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There he was. It was actually him. I couldn’t believe it. Twenty years on, and we were at the same event. Maybe at some level it was not surprising given I had heard he had also gone into finance, but our paths had not crossed since we graduated and nor had we contacted each other at all. Furthermore, he looked good. Yes, he had aged a bit, but he was otherwise so much like he had been back then. Fucking handsome, and his body looked muscular and lean under his amazingly well-fitted suit.

I wondered what his life had been like since then.  Was he married? Was he even straight? It seemed quite likely that he would have followed the same path I had, meeting a woman, marrying, starting a family, and all that. It was almost expected of guys like us, and certainly those going from being top athletes at university on into the macho world of corporate finance. But maybe not? Did I actually want to find out?

We were both studs back then. Sounds like I’m gloating, but I knew that I was popular, people thought I was good looking, I worked out so much that I had a rocking body, and I left quite the trail of girlfriends behind me when I went off to uni. He seemed to have trod a similar path, and we were both quite alpha male types (without being misogynist dicks about it) when we met. But our playful jostling for dominance had led to something else, and for most of the three years at uni we were secretly fucking. It was usually a quick affair, sometimes with one of us staying in the other's room and then sneaking out before dawn, and even sometimes a tryst in the woods or the uni gym toilets. However, weekends away together under the concoted story of family visits had happened occasionally, and on the two uninterrupted nights we would get together on those trips, we were more than just guys who fucked. But I knew, as I’m sure he did too, that it wouldn’t go on any longer than graduation. Maybe we weren’t quite expecting the complete and sudden halt that seemed to become our reality, but there we go.

Truth be told, during our time together I was mostly the bottom. Sometimes he wanted to be penetrated, but more often than not it was me who ended up gaping and full of cum. There was just something about him that triggered a kind of submissiveness in me, a need to be dominated, but without it being too extreme. We seemed to naturally find this sort of understanding where we were both expressing something within us, but things never got pushed. He didn’t tie me up, order me around or anything like that, it was more that him mounting and sliding inside me seemed to satisfy some need of mine that had been bubbling under. Not necessarily homosexual desire, though I have always known that was there, but rather a need to not be so “alpha” all the time.

Having to build up my name and reputation from scratch in the corporate world had maybe done that job for much of the intervening years. The alpha stud rank I had enjoyed throughout school and university meant nothing once I entered the real world, and I had to learn a bit of humility and work bloody hard to get anywhere for the first time in my life. But in my early 40s, with my career where it was, I was The Man again. Perhaps it was therefore no surprise that I was feeling restless and unsatisfied, needing something else than my life was offering. Maybe it was also reaching the beginnings of middle age, and having gone so long without that kind of contact, my suppressed desires for men were starting to become more obvious to me. I had not acted on it, but on business trips I was finding myself watching bi or gay porn in hotel rooms at night, and remembering with a growing hunger what it was like to be taken.

But in that ballroom, seeing the only man I had ever actually been with, something stirred within me. Well, to be honest, my hole twitched. But my brain went into overdrive. Memories. Feelings. Desires. Fears. Hopes. Everything. If I had run into him ten years earlier I might have panicked, scared that this secret part of my life and personality was going to be outed, but timing is everything. I wanted him, or indeed any man. Without there being any pushback from my conscience, perhaps influenced by several glasses of expensive champagne, I seemed to decide that my two decades of monogamy was going to end that night.

I stealthily watched him for some time while I half engaged in conversations with other people, until the moment I saw him make his excuses and walk away from the group he was with towards one of the doors into the building’s foyer. I let him go, then made my own excuses and followed. As I got into the foyer and looked around, I caught a glimpse of him exiting through the revolving doors at the far end so I hurried after him. Once at the door I could see him standing outside by the pavement with his back to me, so I paused and took a deep breath before heading outside as well. I walked up beside him just as he lit a cigarette.

“You look good” he said, without even glancing in my direction.

“You too” I replied.

“You want one?” he asked, holding the pack of Marlboros in my direction as he turned to face me.

“Er, sure” I said, reaching out to take what would be my first cigarette in 15 years. I put it in my mouth, and then leaned in so he could light it for me. I took a deep inhale, and then savoured the rush as it hit me.

“You’re married” he said.

“Yes” I replied. “You?”

“Nearly was” he said. “But saw sense and backed out.”

“Oh” I replied. “Not the woman for you?”

“Her being a woman was the problem” he said, smirking.

“Oh” I said again. “So you’re…”

“Yep” he replied.

“Oh” I said, for the third time.

He grinned at me, before taking a deep inhale of his cigarette. I followed suit while I processed.

“Not got a boyfriend, if that’s what you’re wondering” he said.

I nodded, exhaling. We then stood in silence for a moment.

“So how about we ditch this and go fuck?” he asked, out of the blue. I was just inhaling from the cigarette again, and started coughing in surprise which got a laugh out of him.

“Had any action since me?” he asked while I tried to recover.

“No” I croaked, “not like that anyway.”

“Fair enough” he said. “But from the way you’ve been leering at me for the last hour, I know you want it.”

“I, er”… I stammered.

He chortled, before taking a final inhale of his cigarette and stubbing it out on the bin next to him.

“Come on” he said, “go and have a family emergency or something so we can go back to my hotel for a reunion.”

“I’m in a hotel too” I said. “Got meetings tomorrow, and the work Christmas do tomorrow night. If I have a family emergency it’s going to be suspect if I turn up in the office tomorrow.”

“Fine” he said. “Then think of something else. But my cock is going up your arse tonight, come what may.”

With that, he marched back inside, and I could see through the glass that he had headed for the toilets. I took a last deep inhale from the cigarette, stubbed it out on the bin and then paused for a moment. I racked my brain, and then came up with a yarn about my daughter having had a nightmare and insisting on her daddy reading her a bedtime story over the phone, and then went back inside to make my apologies.  I eventually got myself out of there, and once I had collected my bag and coat I headed back out onto the street where Dean was waiting. He smiled at me, but before I could say anything he turned towards the road and waved down a black cab. We piled in, and then sat in silence for the short ride to his hotel. Once there, he marched me up to the enormous suite he was staying in.

“Drink?” he asked, opening the minibar.

“Whisky” I said, with a little shake in my voice.

He grabbed a couple of bottles out of the fridge, emptied them into glasses, and then handed me the one containing whisky. He then turned and headed for some balcony doors, and strode outside onto what was really just a narrow ledge with a railing. I followed him out there, and accepted one of the two cigarettes he had just lit.

“Cheers” he said, clinking his glass against mine.

“Cheers” I replied, before necking the glass of whisky in one go.

“Getting yourself some Dutch Courage” he said, smirking.

“I need it” I responded, not actually sure if I was being truthful. Twenty years, and yet I suddenly felt at ease being there with him on that balcony.

He necked his own drink, took a deep inhale from his cigarette and then rested it on an ashtray on the floor, before darting back inside the using the phone to order a bottle of champagne on room service. He then emptied another couple of small bottles from the minibar into the glasses and came back outside.

“So no man action at all then?” he asked me, after we had clinked glasses again.

“None” I said. “Met Sarah on the grad programme at EY, and have been with her ever since.”

“Well, congratulations” he said. “But the fact you’re here right now tells me things aren’t perfect.”

I paused for a while, taking in the view and gathering my thoughts, before I responded.

“I guess we’re happy” I said. “I mean, we have three great kids, a nice house, and lots of friends.”

“But?” he asked, after I had paused again.

“But, I think maybe I’m just playing a role” I said. “Doing what’s expected of me, I guess.”

“Are you gay?” he asked, startling me with the directness of the question.

“No, no” I said, before stopping. “But, well, I guess I’m not straight either. And…”

I trailed off into silence, but this time he didn’t push and just waited for me to resume talking.

“The thing is” I continued, “I’ve never stopped thinking about how it made me feel being with you, and lately it’s been on my mind a lot.”

“You mean what it was like to be fucked?” he asked.

“Yeah, I guess so” I said. “I think maybe it was better than anything I’ve had with Sarah.”

He gave a little chuckle.

“I think” he said, “that regardless of which way you swing, the reality is that you’re a bottom. A very repressed bottom, but a bottom nonetheless.”

It startled me hearing him be so blunt about it, but I guess I knew it was the truth. I had used my career, my marriage, fatherhood and everything else under the sun to try to quell that need, but it was there all along. I was a bottom. I am a bottom. I want to be fucked.

We stood in silence as we smoked the last of our cigarettes, and just after stubbing them out a knock at the room door indicated the next round of drinks had arrived. We went back inside, me instinctively stepping out of sight of the door as Dean went to open it. He appeared again a moment later with two glasses and the bucket of champagne, which he plonked down on the room’s small table. However, he didn’t open it, and instead turned and walked over to me. I immediately began to quiver as he stood in front of me, reached up with his hand to cup my cheek, and then leaned in and planted his lips on mine. After briefly freezing, I allowed myself to melt into the kiss as our tongues intertwined, his stubble against my face being both an odd sensation but strangely, gloriously familiar.

We kissed for a while, before he pulled away and looked into my eyes.

“I’m going to pop open that champagne, and then it’s time to pop you open again after far too long” he said, smiling warmly at me in a way that made me melt even more.

“OK” I whispered.

“You know” he said, as he walked back to the table and started stripping the foil off the top of the bottle, “it was touch and go with me even being at this thing tonight. Only just got over the worst flu of my life.”

With that, he popped the cork off the bottle, poured out two glasses, then walked back over to me and handed me one.

“To rekindled friendship and bottoming for England” he said, smiling as he clinked my glass with this.

“To that” I said, smiling back at him.

We each took a couple of sips, and then he took my glass back off me and placed both of them on the bedside table I was standing beside.

“Now” he said, “let’s change your life.”

If only I had known just how deeply that change would go…

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'Just over the worst flu', 'change your life ' mixed with 20 years of closet even to himself  ... this bottom is  'in for it ' .... just how naïve will he be? I can't wait for the next installment. 

Posted (edited)
3 hours ago, Mysteryman10 said:

Great Start -me thinks the Naive bottom will get pozzed tonight.....

👍👍TOTALLY Agree. I'm excited to see where chunkychains takes this. There are so many directions but, they are going to be 2 poz lovers, for life, I bet. 

Edited by Erik62
  • Thanks 1
11 hours ago, chunkychains said:

“You know” he said, as he walked back to the table and started stripping the foil off the top of the bottle, “it was touch and go with me even being at this thing tonight. Only just got over the worst flu of my life.”

Now I wonder what could have caused that?🤣. Does he genuinely think it was just the flu? Or does he!!!. Look forward to next chapter.

  • Piggy 1

I think Dean knows he just got over the fuck flu. Very interesting story so far. I think Dean plans on Pozzing his friend and freeing him to start his life over again. It's going to be an amazing ride for him. 

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1 hour ago, cman54 said:

I think Dean knows he just got over the fuck flu. Very interesting story so far. I think Dean plans on Pozzing his friend and freeing him to start his life over again. It's going to be an amazing ride for him. 

It had better be because I'm already 0dreaming of the two lovers & their poz adventures together 🤣🤣🤣

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5 hours ago, shinelover said:

Excellent start. I love the whole mood, too. It definitely makes me want more 😁

Couldn’t agree more @shinelover - we all want more - more of this story and more cock and much more cum! 😈💦💦💦

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