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Everything posted by rawTOP

  1. These are the members I have on the beta tester list at the moment. @anoncumdumpsub @hornyguyindc @Boinxdoor19 @JimInWisc @EricX @PG1961Canada @phukhole @Blake @ricohio @thejadoman (plus the moderators) Let me know if you think your name should be on that list and I've messed something up.
  2. @phukhole - you've been changed to a beta tester.
  3. Since there seems to be a theme here - I'm NOT looking for cumdumps, I'm looking for beta testers. This isn't just about Cumdump Network. This won't necessarily get your cumdump ad listed any faster.
  4. @anoncumdumpsub - you're all set up. And setting you up taught me a bit more about how GMail addresses work…
  5. @ricohio you've also been changed to beta tester.
  6. You're both changed to beta testers. Thanks for being willing to help.
  7. The MPOX state of public health emergency looks like it will come to an end in late January… https://apple.news/AgZMuvCU1TbGMMwJ8r-Cp-Q While there are still a few random cases (and you should get vaccinated if you haven't already), it's good to see this is finally behind us.
  8. The two major sponsoring organizations are IAVI (which sponsored the trial above) and HVTN. The HVTN site is particularly good at explaining how to get into a trail. A whole section of their site is dedicated to that. Start by looking at their Study Clinics page and find the study center nearest you. Once you have the name of the center, Google it and you'll usually find a list of studies they're participating in and sign-up pages for the ones that are enrolling participants. If you don't see sign-up pages, call them and ask questions. And regarding "people outside the US or who don't live near a major metro area" a big issue in vaccine research is the tendency to only study familiar groups. As a result most studies try to have at least one location in somewhere different - like Africa or Asia. They just need to show that the results in the non-standard group mirror the results in "the usual suspects" to say the findings should be generally true for all populations of people. But yeah, major urban areas with lots of gay men (and others in the queer community) are the best places to do HIV vaccine research since you can recruit a lot of folks quickly and easily.
  9. Gizmodo did an article on the vaccine and it's much more readable / understandable than the articles I quoted above… https://apple.news/A4K_MQR-JTCCsqc0DbGNsYg [And just a reminder - posting fringe conspiracy theories about COVID or whatever will earn you infractions. We don't tolerate statements that contradict the vast majority of scientific findings - especially when it could impact someone's health/life.]
  10. I've changed your user group to Beta Testers. Nothing to do quite yet, but hopefully soon… And thanks for volunteering! Not being an expert user is useful too since you're probably like most of the guys on the site.
  11. @PG1961Canada You've been put into the beta test group. Thanks! Not sure there's much to do quite yet, but…
  12. BTW, I loosened things up a week or two ago and New Members can now send a small number of messages. But it's still quite limited. But at least it's not zero! If that proves to create problems then I'll put it back. I didn't mention the change since I wanted to see what would happen before announcing it.
  13. https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.add6502 (The actual study) A phase 1 clinical trial with a new HIV vaccine achieved a big step forward for vaccine technology in general that may revolutionize vaccines for a number of pathogens beyond HIV. Here's the logic of broadly neutralizing antibodies (warning - it's "dense")… And the results… In layperson's terms HIV vaccines have been elusive because of how much variation there is in the different strains of HIV. This vaccine is promising because it produces an immune response that can fight most, if not all, strains of HIV. That's a first. And the hope is that a similar approach can be applied to other pathogens (think about how new SARS-CoV2 variants are able to get past immunization - this could end that type of thing.) Yesterday was International AIDS Day. While AIDS had a horrible toll on our community, the silver lining is the advancement in medical technology that's come out of it (once Reagan and Bush Sr. started taking it seriously - the delays were unforgivable). Even the COVID vaccines we have now are thanks in part to research into HIV. The things that were learned in HIV research often apply much more broadly. More here: https://interestingengineering.com/health/hiv-vaccine-triumphs-phase-1
  14. As mentioned above “Full blown” is not a medical term. I’d say it’s most commonly used for guys who have progressed to AIDS and look “AIDSy”. Most of those guys are on meds (or they’d be dead). So sex with them is actually really safe since they’re undetectable and can’t infect you. The most dangerous guys are guys whose last test was neg and don’t know they’re poz. Which is the opposite of “full blown”.
  15. Given how few features are needed, Cumdump Network and Public Urinals will come first (among the hookup sites).
  16. Maybe I wasn't completely clear… I see starting with a niche audience - people who have an overwhelming desire for a particular fetish - poz fetish, being a cumdump, piss pigs, etc. And working from there and gradually getting a more vanilla crowd (the audience for which is much much bigger). But I don't want those vanilla guys to drown out the niche. It's like going on BBRT and finding guys who just want to suck dick. Ummm… BBRT is a bareback fucking site… So the idea is to have one inbox for many sites. You'd have multiple profiles and when you login in you'd activate the ones you're interested in at that moment. But you'd bet watching a mailbox that would include messages for all your profile. So at that moment you might only be interested in oral and piss so you activate those profiles ('cause you haven't cleaned out) so they show as active, but someone might still hit up your anal cumdump profile which would be inactive at that moment - but you could still respond to them quickly 'cause you're actually online at the moment. IMHO, the problem with most sites is you're just logged in under one profile. So you probably pick the most generic and miss the messages from the other profiles. IMHO that's one reason why BDSM isn't nearly as popular as it used to be. People don't login to Recon as often as they login to something like BBRT. So the guys that might be up for say flogging just gradually get out of flogging because there isn't enough activity on Recon to bother logging in. Where if they got Recon messages while logged into BBRT - then they might do more flogging.
  17. Yes, Sniffies is good - or rather about as good as you can get in a mobile web interface. That said the one time I tried to sign up for a gangbang I could never figure out the process. There was some invite the host apparently sent to me that I couldn't find. The whole party function seems overly complicated and awkward. And there are limits on how many people can be invited - which seems odd. My goal is to be more niche oriented and really focus on the hardcore niches. Like try to find a guy on Sniffies who's into Poz Fetish… Their business model was to have a presumably big budget throw a lot of resources at it and go for the mainstream middle. What I can do is just plug away with a limited budget and go for the edges and eventually/hopefully work towards a more mainstream audience. Sacramento (but busy with family), San Francisco (where I can be somewhat piggy), and LA (where I'll be somewhat busy with the conference). Good questions/comments. I see the porn star and porn site profile pages as what's truly unique which is why I've spent the most time developing those. For example - What scenes has Drew Dixon done with Julian Torres? Or how many different guys has Adam Russo had sex with? How many loads has he taken, how many fisting scenes has he been in? All that requires a hell of a lot of data - to the point that no one else compiles it. People on the straight side try a bit for their stuff, but it's really lacking for gay porn. For the serious porn fan/follower it should be useful. And they're the ones most likely to buy porn (I don't really care about the people who don't buy porn - they're only good for getting the word out about the site). But I'm hoping that's something innovative and useful in a world over-run by lots of porn. And in terms of the hookup stuff - my strategy is service to niches with loyal followings that have problems finding what they want on the other sites. BarebackRT is the primary competitor and does a fair job - so there is competition - what I put out has to be better than BBRT. The fact that that market is adequately serviced at the moment is one reason why it hasn't been a high priority. But getting those sites up and running will be less work than the porn sites since there's a lot of complexity to the porn project. The social site seems to be an area where there could suddenly be a large unfilled need. Sexually explicit stuff keeps getting booted off the big mainstream platforms. Tumblr booted it and there's no clear choice if/when Twitter bans or severely restricts porn. Which is why that is now a high priority to me. There are also fitness sites - but that's more of a personal project to meet my own needs. But if I'm not finding my needs met by things like Strava and Fitbod, possibly other people feel the same way.
  18. While I applaud them for their effort, "Best Cumdumps" is difficult to use, doesn't give critical details, and looks like it might be a maintenance nightmare from the admin side. [It looks like a hodgepodge of technologies - none of which are made for that specific purpose.] If I can get something better up I don't see that as a serious competitor long-term. Even now, without the site, my @CumdumpNetwork account on Twitter has more followers than their account. So when I do finally get the site up and running I can get the word out pretty quickly through that account, here on BZ, and also through @bareback w/ 45K followers and @PozPigs w/ 24K. Oh, and while it's relevant, it's not what the OP was asking about. The OP was asking about the sites I had spec'd out a long time ago.
  19. The thing is, I've been telling myself I needed to develop an alternative to Tumblr & Twitter since Tumblr banned porn. If Twitter starts to fail (suddenly or gradually) and my target market migrates to something else, then I'll really beat myself up for missing the boat. Yes, it would be nice to have something to show sponsors when I meet with them, but that something could be S3X_Social rather than their content on my porn sites. Cumdump Network will be global (except in countries that have laws against gay sex or homosexuality). That said, it needs a critical mass, so it will be most effective in major urban areas. But I expect people out in the sticks will just have different ads that are more flexible. I don't understand the question. Let me guess what you mean and maybe one of these answers will be what you're looking for… You want to post a cumdump ad on Cumdump Network - you gotta wait until the site is up. There is a Cumdump Network thread here somewhere but not sure how much good posting to that will do you. You have a site and you want to advertise on Breeding Zone - I don't sell ad space. I only do self-hosted ads for established sponsors. You want to advertise on the site to promote your availability or profile or whatever - that kind of paid advertising will be an option for the new sites - but it's pretty far off.
  20. Thanks for asking. Your timing is pretty good… First… What happened… I bit off more than I could chew. Too many sites, too many features, etc. I didn't want to base the sites on someone else's code, so there were a lot of behind-the-scene things that needed to be done before the visible stuff could be done. Which means there's a fair amount done even though it feels like nothing is done. I've had a lack of encouragement on several levels. As my husband got deeper into his mainstream job he became less supportive of / interested in my work. Friends that I used to hang out with who were in the porn business moved out and I saw them less, so I was talking business less. I work from home. As you may understand from pandemic work-from-home - that can be lonely. I do have one part-time employee (in South America), but he doesn't really give me "encouragement" as some past employees have (one in particular). In 2015 I was assaulted. That, combined with other stuff, created a cascade of mental health issues. I've always had intermittent issues with being mildly depressive at times, but the assault and subsequent issues related to it set me down a rabbit hole I can best describe as Complex PTSD (the complex part is because it's tied to many events going back years - not just a single event). And to be completely honest even the Trump presidency affected my mental health (despite living in "safe" NYC and having the option to move to Canada at any point since my husband is a Canadian citizen). What work I did do was primarily on my porn-related sites (e.g. BBBH.com), though there's still a lot of work left to do on those sites. I focused on those because they're more profitable than the community sites. (e.g. there are now over 22,000 pornstars and 45,000 scenes in the database and over 1 million images.) But things feel more "on track" now. My head is in a much better place than it was a few years ago. And I'm genuinely want to get back into the groove of programming consistently. Next… Moving on… Getting things to a point of completion… I'm going to a adult-industry conference (XBiz LA) in early January. My goal is to get something "done" before then. At first I was thinking to get the import routines done for the sponsors I knew would be there (which would get more content up on my porn sites - I have a lot of content sets I haven't touched). But with Twitter going through a questionable period (to put it politely), I thought maybe I should work on the social media site (S3X.social) I've been thinking about and see if I can get it to "proof-of-concept" stage. [This type of thinking is typical of my process - too many options - and in the end not much gets fully completed.] I've got 4 weeks minus Christmas and a couple days upstate next week. What do you guys think I should work on? Here's what I can probably accomplish in that time… Work on the porn sites… (This makes the most business sense - but does nothing for you guys - except the few of you who want to see more content on my porn sites). Content importers for my porn sponsors Maybe Get the tube section of the sites to the point where I can add new videos again Work on the community sites… Finish off some "account" management features (benefits all sites) Enable really basic user profiles (benefits all sites) Maybe enable text-only posting on S3X_Social (possibly with hotlinking to images/videos on other servers, but no uploads). OR maybe refine Cumdump.network a bit since it's basically just a profile site. More than that would need to wait until I got back from California. (And I really do need to get to the importers.) Lastly… Do you want to be my beta testers and give me feedback as I program? If any of you are serious about giving rigorous feedback and input as I program it would help immensely. It would give me the encouragement/interaction I've been lacking. You would report bugs and help refine features on the new sites. I'd set up a private sub-forum here which you'd have access to and we'd discuss stuff there. ["New Members" won't be considered for beta testers, and Junior Members need to send me a DM and tell me why they should be included. Higher level members just have to say they're interested - here or in a DM.]
  21. There's a great French movie (Bang Gang) about teenage sex and STIs which is based on a true life story of a group of kids who were having orgies and came down with a bunch of STIs - including many getting syphilis. I highly recommend watching it - it's well done… But at the end of the day the issue of STIs is yet another reason why you shouldn't be having sex with kids. You may think you're getting away with it, but the kid gets an STI and lots of questions will be asked…
  22. It appears WHO officials have settled on a new name for Monkeypox - MPOX. https://apple.news/AU3gNGS5_QnO6wT3pJ3GaAA Some of us have been using MPX, so need to add a letter going forward…
  23. South Australia (a state in Australia) looks like it will be passing laws that penalize stealthing with a maximum penalty of life in prison… https://apple.news/AEfwiUADPRoidLpepN2skrQ To me life in prison seems completely bonkers, over the top, and completely out of line with the damage done to the victim. Apparently other Australian states (Tasmania and the Capital Territory) have already passed similar laws, but the article is unclear what the maximum penalty is in those situations.
  24. If you need content taken down off the site you need to work with the moderation team by using a "report" link next to the content. If that doesn't work send me and/or a moderator a DM. Anyone who files a DMCA with the host will get permanently banned from the site. Some exposure fetishist idiot from Asia has twice uploaded content and then filed a DMCA with the host. That's NOT OK. It could harm the site and if you do it you'll be banned permanently. [In case you're not familiar with the term - a DMCA is a legal take down request.]
  25. I've been considering dropping Google Analytics completely for a while now. Was definitely going to do it before next year when they're forcing people to migrate to GA4. Guess now is the time to turn it off. Thanks for giving such a good bug report! Update: Google Analytics is now turned off. api.js is part of reCAPTCHA v3 (also by Google). That I'm reluctant to turn it off because it's how I tell if site visits are by humans or not. Once you're logged in I don't mind turning it off (since that's another way to tell if you're human), but I'll need to do some research to figure out what my options are.
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