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Everything posted by Leatherman667

  1. For a European unaware, what is a 455?
  2. Love to do this too! Better if he has loads up there.
  3. I love that bar and the tub. Great piss nights there.
  4. Made from just your cum or the cum of multiple guys?
  5. Do you know what happened to Jesse O’Toole or Fyerfli?
  6. Again, if you have to ask then NO.
  7. We could be twins! Except I’m still neg. But love orgies and active sex clubs, like yourself. Hope you’re caring for yourself!
  8. Where do you go to in London? I’ve been on the Heath a few times.
  9. Yes, I thought of that too. I tend to love to do multiple holes! As you say, I will take care.
  10. Thanks for this pozbear! I will follow up on your advice! We will all die of something I know, but I’d try to put the inevitable off for as long as possible 😀😀!
  11. But would that not have serious consequences? Not taking meds that is!!
  12. I go to the sex clubs every weekend and a few times during the week. On demand won’t work. Thanks for your advice though.
  13. You have a point! I can also top more! Have let that part of play take second place in the sex clubs in Amsterdam recently! The Eagle have a Naked party this afternoon! I’ll just top at that. Thanks again.
  14. Given 13; taken 18!
  15. Thanks for that good advice! Because of my low kidney function I’ve had to stop prep. So it’s down to mainly oral now, and of course p- - s fun.
  16. Good man! GH are great for getting loads.
  17. Thanks for that! My kidney function is low! If I pozzed would there be a medication for me or not? I am neg at the moment.
  18. Eating ass is the one thing I like to do most. Eat many asses in the darkrooms in Amsterdam. Especially tops asses!
  19. For some reason I love eating a tops ass. Most times when I’m sucking his cock, I’ll turn him around and get into his hole.
  20. Sex club! Love cocks going from hole to hole.
  21. Yes, almost every weekend. Then to the Web and Dirty Dicks. You go there?
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