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My brother Tom pulled me into the dark corner "What are you doing here, Tag? I told you not to follow me." Tom seemed angry and I wasn't sure why.

I knew he and his friends were going to party tonight and I usually tagged along, that was how I'd earned the nickname, Tag. So when Tom had told me I couldn't come tonight I took matters into my own hands and FaceTimed Griff, his best friend, and asked him to take me. He'd grinned a devilish grin before saying "Sure kid, I'll pick you up too. Don't tell him though, it'll be our little secret." 

Griff and Tom had been best friends their whole live's and I'd always  been the kid brother. Things were different now though and it made be feel anxious. They were college sophomores, going to school in the city and I was still trapped in our no name town as the clocks at school ticked down my senior year. I wanted to join them in the city next year. 

Before they'd always let me tag along, drink beer with them and their jock bros but something shifted this year. Now, they came home less and less. When they did they kept to themselves and it was like there was a wall I couldn't get through. It was more then parties too even when Tom was home it was like his mind was elsewhere. 

I'd confronted Tom about it. He told me it was for my own good that I stay away from them. But now it was Christmas break and they were home, I thought maybe it would go back to normal but it didn't.  The holiday was uneventful and now on December 26th they were bailing on our town and driving into the city for a party. A party I wouldn't have known about if i hadn't overhead Tom on the phone.

When he got off the call I begged him to take me. "No, Tag." he said firmly.

"Why? Why don't you want me around you anymore?"

"I'm doing this for your own good. There must be some high school parties for you around her, go to those. Go to the movies, fuck a chick. I don't care what you do- but you aren't coming with us."

Tom wanted to leave me behind again? Not a chance. The thought of being left behind was unacceptable. That's why I reached out to Griff, I had to join them. I'd had beers and pot with them before, I could handle tonight too. Whatever they were up to. Couldn't I?

I was nervous waiting for Griff a block away from my house. He was going to pick me up first, hide me in the trunk of his CR-V before then going and picking up Tom for the drive into the city.

The drive into the city was uneventful. Anytime Tom went to say something about the party Griff changed the conversation, almost as if he didn't want me to know what I was in for. I kept quiet in the back and Tom was oblivious to my presence.

When we got there the doors opened and they got out. The doors slammed and they were gone. I was to wait until Griff came to get me. I did, slowly removing the blanket from on top of me and looking around. The street we were on looked a little sketchy, we were definitely in the city. Twenty minutes went by. Where the fuck was he? Finally the trunk door popped open and Griff led me in to an unmarked building on a city street.

"This isn't like the other parties, Tag. Those were high school parties. Just remember you asked to come. I think you'll like it though. Tom didn't want this for you but I know better. I know you're one of us, you always have been." Griff explained to me as he slung an arm around my shoulder. What was he talking about? Whatever it was it made me feel good to hear him include me.

We had walked up five flights. Now a door was in front of us, one of the steel doors on a track, Griff slid it open and my whole life changed...

*End of Part 1...

(this will be a series, a slow burn but worth the wait)

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