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There are too many bottoms? How do you market yourself?

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We hear all the time that there are many more bottoms than tops. Is it true?

A few days ago I went to the local sauna, and between noon and 4pm I sucked dry 4 cocks and in my room I took 3 loads deep in my hole.

There may be more bottoms than tops but I guess many bottoms still, before going home, like fucking and breeding a hole, or getting sucked in the gloryholes. I'm not sure but the fact that there are more bottoms than tops does not affect me as a bottom.

I advertize myself as a BB bottom and do it in a creative way. I leave the door of my room ajar, lights off. The only thing guys going by can see is the glow-in-the-dark sign on my T-shirt: "Cream my Hole". Some guys are turned off and leave as soon as they read the sign. But many are intrigued, and some are very turned on when they realize that there's a "hole" wanting their seed. I like it because when a guy walks into my room I know that he knows that condoms are not allowed. No questions asked.

The best fuck of my 4 hours at the sauna was a guy who was leaving. As he walked by my room and read the sign, without saying a word, he came into my room, undressed, I sucked him and then he turned me around, fucked me for a couple of minutes, shot his load, got dressed and continued his way home. I got his load just because of the sign.

Aparently, there`s something very hot about a slut, an available hole.


There does seem to be more of us bottoms than tops, since I don't mind fucking a nice hole it's not a problem for me. I like to have another bottom fuck me because they generally are better at fucking than most tops. It's up to us bottoms to help each other out. I'll always bend over for a fellow bottom.


The other part of the problem is that bottoms can be pretty insatiable. It's not hard at all for me to bend over and take three guys in quick succession (and I'm pretty tall and usually have to bend my knees to get my ass down to the same height as the top's cock so my legs wear out pretty quick). On the other hand, there's no way in hell I'm going to be able to breed three different bottoms in the same time frame.

For one thing, in most positions the top is doing a lot more work. And, of course there's recovery time between when I shoot and when I'm ready to get hard again and go at it. I'll be honest: when I'm topping quite a bit, I've worked pretty hard to learn how to edge without shooting just so I can get around to enjoying multiple bottoms. If I came in every guy I fucked, I'd be fucking a lot fewer men.

So even if the number of tops is the same as the number of bottoms (and I don't think that's true at all), it's still going to be hard to get all the action you'd like to get. That's the main reason I like encouraging bottoms to cultivate a little versatility. If everyone did that, we'd all get fucked a fair bit more.


I read a statistic that says 1 in 4 gay men is a top. . So, that means there are less tops as a commodity. I do waht I can to sell myself to a top. I let him know I am a man of quality. I let him know I have a willing sex drive. (and that I am a pig). I let him know I am talented and have a hole that is accomodating.

I also, sell myself in the fact that although I am a bottom, (90%), that I am pretty versitile for things beyond just anal-sex. My folks are aging hippies, and raised me to share myself and be free with love and affections. Telling your top, that you will focus on him, and his pleasure and not being a selfish bottom, is important. everyone likes to feel like they are special. I try to treat my tops like they are special to me, because they are. I value a man who wishes to share his raw-cock with me. Most importantly,. . I read. . I read a guys profile, and see how we could work together and find areas of compatability. Talk up the areas you can hit it off. and go from there.


word of mouth. i try really hard to have any top who fuck me come away with an awesome experience -- one of the best fucks of his life. i take no guy, no fuck, no load for granted. Everyone is a gift. And i just cannot be a passive cum receptical. i have worked hard to control my gag reflex and to train my throat muscles to milk that load out of a man. Same thing with my ass muscles. my goal is to help a Top become a "repeat shooter.


I think what helps for me is that I know that guys have preferences. Some guys like extremely masculine guys with body hair, rippling muscles, and an overal manly demeanor, and some guys like the polar opposite. And no matter how hot I may think a guy is, or how much I want to fuck him, or him to fuck me, he may not want me because of his type, but odds are there's probably a guy ill also find attractive who will want me because I AM his type. And when that guy shows up, I just look for common factors in what turns him on to things I like to do, and go from there. He can afford to be pick and choosey, so ill just show him what I've got to offer and how it'll benefit him, and if he goes for it, he goes for it, if not, no big deal, there's always another day, or another guy.


I ask for referrals. It's worked a few times. The best experience I've had with referrals is when I asked one of my regulars for it. He brought 5 of his friends as a present for me, and they all shot their loads in my mouth. In total, I scored 8 loads from the 6 of them. It was a rare privilege though, I'd love for it to happen more often.


I like bottoms who are flexible, and are readily available. If I am horny and just need hole, I like to have a couple bottoms on call at all times and who can easily make time for me. If I want a longer session, I like bottoms who are insatiable and will take all my loads. There does need to be some element of physical attraction, although less so if it is just an anonymous scene. The bottoms just must be willing, reasonably masculine, and such. I live in a rural area on a farm, so there are not as many options. However I have found that the best sex by far is with regular, everyday guys, average joes. They really know how to please!


In a bar, I like signaling that I'm a bottom with my leather armband and wristband, worn on my right arm. I find that tops respond well when a bottom makes it clear from the start that he's looking to get fucked.

  TotalBottom said:
In a bar, I like signaling that I'm a bottom with my leather armband and wristband, worn on my right arm. I find that tops respond well when a bottom makes it clear from the start that he's looking to get fucked.

Brings up a good point. Very few guys seem to go to the bar and flag anymore. Probably because too much of the cruising has moved online (bars are a hell of a lot more boring than they used to be, damn internet!)

Granted the hanky code got completely fucking out of hand there for a bit. But restricting it to some basic colors and bringing it back would be cool. Like bark and light blue, black, red, yellow. Just enough to cover the basics. (And yeah, I do flag when I'm out at the bar still, though I'm one of the few).


MascMountainMan raises an interesting point. Internet cruising is a variation on anonymous sex. Sometimes, being the dumpster in a good pump 'n dump is so satisfying, or going to a totally dark room in a European sex club and just strapping myself onto a fuck bench, blindfolded and taking on all cummers (pardon the pun). Sometimes, however, there's a thrill in the chase, there's joy in flirting and picking up a guy (or being picked up). That's when bars or clubs are really, really wonderful. It is kind of too bad that bards are slipping from our scene.

  Belfast-Bottom said:
The last time I checked RawTOP's poll there were less than 1 in 4 Tops and versaTops on this site. I suspect that is a reasonably accurate reflection of the wider gay scene.

That does rather buy into the old truism that versatile=bottom who won't admit it. If you include the guys who identify as versatile and assume they truly do top more or less as much as they bottom, then you've got about 35-40% of guys here who top on a reasonably regular basis. Still out of balance, but not quite as bad.

Then too, I'd say a fair number of the guys on this board get into chem sex. Regardless of your opinion of the merits of drugs, it's undeniable that many of them keep you from getting or keeping a hardon. T in particular not only often does that but also seems to really make a lot of guys want to bottom. That's probably also true of a lot of the places where pigs get together to hook up.

Regardless, I've often thought of the top vs. bottom thing as kind of artificial, far more so than gay vs. straight (and I think that's kinda artificial too). I've known lots of men who've changed in their top-bottom orientation over the years, myself included.

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