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Everything posted by PozTalkAuthor

  1. Agree totally with them except for 6th, well it depends on situation. When I used to top a guy for sex only without any lasting feelings, it was matter of primal pleasure for me... Especially with one guy in particular. But now, if current guy asks me to slow down, I of course do - also because it allows me to last longer and enjoy the ride for both
  2. Let me say it: in 27 years of Internet experience, Breeding Zone is the safest place I've been into. Thanks to mods' efforts, despite sometimes warning policy can seem too strict. It's only way to avoid hate speech and most accidents. 😘😘😘

  3. sorry if I don't react/reply to public posts these days, on Internet I'm mostly in reader mode lately. I'll do my best to get back on track soon.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. PozTalkAuthor


      They call it "writer's block" or in my case it's kinda interaction block. I've been bullied by some haters over the Internet (thankfully not in this site) and I just feel like "sit down and look around"

    3. Cravetoxic22


      People can be awful. I'm sorry you have to deal with haters. Hopefully you don't have to face that from anyone here. 

    4. PozTalkAuthor


      Twice it happened last year but I don't feel like calling them "haters" totally; they just approached me (and my fantasies) in judgmental way. 

      It's not mandatory to share same fantasies among people but please if they don't agree with me they have no right to judge me! I have fun chats with many guys here, who have different kinks from me - chem/cumsluts into substances and anonymous sex; I'm not, and what then? Everyone lives sexuality as they want and like to! No need to lecture anyone. 

  4. X/Twitter is crap, now! Not only Musk has fired all accessibility team, as first move, as soon as he acquired the platform but also wants to let haters go free, by removing the "block" function, as soon as Elon Musk-et- got the platform, my best friend and I escaped from there! We had a project together posting to Twitter. And, poz pigs, was one of the accounts helping me to embrace my fantasies totally! My ex (the abuser) was always there and I caught him watching all contents you retweeted from there... As for "musk-et-" I said like this because it was him tweeting with a weapon in hand and making this silly "joke" on himself. Now I'm studying Mastodon, but I found chaos there too! I'll keep an eye on your possible news about that Nostr
  5. we can talk whenever we want, message me without any problem if you want to confront
  6. We have same tastes for stories! I'm happy when I can share them. Mostly, people here are for fast "pump, poz and dump" tales. That's not my thing. And if between pozzer and pozzed a bond develops -or strengthens-, even better!
  7. sorry for my slow activity but I have trouble to solve on Internet. Dealing with haters, thankfully no one of them has come here (YET) I'm determined to make them pay for insults they address me.

  8. Oh fuck! Good start!!! Breeding boyfriend on the washer? DONE!!! 🦠☣️
  9. The fear I experienced when I saw my poz result was the worst? I thought so. But now I discovered one even worse: fire around and my 1-year-old nephew in danger. A mild burn on my arm but we're all safe! 

  10. Quoting myself but it needs an update: vacation is over (in advance for family trouble) but, no sex with former boyfriend at all! We didn't do much; all 3 of us half naked, the guy between me and my bf, commanding us to "use him". We just licked his neck and nipples, some make out, but we both felt discomfort to be treated like toys! In the end we gave it up, it's not appropriate to lose a good friendship because of physical pleasure!
  11. hey, thanks for follow, boy!

    1. Bchaser9


      Of course daddy 🙂 

    2. PozTalkAuthor


      I can't give you what you look for in person but we can dirty/sweet chat anytime here.

  12. massages, kisses, cuddles, and poz breeding. All that gets me going in one shot!
  13. This story keeps me going! Lot of foreplay, then the extra biological bond forming!
  14. I bent my ex over a rock into the woods, mountain environment. It was late summer, a hot night; we had an electric torch and it was fresh air. Nice to stay naked into a place where no one was around... Nice and risky, let's say! Well, "night", it was 11 PM, and I entered his hole roleplaying a nasty stranger coming from nowhere with dangerous cum, grabbing him from behind. I also planned to bring rubber gloves with me then, but I forgot! Love creative sex!!!
  15. starting conversion on 3rd October - virus appreciation day! That's like having your boyfriend's 2 lines on Valentine's and know to be his gifter... I love stories where guys convert and are followed in their whole journey
  16. My boyfriend doesn't like to be on his back, instead; he mostly prefers staying on his belly or riding me. As I have taught him the joy of body contact, anal is just one of sexual approach we have. Let me say I've transformed a self-claiming "alpha male" in a complete side-verse guy and experimentation is endless. Didn't say it in previous post as I never want to talk about my man's sexuality without him knowing. Matter of mutual respect.
  17. Favorite favorite? When I'm riding him, and kisses during sex. But I also don't dislike being on my back with him on top of me! Riding him gives me complete control on movements and even slow down when he says he's getting close and I want to delay his ejaculation. Then, if we're in wild mode rather than lovemaking, doggy style. Usually I like to lay on top of him with lots and lots of foreplay, then lift up and sit on him! Still remember the first time when he didn't expect me to do it!
  18. Oh damn! Keep on going! PS I take the chance to say hi - I'm the guy of the talking HIV
  19. I fucking like this and my HIV does too!!!
  20. such unpolite guy I am, forgot to tell you "thanks for follow"

  21. Edited my profile to fit what my role in Breeding Zone is now.

  22. Next generation of virus needed, right? 🦠☣️
  23. I have another story in mind about double life, might be called "if you're a gifter don't message me". How could a double life be kept safe if HIV virus talks? Only thing the virus's carrier can do, is spread it (him) around to keep him busy! 

  24. Oh, well! This guy Peter is going to have a big success among men of the whole community. I guess the other guys come out of the closet all together sooner or later!! Longing for next sunday!!!
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