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Everything posted by ellentonboy

  1. So what are the chances we would be from the same city? I still go back to party and play, to hook up with guys that didn't know me back then and those I never met. I could put a turnstile outside my buddy's place at 12th and Porter and just count the number of guys I can get off of Barebackrt., a4a even the goddy goddy manhunt site. I work out at the gym on 12th street that had all the hot trainers, now most of them have opened their own stuidios. I used to go up for the circuit event because it was a real sausage fest for me, new blonde guy in town so to speak. It was the first time a buddy put me in front of a web cam and before you knew it we had an invite to an all the dick and favors you can handle party at a very nice hotel on Rittenhouse Square. My career took off once I actually got to Florida, even though I began working for the Feds in Philadelphia. Like you said, rental space was at a premium, and most agencies were moving to Cleveland. I worked in the old post office building across the street from the Gallery Mall as well as on Jeweler's Row, and of course the William Green Federal Building. Coming to Florida, though I took a lower graded position, paid off as I was able to navigate my way through the federal hiring system and ended up with the Department of Agriculture. You mentioned Wanamaker's.....so funny. I think they were the first store to give me a credit card after I graduated from college. I was sorry to hear they closed. My father closed his business, it was on S. Waters Street down by the Delaware River. It was constantly being broken into and he just couldn't take it anymore. I was so fortunate he retired at an early age and I was able to find a government job in Tampa and initially commute from Ellenton. Agriculture eventually had me stationed in Sarasota and working from home, with that salary was pure gravy. I miss Philly and being able to take the Subway. I used to go to "Woody's" bar because they didn't card me and I could get in when I was 17. I remember the "Key West" Bar, and "Equus" where all the hotties went. My favorite after hours place was the old 2-4 club, where we could party and stay out all night. If you couldn't get laid there (and party) you couldn't do it anywhere. Hopefully I will get to chat with you soon,
  2. I appreciate the follow up for you. I too had MRSA infections but they never complicated my life like HPV. Thanks for the encouraging words, I plan on following the doctor's orders. I guess I just can't find a tactful way of asking "So, can I ever bottom again?" 🤭 I know it sounds awful, my HIV specialist is a gay man, but the cancer specialist is a young woman so it's not something I can just blurt out in her office. I see her later in the summer, I'll be on here bemoaning the fact that I may never be able to be the power bottom I once was if she says NO to the bottoming question.
  3. Funny we have been chatting, I was born and raised in Philadelphia. The parking situation in downtown is a nightmare. I often stay in south Philadelphia with buddy and I can tell you the number of guys there are plentiful. I can also say there are many who are in relationships, so if you post that you are visiting from out of town you can get so many guys that normally would not take a chance on hooking up with a local. I can go to Philly for five days, and literally go through 5 to 8 guys in a day. My friend who I stay with jokes he is virtually my doorman, and gets pissed that many of the guys I hook up with he recognizes from the gym or gay bars and they pay him no mind. He is extremely attractive so what is the issue?? He is a local......and people talk. You mentioned the parking and in south Philadelphia it is awful for residents. My friend who lives there racked up over $3000 is parking tickets, his car was booted and then towed away. He NEVER bothered to go and get it back, I could not believe it. Guys are everywhere in Philadelphia. I went to school and then college there, I moved to Florida in my late 20s. I often miss the public transportation. My friend told me not to come back with the rising crime and rents going through the roof. Now I am facing the same rental increases in the Tampa/St Pete area, and Philadelphia can have some terrible winters. It is interesting I was chatting with you about the video recording and now I find out you are well acquainted with my home town. Now you live in the Tampa area. Talk about a coincidence....
  4. Personally when someone says "bring other tops" I initially cringe but what comes to mind is: A. They aren't satisfied with one and are afraid the first invited might not meet their "expectations". B. They have no concern for the feelings of the initial top they invited and consider him a link to other tops. C. They tell a top they are on their way after having spent the past 16 hours at a bathhouse but they can find time in their busy schedule of bottoming to swing by and collect another load. D. Most awful situation. Having a bottom friend overstay his welcome because he wanted to see which top was going to show up. The guy was incredible gratuitous not knowing I was going to have a friend at my place and really put a 100 percent effort into his topping efforts. My bottom friend was on stomach, on his cell phone, texting other guys while getting fucked and had no concern for the feelings of the individual who was doing a fantastic job of tagging him. I agree 100 percent with the poster above. I never ask someone to bring an additional person with them, for fear I might offend them, as if they are not good enough. Now I know in my profile I do say "one - on -one", "three-ways" or "group" is all an option. I put it out there. The most successful situations where someone bought an extra guy was when THEY suggested it, or asked if they could bring another guy along. I know I would be offended if a top said "can you make sure there is an extra bottom or two at your place" as if I wasn't going to be good enough to fulfill his expectations. I just wish some guys would think before they open their mouths.
  5. I have been in both situations - where I new there was a camera on because the individual was concerned for his valuables and other instances where in one case it was used for the guys personal enjoyment and the other was used to intimidate and threaten to be sent to an employer. The later was a situation where I was filmed, and the person following me was actually someone I know, and he said the guy was broadcasting me entering the hotel room, though no sex was shown. He, on the other hand, was naked and a second man entered the room and asked his HIV status and threatened to send it to his employer, which happens to be a city entity. He talked to an attorney who said it would be the guy who did the filming that would face legal issues, not my friend. However, it has shaken him up to the point he is afraid anytime a laptop or webcam is even in the same room. I made many friends using the ICU web cam program, I flew all over the country on buddy passes and hooked up in real life with these guys because I could see them on a weekly basis and I knew what I was getting. The web site eventually fell by the way side because of a few bad apples who would be filming slightly off screen. I believe ICU is still in business, but now there are moderators in each room and I believe you can no longer parTy openly. The whole dynamics changed and I did not renew my membership. You mentioned uploading videos to a website. That one issue was mentioned to us after my friend and I both went to that hotel room to play with that guy. We were told he posted them on porn hub in an amateur area, but the person who gave us that information could not pin down the area and we never saw anything on line, despite my constant searching. I know when I was in the room, he had the camera and my ass positioned so that it was streamed to guys in the Ft. Lauderdale room of Manhunt. They could see his dick and my ass, but little more. I really didn't have an issue with that. It just seems to me that, as we all know, every cell phone has a camera. I have seen guys fucking someone from behind and actually holding a cell phone in their hand while they do it. Yet they don't want to be filmed, They are merely sharing these videos with their buddies on God knows what Forum, I wasn't sure if it were Grinder or Scruff, there are so many new ones I can't keep up with them. I appreciate you taking the time to chat with me on this subject as it is one that started out in such a positive fashion in the sense I met guys nationwide because of ICU, and now it has become something to be constantly concerned and debated about. Wow, how times have changed. Take care.
  6. If I wanted to cuddle, I would call my grandmother. It amazes me that guys saying they are looking for their "soul mate" on A4A or Barebackrt.com. Do they even know where they are posting?
  7. Boy do you have that right. I have bottom friends who will ask about someone new who I met, what sites they are on, what is their screen name, can I tell them their first name or even their phone number or email address. Would they give me the same information? HELL NO!!! On the other side, my top friends are always happy to bring another total top with them. They like to meet other bottoms but usually only if I can vouch for them - are they clean, will they show up, will they show up sober enough, etc. I had built a relationship with a local top and I would invite him over anytime I was having a group party and if there were bottoms I thought he might enjoy. I would even sometimes turn on SKYPE or other web cam services so these guys could talk to him, as he had a huge dick and was an incredibly nice and talented top who really new what he was doing. To thank me for my kindness, I mentioned I had a very cute bottom friend visiting, and he said he was bringing a "surprise". My friend was a man of about 48, and he bought his 23 year old son who was HUGE. Like father, like son. The father basicly took pics while his son fucked us. Now, you would think that bottom friend would return the favor. I introduced him to at least two other tops I play with on a regular basis. He is very handsome, a little sloppy and a bit indiscreet. He kept a friend of mine waiting hours because he was still at the bath house, and wasn't embarrassed to share that information. In all the years I have known him, he never introduced me to another top. Yet my top friend, whenever he has top friends visiting him, and I live in a resort area. He always includes me in his plans, always extends an invite to meet his buddies. I hate to say this, tops don't mind sharing, bottoms (and yeah I am one) tend to be greedy, It is a real shame...
  8. I have had four colorectal procedures since March of 20202. I had a fissure that would not heal, and they did two botox treatments so that I wasn't screaming every time I went to the bathroom. I changed doctors and since that time, she found what she called a "pre-cancerous" lesion that she removed. At this point, I only have to see her every six months, and possibly be hospitalized again in a year so she can take "another look" to see how I am doing. I was told the chances of these HPV lesions becoming cancerous are about 5 to 10 percent, and I only had the one Here's my question? Has this had an adverse effect on your sex life. I have been having anal sex a long time and it wasn't until I had to take hydrocodone for a foot surgery, became constipated and ended up causing a fissure while just simply going to the bathroom. I got a lot of grief from friends saying it was from taking too many big dicks, or being DP'd (which was not the case) or that my ass was simply worn out from all the action. I was really frank with my doctor and told her that the anal sex, at least I felt, had little to do with the fissure, and was most likely from all the pain medication. She said it looking, the area seemed fine, except where the tear was. She said the majority of her patients, gay and straight, have these issues because of pain meds, not anal sex. Has this slowed you down, are you still able to enjoy yourself? I don't go back for about five more months, I believe my last procedure was in early February. So, are you able to do the things you used to do, and enjoy yourself. I am almost afraid of attempting to "climb a mountain" that is too high, if you know what I mean. I am really glad I saw your post. Anything you can offer as far as information is concerned, post surgery, is greatly appreciated.
  9. So if I have someone in my home, he decides to take his clothes off and have sex, and I have cameras placed in places like the living room, family room, etc. I am obligated to tell him there are cameras? Does the sign "Smile you are being recorded" give an individual a pass on this law? I appreciate the information because I know a number of people have cameras in their homes for security reasons, and are hell bent on keeping them up as they have had individuals steal from them while pretending to change or use another room to prep for sex. I have worked in Federal law enforcement before going on disability and I was told by friends with the US Attorney's Office that a web cam placed in a room with valuables, like a bedroom might have jewelry, is allowed and that it would be hard to prove an individual was taping for illegal reasons. Now he said web cams hidden in say a bathroom, where someone would have an "expectation of privacy" is another matter. But he said the living room, family or entertainment room, were open season for web cams. He told me they were yet to prosecute anyone for this crime, other than an individual who placed cameras in bathrooms in rental properties he owned. So there is no "wiggle room" with the law? I am rather surprised, but you mentioned the Florida Statute so I would think it is a state's responsibility to hold the violator accountable and prosecute them. Thanks for quoting that position of the Florida Statute, I am going to look further into this. I know I have been filmed, I have used web cams but people could see them. I just want to know if I could ever be prosecuted as anyone who was at my place was well aware they were on. Thanks again!
  10. Your last sentence was spot on. "logic and etiquette are often left at the bedroom door". On the reverse side, I had an individual check all through my bedroom looking for recording devices and to be honest, I was really offended. He actually tried to manipulate my webcam, trying to tape across the camera lense. At that point I told him to leave. It's funny he was like "see, I knew you were recording me". Well, I wasn't. I even offered to turn the porn off and just close the laptop but that didn't even work. Sometimes I feel the guys who protest the most are the ones that you need to worry about....not about being recorded sexually but rather if they are trying to steal from you.
  11. That is very funny. No actually I had a trick who I met on BBRT and he metioned that he posted videos of himself with a guy who was allegedly "straight". It had excellent audio and when I asked how he did it, his response was "I hit the web cam" in the plants. I don't agree with filming people without their consent. I have heard arguments that people use web cams or so called "nanny cams" so that they can protect their valuables, property, etc. However, I think like many businesses mention "Smile, you are being recorded" I believe individuals should inform folks that a camera is on. From what I understand about law and this subject, it is not illegal to film an individual but rather it is illegal to film them and then upload it to a particular site. The guy who I hooked up with uploaded the video to Dudesnude site. I didn't think it was a very good thing to do, and he was quite close to the guy he filmed. I was glad I hooked up with him at my house so I was sure that I wasn't being taped. I have caught guys with expensive cameras even in their sneakers filming me, so I know there is always a possibility.
  12. This is my recommendation, ALWAYS put your video/pic taking interests in your profile on hook up sites. PRIOR to hooking up with someone make sure they are interested in the subject of video making and pic taking. If they say absolutely not, I would suggest moving on. I have had guys who were so hypocritical. They would be fucking a friend from behind and holding their iPhones and uploading at the same time, but when I started to photograph them from another angle they suddenly put their hand up and wanted it stopped. It seems it is okay for some people and not good for others. I have had people hide web cams in plants, inside radios, and not bother to tell me. However if I asked them if I could take pics on my phone or camera I have gotten a direct no. It just doesn't seem fair.
  13. I had a membership a number of years ago and went during a Sunday afternoon. I know the Sawmill is open to all but I was surprised about the number of nude women who were there, I just did not think it was a place that attracted a strong lesbian crowd. Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against gay women, but I am curious what the ratio is now? I see by previous posts it looks as if it is primarily women, at least at night, but I had purchased the pass thinking it was primarily a cruising and camping area meant for gay male nudists and gay men looking for sex. Anyone care to update me on what the current membership ratio is like?
  14. I keep seeing the " think before following links". I guess this has me greatly concerned, it this just advice from our Forum creator or is this something that has happened to other Forum members where they got a virus on their computer by clicking on a link? I am not a member of newtumblr but I am curious and would join as I love slamming videos. Anyone have previous bad experiences or is our Forum moderator looking out for us?
  15. You mentioned you had a gripe with BBRT.  I can understand.  I think the site's concern is how often you log in.  They do send a warning email if you haven't logged in after a particular period of time, but I don't know of too many people being banned.  I do know that if you even ask for your profile to be removed, if you remember your screen name and password, and maybe a security question, they will give you your account back.  The reason I say this is that use that site often, but there have been times when I never logged in, and my account was deleted by management.  I was however able to recover it.  The only thing I can think of them banning someone is if they solicited individuals and I am not saying you did that, but I do know on adam4adam that is fairly common in Florida if you ask for money they will ban you.  The funny thing is that there is an area for "professionals" so if an individual is looking to escort he can do so, at least the last time I checked.

    1. alwaysready


      oh, gosh no, i did not ask anyone for money. i logged into bbrt usually several times a day. what burned my butt was that when they banned me, they gave an email addy which did not work, so i could not ask what was going on.  so i think maybe someone complained b/c i asked if they were chasing, or something like that.

  16. This is not just a fantasy, this is what I look for when looking to hook up with someone who parties. If a guy tells me he is not camera shy, he likes taking pics and making videos, I move him to the front of the line. I find it a bit upsetting that guys hound me for pictures, yet when you meet them suddenly they are too shy or don't want a camera or web cam around. I can't tell you how many times I have gone online and realized that the pics shown were taken in my bedroom or house and how many guys actually appreciated the pics taken while we were playing. I am not saying you need to always show your face but if you show your body, ass and dick, most guys want and appreciate that. It really pisses me off when someone asks for 30 pictures and when you meet them the minute you get out your cell phone or web cam they go running and say "oh no I can't do that" it is so hypocritical.
  17. Here is my take on that. I live in Florida and that is a very touristy state. Do you know how many Europeans, Canadians and South Americans come here at some point during the year to get away from bad weather. A large number of them do. So I "never say never" because I have been pleasantly surprised to find guys I have exchanged messages on various web sites suddenly on vacation in Florida. They are horny and looking to fuck. I keep my options open. Also, my friend has me listed as his "domestic partner" and I can fly standby to any part of the US or any nation that they airline flies to. I have been to Europe, Canada, South America and all over the US for one reason - DICK. So it's not out of the realms of possibilities that I can hook up with someone who is "on the other side of the world". Don't limit yourself, because you never know if the hot guy you are sending messages with may have a reason for being in your locale. It can, and does, happen.
  18. What is Fet? I never heard of that site.
  19. Get continuously fucked without using lube and nature will take it's course. However, becareful what you wish for........
  20. It's interesting you had little success on a4a, I guess it depends on your location. I have had great luck on it, at least in my area. Recon is, I believe, primarily used in Europe, or has a large European membership. It also charges you, at least it did when I looked into it. A4A is at least free, and Barebackrt is also a site that is also party friendly, with guys slightly older and the members are more serious about hooking up.
  21. wow are you fine, too bad you are on the west coast.  High viral amount, I have been as high as 2 million.  Going to check you out on BBRT.

  22. If you used to be a member of the now defunct (or now monitored) ICU web cam program please hit me up. I used to go by the handle "Deccamuscledude" and was there for quite a while.  Once the company changed it's format, and also starting having moderators in each room to watch what was going on, I did not renew it.

    If you recognize my screen name, or were a member and don't recall me, please say hello.  I am curious as to where everyone went.  With the advent of all the apps on smart phones to hook up, I imagine interest may have decreased.  It wasn't until a trick told me about Google Plus rooms that I started using that site, only to be disappointed when Google decided to end the "Google Plus" experience.  

    So say hello if web camming interests you....

  23. So I formerly had a Tumblr account but closed it after I found that people who followed me would post slamming videos and behind them were videos that contained material that was illegal. I later read that Tumbler had removed it's adult content so I didn't feel I was missing anything. So can I take it that newtumbl.com is a spin off that included xxx rated videos as well as parTying videos. I am really glad I joined this blog!
  24. Manhunt is a waste of time, it has a lot of judgmental, neg guys who ask a million questions and want to make plans for two weeks in advance. A4A can have catfish individuals, and there are many guys (at least in the metro area I live in) who want you to pay for their Lyft, Uber and party favors. If you are in your 40s there are alot of 20 somethings that even expect payment. Barebackrt.com was usful for awhile, but it has lost it's popularity with the advent of phone apps like Grindr and Scruff. BBRT is party friendly and poz friendly.
  25. Finding black men (usually on the DL) is easy in both large and medium size cities. I lived in a small city in Florida near the Bradenton/Sarasota area, and later in St. Petersburg, and there are black men everywhere. They are on such sites as A4A, they used to be on craigslist before things changed on that Forum, and they are on BBRT. Many are on the DL, but if you are patient many of them will come back multiple times if you respect their privacy and don't ask too many personal questions. If you can "host" that is an added bonus, as many either live with family members or others who may not know their sexuality. On A4A they are everywhere, and you would be surprised how much action you can find during day hours, like lunch time and weekdays.
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