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The night that changed my life


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“Hey everyone, I’ve been feeling inspired lately, and I decided to revisit my old story, The Day I Pozzed My Brother, but with a brand-new twist. It’s been a few years since I first shared it, and I’m excited to see how this reimagined version turns out. I hope you all enjoy it. 

Part 1 

Hey! I’m Mikkel, just turned 18. I’m your average guy, but I’m crazy about sports, especially soccer, which I play all the time with my best friend Alex. We've been inseparable since we were kids. This past summer was pretty wild—my parents were off vacationing in Europe, so Alex basically moved in for a while. But now, something even bigger is happening. My brother Tom is coming back this weekend after being in the military for three years. It’s gonna be weird having him around again after so long, and I’m not sure what to expect!

"While Alex and I were out back, swimming to escape the summer heat, Tom suddenly appeared.  

'Hey, guys,' he said, his voice deeper than I remembered. 

I hadn’t seen him in years, and the change was startling. He looked rugged, almost like a different person—stronger, more distant.  

'I’m gonna hop in the shower and join you in a bit,' he added, disappearing into the house.

Alex and I kept tossing the ball around in the pool, but something felt... off. Maybe it was just seeing Tom again after all this time.  

After what seemed like forever, Tom reappeared. 'So, what’s up, guys? Here, take some beers,' he said casually. 

Neither Alex nor I were big drinkers, but the heat was relentless, and something about Tom's new presence made it hard to say no. We climbed out of the pool to join him, and an uneasy silence settled over us."  

As we sat down, the cold beer bottles sweating in our hands, I couldn’t shake the feeling that something about Tom had changed—more than just his appearance. He seemed... distant. His eyes, though friendly on the surface, held something darker, something I couldn’t quite place.

 To break the silence, I teased Tom about his overgrown beard. It wasn’t huge, but just long enough to need a shave. He chuckled, but his eyes stayed fixed on Alex, almost too focused.

“Man, it’s hot! Let’s get back in the pool,” I said, trying to lighten the mood. “Maybe we can test out those military skills of yours,” I added, half-joking.

The sun was beginning to set when I had to go inside to make a quick call, leaving Tom and Alex alone by the pool.

Tom grabbed the ball and tossed it unexpectedly at Alex. It hit him square in the head. “Oops, my bad!” Tom said, laughing, but Alex didn’t find it funny. Without a word, Alex dove underwater, swimming towards Tom, planning to flip him over like we used to do when we were kids.

But when Alex got close, it was clear Tom wasn’t the same guy he used to be. He was much stronger now. As Alex tried to push him off balance, Tom barely budged. Instead, he caught Alex mid-move, holding him in place with a grip that seemed unnaturally powerful. The playful atmosphere shifted, and a strange tension filled the air.

At that moment, Tom’s playful demeanor took on a more intense edge. He seized Alex by the arms, holding him firmly as Alex struggled to break free. In a last-ditch effort, Alex wrapped his legs around Tom, trying to leverage his weight to escape. Tom could also feel some stiff object brushing against his chest it was clear Alex found this exciting.

But Tom’s strength was overwhelming. With a swift, controlled motion, he lifted Alex effortlessly and tossed him backwards into the pool. Alex let out a surprised, exhilarated yell as he hit the water, the splash echoing in the cooling evening air.

“Wow!” Alex shouted as he surfaced, catching his breath. “Alright, I’m gonna head in.”

There was a new intensity in Tom’s eyes as he watched Alex climb out of the pool the water dropping down Alex’s back his wet bathing suit just a perfect amount of tightness wrapping around his ass so firmly, the charged atmosphere between them lingered as Alex made his way inside, hey Alex! Tom screamed out loud. Alex turned around and replied what! looking defeated. Toms eyes fixed on the water dropping down Alex’s chest going down his treasure Trail it was clear he was hard or at least semi. To be continued!  Tom replied in a deeper voice. Alex continued going in leaving Tom alone with his thoughts. The playful struggle had revealed something deeper, an unspoken tension that neither could fully understand yet.

Later inside Tom was consumed by a powerful craving for that ass. The mere thought of the sweet hole  drove him wild with desire. He found himself in Alex’s room while the boys were downstairs engrossed in video games. Tom’s eyes landed on a pile of dirty clothes and, nestled among them, a pair of undies. He took a deep breath, inhaling the rich aroma of those ripe undies, and an instant wave of lust washed over him. The undies smelled so ripe, they must have been freshly worn that day in a soccer game. Tom rummaged through the pile, discovering more undies, and couldn’t resist taking another whiff, savoring the delightful scent. He quickly put them on while sniffing the other pair he started jacking his cock.

Tom’s mind raced with wild thoughts about being deep inside Alex’s ass. Alex wasn’t your average twink. He had a slim yet athletic build, the kind that made him look like a pro soccer player. His physique was perfectly toned, with a flawless four-pack of abs and defined muscles. Tom started jerking his cock even faster he could barely contain his craving as he imagined how delicious it would be to lick Alexs sweet hole and sink his lips around his cock. His desire intensified, building with every passing second. Soon a feeling of pure bliss as Tom shot a huge load into the pair Alex’s undies he had on. Savouring every second his took few more sniffs of Alex’s undies the sweet smell of his boy cock. Once completely satisfied he put them all back and headed to his room.

The next morning, Tom was jolted awake by the sound of laughter echoing from downstairs. Annoyed yet amused, he dragged himself out of bed and headed for the shower. Stepping out, feeling completely refreshed, he was startled to find Alex standing just outside the bathroom door, eyes wide in shock.

“Sorry,” Tom grinned, “In the military, we’re always naked.”

Alex blushed, his eyes flicking away. “I’m not… like that,” he muttered, as Tom reached out and playfully grabbed his ass. Alex quickly pulled away, pushing past him into the washroom, a hint of tension hanging in the air.

Later, once the boys had left for soccer practice, Tom picked up his phone and shot a message to his friend Hunter. He confessed his growing desire for Alex, a craving he could no longer ignore. Hunter responded almost instantly, and together, they began plotting a night that would be unforgettable—for all of them.

Hunter, a few years older than Tom and built even more powerfully with tattoos snaking up his muscular arms, arrived later that evening. Alongside him was his younger sister, Kim—21, stunning, and full of energy. The mood shifted as music played, drinks flowed, and the atmosphere buzzed with excitement. When the boys finally returned home, Tom introduced his guests.

“Hey guys, this is my friend Hunter and his sister, Kim.”

The boys, shy and caught off guard by Kim’s beauty, mumbled greetings before slipping upstairs to freshen up. When they rejoined Tom and his friends, the night had already picked up speed, with video games in full swing. Mikkel, clearly mesmerized by Kim, quickly joined in the drinking, while Alex, not wanting to feel left out, grabbed a drink as well.

But Kim, always the center of attention, soon broke the ice. “Ugh, video games are boring. Let’s play something fun—how about ‘Never Have I Ever’?”

The boys hesitated, but curiosity won out. Kim smiled mischievously. “Okay, I’ll start. Never have I ever kissed a girl,” she said with a playful glint in her eye, taking a sip of her drink. “Drink up, boys, if you’ve ever kissed a girl.”

Mikkel, Alex, and Tom each took a sip, but Mikkel couldn’t hide the way he stared at Kim. “Wow, Kim,” Mikkel said, leaning closer, “you kissed a girl?”

“Yeah,” she teased, flashing a grin. “College frat party. It was… fun.”

Hunter, enjoying the game, chimed in, “Never have I ever kissed a boy.”

The room tensed for a moment as Mikkel and Alex exchanged awkward glances before breaking into nervous laughter. But Tom and Hunter, with knowing smiles, raised their glasses and drank. The tension simmered just beneath the surface as the game continued, with sly questions and shared glances, each round peeling back more layers of intrigue.

Eventually, it was time for refills. Hunter offered to make the drinks and, with a sly smile, added a few extra shots into Alex’s cup. “Drink up, boys,” he said as he handed them back. Kim, noticing the energy in the room, stood and declared, “It’s Saturday night, let’s do something wild—how about we hit Fly nightclub?”

Fly, the city’s hottest spot, was a sprawling five-room club known for its electric energy, with one room dedicated to a more vibrant, open crowd. The suggestion lit a spark, and soon they were all getting ready to take the night to a whole new level. The city, the music, and the thrill of the unknown awaited them as they headed out into the night.

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