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Everything posted by PozTalkAuthor

  1. Fuck hot weather... I was almost fainting. Today no one has to touch me! I would almost sleep in the fridge. Poor HIV, it's boiling too inside me! 

  2. I don't care what people think; soon I'll publish on the blog here, some events from my real life but the point of view is not mine, but my virus's. This lazy HIV who likes to watch Netflix together with their host.... 

  3. Started with so-called "mr. right". We're monogamous, what's the sense to use precautions? It wasn't time of PrEP yet. I _thought_ to be "safe" but he cheated and brought HIV home. After pozzing when in top position I played safe, but not while bottom. And after I knew the evidence of Undetectable Untransmittable I said fuck it, bb all the way. Currently I have a neg partner and some regulars, I go bareback with all. I regularly check up for stds so I take care as much as I can! I don't find pleasure in big risk but I think it's not the case to live with extreme fears. I use condoms if asked to, as first of all I respect partners and in case I disclose my status and the guy is scared, I want to make him feel safe.
  4. Hi! Glad you appreciate our "we have to talk" story. We're writing next part, chapter 10 but me -the poz half of PozTales duo, the main author-... I'm living some eventful and overwhelming days so I can't promise a date when it's going to be published. Thanks again. 

  5. I'm so overwhelmed by emotions! Nervous as hell, angry, scared, and liberated at the same time. I'm crying at my desk but deep down they're tears of joy

  6. This story is hot as fuck! Don't think that the name DOMinic has been chosen by chance! 😄 Let's see how it develops.
  7. Nervous as hell today. As a famous song says: Tell me why? I don't like mondays!

  8. Good boy or bad boy? What to be from now on? 🤣

  9. Hope it went as you wanted/expected. Good luck for whatever steps you take.
  10. Very emotional, as I like! Waiting for third chapter. Thanks.
  11. Thanks for clarifying it all! Take your time, my partner and I are also busy these days so we take the week-end to chill out and do not think to write so much. Our mind and body need rest!
  12. yeah, we agree. Curious to know how it is going to develop!
  13. Chapter 10 anticipation: HIV asks for a name but their carrier -PozCop- doesn't want to make their dream come true: the virus has rescued PozCop first, Hunter second, but before earning full privileges another life-saving mission must be accomplished. This time it's very, very difficult because it involves a neg human. Meanwhile Ian starts to have bad dreams; is the virus already growing in his body, and attempting to tell him something? Hunter is still in danger?
  14. Honestly this matter of permissions and using characters is a very sensitive issue; my partner and I, read a lot of fan fiction where stories regarding one or the other character from a tv series are continued by fans; we have used it ourselves for our PozWorld project out of bz but well, if it's a secondary character of a 30-years-old tv series maybe no one cares, but we felt guilty towards an author here because we used the same name for a character, even if his behaviour and preferences changed; we did not ask for permission and our story was deleted, then we clarified everything with him and he said he does not agree with the fan fiction model. This is the single author's right, if something is done to appreciate a character, it's not guaranteed EVERYONE takes it in the same way! Writing is a hard job, we know it ourselves and despite we like to use fan fiction, we have our conditions too. This is a community where opinions and stories are exchanged between users and we would be pleased if someone proposes a follow-up to our plots; of course if someone wants to make their HIV talk like I did mine, they can. Eventually saying "my virus talks because its two dads, the PozTales duo, allowed it"; or invent an alternative talking HIV strain with other powers, this is not forbidden at all! A talking virus can be as a gifter, a chaser, a drug dealer... how many character models exist in this world and in fantasy? It's a model and it can be adapted to the single author's personality. But if together with the character they copy the whole story or ideas, well, for that reason we all three -HIV included- become as angry as beasts. This is guaranteed. And well, if some poz guy copies my talking virus and after a short while feels ill somehow, he can be sure about the cause of his discomfort.
  15. Good Gifter, if he has flushed the chaser's PrEP! Let's go all the way!
  16. Love this story, please keep on writing!
  17. The one I wrote with my partner -we still have to finish it-, called "we have to talk".
  18. Hi! The story I am talking about is the one I am currently writing together with my partner: 

    We have to talk.


  19. Love your story "poz breeding god" 🤗🦠🦂🎁

    1. BFD


      Thanks, I love comments, please leave the same comment in that story thread :)

  20. Now our uncertainty is old business. First of all, my partner -open relationship- is on PrEP now. Second, the concept of U=U is now a fact for science and for us, third, we discovered a mutual poz fetish. Acceptance was very hard at the beginning for both of us till we slowly but fully embraced it, so we enjoy extreme poz talk and chasing/gifting roleplay. For now we take it as a shared fantasy in sex and stories we love to write, but life is long, who knows where this journey will bring us. ➕➕➕☣🦠💞🧬⚛🦂🎁
  21. For people who love to criticize authors: well, try to write something yourself and propose your ideas. I had critical feelings towards other stories too, but every author have their tastes and style so I decided to do my part and share my own fictions. People like? Ok. People don't? Equally Ok. But if someone contacts me just to say how disgusting is what I write, they must all go fuck themselves. I can discuss everything but I hate people who just try to destroy others. 

  22. Hello. What you wrote in fiction area, is very similar to something happening to a lot of people I guess -me included-. Thanks for having brought the topic to attention! I love writing stories too, and would like my tales are not just to make readers feel sexual excitement in this site; I also want to give some topics to think about, and emotions to feel. 

    1. gay87


      Hello PozTales, welcomed and I’m glad my experience resonates with you. 

  23. This happened to me too -in the reality-: even if I was undetectable and knew all that stuff of "UEqualsU", the serophobia and guilt culture we all grew up into, negatively influenced me when I had sexual encounters. My current partner was a bit rude though: "if you don't seed me, you'd better use a condom. Bareback must be done all the way". One, two, three like this, now it's normal for me to seed a sex partner. Maybe it's because when I got pozzed the UEqualsU studies were on the air but were not that official yet. And of course all the stories media told about those cases where a poz man transmitted HIV to a number of unwilling and unaware women. This kind of storytelling ruins people. Hugs. The Proton.
  24. Wait... With him, or with his smart HIV virus? 🦠☣️ That strain would be a very good resource to share! And remember: if one day someone grows a similar virus... I'd be the first to obtain it, you will be placed into the wait list! 🤗😘😃☣️🤣💗
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