep into his eyes. Rob took over the pace and growled loudly.
R: what will your mother say boy, when she sees that you can handle more cocks in your cunt than she can handle herself. 
L: oh yeah, oh yeah I'm such a dirty whore mommy. Fuccck 
T: hmmm yeah sir, his pussy feels nice and warm and moist. 
P: are you going to fill him up with your toxic cum and make him pozz together with your father 

T: fuck yeah. Hmmmmm 

T: do you want our infectious virus whore. Beg us for string of virus and infect you. 

Tj slapped Liam's ass again and Peter growled. 

P: that's my boy, command him. Make him beg for your virus. 

R: come on whore beg for our virus. Beg to be filled with dirty toxic cum. 
L: oh fuck, fuck yeah. Daddy and brother fill me up with your infectious cum and make me pozz I won't last otherwise if I'm not pozz.
T: here it comes brother, your last moment as a negative whore. I'm going to squirt my toxic load into your guts.

Both Rob and Tj felt they were going to squirt and started breathing heavily. Liam was in utter ecstasy as he felt string after string being squirted into his pussy by both his father and his brother and after they finished and took a breath, Tj fell onto the bed next to his father. Liam crawled back and his father pushed his head to his cock. 

R: Lick the bloody cocks clean boy and taste how the cocks taste that just infected you with their virus. 

Liam didn't have to be told twice and eagerly took his father and brother's cocks into his mouth. 
Peter took a seat at Liam's bloodied and cum-filled pussy and pushed his cock into it.
P: I'm going to massage that infectious cum into your guts a little bit whore, so the virus will definitely get into your blood. 

Liam's cunt had become so loose from the double fuck that he only noticed he was being fucked every time Peter slapped his balls against his ass when he thrust. Liam was licking his brothers and father's cocks so vigorously that their cocks were starting to get stiff again. Liam noticed his fathers and Tj dicks getting stiff again and eagerly sucked on. 

R: apparently the little one wants another turn son. Are you ready for the second round. 

Tj growled, he wanted to fuck his little brother again but his own pussy was itching too and he was also craving his father's cock. 

T: I'll pump the little one full again and you dump your cum in my pussy daddy. I want a reload of your cum too, you should treat your sons equally. 

Rob growled. 

R: you are right dirty pig. You are very right I have to treat my two sluts of sons equally. 

 Peter who by now was reaching his high point was growling loudly, Tj who by now had straightened up in bed kissed his master intensely as he dumped his load into Liam's sloppy hole. 

Tj: save some more nice cum for me master. I want your cum in my pussy tonight too. 

Peter who was catching his breath slapped Tj's ass and squeezed it firmly. 

P: hmmmm I will fill that cunt up nice and nice tonight pig. i will show you all sides of the room. Cause we need to celebrate you first spreading your virus. 

Peter made way for Tj who pushed into Liam's wet cunt with his stiff cock. Like a horny slut, Liam moaned as he felt Tj's stiff cock slide into his cunt. But Liam couldn't moan for long because Peter pushed his limp but dirty cock into his mouth to lick it clean. 

Rob took a seat behind Tj and pushed his stiff cock against Tj's gaping sphincter, spitting on his cock once more to moisten it a bit and then pushing it all the way in at once. This was another new experience for Tj in a long time. Tj moaned with pleasure every time he felt his father thrust into his pussy, and with every thrust Tj got, Liam also got a thrust from Tj in his pussy. Tj was tremendously aroused by the situation he was in and felt that he was going to squirt immediately. He fell down on Liam's back and let the cum spill out of his stiff cock as his father began to fuck him harder and harder. Rob gave several pats on Tj's ass and pounded Tj's ass harder and harder. 

R: You dirty whore. Your cunt is still heavenly to fuck. 

Peter looked at Rob and grinned. 

P: how does it feel to be able to pump both your sons full of your dirty cum. 

R: fucking awesome. You trained them well Peter. Fuck slut, I'm going to fill up your cunt.

Rob growled and emptied his balls into Tj's cunt. 
When they had all regained their strength, Rob let Liam lick his cock clean some more. Rob watched his youngest son who was still on cloud nine lick his cock clean. 

R: are you going back home with me later, slut. 
L: can I stay daddy, master wants me to work in his whorehouse and I want to thank him so much by making lots of money for him. 
R: is that so. Do you want to become a real whore boy. 

L: oh yeah daddy, I want it so bad. I want so badly to offer my dirty cunt to every man 
R: you dirty whore. I always knew you would become a whore. 
R: what should I say to your mother. That you're a dirty pozz whore and you're not coming home anymore. 

L: yeah daddy tell her. Tell her that her son is a dirty pozz whore and that he has found his true calling. 

R: I'll figure out something better. You just make sure your pussy makes enough money. 

L: I will do that daddy. 

P: you can visit him as much as you want. 

Peter winked at Rob

R: I certainly will. Just make sure he can come home decently once in a while because otherwise you'll definitely get in trouble with my wife. 

Peter started laughing. 

P: maybe we can put her to work too.
R: that dried out cunt. I fear it. 

Tj took Liam to his room, shoved another shard of tina and then a butt plug into Liam's cunt. 
T: you still deserved those dear. Now let our virus corrupt your negative cells so you become a proud pozz whore. 

Liam's eyes turned in his head and was ready to fall into a trance. 

L: I long to become pozz bro. I want to feel you and daddy's virus running through my veins.
T: rest now and in a few weeks you will be a proud pozz whore. 

Liam subsided completely and closed his eyes. Tj left the room and went downstairs where his father was ready to leave. 

R: let me know when he's in his transformation, and I'll stop by again to celebrate his birth. 

P: I'll keep you posted. 

Rob left and Peter took hold of Tj and kissed him. 

P: I'm proud of you honey. The first time you spread virus, it made me incredibly horny to see you busy. 
T: thank you master. 

Peter took some shards out of his pocket and held them in front of Tj's nose. 

P: on your knees pig, just because you were allowed to spread your virus doesn't mean you are no longer under my control 

Tj quickly got on his knees and felt master push three large shards into his cunt. 

T: thank you master. 

Peter clicked a chain on Tj's collar. 

P: follow me pig. We have something more to celebrate. 

Tj followed him to the playroom, Tj had to sit in the middle of the room on all fours and got a shower of Peter's piss first. Tj felt his pussy begin to glow and the warm glow spread over his body. It wasn't long before he began to fly and his pussy started moaning to be filled. 

T: fill my pussy master, it longs for your fat cock. 

Tj felt Peter give him several slaps against his ass. 

P: surely I won't have to teach you any more manners pig. 
T: no sir, sorry sir. 
P: that's better. 

Tj got a few strokes of the whip first and then his ass was turned nice and red before Peter started playing with Tj's pussy. Liam had woken up to sounds coming from the playroom and had gotten up and was standing in the doorway looking horny. Peter hadn't seen it at first because he was busy with his faithful pig. But after he heard moaning moans from Liam he looked to the doorway and saw a cock-hungry Liam standing there playing with his nipples.

L: may I play along master, I'm so horny. 

P: to your bed slut. It's not your turn. All you can get are some pats on that dirty ass of yours. 

Liam obeyed and went to his room disappointed and heard how Tj was enjoying what Master was doing to him. Through the moans and the sound of the bed squeaking with every thrust Master gave Liam fell back asleep anyway. 
So the days and several weeks went by, Liam was being trained more and more to work in the whorehouse until the moment Liam began to feel sick. Liam was in his transformation and after he had been seriously ill for the first few days it did begin to improve. When they tested him and got a positive result he was ready to leave for the whorehouse. 

  • Piggy 3
  • Thanks 1

Loved it, as usual! Now they are all POSITIVE as they deserve to be! 🦠☣️ 

Just a good reading after a horrible day I'd wish to anyone. I can't give up with this site!

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