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Leatherman667 last won the day on June 10 2017

Leatherman667 had the most liked content!

About Leatherman667

  • Birthday 01/01/1988

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
  • Interests
    Raw, orgy, pigs, piss, felch, toxic
  • HIV Status
    Not Sure, Probably Neg
  • Role
    Versatile Top
  • Background
    33yo. Into orgies, darkrooms, gloryholes etc. Piss Pig. 🐽 felch well filled holes. ATM.
    Love to play with toxic pigs.
  • Porn Experience
  • Looking For
    Other sleazy raw fuckers.

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Leatherman667's Achievements

Grand Master

Grand Master (14/14)

  • Dedicated
  • Reacting Well Rare
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  • One Year In

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  1. Thanks for the rep ... have a great weekend. Hope you spin out nicely! xx:P;)xx

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