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Posts posted by PozTalkAuthor

  1. Definitely NOT with my latest ex, I feel disgust just remembering his touch, smell, the warmth of his body or even thinking of his voice. He has psychologically abused of me in many ways. 

    But my first ex? The one who made me grow up sexually, the first to load me, the first man I loaded... We're still very confident after 28 years and we see each other regularly. Not yet for sex, but, with my current (monogamous) boyfriend we are discussing it, like a sort of "second generation". I have been my current guy's first and only male partner, I'd find it very sensual to see him have sex with his second, who's been my first! 

    And then? What about the man who gave me HIV? Not at all, no bond between us, lost contacts and no interest in recovering them. 

    Now, my current bf and I, have our vacation near my very first man's holiday place. Let's see if a thing leads to another, I'd not force anything though, not feeling "the urge" to open our couple, I want to let things go. For now we're all 3 having nice talk and board games. 

    With days going, we'll see if the game "the loser strips naked" can be played LOL 

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  2. 24 minutes ago, Vancrawman said:

    One stop shopping!!


    The best of the best would be a lady (or a transman) whose virginity and negativity away in one go - and the same load gets them pregnant. 

    But of course it's just FANTASY, character of my story had his chaser pregnant and two scorpions tattooed on each breast, with stinger pointing to nipple -indicating "toxic milk". 

    Let me reset my mind with vacations, and then hopefully I get to new plots here. 

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  3. He's the first man whom I had sex with, my first so-called "long term relationship" it has not lasted long as a couple but after 28 years we're still very confident to each other. 

    When I had my relationship with my former bf (the abuser) I used to invite this close friend at home and wanted my ex to be lubed with the guy's cum but I did not want to watch them as I wanted it to be THEIR fun! Fantasizing (hoping?) that he could poz my ex up! 

    This old friend, 10 years older than me, is a former drug addict - meth but overall heroin - and never got pozzed, I got pozzed by a let's call it "fake monogamous" relationship...

    Now, with my current bf, we have talked about doing the same - my old friend breeding him but with me watching - and the top pretending to poz him up, but my bf feels not yet ready to open the couple! 

    Let's see what happens on vacation, we'll be pretty close to his place in a more relaxed mood for all of us. I'll pretend to meet him by chance. 

    • Piggy 1
  4. Former fuckbud who was close friend of my ex's: he wanted me to eat his hairy armpits like I would have been eating grass from the ground. Rejected, I'm not into those "animal roleplay" things. 

    My current bf, when we first became sexually confident, wanted me to fuck him doggy style on my piano bench, and when he felt me close he called me FREDDIE (I let you guess the name's origin) and begged me to... Censorship on myself because I'm out of the backroom. 

    Gladly, but I don't deserve to be compared to Freddie! 

    This play has gone now, we have fun anyway. 

    And, from my part, I ask him to hold objects with his ass and push them out. Of course this is not the only one but he does not want me to share. 


    My ex (the abuser) wanted me to wear female underwear and call me "Sandra" I had indulged him only because I feared to lose him -what always happens between abuser and abused-. Water under the bridge.

  5. 44 minutes ago, cockyjock25 said:

    Would be hot to see your texts as a story on here. B


    I'm not in the mood of writing new stories now, last one was a fail (for me, before readers) and writing something coming from my ass instead of my heart and brain... NO! 

    Then, yes I've written in my profile that I love sexting as it gives me inspiration for new stories; but, anyway, BEFORE using my conversations for this purpose, I would ask the other involved party! They're anyway private conversions... Oops, CONVERSATIONS (LOL!!!) and on the other side of screen there's a person. Who needs respect, honesty and trust. Sexting is fun but it's also another person anonymously opening their deeper mind, most intimate fantasies, with me. And I want mutual trust otherwise it means nothing. 

    If I ever write something inspired to past or present roleplays, I'll specify it giving credit if authorized. 

    Otherwise, nothing.

  6. Honestly I don't find anything "triggerable" here; it illustrates the fact that many people in years have died by AIDS after having unprotected sex! Then, to be all the way frank, I have to admit this matter of "legacy" has allowed me to embrace my status completely; being a piano player and loving to sing, it started when a lady unaware of my status, hearing me "don't stop me now" by Queen, commented "dude, it seems that Freddie lives in your blood!" I gave her the biggest smile ever! I'm connected to Freddie with no doubt 🦠☣️ 

    ...and also with John Holmes despite my penis isn't like his LOL!!! 


    Anyway, talking seriously: don't remember if it was you, but, there was a story regarding a certain Cody policeman who got infected by two gifters (Bill and Jason) you suspended it when main character was in fuck flu with them assisting him, but it seemed you had to continue it as this Cody was gifting a 18-something boy called Tim... 

    Am I wrong? Hopefully you complete it! And, sorry if it's the wrong author. 

    • Thanks 1
  7. Thanks, such a surprise! Nervous and sleepless I found this one to help changing my mood! 

    Of course you could write more chapters, what about Eli's poziversary with a new present - another guy to train as a slave.

    And what about having the young guy not succeeding with conversion despite multiple breeding? Jack and especially Derek offer Eli their help with their strains but Eli does not want - the soon-to-be slave is his! 

    Being a 20-years-ahead future, even PrEP assumption has changed, no longer pills but an under-skin slow-release implant. 

    And the young guy has it on, but keeps it as a secret. And when Eli discovers it, it's all about punishments! Ropes, whip, handcuffs and whatever! 

    The guy could say that he does not want to be pozzed, just enslaved, because he heard Eli cuts all his slaves' genitals off; the new one doesn't want this modification, and Eli tells him that if he accepts the virus, he'll be owned and also used as new breeder when Eli is not around. 

    Then up to you, I just gave you my 2 cents. If inappropriate just forget it

  8. Oh really??? I also felt frustrated the first time I wrote a story here, as I published it on 26th May 2022 and was banned for 13 days on May 27th, with 9 warning points! But in that case I was perfectly made aware of what was wrong. 

    As far as I know, your stories do not involve minors or harm somehow - or chems in the wrong place; really don't know! In my case, those points expired on November 23rd 2022 - good coincidence as it was the date Freddie Mercury announced his AIDS before passing away; and given that my fictional talking virus's origin is from there... seeing "warning points expire on Nov 23rd" has charged me (pun intended) more to improve myself. 

    Then, the sequel of that story wasn't coming good as it came from my ass instead of my heart LOL, so I stopped; but it's another matter! I'd encourage you to fight frustration and go ahead writing! 

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  9. Read other people's mind - especially what they REALLY think about me, in order to catch their lies in time when they think the opposite of what they say. Especially during sex when one says "you feel so fucking good" and eventually thinks "you're a fail!"

    My fictional HIV has this superpower and attempts to save his humans fron dangers, how I wish my real virus could inherit this power and train me, have my body under control despite meds till I learn to behave and trust less people's words - this would avoid lots of disappointments in many everyday situations! 

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