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Everything posted by PozTalkAuthor

  1. Curious to hear how it goes on!!! I've been nights, dreaming of Jason telling his father that he got HIV while in England - and father disappointed: "everyone is poz, except me"
  2. asking people on this site to hurt her, means not only she considers herself as nothing. But she's also implicitly considering this community full of people eager to abuse of vulnerable folks; I'm part of this community and (except a couple of assholes) I never met unpleasant people, I indeed found people welcoming me, accepting my fantasies and playing along! This is not a community where to ask people to hurt us. Maybe it's because I'm used to see worst things on web but this kind of request is a way to ask for help and attention. We're no one to say which doctor or which journey to have, but what you need is much far from sex! Asking someone "hurt me so that I'm hospitalized" means extreme desperation and it can't be cured with self-harm! There are people, even children, suffering from war in this world! Why the fuck should someone search for harm on purpose in this way! If people treat you as worthless, they're such. Not you. I had my father who treated me like I was a damage, I ruined his plans, being a twin I was the unplanned child... He was worthless man but when he was dying and vulnerable, despite my hate for him, I did everything to ensure he could die in peace. HIV has been smarter, he's decided not to live inside your blood, aware that you need help and not a virus. Think of this!
  3. This story always turns me on, and despite time passed, you always know which buttons to push... Let's see what happens with that "I don't want to be fucked by poz guys"! Serosorting needs punishment
  4. you need a good psychiatrist rather than a sex-related web community - always assuming that you're not a troll no one should hate themselves! And if so, Breeding Zone is not the place and hopefully no one here is so ASSHOLE to use a mentally sick person for his own pleasure. Cops? Hopefully moderators here can get rid of this troll if it's such, and if necessary, take appropriate steps. Let me say that in this community it's quite ordinary to find people fantasizing. Good-intentioned roleplaying, anonymous flirting, even catfishing, and in worst cases people looking for real meets then ghosting each other. But depression, anxiety and generally mental disorders are not something we have to play with. I might be too "sensitive" for certain topics, but something makes me feel this person is a victim of a strong transphobia by people around, so she thinks hating herself is the solution. You're what you are, why self-punishing?
  5. thanks for following me! 😘❤️🔥☣️

    1. LoadHunter612


      i thought i already was following you - weird.  i love your posts 

    2. PozTalkAuthor


      Pleased to hear this, honey! 

      I just do my best to give POSITIVE contributes to this web community -pun intended-. 

  6. Missed you! Hope you continue with this one!
  7. hey you, super-dirty chaser slut!!! ❤️🔥😘☣️
  8. Sorry, I don't know which story you're talking about. Anyway I guess another one has been deleted - or, at least, unpublished. "full circle" I guess the reason, the author explicitly mentioned "AIDS" as their purpose and, if poz is allowed, AIDS is not
  9. Denial, rather than closet; I was a child when it all started while when Freddie Mercury died (1991) I had just turned 16. Then I've tried to avoid my sexuality matter despite knowing it for years, just until first serious relationship came.
  10. I had mainly 3 life phases: one where monogamy was considered "a must", "the way society wants me to be", and the result was I dated one guy who was drugged and another who was a serial cheater and this relationship gave me HIV. No, I don't think I was the cause of it all; if one prefers a different kind of life there's nothing I can do about it! Worst thing you can do in a love affair, is to have the "mission" of changing your partner's behaviour. The frog remains a frog, and the scorpion... stings!!! Second phase where I said "open, or nothing". My latest ex who made me think he loved me but then he used me, well, no, in the end we used each other. Cheating? I don't consider it such, when one watches Twitter with a particular fetish, without my consent. Virtual is not cheat IMHO. And third phase, current one, I'm happily monogamous with my current partner. In summer we tried to involve one close friend sexually but we both simply felt uncomfortable so, we have taken a step backwards: if and when it happens, it happens. Nothing forced. I admit, I feel opening the couple might make our sex more adventurous, but it's not an urge. And we always confront on this subject whenever we read stories here. Yes, we watch porn and read sexual stories, together with listening to podcasts of interests. We're not that classical family "watch a sitcom then to bed"!
  11. let me share a dirty dream I had: me cheating on my bf with a guy met here on Breeding Zone, who begged me to poz him up. 

  12. It was not a "hookup" meant as me browsing some sites, apps or physical places where we found each other; my ex introduced him to me as one of his fuckbuddies, they both wanted me to become such too. He was kinda sexy, so I gladly accepted some fun. Being undetectable I didn't discuss status, I instinctively knew he could be that kind of guys who are good fucks and nothing else. And, before getting naked, he told my ex: "I hope your guy is 'CLEAN', as I don't want to sleep with poz, even undetectable" - treating me like I was an object to use just for filling his hole, like I had no senses and feelings ... and status. Let me say I got angry as a beast then, and he deserved a wild, rough fuck with a "enjoy undetectable seed in you" after I gladly bred his sore ass. I told about details somewhere else, but that one has been the beginning of the end for the relationship with my ex! What about if someone would tie me or going extreme? I'd be even angrier! Not to talk about extremely dirty hole or worse, wanting to play with body discards. Second? I got angry with my ex when he brought a fuckbuddy home "to surprise me" while I assumed we were celebrating an intimate special event alone.
  13. thanks for follow, boy! 

    1. newboihorsham


      No worries. Great profile x

    2. PozTalkAuthor


      Definitely nothing special, my profile! 

      I'm always happy when people appreciate it, as usually they tend to consider the ones with lots of explicit photos/videos in them. But knowing how dangerous it is to expose ourselves with our bodies, well, I avoid doing it. I love to be clear about what I want from here! Let's chat anytime

  14. the scent of mango while my bf prepares a relaxing infuse is what makes me horny. Again. After some weeks sexless I'm honestly insatiable

  15. Naked, on the couch, with my bf surfing Breeding zone and looking for stories with poz and romance involved. 

  16. I had missed this one! These are stories I love: where the neg (naive) guy becomes -biologically- bonded with an experienced gifter. Well, they have much more than a ring: a golden wearable jewel can be stolen but not what your man shares with you through sex and resides in your blood cells forever.
  17. I remember a guy here who met a married older poz couple and he got pozzed by them in 2021... He told all his story here. Now I forgot his nickname. Yes, I have lurked here since a long time before joining with this profile
  18. Found nothing interesting here today... Sorry! And no mood to write a new gifting story.

  19. I suppose it was the final part, how could it continue?
  20. No tolerance for paranoid folks! They get tested for HIV after a kiss. Still in 2023. Then, people say I'm rude. WTF! 

  21. It's clear - I love to dirty-poz-talk with guys here! 

  22. Versatile? Well, if I must label my sexuality I'd call it "side-verse". Having had experiences both with males and females, I've learnt to use my whole body both actively and passively. Tongue and fingers come much before penis and anus stimulation, my value in sexuality is to explore my partner's sensations and limits, together with mine. I'm honestly annoyed about a sexual relationship where body contact is considered just an introduction to achieve the penetration event. Penetration is _one_. Then, we are all to explore! Ear play, nipple play, armpit or foot play... God or whoever created us, gave us a body. Let's use it! I want to be honest with myself and you: all kinds of body explorations have been something I've learnt after I got HIV. Fear to transmit, forced me to explore something different. What my ex (the abuser) did, was introducing me to know "rimming world" better. Nationality? More than the country, the kind of education is important; how difficult it was to convince my partner about rimming, and fingering a man's ass -mine-. He said "ladies do not want fingers to go too deep"... Culture and education do the most of the job.
  23. My psycho-therapist I attended when I had to deal both with long-term relationship breakup and with HIV, told me I could not think to love others, if I didn't start loving and accepting myself. HIV included. Damn if he was right, he was so fucking right! It only took years and years for me to embrace what "accept your HIV" really meant! I've managed to really feel what love means, when together with my virus I accepted my sex fantasies and stopped feeling wrong with them! So, I have started to dare a little, love means trust. And for now, I've been lucky.
  24. Oh fuck, it was long time I didn't go to church!!! LOL! I was waiting for the appointment and here it was, double reward! Anyway, there's Will who thinks he hadn't converted anyone on his own, but his brother (Jay) is still keeping the secret!
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