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Posts posted by PozTalkAuthor

  1. A friend told me "go to chem fiction area you'll find something to turn you on" 

    He meant this one. 

    Even if I'm not into chemsex, who cares, at the end! This story has caught me for plot and scene! 

    First of all, for the name trick as "Sam" might be a shortening of "Samuel" and "Samantha", like "Alex" Alexander/Alexandra, Andy Andrew/Andrea, Vicky or Vic, "Victor" and "Victoria. 

    Especially the scene of the blow job and nipple play, experienced gay man seducing straight, it's same trick I had with my current bf who was straight before - at least he believed to be such although we didn't need chems then, it was gradual. 

    And him riding the boy, yeah, that does the trick. 

    Last but not least, I became rock hard at the idea of Sam not pozzing him despite having the possibility to, and letting the honour to Dennis's older brother in what seems to be Michael's poz anniversary. 

    I'm longing for chapter 3! 

    • Thanks 1
  2. Clear from my profile which fetishes/tastes I have. 

    But, since I broke up with my ex and have my current partner, I can comfortably explore my ass play fetish - having my bf learn to control his ass muscles to get objects in, and push them out. 

    Very extreme fantasy would be to "swallow" a tennis ball and push it out but this would be too large! For now we are managing with the plums just come down from my mother's tree... LOL! If she only knew what we do with them! They're, let's say, a little bigger than a medium-sized human poop.

    And yes I confess - having my hand in him without causing him pain would be heaven, but I would never want my loved one to have permanent ass damages because of sex pleasure. NOT AT ALL! Given that he was virgin until last October it's not appropriate.

    Being vers we do not care about roles too much but let's say it's so fun having him in female underwear! 

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  3. This is something which must be reminded every now and then! I'm aware this might be a paradox but, if we want to talk about most intimate subjects in the public forum, we must be anonymous as much as we can, despite we must be conscious that, even with best personal safety precautions, in case of need the cops can find out who, when, and where, whenever they want. 

    Can I say: this post has come up the front page in the right moment! My bf has been caught by enthusiasm lately, reading some posts about experiences and told me "come on, are you ashamed of talking about us when others even show their genitals and ass around"... He almost managed to convince me, in occasion of his birthday but NO. 

    Seeing this one and reminding the obvious, I became more determined as before! What's our business, remains our own business! Even good experiences. 

    I'm a poz talk roleplay author here, and such I want to stay. I know so many victims of blackmail, even minors, everytime I hear a story it's always the first time; every one is different but they have all a common start: "we are intimate now, what's wrong, show me your pic, tell me where you're from, tell me more about you"... F-off. 

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  4. 16 minutes ago, Pozguyinchi said:

    When I was about 5 or 6 my dad to me to his club. They had a pool and they were giving swimming lessons while my dad golfed. When finished we showered in the locker room. While drying off and getting dressed a man walked by with red hair and a huge cock. I just stared. My dad looked at me and chuckled and said. That’s big right? I shook my head yes. I didn’t feel it was wrong or unnatural. It wasn’t until much later that I was made to feel that my thoughts were different. I am thankful my dad embraced the moment and didn’t scold me for looking.


    Damn, lucky guy, to have had a father who didn't make you feel wrong at that time! 

    Mine didn't even want a hug from me... Never

  5. I'm poz undetectable and bareback with my long-term boyfriend since we met; honestly I feel really offended by those people who in 2023 still have doubts on "undetectable untransmittable" fact, Undetectable is the safest person as they're always controlled for sexually tran'smittable diseases. While there are many people claiming to be neg but they aren't because they simply never test... 

    Might I be rude, I don't really care, I'm like this. Direct, frank, and tell you that your problem has a name: SEROPHOBIA. Definitely. 

    If I ever get to have sex with stranger I'd be more aware from people like you, "married with kids" who claim to be neg, rather than from openly poz and undetectable like many of us. We have nothing to hide, you? 

    Staying in the closet is your own choice, I don't judge this, I am talking about sex! I'd wrap up instantly in case I'd happen to fuck one like you. Not to protect you from me, but to protect myself from you. 

    Get fucked by some horny undetectable guys and enjoy life better, let serophobia go away, it's the past and remember, serosorting, serophobia and trust, are not means of prevention at all! Serosorting (choose a person from their status) is the best way to get stealthed and pozzed up. 

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  6. 20 hours ago, hairyone said:

    I can tell you what happens in one possible scenario.  Happened to my best friend.  He was positive for over 30 years.  Meds failed. He got sicker and sicker. Went in the hospital with Hodgkins Lymphoma and other issues for several weeks.  This was during Covid lockdown so no one could visit him in the hospital. Not even his husband. He died. In pain. Alone.

    Similar things happen to members of this board, too.  You didn't hear about?  Oh, yeah.  They post regularly and then suddenly stop.  Know why?  They died.


    That's what I hardly understand but I guess homophobia and stigma have their relevant part on this kind of choices. 

    That said, I respect everyone and just say there's no need of being verbally rude at all, self-determination also means to respect choices we'd never make and not judge people who never need to be judged as, if one has got (consciously) the decision to get poz, there's nothing we can do to discourage them - especially in case it comes from a couple. 

    Makes no sense to really poz someone when science supports and role play give us infinite thrill, and yes, I'd suggest to explore role playing! But not get poz in real.

  7. "Do you like to be poz?" The instant, rude answer is NO. Being able to decide in a different way, I'd have decided to stay neg! But Prep was not that accessible yet, then. And most monogamous couples make condomless love. Risky? Yes, but no one can blame people for this as no one thinks to have a ltr with a serial cheater. 

    I like my life for what it is NOW! Being Undetectable Untransmittable, having a wonderful boyfriend and job, having had no relevant stigma events from people I came out with... Yes, life (even sex life) is much better and more comfortable than 10 years ago but I'd lie to the world telling that it's thanks to my virus. 

    Satisfaction and happiness I have now, come from a very hard journey which includes also depression, self-stigma, even suicide thoughts, and an abusive relationship lasted till a year ago too. Years where my status was the first fact I considered whenever I decided to make a new friend, for example. Fuckbuddy or not; I assumed monogamy was a closed chapter, then... 

    I have taken wrong decision due to my self-stigma, and how my abusive ex manipulated my mind... thanks to my status, again. And our mutual poz fetish. 

    The guilt I felt when it was dealing with "undetectable untransmittable" experimented on my ex's life and mine, relief after his neg tests, when he insisted on making me stop meds, my fake acceptance (i just changed timetable and meds place) as he thought a conversion could seal a deteriorating relationship, that was the boost I needed to finally decide "have a little more respect on yourself and send this rubbish away". 

    From a medical perspective, HIV has not been a big issue, I can say it; but socially and psychologically it's been a real mess which I won't wish to anyone. 

    Other people say they've no regrets, they are happy of it and looked for it, yes. It's possible because reaction depends on your own journey! Although I'd never tell anyone "go out and get pozzed to set yourself free" without saying what the disadvantages are. I just say, be aware of everything and decide for yourself, NEVER allow others to decide for your life.

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  8. damned geek here, but I did not know this stuff. I'll go through it and read its terms and conditions carefully before making any choices. 

    I don't like those Telegram or other stuff (for sex/poztalk related conversations) except for my bf of course, because they're associated to my real phone numbers and having to pay an extra-number just for chatting dirty, no! Not my thing! 

    Am I a secret agent or whatever? No, I want to act in the safest way possible! I'm a fanatic of computer safety then I talk about unprotected sex... I'm a living paradox I know! As I also know telegram allows to add my real number. But no...I prefer not! And I'll look to study this "session". Thanks for having let me know its existence. 

  9. Do what your heart suggests to do... Sorry I can't suggest you a book or movie with LGBT love in mind right now, try with a bait at a time and, as I told you in other place, you should search for a gay/LGBT association to confront with, in your area. Given many subjects discussed on this community, I'm not sure Breeding Zone is the best thing for someone who has questions on his real feelings. Let's say it's like you want to try spices and you start with the strongest Mexican meal LOL

  10. Many times in this post you ask "what's wrong with me?" This is the horrible culture we're grown up: only thing socially recognized about sexuality is "find a girl, settle down, get married and have kids" cutting all the rest off but do you want to hear a news? NOTHING is wrong, except things done without consent or full conscience (minors, animals, abuse of vulnerable people)... That stuff is wrong and thankfully law punishes it, but sexuality is so fucking complex! You have never looked at men before? And, what if I tell you that you're maybe in a phase of life where you're realizing your true self, your true desire? 

    I'm smiling when reading this post as, well, I'm almost 20 years older than you and my current partner is 53. But listen... I am happy with my sexuality, I don't dislike women but I prefer men for the most. And him? 

    We've been co-workers and best friends for 12 years. We were already adults when we met at work almost 13 years ago, I was in a monogamous relationship with so-called "mr. right" who turned into "mr. asshole" as soon as I caught him cheating on me and then he gave me HIV. 

    Well, I always had felt something for my co-worker, but he was engaged to his girl! I was next to him when he thought to have impregnated her -thankfully fake alarm-; he was next to me when I tested HIV positive and broke up with mr. asshole... 

    Looking back, it was clear his relationship couldn't work well as he jumped from a bed to another and he confessed his fears of AIDS to me... Despite it he continued with risky sex... 

    12 years spent with me thinking he was inaccessible due to his marriage, him probably thinking I was such because of my HIV status... We spent years as best friends, with him asking me questions, confident explicit questions about "how it is freeing to cum in an ass without fear to impregnate" and then going a step backwards "oops you might have something worse to give a man" with that I explained about Prep, about "undetectable untransmittable", I threw the bait towards him, but he made two steps backwards then! I fell into an abusive relationship in that period. 

    Things changed when he found confirmation to his suspicion: his wife had (and has always had) another man. What to do, what not to do, no kids were involved, he hadn't never wanted to become father. 

    So, making story short, our sexual confidence started with a bet once we worked from home, soon after I kicked my latest abusive ex. "the loser strips naked" then a cuddle led to another. 

    And yes, when he told me "I love you" for the first time, he exploded in tears and said "it's all wrong, we shouldn't"... And I replied "you just should get divorced, let your wife live the life she wants, and you live yours". Without kids and with his wife's consent to split, it has been quite easy. An already split couple who had to confirm it legally - it has happened many times to meet her with her new partner, another woman, with another smile. 

    What to suggest you for your case? If you're really best friends, well, throw the bait using general issues, eventually talking about a movie regarding a love affair between men, try to explore his thoughts, to talk about friendships turning into love, well, I don't know you but go one step at a time. 

    Avoiding him, is worse! Thinking about wives and kids? It's not the time yet! Because if you discover he's scaringly homophobic, your hope could be lost. Or at least you should study it because homophobia might mean repressed homosexuality. I'm not a psy, I'm a computer worker! And, I'm partnered with a guy who said "oh fuck, I had to arrive at 53 to discover what real love means! I'm 53 with many sex experiences and I knew nothing about sex..." You're 30 and in time to yet grow up sexually LOL!!! Good luck, seriously.

    • Like 2
  11. 16 minutes ago, cumslut4play said:

    I agree!  I'm also fine with dirty chat 🙂 fantasy or whether it leads to something latter, it's still fine with me.  It's somewhat necessary here since so many profiles don't even have locations.

    Up for it whenever you want! That's why I wrote "a book" -LOL- on profile; so people don't create expectations or misunderstandings. 

    Honestly the main reason why I came here was to write dirtier stories than the one I build elsewhere. But then I understood to be "out of target", mainly guys here have other tastes, and I never want to force others to read what they're not interested in or they simply don't understand.

  12. I'm one of those  guys who's here for dirty chat and I wrote it clearly on profile; it's a game lasting the time of chat, and can be interrupted whenever, it's not the first time a guy chats me then disappears, no offense towards me, they're in full right to do this as no one owes anything to each other, unless specified otherwise.

     Some buddies here enjoy sexting, occasionally we discuss, but stop! 

    If I have a life? Yes, a job keeping me busy and tired, and I have A very satisfying relationship with my bf. "What do you sext with others for"... To have fun for myself which disconnects my mind temporarily during pauses from work, to have something spicy to turn my bf and me on, no one has the right to judge why and when one person decides to chat/roleplay! 

    Communication is key, when someone's up to chat with me they do, if they don't like my approach they don't, nothing more, nothing less. 

    And yes, I generally take this site/inbox to chat dirty with internet buddy because using notifications-driven apps then drive me crazy, I'm already over-stressed on those for work reasons so, if I have few minutes to have fun with sexting I do, otherwise who gives a damn! 

    Honestly I don't care about what people think of fantasy chats; I've embraced them, I enjoy them only with people agreeing, I would never bother anyone. 

  13. On 6/1/2023 at 9:26 PM, BreederDaddy99UK said:

    I think this is a story of genius writing. I’ve never read a Poz story from the voice of the virus. Well done PozTalk for coming up with something so original! 

    can’t wait for the next episode.  Ignore the doubters!! 



    This time the doubter is me! 

    I started it supposing it to be a quite short one, then connection between characters didn't work as expected, the project I had in mind vanished due to some personal issues, too bad treating my readers like this but failures can happen! First time I left a story without completion was the one I started writing with my ex and I left it incomplete after our breakup. 

    Do I think to write other stories? Who knows! It's the same answer I give to guys asking me if I convert my bf to poz: "nothing can be excluded in life".

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