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Everything posted by ellentonboy

  1. I apologize for my comments regarding torrents.   I wasn't encouraging bad or illegal behavior but just discussing what my situation had been.  However, I see the errors of my way and I will do better in the future not to post comments regarding torrents.  Thanks for the warning.

    1. viking8x6


      It was just a warning, with no penalty, but thanks for the apology. Not necessary - I understood what you were getting at and the problem isn't so much your intention of what you posted, but the way others would be likely to take it. I have no doubt you'll see my point as you get better acquainted with the site and the folks on it.

      On a more cheerful note, welcome to BZ, glad to have you aboard this crazy ship!

  2. I have had an active torrents account for over 10 years. I use a VPN. I noticed that studios such as Lucas Entertainment have warnings that they will prosecute you for illegal downloading. Though I can’t blame it on Lucas, I had a fuck bud arrested at a sex club regarding his downloading of all the porn on the servers that the sex club had to offer. He was basically living out of the room. Federal agents came in on a weekend night, pulled him out of his room, arrested him while guys continued to fuck and do other things. The agents turned a blind eye to all the illegal activities and he was sentenced to six months in a minimum security Federal prison. Has anyone heard or know of similar situations happening. It has made me almost fearful of downloading from torrents but maybe I have become a bit paranoid. Anyone want to share similar occurrences???
  3. I thought I noticed toxic tube had been removed, or was no longer available. These videos usually involved illegal use of drugs. However depending on how you word things, you can find some of these videos on porn hub if you look in the right areas. Search and you shall find.
  4. I personally enjoy filming and was a big participant in the old ICU program. Sadly that site was bought out and new rules went into effect, most of the original members left. I have used google plus only to have that removed as well. I am ALWAYS looking for guys to take pics or videos. How are we to update our pics and content if everyone is paranoid about a cell phone or camera? My how things have changed.
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