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About HungBtm4Top

  • Birthday 02/23/1967

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Chicago, IL
  • Role
  • Background
    5ft 9 in, 140lbs, got a nice little tight lean bod, white, dark with scruffy looks, black hair/goatee, grn eyes LOVE to get fucked
  • Porn Experience
    No professional porn experience - but definitely have lots of amateur porn experience with hot Top guys.
  • Looking For
    Uninhibited bb bottom here. Your load. My hole. Nice trim bod, tatts and a little something to hang on to while you’re fucking me....love a guy that eats my ass! Total Bottom only interested in Total Tops.

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  1. Want a submissive bottom with a hot little wet hole you can fuck anyway you want? No complaining or whining here. Ready to serve. 38, 5’7”, nice trim flexible bod, dark scruffy looks, and LUV cock!
  2. Thanks for the follow. Hope we can chat in private

  3. By the way, you should check out a guy on the guy on here - AlwaysOpen. He writes in great details about the pros and cons of all the different types of accommodations and this is coming form someone who understands what our particular needs are...
  5. I have to admit to getting pretty obnoxious for a while...I would start of chats or emails with this: So, I’d really like to speed up these emails or chats and save us about 3 days so I went ahead and started our conversation: "Hi” ”Hey” “What’s up” “Not much” “You” “Yeah the Same” “Just Feeling Horny” “Yeah, me too” ..NOW begin your conversation here….
  6. HI, I DID check online but couldn't really get a clear answer. Does anyone know if the alga bloom is affecting the FLL area or not? THanks
  7. I can't believe I've turned into a fussy traveler...but the only thing I don't like about Axel hotels (and it's a deal breaker) - at least the two I have been in do not have any closets with doors - all of your clothes and everything is right out in the open...so if you have that last minute trick popping by - there's nowhere to quickly throw your shit and hid it so that it won't look like you're slumming all day..not to mention it makes you vulnerable to theft.. I stayed at thE ART CONNECT hotel and liked it...they actually have a self-contained apartment with a private entrance (which is the door for the horse buggy)...pretty cool apartment and super affordable...
  8. Hate to the bearer of bad news, but God's divine plan for Rapture happened and Jesus ushered all the hot tops up to heaven, leaving the rest of us, eternally...in hell.....
  9. I just want to add that it's the smaller shorter dicks that usually wind up hurting me more than the big ones - for just the reason you mentioned. Guys with smaller dicks usually pull it out all the way (whether on purpose or accidentally) and thrust it in fast - sort of making a jabbing motion - add to this that shorter hard dicks are less flexible than longer ones, so the bottom bears the full force brunt. ..so watch out for those smaller ones....
  10. Hey, I just wanted to thank you for sharing your travel experiences and all the great information (like staying at the Motel 6 in Palm Springs, the Quentin Design hotel in Berlin, etc...). I am sure there are a ton of other guys (like me) who appreciate your contributions but never really let you know how useful it is...so thanks again man.

  11. Hey, you have any tips for guys travelling to Mexico? Places to stay? Places to eat? Hot men to stay with you? lol....
  12. Jockstrapper - I might be headed up to Toronto in a couple of weeks. Where did you wind up staying? Do you have any advice?
  13. Visiting Berlin Feb 11-16 staying at the ArtHotel Connection - any other guys visiting want a wingman?
  14. Visiting Berlin 2-11 to 2-16..any other guys visiting and want a wingman?

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