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Everything posted by BigBearSean

  1. Please tell me there's more. Not just the sex and abuse, but the training and molding process as well. I feel like this is the life I always wanted to live but could never find the Master to own me completely.
  2. Great story. I keep hoping I get invited to a party just like that.
  3. I've never used them. I'm not entirely against the idea. But honestly, drugs and alcohol aren't really my thing. My brain's constantly analyzing everything, including itself. So when I drink or some a cigar my brain registers the chemical changes and how they are affecting it. It's distracting and kind of annoying. I just want to focus on the guy, making him feel good, and taking good dick. I do extremely well mentally relaxing my hole as it is and letting guys penetrate me. Never a dick too big yet! So I just stay in the moment instead of use poppers and such to do things for me.
  4. One of my goals is to make it to a horsemarket and see how many anonymous cocks I can take. So fucking hot!
  5. Being a daddy is mostly a state of mind. Are you the dominate, supportive partner that orders the boy around but also sees to his needs? Then you're the daddy. For some, looks and age may play into it. But daddy is more a frame of mind and acknowledgement of social hierarchy on the dom/sub scale. You can tell him not to call you that and treat him as an equal. Or you can enjoy the power inbalance and authority he's given you over him. It's your choice. Being into Master/slave stuff myself, I say seize the power and enjoy it. >;)
  6. Yes. I just got fucked and bred Tuesday by a guy whose lips were wired to his dick. An hour and 15 minutes of kissing, sucking, and fucking. He pounded my guts hard enough to make me feel it for 2 days. Lol. Anytime he started going soft, he'd make out, get hard again, and punch my guts some more. Best fuck I've had in 6 months.
  7. And yes, I have thought about both for myself. A lot.
  8. Two thoughts: First, if you still have a nutsack, get silicone balls implated. That way you're castrated but have something for the ring to get stuck on. Second, get a PA and piercing on your taint. Use another ring to connect the two. Without your balls, erections should be minimal and your dick secured similar to chastity. Ths video shows an example of what I mean: [think before following links] https://xhamster.com/videos/dintorturslave2-1946787
  9. I'm not the most skilled deepthroater yet, so I tend to keep as much of his cock in my mouth as I can get. Sometimes I can swallow the whole thing long enough to leave my blow straight down my throat into my stomach. I like both. Depends on if I want to taste it or not. I'm not partial to open mouth wanking. But cum's cum. As long as it ends up in me, all's good. I did recently get invited to a threesome and sucked off one guy before snowballing it into the other's mouth and tongue wrestling it around his taste buds. Fucking hot!
  10. Spit lube. Definitely. Honestly, most tops I've been with go from getting a blowjob straight to fucking my ass. No lube applied. So it's what I'm most used to.
  11. That's exactly as it should be. If you ever come to Indianapolis, you've got a willing hole to abuse and blow in. I tell guys that meeting up = consent to unload in me. And once inside, don't pull out until they've blown their load deep in me.
  12. It's stuck in my head too. Forget how I first saw it. I mean, I've heard of it for slaves in the bible (what a fucked up book!). But the power dynamic and sexual nature of it wasn't something I was exposed to till much later. And it's stuck in my head. Especially in regards to a true Master/slave environment with a total power exchange relationship. It I don't know if I'd ever have this done to me. But if I had a Master that I'd bonded with over years and we wanted 100% power exchange, I'd almost certainly consider that as a condition of full, complete, and irrevocable ownership.
  13. Turns out the Best Western isn't just "the world's best lodging chain." It's "the world's best lodging strain" as well. Lol.
  14. There's a huge number of factors. Natural immunity, maybe? I think that's less than 2%, though? Your intestines may develop more mucus than normal protecting them from the delicate virus? HIV only "lives" about 20 min out of your bodily fluids or cells. The capillaries on your intestinal wall might be thicker and harder to penetrate? Or more sparce? Your immune system may already be good at finding proteins in common with the virus and attack it as well? Maybe it's just pure, dumb luck? There are a number of factors. But if you don't want to get infected, get on PReP and protect yourself. Fuck and get fucked and be merry!
  15. Fuck, man... This is exactly how I want a gangbang for me to start. Make the "entrance fee" a condom from each man with at least one load. Mix them all together. Chain me up and exposed in a sling. Then inject random DNA into my hole. Bonus points for guys that also bring in anon loads. Then let them all just go to town on my messy, violated hole.
  16. HIPAA ONLY applies to doctors giving away your medical information without your consent or a subpeona. You can ask anyone any medical question at all. And they can choose to answer them or not. That's freedom of speech. HIPAA in no way, shape, or form has ever stopped anyone from asking anyone else their health status. Or ask you about another's health status. It just can't be given away by medical professionals and institutions without consent.
  17. It's YOUR body and YOUR health. They can either respect that and your wishes, or leave. Just like some guys are bareback only and their partner can either respect that or leave. No one should feel obligated to put themselves in a situation they aren't comfortable with just to fuck. ALL people should agree to the terms and conditions or it's not consent.
  18. I know I could. Would hurt at first, but I've got a small horse cock dildo that I can work in me with a bit of work. His head is no wider. And the dhaft thinner.
  19. For some reason, fat heads actually feel more comfortable than tappered heads. I think because they push and stretch my hole open more before the shaft starts going in. Gets me better prepared to take the rest of the girth, maybe? All I know is that between the two, guys with wider heads ALWAYS enter more easily and feel more comfortable to me. And also, giving head to them is more fun too. Theyre like fleshy orbs to run my tongue around and spit polish. Maybe that makes them taste better too? Lol.
  20. Thank you for the advice. Truly, I appreciate all of it. I absolutely agree that I need tome to improve my baseline first. That's my goal for the next year. I've hired a trainer. He's powerlifting based, not bodybuilding, but seems to know his shit. I'm not a complete newb. Just played it to test out a few trainers to see what they know and how they teach and correct flaws. That being said, definitely enough of a newb to know I NEED a trainer to see results. So I'm happy to spend the money. I've powerlifted for 2 years before covid. Getting back into lifting now. Never did bodybuilding, though. I want a true bodybuilding coach eventually who can teach me how to juice safely and properly eventually. A Master who can fill this role would be amazing. But for now, the coach I have *seems* like a good start. My first goal is to cut like a motherfucker because I'm fat. That's a part of the at least 1 year of prep. After I've lost this fat, I want to clean bulk like made. It's killing me how little I can eat and enjoy food now. I'm looking forward to pasta, hamburger, and steak being back on the menu. Lol. One reason I'm trying to start now, verses a decade ago, is because I finally have a pay that covers the costs. I know they'll be high. My other hobbies are reading, growing my orchard, video games, and camping. So I'm pretty cheap aside from this. Again, thank you for the advice. I'd love to message you and talk about some details that we should probably keep off forums, if you don't mind? I REALLY want to live out my fantasy and become my fetish. I could use more advice and instruction if you're willing to give it.
  21. Ever since I was a kid I was always into roided up muscle studs. 90's kids might remember Venom, Sabertooth, and the Juggernaut off of Saturday morning cartoons. T-bone from Swat Katz is a MAJOR furry roid freak inspiration for so many of us. Especially in both jumpsuit and tanktop working under the jet. Val Kilmer playing volleyball on the beach? Forget him! I'll go with T-bone any day. It's always been my dream to develop into a roid freak. Even before I knew what steroids were. While deployed in the Marine Corps, I would shoot multiple daily loads to the bodies of hot muscle studs in fitness magizines sold at the PX. We even had a gunny at headquarters that was a bulldog of muscle goodness I regret never asking to help me train while in Iraq. The women weren't the only ones lusting for what was under his broad chested, olive green sweatshirt. Well now I'm in my last thirties. Out of the Marine Corps for 15 years. Never did become a PT stud while in. Never a muscle stud out. Covid was terrible for my health. I was a fatass before and gained 60 lbs during. I've lost the 60 extra pounds and am dealing my original fatassery now. Back at the gym. Powerlifting again to build some bulk. All that. Shitty part is I found out my testosterone sucks. Like, "lower than a 90 year old man's" bad. Probably why I never bulked in the marines. And why, even after powerlifting for 2 years before Covid, I never got much bigger then either. Finally got my doctor to get me on TRT. He's conservative though and only letting small doses. What I REALLY want, the dreams and goals I REALLY have, is to find somewhere to get gear and bulk the fuck up. To get on testosterone and anabolics, work my way up to handling being juiced to the fucking gills with them, and build an insane amount of massive muscle mass. *I* want to be some gay marine's spank bank fantasy. I want to be shameless and vain about my body. Walk around locker rooms and bathhouses naked. Just showing off. Posing for anyone that wants to look or touch. And taking loads from any guy that comes up and gropes me. My biggest fetish is to be a roided out muscle pig that lets men enjoy my body indiscriminately for their use. And even more, to find a muscle hunk of a Master that shares this goal and grows me. Organizes my gym training, my steroid use, my house training, and my bottom training as well. Makes me into his bull to breed and pass around at parties and worship his body too. Maybe someday I'll get there? I'm still trying to find where to get gear? Learn how to safely take steroids, but maximize the effects? Get real bodybuilding training (my gym focuses on powerlifting)? Etc. I definitely have a STRONG roid fetish and always have. I just need to figure out how to start? It seems to be the one open secret in gay and gym communities that everyone knows and I can't figure out.
  22. I've got a regular fuckbud who told me he's going to start doing this. He's been aggressive before. He says in the future he's not stopping no matter how much I complain. I've encouraged him to be merciless and train my hole proper.
  23. 1.) Neither. I use my mouth and tongue and will let him control my head if he wants until he cums in me. 2.) Hard blasts. Make me feel it pulsing into me. 3.) Cockhead on my tongue if he wants me to taste it. Buried deep in it he wants me to feel it and/or feel dominated and owned by blasting it past the point where I would need to swallow. 4.) Thick semen. Never had "too thick." But maybe I haven't blown enough guys? 5.) Oddly enough, depends on the guy's natural pheromones. For a muskier guy that just smells like testosterone, I want a very protein rich taste. For an "average" guy, sweeter. For a smoker or filth pig, give me something acrid and nasty that tastes like cigarette ash. For whatever reason, smell really changes it for me. 6.) Never a big enough load. If I have to swallow several times or die choking, I'll swallow repeatedly or die happy. 7.) Different guys enjoy different techniques while blowing them. The fun trick is in learning which and making them both leak in my mouth. 8.) I've currently got a Daddy using me. Oddly enough, he also happens to be similar to a Master I had a decade ago. He's got a great dick. Thicker than average. About 8" long. Fat, flatter head instead of pointy. Like a wrecking ball pushing itself into me instead of stabbing. A bit of a bend (though I prefer straight). Big nuts that are too large to get both in my mouth. Leaks, but not so much it's a faucet. Haven't swallowed his loads yet. But have taken them up my ass. Very satisfied. Just wish he had that musky, testosterone smell and protein taste like my old Master. God, I could live with my nose buried in his jockstrap!
  24. I've been taking loads from a daddy like that. He knows I'm a chaser, but says he won't poz me because getting off meds can affect his health. I can respect that. But I also make sure that I beg him for his Daddy DNA to hopefully plant the seeds that will someday get him to stop his meds for a bit and claim a son all his own.
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