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About xtc303den

  • Birthday 06/03/1964

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Arvada, CO
  • Interests
    Love taking loads and having my ass worked, rolled, fingered, toyed, played with, fisted, and punched...esp. when i"m really spun.
  • HIV Status
    Poz, On Meds
  • Role
    Versatile Bottom
  • Background
    Good looking masculine, toned, smooth, swimmers build, healthy poz n std free, with a hot ass made to be fucked, toyed, fisted, wrecked, pimped out, passed around, and filled with cum.
  • Porn Experience
    Just homemade. http://www.XTube.com/play_re.php?v=98xUN3GM4vP&cl=Ifpm4L2q6pD
  • Looking For
    Seeking total tops into holewrecking...expert tops who love turning a hot hole into a loose sloppy cunt. This hole's for you. Send me into orbit and my hole is yours to use as you please.

    On the flip side, I find it hard to resist an opportunity to fuck a hot young smooth twink/jock bottom, especially if he's smaller than I am (6', 165lbs).

More Info

  • Recon Profile Name
    xtc303den| Twitter: @xtc303den

Contact Methods

  • Website URL
    [think before following links] https://twitter.com/xtc303den
  • Skype User Name

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  1. "There used to be a third bathhouse in Denver;  The Triple C aka CCC aka Community Country Club.  It was seedy and raunchy and dirty and nasty, but it was a virtual PNP free-for-all.  There was always someone to get favors from, often in the same room, 36, which they used as an office of sorts for selling Tina.  Guys brazenly walked around the club carrying a pipe in full view.  Guys partied there so much, it actually hindered the sex.  Rather than walking around cruising for a hot fuck, guys tended to hang out with a couple friends in their rooms behind closed door getting high.  There could be 50 guys in the club, but 40 - 45 of them would be partying in their room, and only a handful walking around cruising.  "The Trip",  as it was called by regulars, shut down several years ago.  There's a trendy new loft/condo/apartment building where the Trip once stood.  The owner said he got an offer he couldn't refuse.  But the Trip's demise was almost certainly hastened by the events surrounding Patrick Sullivan, an extremely well known retired local Sheriff who frequented the Trip.  He apparently was trading meth for sex with a number of young guys...one of whom ended up dead, with both meth and GHB in his system when he was found drowned in the river that runs past Downtown Denver.  It was all very scandalous and brought tons of attention to the rampant drug use at the Trip.  When Patrick Sullivan was arrested, he was jailed in the "Patrick J. Sullivan Detention Center," named after him. "

    Best dish on the website. I hate that I missed the Trip. I can't believe I missed the dish on Sheriff Sullivan. St Louis ain't that far from Denver...What year was that? "They" take the fun out of everything. XOX

    1. xtc303den


      They started investigating him in October 2011 after receiving a tip from one of the boys he was trading meth for sex with.   He was arrested in November 2011 as a result of a sting operation.   I think the Trip closed sometime in 2012.  Damn, I miss that place.

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