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To all, this my first story and English is not my mother tong. I hope you will enjoy it.


Part 1:

So my name is Jay and until a few days ago I was engaged to Maria, a beautiful women I met at work. We got along quite well, on all topics, from life vision to work, and sex - or so I thought. I have been travelling for work for two weeks abroad. However business workshops meetings ended on the Friday morning, earlier than planned and remaining activities could be done remotely. I took this as an opportunity to surprise Maria back at our apartment with some breakfast and rose in bed, hoping to have an extended sex session - two weeks without fucking her was a log period for me. I changed my flight bookings to land early in the mornings than in the late afternoon to arrange this.

I landed on time the Saturday morning at 7:00 AM, and I hurry to get my lugage. I stopped at a to buy some fresh bread and croissant at the french bakery a block away, to the flower shops on the way. By the time I made my way from the airport to the CIty Center and do my little shopping it was almost 9:00AM. As I intended to surprise her in bed, timing should be fine, as we not early birds...

As I arrive in front of our door, I open the door quietly, enter quietly and closed the door as silent as possible. Our apartment is not that big, one living room, one kitchen, past the doorway and one bedroom / bathroom. I leave my luggage in the doorway and then it hits me : I hear Maria kind of squeaking and some muffled noises. I tell to myself, naughty girl, she is pleasuring herself. Well, I will lend her a hand I tell myself. I strip naked in the kitchen and get closer to our bedroom doorway. As I sneak my face with a lustful smile on my face past the door entrance, my jaw falls to the ground : she is indeed pleasuring herself but not alone... Another man is ramming her... I froze in the doorway in disbelief and I cannot get my eye of her pussy being split by what was quite a big cock... Each time it goes deeper she just moans in ecstasy keeping her eyes closed, while the man is focused on his cock plunging... I notice a weird scorpion tattoo on his cock.

Then the man raised his head and sees me. A grin grows on his face, while keeping his pace, and then it hits me again : fuck this is my boss who sent me on this business trip! I start to boil inside but he then talks to Maria, his eyes locked in mine :

- "You like that ? you like my man meat ?"

- "hmm. yes...", she replied

- "I am sure Jay is not fucking you like that, huh", he dare say while I am yet frozen and kind of mesmerized by what I see...

- "no... please go on, breed me!"

- "Yeah, you want me to breed you ? you want me to knock you up ?" what the fuck was he saying ?!?

- "Yeah cum in me" what the fuck.... not only she cheats on me but she would like to get a child from that moron ?

- " Here comes my seeds bitch! pass it to jay later!" he says, as he just grunt and unload in her, still ramming deep in her.

She comes also and doing so open her eyes and sees me. But instead of being shocked and ashamed, she smiles at me... 

Unable to speak a word, I just go back in the kitchen, get dressed, take my luggage and just go out. I need to leave this place...


Now I need a place to stay for the weekend... I cannot be in the room with her... I need to think, I need to talk...

I call my best friend who lives on the opposite side of the city but he tells me he is in the country side for the weekend with a chick, and tells me we should catch up in the week and just hang up. Fuck...

Desperate, I call my Dad to check if he is here and can lend me his guest room for a few days. After a few ringtones, as I was about to hang up, he answers 

"Hey Jay" he greets, yawning.

"Hay Dad, sorry it seems I wake you up, but I need a favor"

"Sure lad"

"Can I crash in your guest room a few days ? I'll explain after if that is okay".

"Well... I had some plans for the weekend but I will reschedule. Come over! Just enter using your spare key when you arrives, I might still be under the shower". With that he hangs up.

Well, shelter found to think over what happened. 

Edited by Wincheslav
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Part 2

My other friends leave in other cities... Since my bestie is out of town, Dad was the only person left in town I could reach out to.

A few words about Andrews, my dad : he is quite the ladies would dream about I expect, tall, athletic, smart... well ladies actually men as he is openly gay... I never knew my mom. she left him, and me along, when she found him with another man in bed a few days after I was born... and he was always supportive, during childhood and college, helping me to do the right choices...not influencing me but rather asking the right questions about my feelings, what I wanted to do for a living later... So kind of good. Though, I am not fully at ease while talking about sex with him... I always felt awkward about it...

I arrive in front of his house, and as told, just enter and I yell ""Dad, I am in"... As I say this, I see him coming out of the corridor leading the night part, with just a towel around the waist, still not fully dry from the shower:

- "Hey Son! sorry I lost the track of time with a twink that stayed overnight, so I am just out of the shower" he bluntly said.

- "Well, no worries, I hope I am not intruding".

- "No, I kicked him out 10 minutes ago, well settle in the guest room, while I get dressed and then we can talk about what you want to do while you are here"

I just nodded as approval and disappeared from the entrance and just drop my suitcase in the guest room and just crashed on the bed... And it all came down to me a once and started to cry in the pillow...

"Hey Jay, what happened", Dad said as appearing in the door frame.

Unable to speak for now, I turn my back to him...

"Okay... I leave you alone here, I am in the kitchen preparing lunch when you want. No pressure"

Even in these situation, he seems understandable and empathic...  I try to get my shit together. As I look at the alarm clock, it is now almost noon... Time flies I guess. I hear some metal noises coming from the kitchen, and smells.

I get out of the room, eyes still red, and get to the kitchen : "How may I help ?" I asked my father.

"Please, set the table, then you open that bottle of wine and serve two glasses of wine. That should be ready in a minute".

I execute silently what I am being told and just sit on the chair waiting for the food, when he comes with it :

"here we go, some simple pasta with red pesto." He serves me and him and asked "So do you want to talk about it?"

"That tastes good Dad". I replied... ignoring the question... I am not ready I expect... I empty my wine in one go. "This also tastes good by the way!"

"Well sure it does, but easy on it... well ..." he paused "you can stay as long as you want, you know, you are always welcome here, and when you are ready to share with me your burden, know that I will be here!"

"Thanks dad... but right know, I think I just need to enjoy the meal and get some rest... I am a bit jetlag from my business trip... and other stuff"

"Alright... as you wish. I will moan the lawn and then get a swim I think..."

Alright. as I finished my plate I got up and went to sleep... In the afternoon, I heard the mower while resting.... then some splashes... well swimming that could be relaxing with what happened... But I not have my swimsuits... As I go out in the garden, I see my dad swimming.

"Hey Dad, can I borrow one of your swimsuit, I have none with me ?"

"Sure you can, or you do like me and just swim naked" and then I realize that he was indeed fully naked... It has been a long time I think... Last time was a furtive moment between the bathroom and his bed room... "Come on don't be shy!"

I started to strip shyly "Alright"and hiding my scrotch behind my hands, I get into the water.. "God that feels good. I think that is what I needed".

"Is that so ? "he asked with a intriguing smile on his face

"Yes... you have no idea what happened..." I replied seriously

"Well I might have an idea according to what you said so far and your attitude, but please enlighten me" he said encouragingly.

"Well I discovered Maria was cheating on me" I said looking down... expecting some answer but no, just a hum hum, like he is expecting more... "I run into them this morning fucking in our bed while I wanted to surprise here by being home earlier than expected". "Oh... that explain the shock then" "not only... she kind of begged him to breed her, to knock her up, he and his fucking scorpion dick. just did." I answered angrily...

"Sorpion dick you say ?"

"not the part I would have catch but yes he had a scorpion tattoo on his penis"...

"Alright Son, are you aware of what that means" ?

"well she wants to a child with him!!" I expect

"Hum, well this could be something else.... Is it a kind of scorpion like this ? " he asked as he emerged from water to have his torso outside and pointing to his chest where I noticed for the first time my Dad has tattoos.

"Yes, definitely looks similar, but you are not a scorpio, Dad"

"Well I am, but not astrologically speaking... I am HIV positive, and this tattoo implies that when I penetrate, my dick is like a stink" my dad said without any restraint.

I am completely in disbelief, my dad announces he is HIV positive... "wait what ? and how would you know that would mean the same thing here ?"

"Well, the tattoos, the words used are likely to some chasing / gifting situation, Son. As per my situation, well do not worry about. I am fine."

"Fuck. fuck fuck" was all I could say. "Does that mean that Maria could also be ? and so am I then ?"

"that could be a possibility, indeed. For maria, it even seems she wanted it..."

"But could this be even possible  to desire this ?"

"Well Son, this is the mystery, but trust me a lot do and sometimes more than you think, and the closer you are to fuck with a positive person, the more likely you are to sooner or later desire to be positive as well. Trust me on that. That twink that stayed overnight is an example... he knew I was positive, that I do not use condom and that I will gift him with my seed and he came for that. Seems Maria discovered something in her desires... you could not satisfy"

I stayed in disbelief with what my own father just said... Not only I learn he is HIV positive, but he seems to share it with fuck buddies... I look at him as he gets out of water and sit on the edge of the pool and I gasp... I can see a second tattoo : a biohazard one on his belly, just above his dick... and what a dick... I thought mu boss one I catch a glimpse on this morning was big.. but this one.... how can it be possible ... it is about 6 to 7 inch flacid and there is a kind of piercing on the cockhead...

... to be continued...

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Wow great start here and in a very interesting way. I'm looking forward to the next chapter. 

Looks like Jay might be starting the next chapter of his life too. He may be shocked now but I'm sure he is going to like it . And the Dad will too.

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This is excellent! I hope the Dad poz his only son. Share his miracle gift of hiv from his cock to his son pussy!

On 2/22/2025 at 6:11 PM, JustAFrecklyWriter said:

This is a great story! And your english is fine, especially considering it’s not your first language. Although I have to say I laughed out loud at “moan” the lawn—the image was hilarious 😂

The reason he laughed at that is that “moan” means a kind of grown. The past tense of “mow” is “mown”, which sounds the same but is spelled differently. English spelling is a nightmare!  

great story, by the way. 


BRILLIANT 👍👍. LOVE where the possibilities can take this story. Great Writing & your talent for story telling is very obvious. Your action is exactly what ALL OF US are looking for: HOT SEX 🍆💪♨️

Can't wait to continue with all your following installments 😍😍😍😍

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2 minutes ago, Erik62 said:

BRILLIANT 👍👍. LOVE where the possibilities can take this story. Great Writing & your talent for story telling is very obvious. Your action is exactly what ALL OF US are looking for: HOT SEX 🍆💪♨️

Can't wait to continue with all your following installments 😍😍😍😍

I'll second that!!!!


Part 3

I could not believe what I just heard nor what I see... until I hear my name "Jay ?!? Jay ?!? are you alright ?" Dad asked with a semi-concerned, semi-amused look...

"euh yeah sorry... but I mean that are quite revelations..." I said, alternating between my dads face and his impressive enhanced manhood...

"Revelations ? which ones ? That I am HIV positive ? the possible explanations about what you see and heard this morning ..." he replied before adding with a pause and smile "or is the revelation my body ?"

...Wtf was he saying ? i though to myself, but in the meantime, I was kind of lost my composure as I kind of realize that I cannot get my eyes out of his pierced-dick. "euh sorry Dad, I think that is the first time I see you naked, and well, you are well endowed... and this is weird to have a piercing there... so I would say that that would the three of them..." I admitted

Dad chuckled... "well that is the effect of every gay guy around me while I am naked..." he added, and then he stood up on the edge of the pool. I kept my eyes on him as he raises his body, his pendulous dong in front of his low-hanging balls... wait did he just gay guys ? I am not gay... and yet again I hear my name...

"Jay ? wouhou Jay ? are you hypnotized by the pendulum or what ?" my dad joked... "It is getting late... I will start preparing dinner. And if want to talk, ask any question, feel free to do so. I will answer as clearly as I can!

"heu okay... let me help you then". I replied, dad entering the house naked, letting the towel he used to dry himself on the bench. I get out of the pool and grab a towel, noticing my semi-erect cock.. fuck... what is that ? Is it thinking about Maria getting fucked ? that cannot be seeing my father dong... and with the last thought I feel it stirring up more... nah that cannot be as I wrapped a towel around my waist and headed to the house.

As I entered the house, I notice dad was already preparing the meal. He apparently stayed naked, as I could see his bare back and pieces of his balls and dong between his legs, while he has just an apron on... He calls me in, as I about to reply that I will get dressed first, he just comment that there is no need to be shy... he usually wanders naked in the house, so I can the same... Well I am not sure if I am comfortable with that though, so I decide to stay as I am, naked with my towel around the waist.

We prepare dinner, silently, which is a bit awkward. As we are bout to finish I set the table and sit. Dad finishes the cooking and comes up with dressed plates. He serves wine again and break the silence with a genuine smile : "So Son, enjoy dinner ! my previous offer remains on the table as well ".

"Well, about you status, I mean are you ok ? I expect with meds everything is fine now, right ?"

"Kind of you to care about your old man health! Well, I only take them when I feel I need when situation is going out of control, which can happen now and then, but besides this no I am off meds, first because the undesired effects of these and it feels like I am tied to an invisible post."

I feel speechless hearing that at first as I heard Dad speaking casually and eating... "But is it not dangerous ? I mean, this is s good for you... and others... I mean you mentioned earlier that you have encounters with guys, so if you are not on meds, you would give it to them, right ? Is it not a bit insane ? sorry for my words Dad but I cannot grasp the idea..." I finally add, while my dad seems to readjust himself under the table...

"Well... good to hear that you are caring for your old man's health, but I am tested regularly, and we decide with my doctor when it is required to go back on meds. But then when I am not,, yes, I give it to others. But as I told you in the pool, some men are actually coming to me to get it... they want it, they beg for it... so rather than saying it is insane, I would prefer to hear that you do not understand... Actually, let me tell you how I got positive in the first place" while I hear replying, I feel uncomfortable as I judged him, but feel eager to learn more about my father's life, which appears I do not know that well... "So about twenty years ago - yes that is a long time ago - I met a guy I fell in love with. Fact is I was pretty monogamous back then and though that was the same for him... but once he fell sick pretty bad. Result came back that he got HIV and I did not - was quite lucky though... We went back on using condoms because we did not want me to catch it... but god that was so disappointing not feeling the skin on skin, to feel him filling me - oh come on Son, do not be such a prude and looked at me that way, I bet you also loved breeding Maria! -  so we actually planed to get me positive so we would be free from these constraints. We fucked bare like crazy every where every time we could. A month later, I was tested positive, as I saw sick as I never was... but he took care of me"

I was under some sock which hearing Dad story... "wow.. and who was this guy ? I mean I never met him... ? I asked curious.

"Oh well, he is doing well, but he parted away six month later... but we still fuck each other from time to time, just the two of user or with others - you know the more the merrier!"

"Well you are quite blunt about that... and since then you fucked others without condoms ?" I surprise myself by looking for more details... I do not know where this discussion would lead...

"Well yes I fucked bare since then indeed, and shared my gift with whoever wanted it..." he replied as we finished our plates... "You become quite curious all of sudden... sorry I have nothing for desert for tonight, but we can go do some shopping tomorrow" he said. At that moment the door bell rang "Oh, sorry? I think I forgot to cancel an 'appointment'..." he said winking at me. "Okay, well let me talk to the guy at the door... " he started before I interrupted him, seeing an opportunity to stop this conversation for now.

"No no Dad. I came unannounced. Do not cancel everything for me. I will just go on my room and watch some movie while you do your thing..." I said. He was surprised, tried to argue but I stayed firm on position. I cleared out the table while I can hear him opening the door and chatting to a guy there. As I passed by to go the guest room, Dad was making out with him already... fuck this guy seems to be about my age... and my Dad was having a raging boner tenting the apron... It looked even more impressive than earlier by swimming pool... I sneaked out to my room by saying to my Dad, "well enjoy, I will rest in my room".

While I closed the door, I heard the guy saying to my dad that we could have a threesome... but the more astonishing was Dad replying that it would have be up to me to decide and that his son in the right mood to do so now... what the fuck was that answer... Normal one would have been obfuscated because I am his son...

I crashed on the bed, the towel still around the table while I started to hear muffled noised from my dad's room. And I could not stop thinking about the morning situation, me being almost naked here and the display of my dad's manhood during the afternoon and by stiffening cock by then... The more I think about it the more I hear the sound from the next room. "oh god, please fuck me with your pole!" I hear the guy begging, and Dad replying "Sure I will! I will breed your cunt!" and I heard some kind of scream "fuck you're big... " "Yeah, that is just the tip, here comes my full length" and the guy to scream... Fuck I was having a boner like I never had... I was excited hearing my dad fucking that dude about my age in the next room... I opened the towel to free my dick, and I could see string of precum from cockhead to the towel... fuck that was a long time ago I was that excited.

"God please fuck me..." I hear the man begging while some sounds of heavy thrusting and moaning came across the wall... "Yeah I will breed you good!" "Yeah ? please fill me up!" "You know what is coming with it right ?" "Yes I do" "Beg for it then" I was mesmerized but what I was hearing... that was insane and at the same time I could be feel my cock throbbing "Yeah please poz me!" I hear the guy begging, while with a grunt I heard dad "Year take my poz seed boy!", at the same moment I realized he probably cum in the guy, I come all over me, ropes after ropes on my chest, some landing on my face... fuck this never happened before... "I hope your son was sleeping" "Yeah sure he was... if not well maybe he enjoyed the noise - who knows" I heard dad replying "now, get dressed and out but if you want a recharge you know where to find me!" with that I heard the door of my dad room then the house one and the house suddenly felt quiet, while I rest there in the afterglow of my solo-orgasm, enable to move and slowly drifting into sleep, my cum drying on me.

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On 2/22/2025 at 8:11 AM, JustAFrecklyWriter said:

This is a great story! And your english is fine, especially considering it’s not your first language. Although I have to say I laughed out loud at “moan” the lawn—the image was hilarious 😂

True ! it seems to be inconscious missed action, as I actually looked for the proper translation, as I was aware "Moan" was not the good word... but still I used the wrong word... :D

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