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Everything posted by rawTOP

  1. I’ll unblock Texas soon… A judge has put the law on hold. https://www.xbiz.com/news/276449/judges-blocks-texas-government-from-enforcing-controversial-age-verification-law
  2. Texas has been blocked! BTW, the state is so bad even Republicans don't like it… https://www.lgbtqnation.com/2023/08/gay-former-trump-official-shocked-by-republican-partys-latest-anti-lgbtq-move/
  3. The other sites (including chat) have been migrated. Only email services remain to be migrated.
  4. The problems were related to the fact that the firewall on the old server blocked access by the new server. That seemed to be the source of the issues since it was sending emails through the mail software on the old server.
  5. AFAIK, the only way in which the severs are talking to each other right now is for the sending of email notifications. The configured SMTP server points to the old server. But that DNS setting hasn't changed and the config settings have an appropriate user name & password. Which reminds me - have any of you gotten email notifcations since the migration? Or not gotten ones you were expecting?
  6. Are you sure it was a 504, not 503? Restart your browser and If it happens again, let me know.
  7. The migration is done. Post any NEW problems here. Chat is still on the old server. So I'm expecting problems with that. It won't be able to confirm your session cookie, so chat may be broken until Monday when the rest of my sites move to the new server.
  8. It looks like the server migration will happen today after all (any moment now). You'll get a Error 503 message during the migration to make sure no one posts anything that doesn't get migrated.
  9. Just a reminder - Texas will go back to being blocked within a week.
  10. Breeding Zone is moving from a server in Miami to a much faster, more energy efficient server outside of Detroit. The migration will start sometime between 2-3 Eastern. I'll probably put up a error/warning page so you don't post/upload during the migration. AFTER the migration is over post any new problems that may be caused by the migration to this thread. Do not post long-standing issues, or post problems before the migration.
  11. They exist, but they're cost prohibitive for sites like this one - which makes them unconstitutional. Then there's the issue of the validator knowing too much about you which violates your privacy. There is a double blind solution in the works, but it's not ready yet. Hopefully it won't be cost prohibitive.
  12. Well, this is complicated… Virginia Democrats voted for the age verification bill in exchange for taking homophobic language out of a different bill. https://www.xbiz.com/news/276065/virginia-democrats-admit-to-trading-off-their-age-verification-votes-for-unrelated-bill If your in VA it might be good to write your state senator to say that was a bad deal.
  13. ALL of these bills are framed as "Protect the children", so not voting for them allows people to assume you don't care about kids and aren't sympathetic to the problems of parents. The issue is that there are real problems with kids and the Internet. Good/decent solutions are in the works (kinda) but they're not far enough along that reasonable politicians know about them and can point to them. They don't want to get to the next election and have their opponent say "yes, the bill I supported has problems, but at least I was willing to do SOMETHING, my opponent wasn't willing to do ANYTHING!"
  14. Bloomberg is usually pretty good but that map is beyond useless... Louisiana isn't on the map because they passed it last year. It's trivial to introduce a bill. Whether it gets out committee is more interesting. And the substance of the bill is critical. California passed one a couple years ago - but it's not one anyone seems worried about. At the end of the day, the problem bills are pushed by Republicans, even if they get Democratic votes. WHO YOU VOTE FOR MATTERS!!
  15. Now is the time to talk to your sex-friendly primary care provider about DoxyPEP - which prevents syphilis infection.
  16. It has nothing to do with your browser. The block is based on your IP.
  17. The rules have changed. See this thread...
  18. Thanks to an appeals court decision I'm relaxing the policy on escorting a little... https://www.politico.com/news/2023/07/07/court-upholds-fosta-first-amendment-00105260 Still NOT allowed - “aiding and abetting” prostitution, so... Escort profiles Links to / discussions of escort sites Suggestions someone pay you for sex, or that you want to pay for sex Encouraging someone to pay or get paid for sex. Now ALLOWED... General discussions of safety issues when hiring / being hired for sex Fictional references to escorting Mentioning that you paid or were paid for sex Discussion of why you escort or pay for escorts (done without violating the NOT list) Anything before 2018
  19. I can't imagine a day when NY will be affected. VPNs make things load more slowly. It helps if the VPN POP is near or on the way to the server you're loading.
  20. I've disabled the block for TX since that law isn't in effect yet. BUT come 9/1, it will be put back. In some cases it's unclear whether any age verification solution will actually protect the site legally. The device-based solutions don't exist yet. when they do I'll probably implement them here since thy should be inexpensive. In the meantime paysites are making their tours PG-13 and using paid services to verify paying customers in affected states.
  21. Most of the laws exempt sites with <33% adult content.
  22. The site will be moving to a server outside of Detroit soon, so pick Detroit or Toronto for best performance.
  23. It’s Male Prime, not Male Porn. That’s my “SFW” erotica site. You haven’t given me enough detail to help you. There are no states near NY that are blocked. Which means your ISP is giving you a IP address that was previously (fairly recently) used in a blocked state. The ads on this site barely cover hosting costs, so I don’t pay for the more accurate/up-to-date geoIP service. You do mention “links”. Is the problem only when you click on a link? Which links exactly? But honestly I don’t see how you can access this site, but have a problem with links.
  24. The lack of warning is mostly because I had a stroke 8 weeks ago and am struggling to get even the basics done. The only thing I’m even kinda doing properly right now is therapy. Male Prime has no explicitly pornographic images and no videos, which is why I redirect there. (It’s an erotica site which mentions porn, not a porn site). Serving any content to kids under 13 is legally complicated, hence the warning.
  25. UPDATE JULY 2024… The list of states is growing. It's now (alphabetical order)… Arkansas Idaho Kansas Kentucky (goes into effect July 14, but blocked now) Louisiana (started the trend) Mississippi Nebraska (goes into effect July 18, but blocked now) North Carolina Montana Texas Utah Virginia (a problem because a lot of DC Metro IPs are registered in Northern Virginia) And at least 6 more red states will be blocked in the next year… Alabama, October 1, 2024 Oklahoma, November 1, 2024 Florida, January 1, 2025 South Carolina, January 1, 2025 Tennessee, January 1, 2025 Georgia, July 1, 2025 And yes, other than purple Virginia, ALL red states… If you live near the border of one of these states it can affect you too depending on how your ISP allocates and registers their IP addresses. Two important take-aways… VOTE, VOTE, VOTE!! Your rights are under attack, and voting is the way to fix it. And vote Democratic! I don't care if Biden is showing signs of decomposition - these blocks are the work of Republicans, it's important we get out the vote for the Democrats. I know Biden is FAR FAR from perfect, but you're voting for more than him - you're voting for the judges that will hear the appeals for these laws. If you're financially able, please give money to the Free Speech Coalition - they're the organization who's primarily fighting these laws - both in court and in legislatures. Most recently they got Indiana's law put on hold just a couple of days before it was supposed to go into effect. And now for the original post… -------------- Thanks to the American Taliban passing anti-porn laws, 7 states are now blocked from accessing this site. While the Democrats sadly are voting for these laws, they are the brainchild of the GOP. If you voted Republican - this is on you... https://www.defendonlineprivacy.com/
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