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Everything posted by PozTalkAuthor

  1. Good luck for your journey. We temporary suspended our writing too, for some events of real life. It's good to explore our fantasy in any way possible but never lose control of reality. We'll wait for developments, in general. Hoping the best for you to achieve any goal you wish.
  2. We hope to! Evilqueerpig don't leave us hanging! 😃🤗☣️
  3. Hello just to let you know how much we love the story in chemsex fiction about two fathers and two sons. We were not kidding: when you convert your characters, soon enough we will give conversion to ours! Keep on writing, good job. 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. PozTalkAuthor


      We may just not know what signals HIV gives us to tell us their opinion or suggestions to us. Maybe when we finish our single stories we may try to write one together. In our story the virus is one of main characters and uses everyday life signals -for example music- to interact with its hosts. Now I notice I'm quite spoiling, and, HIV does not want us to spread spoilers!

    3. evilqueerpig


      The chance to collaborate with you would be amazing.  I'm fond of saying, I have HIV but it doesn't have me...now, I'm not so sure.  HIV DOES want to spread even if it's not spoilers.💋

    4. PozTalkAuthor


      You know what: we found too many stories which are similar one to the other. So we're attempting to give our 2 cents to explore bugchasing emotional aspect rather than the usual sex thrill. We think a story must not only have the aim to make readers blast their load, if written in a site like this. A story costs some effort, at least for writer, so we'd like to transmit something to our readers! -double meaning? Yes, this was on purpose-!

  4. Another deep-inside chaser who didn't just know to be such! Nice shot!
  5. We're not sure about all that matter of a comparison between HIV and pregnancy. Of course every person -with fantasy or real desire- has their "why's" and "because's" and trying to make assumptions on other people's life or sexual fantasies is a judgement itself. We both lived many years locking certain fantasies in the closet without coming out to each other and it has brought a lot of unhappiness and auto-stigma. And yes, we were both the first to be aggressive towards some sorts of fetishes, but well, we just discovered it was only a way to blame ourselves. We were envious of others talking freely about certain subjects, it was like the animal who looks itself on a mirror and attacks it thinking to be confronting an enemy. Bz was the mirror we just refused to look at. When we started to read invented and real stories involving our same fantasies, we slowly embraced them. Life is short, fuck it! About pride and all that stuff: honestly we think pride is important for awareness but it's not necessary to bring our most intimate fantasies or desires, outside. About consensual HIV transmission we have an idea: there are many fuckers around who glorify to break anti-covid rules, who drive using smartphones, who even join dangerous "challenges" to appear in social networks. Then these are the same who blame LGBT community for std's. Then they're the same who have sex with the entire universe without protections or testing. Then they say we are the problem. We do not think it's useful to tell the world which sex fantasies or desires we have; many straight men tell the world what they -in real or fantasy- did the night before but we think that's not "normal", if we want to use this word. Maybe it's us, but we simply don't care. Our sex life is ours and no one has the right to know or judge.
  6. We are! Even if we started to call ourselves "a couple" just recently. Neg half is on PrEP, poz one undetectable but we could be safe even without PrEP. That treatment is used because we are open and we don't want a transmission to happen accidentally. PrEP has given us a sexual freedom we did not have before! Then, well: conversion and all that stuff of chasing and gifting for us is just fantasy and role play during sex to make it more spicy but that's all, we do not feel the need -and the reason- to share HIV condition in that way even if we clearly respect people making other choices. We have a close friend -lady- who is straight and had a long-term relationship with a HIV poz man. They used condoms, even to avoid other type of accidents as she has some health issues preventing her from using hormons to avoid unwanted pregnancies. But their relationship ended dramatically for other reason. Let's say that man was of course careful and respectful regarding his condition but a complete asshole for the rest. Humiliating his girl verbally and then saying he would never beat a woman. Yes, true, but tongue often injures worse than a sword. In that case HIV was involved as people tried to explain his aggressive behaviour. But as a serodiscordant couple we do not share anything about that. HIV does not make you a good or bad person; if you're a piece of shit, poz or neg, must be treated as such. Since our experience we do not believe nowadays being a MAGNETIC -serodiscordant- couple with a normal and eventually condomless sex life is a problem. It'll be a problem if you judge it yourself. If you're full of auto-stigma, above all. When I -the poz half- discovered my partner's HIV fetish I was afraid he wanted me only for my status. And when he discovered mine he was afraid I stayed with him to stealth him sooner or later. Well, NO. We took our time, our hard argues, also staying apart. We called ourselves "friends with benefits" for a sort of virtual comfort zone but it's clear we cannot live apart. Remember, every magnet works because it has a minus, and a plus. Bye.
  7. I'm the neg half of PozTales duo. Unfortunately my partner's health is still poor he's very weak so it's two days we do not touch the story. We hope to keep both our writing in control next week as we do not like to leave any job unfinished. No matter likes or whatever reaction; an unfinished story means treating our readers without respect. Bye.
  8. We push this story up, for our romantic chaser friend who wishes to read. 😘😘😘
  9. Hope so, but for now we're K.O. For the story's anticipation: - the virus gives full approval to Ian's conversion; - PozCop punishes Hunter for having been converted by a stranger; - In the punishment Ryan shows his dominant side and PozCop feels proud of him...
  10. Sorry for delay. We are slowly writing chapter 8. Initial intentions were to forget bz till next week but, well, we left for a vacation with some friends and... Out of 5 people, we are 4 sick. No covid but fever, cough, cold, and weakness. It's like our poz fantasy of every neg friend of ours in fuck flu, but this is a blank shot. Let's update next week, we hope! Both with this and the story about the writer. And yes, we're also studying about a third one starting with 4 sick friends out of 5, and no one knows who the gifter is.
  11. yes, we love this too! Poz this guy up! So he gets rid of his serophobic sex education!
  12. "I don't swallow your cum till your test pops positive".... Good gifter, this is how to treat those nasty neg chasers. Make them cum and spit their useless seed back on them.
  13. longing for more! We are out of our usual comfort zone where we love to write stories but we have a goal. We will have our mutual characters in fuck flu together. When evilqueerpig converts his, we convert ours. 🦠☣️
  14. it's quite a revenge as Hunter does not believe in smart HIV's existence and he ends up being the cumdump of all undetectable and neg guys around. Let's see if PozCop wants Ian to go on PrEP to make him be active part of Hunter's NEGATIVE WASHING
  15. Just a little anticipation on what's next: Ian wants PozCop to force Hunter to watch the two of them in action. Hunter must be degraded till he reveals the truth about his real pozzing, who Gifter Arty is. And yes, HIV virus smart strain could tell them everything but the virus wants to enjoy the whole scene too.
  16. What are you doing to us? @ChaserKubby and this story's author - we get inspiration from every story we read. We're fantasizing about tattooing our story's character -the blind one- as he doesn't see he believes he has "love is love" on his chest and "PozCop" between his shoulders, but the real writing is "owned by: PozCop" on his chest and a biohazard covering his entire back.
  17. This story is so good! The chaser being bred by his gifter, and his gifter's gifter. 🦠☣➕➕➕
  18. FUCK! What a mistake! We said "Leaving room" instead of "living room" - maybe we were thinking about the characters who were leaving current place to go to another, we're sorry! We're quite tired and are longing for our vacation, we're LEAVING too.
  19. Chapter 7 is coming! Hunter or PozCop? Ian has already made his choice, we think... ----- -Hunter Bent over, with my hands on the shower’s wall, I had nothing to do but submitting to Ryan’s will. I was overwhelmed by emotions and didn’t really know how to feel. Horniness, frustration, or whatever; my viral brother behind me washed my whole body, but with his dick locked in chastity he could do nothing sexual to me. “Almost done”, he announced; “now you’re clean but your fuck hole needs some more treatment.” He wore a thick, scratchy glove and rubbed my entire back, closer and closer to my ass: no water or soap to lubricate it, the texture felt rough just when it touched my skin. “A finger will be enough inside you”, he grinned at me; “and be grateful I haven’t used the alcoholic product to disinfect your insides.” “It burns a lot!” I complained, trying to push him away but the shower was small and I had no way to escape; his finger went deeper and deeper, twisting around every time I tried to protest. I stared at a sponge on the shelf in front of me and was tempted to bite it, at least I could better tolerate the pain Ryan was making me feel. “Bro, you’d better leave it there”, he suggested. “It’s our gifter’s. And if he finds your tooth marks on his sponge, you’ll be screwed! Consider an honor that he let us take a shower here in his bathroom and not downstairs in the cold basement.” When he finally withdrew from my hole, we both stepped out of the shower, immediately wrapping a towel to each other’s bodies and reached Gifter’s bedroom. “It seems he’s not back home yet”, Ryan commented looking around; “we can still take the chance and chill out a little, on the bed where he converted both of us. What do you think?” “Oh, yeah”, I replied laying down on the mattress, but my mind was still processing how things ended up with my boyfriend because of PozCop’s actions. That guy forced me to dump Ian with apparently no reasons, and I did nothing to prevent it! “I think someone is sad. What’s the matter, my brother?” Ryan surrounded my shoulders with one arm and pulled me close, kissing me tenderly on my lips. “I always feel comfortable here”, he said holding me tight; “Gifter hugged me like this when I was shivering and in pain during my fuck flu. We’re so lucky to have him in our lives!” “No, we aren’t”, I replied almost in tears. “Did you realize how he treats you? Locked, collared and who knows what else. He punished you for nothing, and meddles in my affairs with no permission from me.” “Hunter! Stop it! This man cares about us like no others, give him honor and respect because everything he does is for our own good!” Ryan broke the hug and got up, turning his back on me. “Listen, bro. Now I’m really fed up of your silly whining and especially of covering your ass; remember dude, I took the blame and let him lock me when you broke Gifter’s rules, so be thankful that I look after you and shut up!” “Your gifter should know...” I stopped talking, noticing I was getting in trouble with my own words. “Our gifter should know I wanted HIV to set me free and be a no load refused cumdump! I don’t give a shit about all that bullshit of talking virus, smart strain and so on.” He looked at me, clearly offended: “I got it! So, the story about you calling Gifter Arty during sex was true! If it’s like that, it’s better you continue with meds otherwise you pollute our strain, keep your stupidity for yourself!” I couldn’t hold his gaze so I remained there, staring at the ceiling; if Ryan did not say a word, Gifter Adri would never know the truth, unless we went to the clinic for a detailed laboratory investigation on my blood cells. “Unless our HIV rats us out to Gifter, no one will reveal your secret if you don’t. I’m officially your brother”, he smiled at me; “how could I out you in that way? Let’s make peace, come on!” “Why, did we ever argue?” I asked shaking his hand; some playful shoves rolling back and forth on the bed, then in no time Ryan and me were making out as before. Our so-called viral father had not to suspect anything about me! ------- -PozCop: Ian pulled his heavy suitcases out of his bedroom and left them in front of the entrance door; we had packed everything and I felt super-excited, my chaser number four was finally going to increase my conversion rate! “Gifter, and the piano?” he asked, “are we going to forget the most important thing for me?” An expensive looking music keyboard was resting on a tripod in the leaving room and I stood there, staring at it. “I know this one”, I smiled, “On YouTube I am following a pianist who shares a lot of videos using such a wonderful instrument! One day I’d like to know that guy in person. Would you mind playing a song for me, before leaving?” “What? Now? You have just said we are in a hurry!” “Fuck it”, I encouraged him gently touching his back. “Do you want my HIV? Sit at the piano and play for us! Let music flow directly from your heart so my virus can listen and appreciate you as their next host!” “Why do you treat it as a human being?” Ian smiled at me, then sat on his chair and started to play a song: Everybody hurts, by R.E.M., likely one of my favourite! I stood next to him, completely lost in feelings I never experienced before; I had to fight hard to contain myself as all I wanted was hugging him from behind, my heart was beating like crazy. This was chemistry, something growing inside me going beyond lust or sexual instinct. I was sure I could be more than his gifter, if he only wanted me in his life. “I will never let you go, my chaser”, I managed to say trying to hide my emotion. “And my HIV approves you so much! Come here, give a kiss to your gifter. I want your DNA in me!” “It’s mutual”, he answered jumping up from the chair; I noticed one of his shoes was untied but I said nothing, just letting him melt in my arms and enjoy our tongues invading each other’s mouths. That kiss may have lasted a minute, or an hour, or even a lifetime but no one of us wanted to break it, till I really couldn’t help myself and pulled his pants down to his ankles. “Hey man”, he said realizing his ass was exposed. “What on Earth are you doing?” “I want you”, I told him touching his already naked waist. “Let me in!” In less than a minute our clothes were all on the floor and I bent him over the piano he had just played shortly before; “I want to fuck you right here, chaser! Damn, I can’t resist you!” “Yeah, Gifter, poz me up good! Make me yours!” His words brought me back to reality: it was not appropriate to go further, my third chaser had recently overcame a very difficult fuck flu and I promised myself that I’d follow my rational thinking rather than my instinct when choosing who I could convert; then, I had to teach Ian how to take his sex desires under control and I wasn’t able to think about mine? “stay still”, I commanded, and ran to my backpack where I always kept an extra bottle of lube just in case; everything was at its place, so I took whatever I needed and went back behind him; I spread some lube around his hole while I inserted it inside using my fingers, then I covered my fuck tool with a condom. “He’ll certainly notice after I enter him”, I thought, “But it’s the only way to go for now”. “It feels cold!”, he exclaimed, “and smells good!” “Yeah”, I grinned, “it’s chocolate and mint. My favourite lube after poz cum, of course.” I gripped his hips with my hands holding him in place and lined my wrapped dick with his lubed entrance; I wanted him to feel every sensation, our warm naked bodies close together. I spent some more time teasing his hole, pushing back and forth but always slowly, till his little resistance finally subsided and in a few more thrusts I was balls deep in him. Despite the rubber his ass felt really tight, and so good! I was soon fucking hard like it was the last sex of my whole life, my heart beating together with his; lost in my desire, I started licking and gently biting his neck with my arms tightly wrapped around him; in that moment I was experiencing a sense I never felt before, the power you feel when another human being’s life depends only on you, an emotion that made me upset. Maybe serial killers experience the same power when assaulting their prey? Let’s hope not! “Your flesh and blood belong to me”, I whispered embracing him tighter. “You’re my own boy, you know it. Tell me what you want!” “Eat me”, he whimpered panting. “Make me fucking bleed! Taste my neg DNA!” He didn’t need to tell me twice; I continued licking and gently kissing his neck till I reached his shoulder, then I gave him a couple of firm, hard bites. Blood began to come out from the fresh wound and that drove me wild! Ian started to yelp, in a double sensation of pain and pleasure; the more I licked and sucked his bleeding shoulder, the more he tensed his muscles tightening his ass walls and squeezed my covered up member. “It hurts good, Gifter! Your tongue and lips are fire on me! Eat me some more!” I was tempted, but at the same time I did not want to seriously injure that wonderful guy permanently ruining his innocent flesh. “I’m getting close”, I warned him increasing my pounding rhythm. “Scream, chaser, make me cum again!” “Again?” He asked, almost breathless. “Give it to me, gifter! Fill me up, break that condom!” “Never! It’s resistant!” I said, with another powerful thrust into his sore ass. “Here it comes, worthless neg bitch!” I spanked him hard while unloading inside the rubber, then pulled out fast holding the condom firmly with two fingers; no drop had to be wasted! I closed it with a tight knot and placed it in my boy’s hand, staring at him. “Heavy”, he commented. “The reservoir is full!” “Two highly viral loads but I couldn’t poz you today”, I explained guiding him towards his empty bedroom. “I place this loaded condom into your bag”, I said opening his backpack’s front pocket. “It’s next to your wipes. Taste my load while I drive you to your new home!” “Why not now?” he asked, still super horny. “Or empty it directly into my ass!” “I told you I can’t! Be patient! Let’s relax a bit. You almost killed me, you hungry wild boy!” We laid there in each other’s arms for some minutes; it was the first time I felt so close to another human being, and tasting still his blood on my lips made me feel more and more intimate with that guy I just met after months of secret chats and sexting. “It’s strange but it’s fantastic”, he told me with his head on my chest. “I didn’t ever feel something similar. Hunter took my virginity but let me say, sex was meaningless with him.” “Don’t mention that trashy slut”, I replied, disgusted. “I regret not to have stopped him before so that your cherry could have been mine! I already said it, you two did not match at all.” “Now I am realizing what you meant. It’s much different with you”, he smiled at me and turned around, exposing his wounded shoulder. “Take a look Gifter, now it really hurts; maybe it must be cleaned!” I nodded and got up from the bed; the closet was empty as we packed everything in suitcases, so I went to look into the bathroom where I finally found some antiseptic with sterile bandages. “This stings”, he protested while I was treating his shoulder; we both coughed a little due to the antiseptic smell, then I applied an adhesive bandage. “Now you should be OK till next time I’m eating you”, I grinned at him playing seductively with my fingers on both his shoulders. “Now let’s get dressed and leave this horrible place!” “The piano, Gifter, could we bring it with us?” I tried to lift the instrument with my own strength but it was really too heavy, so I decided to leave it; “Too big and my car is fully loaded with suitcases! Maybe tomorrow I’ll come together with chaser number two and we’ll take it. And better, I have a close friend who can help us. One thing at a time, Ian!” “Oh gosh”, he exclaimed clearing his throat; “I thought there was just my luggage with us.” I pushed the suitcases out of the door, allowing Ian to unfold his white cane and step outside; but instead of turning left towards the elevator, I saw him stopping to a house in front of his, and knocking hard. “What the fuck”, he growled; “she’s not at home!” I walked towards him and pulled his harm firmly: “hurry up, we’re making my third chaser wait too long in the car! We’re already a couple hours late! Fold that fucking aid and let me hold your hand, we’ll go faster.” He reluctantly complied and in a few minutes his suitcases were already inside while he sat in the back seat, behind me. From the passenger's seat, Chaser Three looked at the new arrival and I smiled: “don’t talk”, I ordered to both of them, “introductions will happen at home.” I quickly turned music on, with Queen song “one year of love” as first playing track and I almost immediately noticed Ian sobbing quietly. “Second thoughts?” I asked, “do you want me to take you back home?” “No, Gifter no”, he replied; “it’s just that I left most important thing behind.” I reassured him about the piano, we could have carried it the following day. “You did not even let me say goodbye to my neighbour”, he continued, without hiding his tears any longer. My friend Sharon will wonder where I am, I did not tell her I was leaving! Why are you so rude towards my best friend?” “He’s not rude at all! I’m here”, Chaser three answered. “Sorry Gifter, I had to talk, Ian doesn’t see! Remember it next time!” Sharon was completely right: I usually tell my conversions to talk only if authorized but this was clearly an exception; from now on, I had to question my own behaviour with body and verbal communication since a blind chaser had different needs and way to perceive the world. Fucking formal introductions, rules are made to be broken! I had no right to destroy their close friendship, as they were soon going to be brother and sister. “I’m Gifter’s best conversion”, Sharon smiled proudly at both of us. “Two tests, four lines. You know what I mean, right? Everything happened with the first, lifechanging, load!”
  20. Poor guy! He's becoming his teacher's toy
  21. Of course we'd like him to convert and Andrew Miller charging him up despite fever, like there's no tomorrow
  22. From fiction author to fiction author: we love your bug chasing stories and hope you soon go on with the one regarding the 18 years old guy, and the other about two brothers.

    Honestly the one about the doctor, and the other about a flight attendant, were really impressive for us.


  23. Yes of course but PozCop has vulnerabilities too. We are enjoying writing this (poz)tale a lot, and honestly said we don't want it to be the usual "pump and dump" - read lots of sex scenes and blast a load. We also would like to transmit something positive with our writing - double meaning used on purpose ➕🦠☣
  24. He's in the gifter's hands, he can do nothing at all to avoid his control
  25. *Authors note: NOTHING real from now on! Everything is pure fantasy. --- Part 2: Limitations One week off meds and I was starting to be horny as fuck, but I decided to abstain from sex with my partner till I could meet my bug chaser fan in person. “I caught a urinary infection”, this was the excuse that made us argue and have my boyfriend sleep on the sofa, even if I always kept an eye on him thanks to webcams installed everywhere. During that time I exchanged lots of private messages with my fan, then I understood the web community had some limitations: new members were restricted to send few public or private posts in a day! I did not expect so many followers and readers, my fictions about HIV transmissions had inspired a lot of real conversions and I was conflicted about that, horny and guilty at the same time. “How rude he is”, someone wrote about me, “he doesn’t even answer our questions!” But I did not really care about that crap, all my attentions were focused on my fan, ensuring to keep three slots a day always free: “good morning my chaser”, “your gifter wants you”, “good night my boy”, had to be guaranteed in his inbox daily to keep always him aware I gave him attentions. Limitations were becoming a big advantage for me! Personally I enjoyed his presence too much, he daily filled me with compliments certainly better than my partner who was accusing me instead. “You are obsessed by Internet, you promised to gift me then leave me neg and sexless”, and so on. Almost I regretted my decision to share my life with that guy, I really was thinking about packing my belongings to travel and reach my fan wherever he lived, till one day I received a call: a university had invited me to talk about my HIV related stories, and it was few kilometers from my fan’s town! First thing I did was to access the web community publishing such a news as a reply to one of my most popular stories, but among various congratulations or good luck messages I received nothing from my fan. Such damned flake, he was making me angry and I started to check on his profile every minute to see his activities, last visit, people he followed; I had to find a way to ruin that fake bug chaser’s reputation forever. A voice in my mind told me to stay calm and cool, sooner or later I would convert both him and my official boyfriend for sure. Losing my patience was matter of hours, it was really hard to contain myself every time I saw my bug chaser on line but never giving me any news about himself; I was almost fed up of keeping on writing sweet nothings to a virtual person, when I still had my real partner at home waiting for my gift; at that point I could seriously consider converting my guy, then take him to the conference at university and publicly announce my first poz son, eventually in front of my fan’s eyes. Count down started, it took three more days till I had to join the university event so I made another move hoping to break my fan’s silence: “My chaser, in three days we can meet in person. Show yourself at the conference about HIV in literature and we can arrange whatever you wish”. His reply came in a few seconds: “Sorry my gifter, but I finished my message slots. I give you all my instant messengers and phone contacts, use whatever is better for you but let’s keep in touch.” Attached to the chat I found a digital card full of phone numbers, e-mail addresses and any chat identities this world could offer. “Well”, I typed back; “I do not need all this stuff. You should rather close all these accounts and change your profile on the community where we met, if you want me to poz you.” “I want your HIV whatever it takes”, he quickly answered without even thinking; “what else to get rid of my neg life?” “First of all, in the community modify your nickname adding the word CHASER as prefix; then on your profile information, specify wherever you can, that you are owned by me. Do whatever to prevent other guys from contacting you, keep message slots only for our own conversations. Understood?” I expected him to block me, but the opposite happened: his profile changed almost instantly and as an avatar he placed an access denied signal. “Good chaser”, was my feedback. “See you at the conference, wear a t-shirt with biohazard symbol for me to recognize you.” “OK gifter” and a thumb up was his last reply. That’s not a flake, I thought. 100% slave, 100% exhibitionist, his original profile information was the truth!
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