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Everything posted by PozTalkAuthor

  1. Today my computer decided its time is gone. Hard disk damaged beyond repair. But, THANKFULLY I have backups and cloud services... "We have to talk" fiction is SAFE! I've got my precious tablet -UNDETECTABLET?- here, then on Monday I'll try to revive the dead one. 

    1. PozTalkAuthor


      Thanks! Well, it's better NOT to get angry to the world. We're two in one -me and my HIV- and anger never helps! 

  2. Definitely a good one! Hope to see Gary convert - or is it over like this?
  3. Thanks for support, I am getting better and better! Hope to deliver something new during this week-end! Can't promise when.
  4. I joined this community to contribute with my HIV-related stories, but I never expected to find some friends. Thanks to be here and talk to me! You know who you are ☣😘😘😘🤗

  5. My twisted partner. To celebrate a special date I gave him a new tablet as a gift; and I discovered he named that device as UNDETECTABLET. So, I changed the name to my tablet too, it's UNTRANSMITTABLET. Perfectly matching but it should be the opposite as I'm the poz UEqualsU. 

  6. Chilling out. I don't feel like writing today, the stories for BreedingZone can wait. Sorry. 

  7. Hot, but, Stuart says he owns Kenny then allows his whole team to fill him with their loads. Given that situation, how could he ensure that the slut will be pozzed by his own seed? Or maybe he has pozzed the whole team without their knowledge?
  8. Good luck - hope it's not another blank shot Fingers crossed.
  9. Today I feel sooooooo RADIOACTIVE! ☢☢☢☢

  10. Will is Dominic's 50th conversion, so, he deserves a very special treatment, tattoo and celebration party!
  11. I'm feeling sorry for all readers who are enjoying this story; I planned to post chapter 10 this week but an unwanted guest joined my blood stream giving me symptoms and attempting to bond with my HIV. Damned COVID, that balls-buster should go to sleep instead of disturbing the king of my cells - and me. Or at least the two of them should play TicTacToe inside my DNA without annoying further.
  12. Fuck yes! This twink will soon feel LIBERATED when the neighbour's seed finally takes!
  13. I hate keyboard warriors, they say whatever to turn me on but after they succeed and I go further with dirty talk they say I am offending them. Go your way, please! 

  14. the poz gifter should nurse his chaser during fuck flu. Now it's me, the poz, with high fever and I have two neg guys looking after me! How a lucky man I am! 

  15. Another good, hot, romantic pozzing story. I have loved it!
  16. You're twisted, dude! I agree: everyone must enjoy the slave screaming and crying in pain!
  17. Let's see where it goes! I'm fantasizing about the young guy converting and starting to realize he's screwed... He starts whining as a crybaby and master tortures him even more
  18. Brother, I just wanted to give you a tight hug! 

  19. Everything tells me she's going to embrace her new status very soon! Lucky girl!
  20. Don't know what happens to this world, it seems that being POLITE has become an expensive activity! I'm as gentle as I can, and then? Nothing in return. 

  21. Us. Me -the poz half of PozTales duo- was afraid of being involved in a long-term relationship after I got pozzed. I have always enjoyed sex with regular fuckbuddies and that was all. Till I met the asshole -I say it playfully- who's currently laying down next to me. It was hard to tell ourselves we are a couple, we always called each other "friends with benefits" but trust and care for each other grew stronger and stronger every day. After we discovered our mutual sex fantasies and had a hard long period of silence and mutual anger before we embraced them totally, our bond became even stronger. Always keeping our sexual freedom of course. Me undetectable, him on PrEP, we're two consenting adults, our partners too, we didn't even want to set whatever rule up. And it also happens we enjoy turning ourselves on, by sexting with people here who share our same kinks; extreme talk by messages, is a way to add some spicy components to our real sex life. Jealousy for chats or even real encounters, does not exist. We've got trouble like other relations, it's _not_ a fairy tale. But we do our best to make it work as long as possible.
  22. Hi! Thanks for the story. You're giving me inspirations for my science fiction plot. The idea of collecting all HIV strains, thanks, it's something I can consider! - to avoid misunderstandings I'm not talking about my REAL life, strain collector comes in FANTASY!- Honestly I did not understand the matter of injecting neg blood to maintain viral load higher, but I am glad to you and all other writers here who help me find inspirations for my writing -of course without copying ideas as assholes do-. The virus of my stories talk, so, thanks to a strain collector it may gain other super powers! Now it gets them from its hosts' behaviour and habits such as music tastes, empathy, ability to talk. But it may learn new skills from other viruses too!
  23. super-excited today. I deserved this, after maybe the hardest week of 2022. 

  24. Hello, glad you love my "we have to talk" story - it's the one I care about the most, the one I'm working the hardest. I love emotional stories, I don't like to write just to let others blast their loads LOL 

  25. Found an unexpected support from a close friend, so hopefully part10 is coming soon. No time for Ian's fuck flu yet...
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