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Everything posted by PozTalkAuthor

  1. starting conversion on 3rd October - virus appreciation day! That's like having your boyfriend's 2 lines on Valentine's and know to be his gifter... I love stories where guys convert and are followed in their whole journey
  2. My boyfriend doesn't like to be on his back, instead; he mostly prefers staying on his belly or riding me. As I have taught him the joy of body contact, anal is just one of sexual approach we have. Let me say I've transformed a self-claiming "alpha male" in a complete side-verse guy and experimentation is endless. Didn't say it in previous post as I never want to talk about my man's sexuality without him knowing. Matter of mutual respect.
  3. Favorite favorite? When I'm riding him, and kisses during sex. But I also don't dislike being on my back with him on top of me! Riding him gives me complete control on movements and even slow down when he says he's getting close and I want to delay his ejaculation. Then, if we're in wild mode rather than lovemaking, doggy style. Usually I like to lay on top of him with lots and lots of foreplay, then lift up and sit on him! Still remember the first time when he didn't expect me to do it!
  4. Oh damn! Keep on going! PS I take the chance to say hi - I'm the guy of the talking HIV
  5. I fucking like this and my HIV does too!!!
  6. such unpolite guy I am, forgot to tell you "thanks for follow"

  7. Edited my profile to fit what my role in Breeding Zone is now.

  8. Next generation of virus needed, right? 🦠☣️
  9. I have another story in mind about double life, might be called "if you're a gifter don't message me". How could a double life be kept safe if HIV virus talks? Only thing the virus's carrier can do, is spread it (him) around to keep him busy! 

  10. Oh, well! This guy Peter is going to have a big success among men of the whole community. I guess the other guys come out of the closet all together sooner or later!! Longing for next sunday!!!
  11. A fact of having clear ideas of what both people want. Is it a sex-only hookup? Staying the day or night makes no sense; is it something you hope will develop in at least a regular fuckbuddy? Staying the night/day might be a first step to know at least mutual tastes and boundaries. Then it depends on what you want even from a sex-only meetup; you want a repeat? Exchange numbers with no need of spending the night - that could be a second phase. Or exchange messages in sites/apps. Only time I regret to have said "stay, stay here, no worries" was with my latest ex (the abuser); but I was so horny and in need, both of sex and the rest, that I let him take a place in my life that he didn't deserve.
  12. My sensation is that many people want "everything and immediately": skipping the hard, and in some cases painful, part of having a relationship; and despite a romantic story does not mean sacrifice only, suffering is part of a growing bond between two people. I have never been in a sex club, I'm aware it has never been my place! But I think many people are so in need, that feel ashamed of themselves and try to seek love where it can't be found. Like someone desperate hungry looking for food into the rubbish. Cuddle/hugs parties? Oh, gosh! I don't judge such choices if someone likes this but if I want some cuddles by strangers you know where I go? To those places where abandoned dogs and cats are rescued. But the risk is I'd bring a dozen of them home! Last but not least, my current partner was one of those: he jumped from a woman to another but escaped every time they asked for more attentions, his wife was with another man for years, he threw the bait to me but every time I caught it he freaked out... In the end after what I started as an innocent game, that 3rd October 2022, well, we no longer left each other! But we were brotherly friends since long. What's a fuck of ours? About 45 minutes, one hour, of foreplay and, afterplay, it depends on how exhausted we both are after mutual cum.
  13. Hey thanks for follow! ☣️

  14. And I am proud, happy, to be in this way! I like to be this kind of me and enjoy company (both remotely and in presence) with people who enjoy me.
  15. Want to see Marc converting, first of all! And, no need to worry about people making nasty comments, I have received some of them regarding the story of the talking HIV virus but you know where I sent them? Simply pressed the button and flushed them down the toilet where they deserve to stay; maybe they think I've stopped writing about this because of them? I stopped because of lack of inspiration, due to other high-priority tasks, but the talking HIV is still here waiting for me to wake him up. You, for your ftm Dean character, do the same - never listen to people who want to put your self-esteem down, they have no value. If criticism has its sense, we can be upfront about it and maybe discuss; otherwise, pull the lever down and FLUSH!
  16. This is one of the reasons why I don't like sex with strangers - let alone using hookup-related apps: I love foreplay and afterplay! Kisses, cuddles, aftersex talking - sharing mutual sensations- having all 5 senses participating to the event and a stranger, maybe even anonymous, doesn't give me this... Yes, same taste while sexting and fantasy-roleplaying with guys here; even in chat, love saying sweet "nothings". Body and soul fully willing to enjoy what's happening! Is it love, like the one I'm experiencing? That's like kinda winning a world cup; but even it's a fuckbuddy they must be known people, someone who likes me, beyond the sex act itself. Penis contact and ejaculation? They are just a part of the intimate contact between bodies! Am I an eternal "romantic"? Maybe.
  17. Didn't understand if the story has ended, but, I so fucking love those stories where the guy wants to know who his gifter is!!! Then, if he cums this much, this gifter could poz a football teams in one night.
  18. hey, you, I read it all - I missed some parts and had to flip back sorry if I am not always following up but I'm finally on holiday after a heavy period of hard work and family matters
  19. A woman seeing me and my bf cuddling called us "disgusting faggots". I looked at her and smiled: "well, if you need to wear such elegant clothes and have this quantity of perfume despite we are few people around here, it's to hide the shit you have inside your heart. You'd better stop hiding stink with perfume as you just talk and reveal yourself for who you are."

    1. BruxoCub


      She isn't getting the D like we are 😉

    2. PozTalkAuthor


      repressed, that's the issue; she's sexually repressed - straight or lesbian that she could be, no matter. When you need to comment or judge other people's sexual behaviour it's because you're envious not being able to express them freely.

      I'm not a psy but my experience says this, I was the same about poz fetish. Repressing and judging not to admit it. Now I embraced it all and feel comfortable with myself, and with others.

    3. PozTalkAuthor


      then, "sexual behaviour!we were not having sex in the veranda of the public place we are in; we were just cuddling in each other's arms.

      If someone feels the urge to comment others' ways to experience love or sexuality, it means they're lifeless. Poor her, I pity her in the end. She may have her husband not looking at her...

      because he's too busy hooking up on Grindr LOL

      so she does anything to be noticed.

  20. Reading dirty stories here with my bf and a close friend of mine, with a bet: the first to feel his dick reacting, strips naked. We're resisting for now

  21. Horny as fuck!!! 

    1. PozTalkAuthor


      Oh, well, bred my bf outside in the woods! Poz talk with no one around... Who knows if trees talk?

  22. Damn, so many likes and upvotes when I talk serious! Much appreciated! I assumed to be such a boring guy! But never mind, I'm playful and horny when it's appropriate while serious matters deserve a different tone. 

  23. There are some discussions it's not worth continuing; I'm on vacation and want to let fuckers go! I'm here to have fun not to argue. 

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