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  1. Hello, we are travelling to Berlin end of June and looking for the best suggestions on how to organise a breeding party there. Do’s and donts ? Any safety tips? No loads refused type of party…
  2. Hey guys, me and my partner are traveling to CT for NYE and looking for other couples who want to hook up for some party 😈 anyone around and keen?
  3. Sounds like a dream 😈
  4. Hey guys, first time attending this party. Anyone has been on a Biohazard party before? What to expect?
  5. It was Xmas time, I was horny as fuck as usual… saw this massive candle at the store and bought a few sizes, one bigger than the other one. I shaped them to look like Cocks with hot water. Not only I became I great sculpture artist, but managed to build a collection of wax dildos that stretched my ass so much I moved from that to fisting…
  6. Let all greedy bottoms visiting Folsom 2022 know what to expect by post a pic of your hot cocks! let us start begging you for it 😈
  7. Oh wow, just read through this party and sounds great! Just a bit apprehensive about the mask and being tied up, not sure I would feel comfortable with that…
  8. Open Mind is the place to be for BB sex. The place is small but it’s fun. Never had a bad night there😈
  9. Im into FF also, a bit new to the #bugchaser crowd… someone told me about initiation parties, but not sure how to look for one of those… thanks for the tips though 😈
  10. Hey guys, just joined this page and glad I found one. Visiting Folsom for the first time this year. Can anyone shed some light on how to find out about BB sex parties? Someone suggested the Biohazard one, but I’m not POZ.
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