Erik62 Posted November 7, 2024 Report Posted November 7, 2024 On 11/7/2024 at 6:12 AM, ktopper said: We held a joint meeting of the High Desert Philosophical Society and the local Liars Club (we hold joint meetings because the membership mostly overlaps) in my shop today and now I'm about half drunk. But I have still managed to give some thought to the aftermath of the election. It seems that things are worse than I thought. The ladies on "The View" said that 45% of male Hispanic voters voted for Trump. They attributed this to Hispanic racism toward Blacks. They didn't vote for Kamala because she is Black. Almost a quarter of Black males, they said, voted for Trump because they hold a misogynistic hatred toward women and thus wouldn't vote for Kamala because she is a woman. Fascism, racism, sexism and the patriarchy seems to be spreading, infecting more of our society all the time. I spent my entire working life (now retired) working around Hispanics, Blacks, rednecks, gays, and women and never noticed any of this going on. It always just seemed that no one really gave a damn about your ethnicity, race, gender, or sexual orientation. I reckon I just wasn't very observant. I owe thanks to those ladies on The View for making me aware of these deeply hidden realities. Damn, what's a guy to do? I think I'll just go ahead and have one more small nip of this mighty fine Courvoisier and then off to bed. Tomorrow I really need to make an effort to get laid. Preferably a hot gay piece of ass but will also settle for some pussy. Maybe that will help me get over the emotional turmoil of this election. Expand I don't believe you failed to observe a very large problem with ethnicity, race, gender, or sexual orientation. My conclusions after this election has been people have been subjected to the continual thrashing of these issues by a person & people with the intention to divide the people. 2 2
PozTalkAuthor Posted November 7, 2024 Report Posted November 7, 2024 Unfortunately things must change through philosophy again, rather than politics. This system of business-based world is unsustainable by now, but it will take much time to recover, until I breathe I hope to help communities around do our best. We can't save everything but we can play our part. 2
hntnhole Posted November 7, 2024 Report Posted November 7, 2024 On 11/7/2024 at 2:00 AM, pozlvr27 said: Senator Scott has publicly said he would like to cut all Social Security benfits a minimum of 20% Expand As I recall, my paychecks (since I began working) have have had withholding or direct taxation for many decades. Thus, if Snake Scott wants to double-tax S.S. benefits, wouldn't he have to cause the Government to refund at least some of those withholdings as well? Those refund(s) could then be invested instead of simply spent, thus ensuring that at least some benefits would still accrue, and outside of Government's control. On 11/7/2024 at 6:12 AM, ktopper said: Damn, what's a guy to do? Expand Become more politically active, as well as intellectually so. I've posted some suggestions towards the top of this page. What it boils down to, is actively resist - every damn day, in every possible way. 1 1
hntnhole Posted November 7, 2024 Report Posted November 7, 2024 On 11/7/2024 at 2:59 AM, Erik62 said: Have we, in the West & the US, actually gone too far & are now seeing significant signs of REVERSE discrimination 🤔🤔?? Expand Perhaps, but I believe there is a more direct cause (here in the US at least), which some folks will not want to hear. Here in the US, we have seen a certain group of folks (mostly male, almost entirely Caucasian) slip further and further behind on the socio-economic ladder. While the general population of school-age boys in the US have sought higher (post High School education, and thereby earning better chances of better jobs post-college graduation) there appears to be a substantial portion of that bloc that has made a different choice. When a Caucasian boy chooses - for one reason or another* - not to pursue any higher education, what they don't realize is that their chances of any enumerative rewards in employment are rather limited. More, when a Caucasian guy sees other folks with cars, nice clothes, and physically-easy, well paying jobs, the guy that chose to limit himself to a high-school education can easily become negative in his worldly outlook. He can blame other races for his lack of economic achievement, which (to him) is justified. Then, along comes a political creature (trump) who regularly demeans a certain segment of the population, and it's easy (meaning no intellectual activity required) to point the disappointed Caucasian finger at minorities. He's being told that he, the one that chose the bottom rung of the economic ladder, is entitled to the same lifestyle that those who put in the extra years of educational achievement to earn the higher return enjoy. Economics just doesn't work that way, and the siren call of "it's not your fault you don't have a new car, you're renting some dump somewhere, your kids don't have this or that, on and on" is easily manipulated. How many interviews of Caucasian American high-school-only graduates have we seen on tv lately, and the guys can't answer a single question cogently. Yet, along comes a depravity like T, tells these disappointed guys they "deserve" what others that have earned what they have via higher education. Of course those who took the easy way are going to vote for the imposter that tells them they've been cheated. Of course they're going to vote for the candidate that excuses, reinforces their own disappointments. And who does the depraved leader point to? The Other. The non-Caucasians. Those who need a new start. Those so downtrodden that leaving their original country to start over where they'll have at least a chance to improve their condition. These are the folks that the filth-encrusted "leader" blames, takes retribution against, claiming they eat the pets of the "real" Americans. It's hardly a wonder that the disaffected already-established Americans vote for the guy that blames the truly oppressed, non-Caucasian immigrants. It's hardly a wonder that the self-made American "underclass" falls for that line of shit hook, line and sinker. When the minimum measure of intellectual work is invested, it's hardly a wonder that the barest minimum of material accomplishment is gained. *in fairness, tragic things happen. When a family wage-earner suddenly passes for instance, sometimes an older sibling simply must quit school, go to work full time to help pay for food, shelter, for the rest of his younger siblings, family. 3
SugarCaneDaddy Posted November 7, 2024 Report Posted November 7, 2024 Seeing this type of comments coming from a 3rd world country myself its kinda funny ngl 😂 1 1
PozBearWI Posted November 7, 2024 Report Posted November 7, 2024 Adding to this.... @hntnhole I love the way you framed this. It is hard to pursue that which you don't understand (unless of course one pursues understanding, but often that isn't the case). The American dream isn't a gift of money or influence. It is learning how one's society actually works, and for this argument I'll include socially and economically, but mostly I'm writing about economically. When I read history, those written there, and who either succeeded or failed miserably are people who developed skills and insight into how things work. Some became like OG (Orange Geesus) and game the system by exploitation. Our history is filled with snake oil salesmen. That has been true throughout history. True today and it will be true in our future. Our history is also filled with accounts of people who were able to create information or ways of doing things which were more efficient or effective and are notable. And the big middle are all the outcomes in between. The whole "many hands make light work" idea. Just because we were born here clearly doesn't grant one interest and involvement in how and why things work. Whether that is their yard, home electric and plumbing, or neighborhood/community, employer, state or nation; or for that matter the world; this knowledge combined with effort to achieve more often than not works. Largely why so many immigrants recorded in our developing nation did so well. Yes, at times it was pretty vile exploitation. But for the majority it was just getting it done. We all have generational histories, no matter who we are or where we are. Each of us has OUR history. Those born into a family who had achieved a particular place is, and can only be, one's starting point. What we do with it is how we're choosing to live our life. So while I can empathize and understand someone born into poverty and ignorance; if they do nothing, it is unlikely anything will change for the better. Now, some might think I am victim shaming, and honestly if one chooses to feel like that is my intention, I submit they are demonstrating their own problem, not mine. I am happy to help make things better for my neighbor, but their problems living are theirs to live; and either improve or make worse. One of my life's sayings (a list known as Kimo's Rules) is "goals can be deceiving, the un-aimed arrow never misses". While quite true, it is also true the un-aimed arrow won't go where you want it to go without taking aim. 1
PozBearWI Posted November 7, 2024 Report Posted November 7, 2024 On 11/7/2024 at 4:24 PM, SugarCaneDaddy said: Seeing this type of comments coming from a 3rd world country myself its kinda funny ngl 😂 Expand Interesting. I've always been a bit alarmed at video presented as comedy, "America's funniest home videos" for example; why the audience gets into fits of laughter watching someone fall and break their arm (or worse). It may seem funny that they did something so careless; but truly that reflects ignorance to their own peril. I've been more a fan of the Darwin Awards; but I never find them funny. I find @hntnhole's account a sad commentary about our present social condition. Worse, the US is not unique in this. 1
alphatop32 Posted November 7, 2024 Report Posted November 7, 2024 On 11/7/2024 at 6:12 AM, ktopper said: We held a joint meeting of the High Desert Philosophical Society and the local Liars Club (we hold joint meetings because the membership mostly overlaps) in my shop today and now I'm about half drunk. But I have still managed to give some thought to the aftermath of the election. It seems that things are worse than I thought. The ladies on "The View" said that 45% of male Hispanic voters voted for Trump. They attributed this to Hispanic racism toward Blacks. They didn't vote for Kamala because she is Black. Almost a quarter of Black males, they said, voted for Trump because they hold a misogynistic hatred toward women and thus wouldn't vote for Kamala because she is a woman. Fascism, racism, sexism and the patriarchy seems to be spreading, infecting more of our society all the time. I spent my entire working life (now retired) working around Hispanics, Blacks, rednecks, gays, and women and never noticed any of this going on. It always just seemed that no one really gave a damn about your ethnicity, race, gender, or sexual orientation. I reckon I just wasn't very observant. I owe thanks to those ladies on The View for making me aware of these deeply hidden realities. Damn, what's a guy to do? I think I'll just go ahead and have one more small nip of this mighty fine Courvoisier and then off to bed. Tomorrow I really need to make an effort to get laid. Preferably a hot gay piece of ass but will also settle for some pussy. Maybe that will help me get over the emotional turmoil of this election. Expand 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Make sure to release all your righteous anger and frustration on a hot piece of ass that can take a solid pounding! I just tore up a new one for a bottom and made it frothy and dripping. 1 1
BootmanLA Posted November 7, 2024 Report Posted November 7, 2024 On 11/7/2024 at 5:30 AM, PozTalkAuthor said: Btw, I have just read Bernie Sander's position which is very close to mine - dems lost because working class feels abandoned. Expand It's possible they "feel" that way, which is unfortunate, because the Biden administration was one of the most pro-worker admins in recent history, and certainly there's no way Mango Mussolini is going to deliver on any of his promises to them. Just wait till Trump starts rounding up immigrants for mass deportation. The jobs they do are jobs his followers absolutely will not do, and as Alabama found out some years back, food is going to just rot in the fields and on the trees because there's no one available to harvest it. Talk about food price inflation. 2 2
BootmanLA Posted November 7, 2024 Report Posted November 7, 2024 On 11/7/2024 at 7:31 AM, Erik62 said: I don't believe you failed to observe a very large problem with ethnicity, race, gender, or sexual orientation. My conclusions after this election has been people have been subjected to the continual thrashing of these issues by a person & people with the intention to divide the people. Expand
PozTalkAuthor Posted November 7, 2024 Report Posted November 7, 2024 On 11/7/2024 at 6:30 PM, BootmanLA said: It's possible they "feel" that way, which is unfortunate, because the Biden administration was one of the most pro-worker admins in recent history, and certainly there's no way Mango Mussolini is going to deliver on any of his promises to them. Just wait till Trump starts rounding up immigrants for mass deportation. The jobs they do are jobs his followers absolutely will not do, and as Alabama found out some years back, food is going to just rot in the fields and on the trees because there's no one available to harvest it. Talk about food price inflation. Expand I have same sensation, but their campaign is attractive. I doubt the reason of this result is just "rather than a black woman I voted a dispotic man". There are even lots of muslims and latinos voting for him, situation is complex, I fear; btw those MAGA mostly support billionaires, what I say, trillionaires. I just read that Musk earned 13 millions dollars in one night, if I don't get wrong. Yet to verify it though; I say it as I read but recognize that this period exceeds in fake news and extremism everywhere in full hybrid conflict atmosphere where all of us are involved.
BootmanLA Posted November 7, 2024 Report Posted November 7, 2024 On 11/7/2024 at 6:39 PM, PozTalkAuthor said: I have same sensation, but their campaign is attractive. I doubt the reason of this result is just "rather than a black woman I voted a dispotic man". There are even lots of muslims and latinos voting for him, situation is complex, I fear; btw those MAGA mostly support billionaires, what I say, trillionaires. I just read that Musk earned 13 millions dollars in one night, if I don't get wrong. Yet to verify it though; I say it as I read but recognize that this period exceeds in fake news and extremism everywhere in full hybrid conflict atmosphere where all of us are involved. Expand It's not that simple, no, but it's more like: make them feel anxious about their slipping economic status, then tell them it's all because the Democrats are focused on performing gender changes in elementary schools and giving millions in welfare money to illegal immigrants and drug-dealing pimps and the like. Combining their discomfort with (fill in the blank: racial minorities, non-subservient women, LGBTQ people, etc.) and their economic frustrations over not being able to buy a house because the wealthy are hoarding such a huge share of the nation's GDP is a winning tactic. The emotional appeal to their innate prejudices, even if they don't think they're THAT bigoted amplifies the economic message beyond any semblance of reality. No, Musk could not have "earned" 13 million dollars in one night. He might or might not have "made" that much profit on some investment, or as part of his enormously bloated Tesla pay package, but no one "earns" 13 million dollars in one day (or night). Nothing anyone can do is actually worth that sum of money for one day's effort. Nothing. 3
alphatop32 Posted November 7, 2024 Report Posted November 7, 2024 On 11/7/2024 at 6:47 PM, BootmanLA said: It's not that simple, no, but it's more like: make them feel anxious about their slipping economic status, then tell them it's all because the Democrats are focused on performing gender changes in elementary schools and giving millions in welfare money to illegal immigrants and drug-dealing pimps and the like. Combining their discomfort with (fill in the blank: racial minorities, non-subservient women, LGBTQ people, etc.) and their economic frustrations over not being able to buy a house because the wealthy are hoarding such a huge share of the nation's GDP is a winning tactic. The emotional appeal to their innate prejudices, even if they don't think they're THAT bigoted amplifies the economic message beyond any semblance of reality. No, Musk could not have "earned" 13 million dollars in one night. He might or might not have "made" that much profit on some investment, or as part of his enormously bloated Tesla pay package, but no one "earns" 13 million dollars in one day (or night). Nothing anyone can do is actually worth that sum of money for one day's effort. Nothing. Expand 83 billionaires supported Kamala Harris but you have beef only with Elon! If it was not for double standards the liberals would have no standards. 1 1 2
BootmanLA Posted November 7, 2024 Report Posted November 7, 2024 On 11/7/2024 at 7:03 PM, alphatop32 said: 83 billionaires supported Kamala Harris but you have beef only with Elon! If it was not for double standards the liberals would have no standards. Expand There is no double standard. I do not believe those 83 people should be billionaires, either, even if I agree with their political stances in this election. Try harder. 4
TaKinGDeePanal Posted November 8, 2024 Report Posted November 8, 2024 On 11/7/2024 at 2:51 PM, hntnhole said: Thus, if Snake Scott wants to double-tax S.S. benefits, wouldn't he have to cause the Government to refund at least some of those withholdings as well? Expand Nah - they'll just be funnelled directly into his (and Fart's) pockets. 1
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