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Everything posted by GAwhoreSub

  1. I haven't. Ive really only chatted directly with a couple of men on here and while there seems/seemed to be mutual interest it hasn't really ever gotten to a planned day/time.
  2. I'm definitely a faggot. On my knees for a cock amd love to be degraded and humiliated. I'll worship a cock amd balls with my mouth, but honestly really love being held and throat fucked like a bitch.
  3. Am I misreading this, or are you opening a thread for white supremacists and other "supremacist-types" can try to explain why they believe they're superior? Because that's exactly what this post sounds like.
  4. Part 6 Horse and M showered with me and then gave me a few very full and deep enemas. Between the discomfort and the embarrassment of that, I wasn't really sure what was in store for me. I ached from the bruises all over my body, but my hole didn't hurt, so at least that hadn't been abused....yet. After the shower and enemas, M put a mask or hood over my head. I didn't cover my entire head, just the upper half, but it wasn't like a sleep blindfold either. I was weird, to be honest. I felt soft leather and something very hard go around my neck. "This is your collar, boy." That was Horse. "I'm going to lock this with an allen key, and all you need to know is that no one is taking this off you." I shivered at the thought because if nothing else, I was definitely coming to understand that I would not be leaving this place. With the collar locked in place and sitting very heavy around my neck, I heard and felt something clipped to the front of the collar. The tug told me it was a leash and I started to blindly stumble after it. As M or Horse led me out of the bathroom, the other was close behind me with his hands on my shoulders. "Prez said it before, but I'm telling you again, you don't have a safe word here." This was M in my ear. "You have one purpose here and that's the take or do anything one of us tell you. Prez's word is law, so what he says goes, no matter what. Then it's me and Horse - we're your handlers so our word is law. Then there's anyone else wearing our cut - their word is law. Now, here's what's important for you to know: you can't say no. So if a brother tells you to do something, and it goes against something Prez or Horse or me as told you, then you've got a choice. And it's the only choice you'll ever have in this place. You have to choose which one you obey. And that means you're also choosing which one punishes you. You feel me, pretty thing?" I was fucked. There was no way to wrap my head around this. I was shivering with nerves as we walked through a door. Immediately I could sense it was a wide open space, and it was filled with people. I got catcalls and whistles and heard names like "cum bucket" and "faggot hole" yelled out. Horse tugged on the leash again and I walked forward. Hands touched me, slapped my ass, and one reached out and slapped my balls so hard my knees buckled. Horse didn't stop and I jerked forward trying to stay on my feet while I struggled with that sharp pain that shot up my stomach. We stopped and I stepped right into Horse's back. M caught my shoulders and kept me standing. "Let's get you in place." Horse moved me in front of him and turned me to face him. "Step back 3 steps." I did as I was told. The noise was still going on around me but it was muted, felt like it was drifting off. Horse and M's hands were positioning my arms and legs and pushed me against something padded - I felt it along my back. Restraints were placed around my chest and waist. I felt padded...somethings...get strapped around my thighs. I had no idea what I was getting strapped into. It felt both like a chair and not a chair, since I had nothing to sit on. My arms were secured similarly. "I hope you like your new chair, faggot." This was the Prez in front of me. "We had this specially built, not necessarily for you really, but whoever was lucky enough to end up in our hands." I could hear the sneer in the way he said lucky. "Now, with you all strapped in, let me demonstrate a little here." And demonstrate he did. With some adjustments, I felt the entire contraption come off the wall and dangle me there. He pulled it more and I felt myself be floated out away from the wall. I was left hanging there, trussed up in a floating semi-chair. Prez made some more adjustments and pulled my thighs apart and up, basically leaving me like a suspending frog - with my cock and balls and hole completely exposed and absolutely no way to protect myself. With another adjustment, my knees were pulled up and I tipped back, almost into a sling position. Another adjustment and my arms were stretched out and locked out like on a cross. I hadn't seen this thing, but whatever it was was complicated as hell and my mind raced with how I'd look to anyone seeing me. "What do you think men? You like what I've bought us to play with?" Prez wasn't addressing me, that was for sure. And the sound of noise from the room definitely brought my mind back to the position I was in. The yells, whistles, and pounding on the tables were overwhelming. I was shaking with fear as much as the restrains would allow me. "Now, tonight is claiming. Everyone fucking one of you men need to breed this faggot. And yes, I know most of you aren't into men like that, but this doesn't fucking matter to me. What matters is your load ends up in his cunt. This is for us, to bond, and for this pretty slut to be marked by everyone of us. Now, let me tell you the rules." I was lost in fear. I had no idea how many people were in that room, but it wasn't just 4 or 5. There could've been 10 or 50, and I had no real idea. "Rule 1: you breed this cunt, at least once, and then you use the marker to put your initials across his chest. I WILL make sure in the morning that every one of you has marked him. Rule 2: No hitting or slapping. We already worked him over good on his first night as ours, and I'm not sending him to a hospital. You'll be able to do that once things have settled down. Rule 3: whatever you want to do with his cunt is fine by me. I don't care, and he ain't gonna tell you 'no'. The only caveat to that is, if you break him, tear him to the point of bleeding or whatnot, anyone that hasn't fucked him is going to be fucking the one who broke him. So, keep his hole able to accept all of us, or yours will. Now, any questions?" I was in full blown panic mode. "Please, no....don't...please, I don't want this, please no." Someone clamped their hand over my mouth and I tried to trash my head out from under it. I had two more hands come and pin my head. It was Horse who growled in my ear "shut the fuck up and accept this, or else, I'll take you out back now. And you don't want to go out back, trust me." I was crying and could feel the tears under the mask and starting to slide down my cheeks. "Fine, let's get him started.....gentleman, if you please, let's get him flying". I felt more people around me and then tight bands placed over my biceps. Horse again told me to "stay still", and I did as best I could. I felt the cool swipe of an alcohol pad in my elbows and then two pricks. A moment later, Horse let go of my head and M, I assumed, removed his hand from my mouth. Just then both bands released from my biceps and I was flooded with heat. The metallic chemical taste in my throat has me coughing up a storm and my body felt on fire. I felt a flush rush up my body and then back down to my cock and balls, and into my ass. I was shaking in this trussed up thing and I heard, vaguely through the ringing in my ears laughter from around the room. After a few minutes, I could catch my breath and when I settled, I felt and heard Horse back in front of me "open wide, cunt, you won't need your mouth tonight." With that he shoved in a plug into my mouth and secured it around my head. I hung there, body feeling like I had flames under my skin, my hole was clenching and unclenching like it was missing something. I felt someone in front of me, "Let's truss up this little faggot cock n balls. Won't be no need for these tonight." I felt a string or rope wrap around my tight balls. Whoever pulled them out away from my body and squeezed them painfully. I tried to escape - I moaned in pain around the gag in my mouth, but my brain couldn't process if this was pleasure or genuine pain. "Oh, hear that men....this fucker liked that!" He squeezed them harder again and pulled on them more. He released it. Then he squeezed again, "Let's count boys....1....2...." and then other voices joined in, with each new number, slowly counting up, he tightened the squeeze on my nuts. By 12, I was in so much pain I was wailing behind the gag. By 15, I couldn't even do that, and then he finally let go. I was breathing through my nose, and all the snot and tears like I'd run a marathon. And the laughter and catcalls floated around me. I felt my balls get finally wrapped up in the rope and it wrapped around my soft cock, and the wrap was tight and painful, but still a blessing from the ball crushing pain I'd endured just moments before. Someone was behind me and I felt a small hose slide inside my ass....I felt the wet gush of something and felt it pulse and soak my insides three or four times. I was still so sensitive I tried to wiggle my ass to get more sensation in my hole, but the bands and restraints wouldn't let me move...much. "Look at this...fucking faggot is so turned on he's trying to grind down on the lube gun!" A chorus of laughter went up. And then everyone stepped away. I hung there, body on fire with sensation - my hole was so desperate, my nuts were still on fire, cool air from the room was licking my skin. I could feel the lube running out of my ass. "Already puddling on the floor...imagine how much of that will be cum puddled under him come morning." This was the Prez....his voice was close, and somehow I could sense him walking around me. I was hoisted higher up and then tilted back a bit more. I felt a hot cock at my hole and while my brain wasn't wanting this, my hole was eager for it. I felt it almost "mouthing" at the cock just outside. I heard Prez, I assumed he was going first, messing around with the mechanisms above me and suddenly, I dropped. As I did, his cock bored inside my hole, feeling like it was on fire, and stopped suddenly, bouncing slightly with his cock still inside. I realized briefly that not only was I suspended, but it was on a fucking spring. Chuckling, the Prez gripped the straps across my check and pulled down, bringing me down until his cock was buried to his balls. My hole was on fire, not used to the sudden invasion, but the drugs in my system also made my hole crave more. I could feel the muscles rippling inside my ass as I bounced and slid off his cock and then was yanked back down again. Over and over....my mind drifted away...I could feel the intense pain/pleasure coming from my hole as I floated and bounced on the Prez's cock. I was brought back as I had a flush pass through me coming from my ass and felt myself clinching around him. I heard him chuckle "such a fucking hole, already had a cunt orgasm from his first fuck of the night. He's going to be so fucking ruined!" After a few more thrusts, he pulled me down, yelled and grunted and I could feel his cum filling and coating me. After a minute, he pulled out, and I felt fingers sliding inside me....then it was Horse's voice in my ear, "now let's really get you open". With that, he jerked up and pulled down and buried himself inside. I felt his cock immediately punch through my second hole and I yelped around the gag in my mouth. And he kept going. I don't know how big Horse is, but it didn't take long for my addled brain to realize he'd earned his name honestly. He set up a brutal pace and mixed things up...sometimes he went deep and then just let me up enough so he could just fuck my second hold...other times he's let me bounce up high enough that I'd almost slip off him and then he'd yank me back down filling me balls deep. I floated away again and eventually heard him growl and grunt and felt him blast his load inside me. While still inside me I felt him mark my chest. And then he slipped out. "Grab that and plug him up for a few." I didn't recognize the voice. But I could sense 2 people around me. As a large plug was shoved inside me, making me struggle to take it's widest point, someone called out "Hey Prez, can I work his nuts again?" I trembled realizing this was the man who'd worked them a bit earlier. "Yeah Cage, but remember the rule about breaking him." "No worries, Prez, me and Jeff gonna take real good care of him." The mechanism was locked again and I was shifted a bit more to be vertical. I could sense Cage and Jeff around me....and I heard the slide of chairs near, one in front and one in back. I felt Cage's hands running around my body over my bound cock and balls. Jeff's hands, I'm assuming were running under my thighs and over my ass, brushing against the plug in my ass. Cage wrapped his hands around my bound balls and gently squeezed. At the same time, Jeff nudged against the plug in my ass. Cage's hand tightened and as the pain increased, Jeff was tugging on the plug. Cage got tighter and tighter and then when I didn't think I could take anymore, Jeff pulled the plug entirely out of my ass. This was driving me crazy. I didn't know where the pain/pleasure was going to happen - my nuts or my hole. Jeff was sliding the plug inside me again, and Cage tightened on my balls. This time when the pain in my balls reached a peak, Jeff pushed the widest part back inside me. They repeated this over and over, I was crying again, sobbing behind the mask and through the gag. But Cage and Jeff kept working in tandem. After a few, Cage kept my balls in his hands and Jeff was fucking the plug fulling in and out of my hole; each time the plug went in, Cage gave a brief but intense squeeze. Every time my hole stretched around the fat part of the plug, my nuts shot pain up my spine. Not too long after, they stopped. Chairs were moved, I was repositioned and then one of them fucked into me, bouncing me up and down on their cock. Didn't take long until I felt another load inside me, and another mark on my chest. No sooner than he pulled out, another cock buried inside me. Hands grabbed my balls, and I knew this had to be Cage. He fucked me brutally, and squeezed and let off my nuts as if he didn't want me to have any idea of what was happening. I felt a new surge in my body again and then I flushed and I heard Cage cackle, "HAHAHA! I knew this was a fucking pain fag....he just has another orgasm on my cock with me crushing his nuts! Oh he's gonna be fun to have around!" With that, he let go of my balls, gripped my thighs and blew his own load inside me. Another load, another mark on my chest. Cage pulled around and someone else took his place. This went on a few more time, a few more loads, a few more marks. Some were short affairs - a few pumps and then a load and a mark. Others took their time. After a few, my hole was still on fire, but my body was wrecked. Horse was in my ear again "let's give you a little break, hmm." He stepped back and I felt another plug push inside me. It had to be bigger than the other, since it was a struggle to take, but I figured my hole was too loose for the other one again. With the plug seated, Horse removed the gag from my mouth and I felt a straw get inserted. I sucked and tastes the cool sweetness of orange juice. "We need to keep you hydrated and in place. Just drink what's here and then you can rest for a few." By the time, I finished the juice, I could taste a little something off about it, but I couldn't focus on it. My ass was still on fire and all I wanted to do was drift off. "Such a good little hole for me. You still have a long night ahead of you." And with that, I let myself float away and detach from the noise and men around me.
  5. I'm fairly lean, and was definitely even leaner when I was younger. I have a small reputation here about my ability with depth - taking the full 32" colon python toys and the like. And the great thing about being lean is that when they're about 20+ inches up my hole, you can rest your palm on my stomach and feel the head of the toy through it. Nothing hotter than being plumbed deep while a top pushes on my stomach and growling as he feels the head of the toy fucking deeper inside me.
  6. Part 5 - A Brief Interlude I woke up. I have no idea how long I was out, but I felt "hung-over" so I figured it was long enough for the drugs to get out of my system or fade significantly. I was on a bed (or at least a mattress). I couldn't open my left eye, it was swollen shut. My lips were split, and it burned when I ran my tongue over the lower one. I hurt all over. As I took stock of my body, I could feel the heavy cold metal around my throat. I followed a chain from the collar to the the wall. With the one I could see out of, I knew it was well-secured. I wasn't pulling it out. The room was windowless, but had a ceiling fan so it wasn't stuffy. I could see 2 doors, one was open to what looked like a bathroom. Since there was no way the chain was long enough, I assumed someone would take me there if I needed to go. I stank, and I really wanted a shower....hoping hot water would help ease of the aches I felt all over my body. I figured I had bruised ribs at least, and likely even broken. I lay back down on the bed and tried to stay calm. Bits and pieces of the night came to me, but I wasn't sure what or when any one thing happened. A little later I heard keys in the door and it swung open, with 3 men walking in. I recognized them, by their face, but I had no idea who they actually were. "Glad you're awake, faggot. We need to chat." The guy was clearly the one in charge here, and he had "PREZ" written on a patch on his leather vest over his heart. He pulled over a chair and straddled it, leaning over the back and glaring at me. "I doubt you remember much about the other night, but here's the short of it - you belong to the Mayhem Riders now. We paid good money for you." "You bought me?! I'm not a fucking toy that you buy!" By the time the last word was out of my mouth, the Prez had launched himself forward, knocking over the chair and grabbed me by the hair and slapped me hard across the face. "You shut the fuck up! You are nothing but a faggot hole that belongs to the Club! A hole! A punching bag! A fucking urinal! And if you don't like that, you can be fucking target practice. So shut the fuck up, if you want to keep breathing!" He flung me back against the wall and I curled up into a ball, as far away from him as I could. He picked up the chair and took a seat again. I looked at the two guys behind him. They were leaning against the wall and didn't seem at all bothered by the explosion of violence. I suppose it wasn't anything they hadn't already seen. "Now, as I said, we bought you and we own you. What that means for you, is that anything a man with a Mayhem Riders cut, can do anything with you he damned well pleases. The words "yes, sir" are the only fucking two words you ever speak to a man around here unless he asks you a question that requires another answer. Is that understood, hole?" I whimpered out a "yes, sir". "Good, now that you understand your new situation, here's what else you need to know - no one knows where the fuck you are, so don't expect anyone to come save you. The only 2 people who know you came here ain't saying nothing. Anyone reports you missing, ain't gonna get help from the cops. The sooner you internalize that you are here for good, the sooner you will adjust. Understand what I'm saying?" Another barely audible "yes, sir" came out. "You met M and Horse the other night, though you may not remember them. They're gonna be your handlers. You will always be with one of them. They are your Gods and only one of them, or me, can override another man when it comes to you. But don't be looking for saving. Ain't nobody here gonna save you from anything a man wants of you. For now, I'm going to leave them here to get to know you and get you showered and cleaned up." Prez stood and turned to walk out. He stopped and looked at M on his way, "Check his cunt and see if it can be claimed by the club tonight." "Got it, Prez. I'm sure he'll be good to go." ........
  7. Part 4 I don't know how long I was in the sling getting fucked by 3 dildos at the same time. My awareness was coming and going. I don't recall losing consciousness exactly, but at times I was aware of what I could hear and other times I floated away and just felt my hole being stretched and abused. I could hear the men around me talking, but nothing really made sense. Eventually, I heard "I think that's enough", and the machine stopped. I felt hands running over my body and felt the dildos removed from my hole. "Mmmm....this looks beautiful all fucked out." "Such a nice pussy on this whiteboy." I was released from the sling and helped up, but the moment I was on my feet, I couldn't hold myself up. Someone caught me by the underarms and held me up. "Damn, Nick, he's already wore out. Can't even stand up!" "He'll be fine soon, man, don't worry about it. How 'bout you boys take him and shower with him and get him cleaned up? We'll let him rest a min while we get ourselves right." Two new guys, I later learned Marcus and Terence took me to the shower. Under the hot water, my muscles started to feel better, and while Marcus kept me standing up, Terence washed me with a care I didn't expect. Certainly more than Nick or D showed me. Marcus, though, when it came to cleaning me out again, didn't have any gentleness about him. He'd shove the shower shot in my tender ass and fill me up. He'd make me hold it while he pressed on my bloated stomach. And he'd run the hose deep inside me, definitely pushing it past my second hold making sure I was cleaned out very deep. After the shower, they led me back to the play room and I could see Nick and D sitting together on the couch scrolling through their phones and sending messages. Marcus took me over with him and set me in his lap and let me rest against his body. "So, this one needs a breather, but I think we need to smoke up some." The 4 men passed around the pipe, filling it and emptying it a couple of times. Marcus and Terence would often kiss me and shotgun me to keep my head spinning. "So, Nick, what you got going on there?" "I put up and ad and a video of him getting fucked by the machine. Got a several asking if they can join." "Before you tell 'em yes, I gotta ask - what you doing with this pretty thing?" "I can't keep him, you know that, T. Especially since he came here. D's open to taking him; you know how that'll turn out. Why? You got something in mind?" "As pretty as he is, I bet Mayhem would take him. I can call Prez. But you know if he says yes, all those blowing up your phone is gonna be left out. We'll have to leave and go to the Club." "Hmmm. Would Keyboard be able to wipe his visit?" "Yeah, I'd call in that favor even if Prez doesn't want him." "Go ahead then, make the call. Here, forward him the video." I must have drifted off because the next thing I know, I'm being lifted up by Marcus and handed over to D. Terence came into my view and brushed my hair back and wrapped a blanket around me. "We're taking a riding, beautiful. It won't be the best ride for you, but you'll be fine." With that, I felt cuffs go around my wrists and ankles and a blindfold slipped over my head. D carried me out of the room. "Marcus, you drive the boy's car. D and Nick can follow behind my bike." A few minutes later we were outside and then D settled me into the a trunk. I started to panic but someone slapped me hard and told me to shut up and settle down. I got a second harder slap before I could even respond, so I knew best to just settle down. The lid closed and I was alone. I felt the car get started and we started moving. Between the pain and exhausting, I must have slipped off because I have no idea how we traveled. I was lifted out of the trunk and the cool night air hit my naked skin as the blanket was pulled away. Someone behind me removed the blindfold and my eyes blinked trying to adjust to the light. As I stood there naked, I finally focused enough to see 4 new men standing in front of me. Muscular, rough men, all wearing jeans and boots, and each one had a variation of a leather vest on. "Fuck, Slicer, you weren't lying. This boy is prettier than all the girls we got hanging around. This is one you found, Nick?" "Yeah, he hit me up online wanting to experience getting his ass pissed in. Obviously, I had more in mind." "Based on that video me and the boys saw, I'd say he was getting a hell of lot more than what he bargained for. Now, then. We agreed on what happens from here, right? You and D leave him with Slicer and M and go on back home. Y'all's were never here, and this pretty thing never messaged you." "Agreed" With that, I watched Nick and D walk away. I was left there standing between Terence, Slicer I suppose now, and Marcus. Looking at 4 new men who felt like they wanted to eat me. The man who'd been talking stepped over to me and grabbed me by the hair. "Pretty boy, you're now property of the Mayhem Riders. We're going to take you inside and get to know each other. Don't worry about going home or anything. You're home now." "Take him to the shipping container, Slicer. We're going to start in there." As I was being led off, I heard the man telling someone else, "Go get your kit and a few supplies. And come join us." Terence took me to a shipping container and led me inside. When Marcus flipped on a light, I could see it was almost empty. There was a chain hanging from the ceiling, a metal chair, a metal table along the side, and a few metal stools. It was not someplace I wanted to be. "Please, Terence, I don't know what this is, but I don't to be here. This isn't what I asked for." "No, pretty boy, it's not what you asked for, but it's what happening. Best thing to do is just give in because there's only the hard way or the harder way, ya get me? Well, there's the final way, but ain't none of us interested in that, right now." "But...you can't do this. Please...I won't say anything, you gotta believe me." With that last plea, the other men stepped inside the shipping container. "Slicer, lock the cuffs over his head to the chain. Leave one done for now. Needles will be coming in with a kit here in a second." Terence took me over and locked my right arm overhead to the chain hanging from the ceiling. "Now, tell me his intake tonight." "Yeah, Prez. So, Nick filled him chem piss and made him hold it awhile. He got one slam, .25g from what D told me, about 4 hours ago, and he got a few shotguns from me and M while we were waiting to figure out if we were coming here or not." "Good, sounds like he'd be fine with another. Horse, go hold his left arm, and let Needles dose him again." One of the bigger men walked over and behind me and pulled my left arm out and held it rock still. Another one, Needles, I'm assuming walked over with a syringe, and I knew what was about to happen again. "You know what this is, faggot," he asked me. "Um....yes, Sir, you're going to inject me again like D did." "Absolutely, so you know to keep very still and when I'm done, Horse is gonna raise your arm up again and lock it with the other one. Remember to breath." Obviously that wasn't something I could do. I was scared out of my mind, naked, chained in a shipping container with 5 men and about to be drugged again. I was shaking, and only a small amount of that was from being cold. I felt the prick in my arm, the tourniquet released from around my bicep, and then Horse lifted my arm and locked it with the other as the cough hit me. Strung up like that, I coughed a few times and Horse moved around in front of me. I was struggling to keep my head up but he brushed the hair out of my face. The Prez, I'm assuming, stepped up and told Horse to move aside. Prez's huge hand came up and wrapped around my head and my ear. He leaned in and whispers in the my other ear, "You belong to the Mayhem now, faggot. Time to initiate you." The moment he said it, he stepped back and I felt his closed fist hit me square in the stomach. I wasn't at all ready for it and I coughed as all the air left my lungs. I tried to bend over, but couldn't with my arms above me. I couldn't bring my knees up to protect myself, and as I was processing the shock of it, a second punch landed in my gut. Panting, and trying to catch my breath, Prez moved around to my back and crowded up on me. I could feel his hard through his jeans as his settled me in front of him, holding on to my hips. While I was trying to adjust to that Needles moved in front and backhanded me hard across the face. He pinched my nipples hard and I saw him pull clamps out of his pocket. He took his time pinching and twisting and tugging on my nipples, making me cry out, until he applied the clamps. The teeth bit into my tender flesh, but my head was still spinning from the backhand. He stepped back a little to admire his handiwork on my nipples, and let lose with another slap and a quick backhand in the other direction. "Mmmm....been while since I got to hit a pretty face like this one, Prez. Slicer sure did bring me a pretty one to bruise. Gonna have so much fun". Another slap and I felt my lip split. I'd been beaten up before, bullied as a kid, and I knew what it felt like, but this was so very different. I could feel the sexual tension in the air. I was so fucking high, I didn't know myself, it seemed, and I had a hard cock pressed against my ass. Prez was grinding against me and I heard myself moan, even though I was in so much pain. Needles laughed, "HAHA! Hear that men, this faggot moans from all this! He's gonna love belong to us." Another backhand around my face and Needles slipped to the side, as I saw Terence and Marcus step up together. Before I could even register them, really, I felt about 4 quick punches to the gut and was left breathless and coughing. "I can't wait to see all these bruises on this thin little body. He's so pretty and pale, our bruises are gonna cover him from head to toe." That was Marcus, I think. Another couple of punches from the two of them and then they moved aside. I realized Horse was in front of me now, and I tried to prepare myself for a gut punch, but that wasn't it. Horse's giant hand swung and landed a punch right on my cheek. I felt the skin split and I was crying hard now. I vaguely though that was going to leave a black eye. At this point, I felt all of them surround me and felt punches and face slaps and another couple of fists to the face. I lost myself, hanging there, being used as a punching bag, by the 5 of them as they seemingly just rotated around me. After who knows how long, it came to and end. I couldn't stand up myself anymore. I was just hanging there, barely still conscious, but still so high. My mind was all over the place. Someone sat me in the chair, "put a belt around his chest and to keep him upright, lock his legs and secure his arms behind." This was all done as I hung my head down. I vaguely heard the sound of jeans being unzipped, and someone held a rag of poppers over my mouth again for a good while. Then someone stepped forward and held me by my hair, "Open wide, faggot, and watch your teeth". I was about to have to suck someone. Worried what would happen if I didn't listen, I did as told, and I felt someone's cock slide over my tongue. It was musky and tasted salty and ripe. I didn't know who it was because all I saw was a white T and black leather in front of my eyes as he buried his cock all the way down my throat. I soon realized I was going to be sucking cock, but rather, someone fucking my throat, and all I had to do was give in and relax my throat. I did as was expected, and in a little bit, he buried himself down my throat, holding my nose against his stomach as he dumped his load in my gut. No sooner than he pulled out than another cock replaced his. Rinse and repeat, until all 5 had fucked my throat sore and fed me their loads. Then I was unlocked, and pushed to my knees, thankfully on a cushion. My wrists were locked behind me to my ankles in a way that I couldn't lean forward without bringing my ankles up and tipping over, or if I leaned back, I just fell backwards. Someone put a blindfold on me. I felt a gag go into my mouth, but it didn't feel right. There was a weight or something over it and I could run my tongue around a tube in the mouth gag. Then I started hearing liquid and felt it a second later on my tongue. I knew then someone was pissing into a funnel and it emptied right into my gagged mouth. I couldn't do anything but swallow as the sharp tasting liquid filled my mouth. "That's right faggot...just swallow it all. That's your job the rest of the night." "Horse, pull up the chair and supervise tonight. Make sure he stays upright." "Sure, Prez. I'll be here". With that, I heard people leave. And when we were alone, I'm assuming, Horse came close "I'm going to take a special liking to you. You'll always wear one of my blacked eyes and I'll make sure the rest of you is trained up right, boy". With that, I head new voices, and someone or someones walked in. "Fuck, Horse, man. Prez wasn't lying about having a faggot out here. Longer walk than the toilet in the Club, but it's a lot more fun." With that, I heard zippers and then the sound of piss hitting the funnel and flowing into my mouth. I swallowed as best I could, but when it started to slacken, another full stream was flowing in. When this was over, they just left. I'm guessing Horse hung out in there with me, but for the next several hours, I stayed in that position, and people would periodically come in and piss in the funnel and I'd drink it. At some point, Horse relieved himself, too, and I drifted off into a weird state, because the next real thing I knew, someone was undoing the chains and I was being pulled to my feet.
  8. hey man...would love to connect on tele. hit me up @subATL

  9. Fuck that's hot! That depth training scene reminds me of some of my favorite scenes taking 24 and 30 inch snakes all the way in me. Love having the tops rest their palm on my belly and feel the head as it pushes deeper in and out of my hole. Just fucking delicious.
  10. Part 3 I was scared. I'd wanted one thing out of tonight, just one fantasy and everything was turning out wrong. Sure up until now it was super hot, but fuck, Nick had just told me he'd given me drugs, he was keeping me for who knows how long, and he wasn't going to respect my safeword. I was fucked, even more so than his huge cock had already done. I lay there shaking with fear, as much as I could with Nick's ropes wrapped all around me. I could feel my body changing and I knew it had to be the drugs, though I couldn't say it was one or the other. I felt like I was heating up from the inside, and I could absolutely still feel the warmth in my gut from all of Nick's piss. It felt like it was surging through my body in waves. I started crying underneath the pillowcase on my head. After awhile, and I have no idea how long, I heard Nick come back into the room. I was definitely feeling the drug - I didn't feel comfortable in my own skin...I was too warm and sensitive. It was kind of pleasant - kind of itchy, and I just wanted to rub against the ottoman. But then Nick touched me and I'd never felt anything better in my life. His hand on my skin was absolutely heaven. I was whining and moaning as his hand slid across my body. "I'd say he's pretty well and fucked up by now, Nick." A new voice was chuckling....a very very deep voice, and then a second pair of hands starting touching me. "Yeah, D, gotta make him feel good so he wants it." I felt their hands undo the ropes around me, and stay rubbing over my skin as they did so. It was so amazing...I was twisting my body to try go chase their hands. I just wanted to be touched and rub. "Nick, man, I think your little pussy is in heat, here. This is crazy". "Doesn't surprise me. This is the first time he's gotten high, at all. He doesn't know what to do with himself. Take off the blind and let's move this along." D pulled the pillowcase off my head and kneeling in front of me was this giant of a black man. He could make Nick looks small, even with all his muscles. But this man...."Wow! You said he was pretty, but this boy is one gorgeous little girl." I grinned, I know it. I was always a sucker for a compliment and as D held my face up to him, I looked up with all the adoration my glassy eyed gazed could do. He chuckled, "His eyes are so blown, right now...just the best damned sight in the world on a pretty thing like this." They helped me up, and while I couldn't exactly stand on my own after the prolonged bondage and the drugs, but Nick and D helped me to the shower. They stripped down and all got into the shower with me and the blast of warm water of my skin was a feeling I'd never forget. While their hands washed me, someone removed the plug from my hole and I emptied there in the shower, and they used a hose to rinse my insides out. After the shower, they dried me off and led me to another room. It was darker than the rest of the house, especially after the lights of the bathroom, but they led me to a sling in the middle of the room and got me situated. My legs were put up in the stirrups, and I could feel them being secured in. "D, leave one arm free for now....we're going to need that", and while my body was being rubbed all over, I felt one wrist be cuffed to the chains holding the sling. Nick brushed my hair away from my face and looked in my eyes. I tried to focus as much as I could. "Now, faggot, we're going to play gently with you a bit....until you surrender. And by that, you're gonna have to say the words, "I surrender to you, Master". Do you understand me?" I tried to let it sink in what he was saying, I was nodding. I felt a pair of hands turn my head to the other side, and I was looking at D again. "Listen to Nick, boy. We're gonna to make you feel so fucking good you're gonna beg us to do anything you want. That what he wants. He wants permission from you to do absolutely anything to you he wants. And you're gonna give it him. And to me. And if you don't....." D had me entirely captivated....his hand was so large it felt like it covered my entire face...."and if you don't.....then Nick's gonna give you to me, and I fucking don't care if I have permission." That last part sounded like growl, and I heard myself moan as his words penetrated my hazy mind. I heard him chuckle, "Nick, I think this pussy boy is darker than you let on.....maybe you should just give him to me and skip all this surrender bullshit." "No, D, you know I what I like....he's going to beg for it first." "Alright, but fuck man, I'm ready to go." Nick laughed, "I know, but we got all weekend." I felt them moving around me and I keened and whined anytime they dragged their rough hands across me. I could feel someone at my head and someone move between my legs. A blindfold went over my eyes, and I felt a rag cover my mouth. When I inhaled, I knew it was soaked in some poppers. "That's right, faggot. Deep breaths....in and out." I felt lube on my hole and a thick finger slid inside me...in and out.....then a second. The rag was removed and someone put a heavy ballsack in my face. I immediately started licking and sucking on it. Hands traced over my body, making me feel in heaven. The musky scent of a man was in my nose and mouth, and my hole was being rubbed from the inside. I didn't know what I was supposed to do. Too many sensations, and yet not enough. The hands on my body went from rubs, to slaps, to pinches. All of it driving me crazy and not knowing which was coming next. I felt little pinpricks rolls across my chest and abs. My ass was on fire, not from anything big....no more than two fingers ever was inside me, but feeling them drag across the inside of my ass....slowly in and our....sometimes around from the bottom to the top...sometimes, on either side of one another pulling my hole open. I could feel the cool air of the room hit my insides and it was driving me crazy. I tried to fuck myself on those fingers. Anything to get more. "That's right faggot, I see you wanting more inside you. D was right you're just a pussy in heat. And this pussy belongs to me, now". That meant it was Nick between my legs, and as he said this, D pulled back and covered my face with the popper rag again. A few hits later, and I was floating even higher, but this time it was removed and D slid his fat cock into my mouth. "MMMMM...that's it pretty girl....just my head though. You only get more when you surrender to Nick. But just keep licking up all my precum and suck on me like a lollipop." I was floating with all these slight sensations all over my body, and moaning like the complete whore I was being reduced to. "D, I want you to clamp his nips and bring me the cold chain." D was pinching on my nips and I felt him pinch hard and then a clamp went on them. I moaned and tried to get away, but the pain faded quickly. He added the second one, and then as it was fading into pleasure on my body, he did something to the first one and it tightened, with each movement a sharper pain sliced up my body and I whined. He repeated this with the other and stepped away. In a moment, I felt Nick's fingers leave my hole, and I lay there untouched feeling a very soft breeze across my sensitive skin. I felt them come back to me and knew both of them was between my legs, as one played with my hole and another rubbed up and down my legs. "Look at this little faggot cock, Nick. Fucker ain't even hard." He was laughing at me. "Nah, D, pussy faggots don't get hard. They know their cocks aint worth nothin and it's this sweet little cunt that drives them crazy." Since it was D, I assumed playing with my cock now, I felt him start to wrap something around the base of my balls and around my soft shaft. "Mmmm. Getting this tied up out of our way. He won't bet getting hard for a long time anyways." I jolted in the sling as I felt something ice cold against my hole. They both laughed, "got that his attention, didn't it!" I had no idea what it was, but it was cold and hard. Nick, I'm assuming, rubbed it all around my hole and then gently pushed it in. The cold was a sensation that was maddening against my burning up insides, but Nick slipped it past my ring. And there was more. As one bit went inside, I could feel another at my hole. My mind thought anal beads, but then I clicked that someone said chain. It all made sense...Nick was shoving a length of chain up my ass! "hahaha. I think he's figured it out, Nick!" "I figured it would click in a moment.....you're doing so good pretty boy. How does it feel? How does this cold heavy chain feel in your cunt?" My head feel back and D moved back around towards it. "Remember, pretty boy. Just beg and surrender, and all this teasing will stop. Then we'll fill you up with more cock and cum than you've ever imagined." Nick was slowly dragging the heavy chain out of my ass now. The weight was something very real and the bumps and ridges as it pulled out was driving me crazy. D started pulling on my clamped nipples, making me remember they were even there. Then they both were talking over each other, "Surrender to us, boy" and "Give it up, let us own you and have you", and "You belong as a faggot, owned by two real black men", and "We can tease you like this and never give you what you want, or you can surrender and give us everything." I couldn't take it any more. I was over stimulated, but not getting enough to satisfy what I felt like I was needing. "Oh yeah....cry those pretty tears for me, faggot. You know they make me so hard....D loves them even more." "You want to cry for us more, pretty boy?" D's voice was soft in my ear. "You want to feel so consumed and wrecked that I'm the only one who can put you together again?" I whined to him. "Just say it....give Nick permission....beg him for it." I cried out, "Please, Nick...please!" My voice was broken, "I s-s-s-surrender!" D growled and bit my neck where he was still leaning down to me "MMMM. you just fucked yourself, faggot. And I'm going to love every fucking minute of it" Nick pulled the chain from my hole and they both stepped away. I was crying laying there. And then I felt them both step back over to my side. "Nick, hold his arm tight and secure." I didn't know what was happening. D, I'm assuming, wrapped something around my upper arm, and I felt him wipe in my elbow. My mind caught up, oh fuck, they were going to inject me with something! I struggled a bit. "Don't fight this faggot, or you'll end up dead!" I froze and when I did I felt a prick in the soft of my elbow. A second later it was gone, and my arm was raised above my head. I felt a heat and metal taste in my throat and coughed, and then.....FUCK FUCK FUCK! I couldn't breath....I couldn't catch my breath.... Searing pain went through my chest as someone ripped away the clamps on my nipples and I screamed. "HAHAHAHAHA that got him breathing, all right. Fuck that was hot to watch!" If I thought I was overstimulated before, I was like a live electrical wire right now, but it felt like my hole was literally trying to eat something, it was spasming so much. "Take off the blindfold, Nick...I want to see this faggot's eyes." I tried to blink my eyes, and when I opened them, I couldn't focus. I saw both of them looming over me, someone held my head up by my hair. "fuck yeah, that's pretty. Nothing sweeter than giving a boy his first slam and watching all the color disappear from his eyes, getting swallowed up by those dinner plates of pupils. He's barely even with us anymore. Just fucking perfect." My head fell back. D moved back between my legs and played with my hole some "Oh yeah, this cunt is opened up and hungry, Nick." "Well man, you know I love watching you do this part....what do you want?" "Bring me those two over there....go back to his head and dose the rag again....we're gonna need those." Nick stepped away and in a moment he was back. I looked up at him, trying to focus on him. He slapped me hard across the face, "don't even fucking look in my eyes, again, faggot. Time to learn your place!" My face stung, and felt the sling start to move. D was stepping forward and his body was pushing the sling up. He and Nick started swinging me...back towards Nick and then letting me go and feeling D stop me as he stood between my legs. "Give him the rag, Nick". The rag covered my face and Nick just draped it over me. Like before, I couldn't breath without a hit of it, and they started to hit quickly. I felt the head of D's cock against my hold. He was nudging against it, using my weight and gravity of the sling to force my hole open around it. Between the drugs and the poppers it didn't take much, and when he slipped in, I moan....he moaned, and I think even Nick moaned. They kept the swinging up - D's head popping in with each swing back and out with each swing up. He wasn't even touching me or pushing in. He and Nick just kept swinging me on and off his cock, and with each drop back he went deeper and deeper. And then it hurt. I winced and cried out. "Well, D, I think you found the second ring"....Nick sounded amused as D's cock battered that part of me once....twice....three times with the swing. "He ain't opening up for me, man....I think I need to remind this faggot where he is." On the next down swing, D grabbed my thighs and when he hit that tender spot inside and I cried, he yanked on my legs ramming his way past it and bring me flush against his body. I screamed again, "Peach! Peach! Peach!". I could feel the tears running down the side of my face. And they both laughed. D did it again....and again, and I was yelling and crying and D held me for a moment, while Nick leaned over again, pinching off my nose and covering my mouth, "Faggot, I told you that you don't get safewords anymore. So that little 'peach...peach...peach' don't mean fucking nothing to us. And those pretty cries and tears just make us want to hurt you even more." I couldn't breath...between the pain in my gut and the burn in my lungs, I struggled in the sling. And they just laughed around me. Nick removed his hand before I blacked out and moved the popper rag over my face again. They went back to the swinging - this time I was all the way up and when I swing back towards D, I took every inch of his cock, only stopping when I settled against him. This went on a few minutes and then Nick held me at the top of the swing again. He put the popper mask over my face again, which meant it wasn't coming off for a little bit. Then I felt D back at my hole again, but it didn't feel like the head of his cock. For a minute, it was there...then it felt like just his cock and I felt him slip inside....but Nick didn't let me go....instead of D's cock filling me up again, I felt something else pushing the rim of my ass. "Open up faggot....let it in!.....come on!". I could feel my hole start to stretch around it....a dildo I was guessing, and I whimpered. I felt Nick step back and pull my head up by my hair and he slapped me hard again "LET HIM IN!". With the pain of the slap, I felt my hole clamp up, but immediately it relaxed and a pain ripped through my body as D got the head of that dildo inside me with his cock. "Oh yeah...that's what I'm talking about it....Let him slip down, Nick". And then Nick let me go. My weight was wanting to swing back towards D, but I had his giant cock and a dildo in my hole and gravity hadn't won yet. D started making shallow little thrust, pushing himself and the dildo deeper, with the weight of the sling helping force my body to accommodate them both. I was crying, and panting. I'm sure my eyes were wild. Nick grabbed my throat and squeezed...."Oh yeah, pretty thing....you're getting stretched out and taking them both as deep as D wants you, too, and you can't stop him. You can't stop anything we do to you." He let up and I sucked in air....of course through the popper mask making me even higher. I could feel D and the dildo going deeper and deeper. They were getting into the rhythm of the sling again, slowly splitting me open. I felt them hit my second hole again and I winced. I had gotten used to D's cock that deep, but now it was going to stretch wider. "Lights out, Nick....." I didn't know what that meant, until Nick squeezed my neck again....he held me there as D tapped against that second hole....and then I blacked out. When I came to, Nick wasn't at my head, and I felt like I had a baseball back up my ass to my throat. I could see them both between my legs. "Welcome back, faggot...that was awfully nice of you to not fight me that time." I was confused, but then I realized Nick had choked me out and D had used that to force the double fucking past my 2nd hole. I could feel myself still spasming around them, even that deep. "Fuck that pink hole looks so pretty stretched around all that black cock. D, it's almost pure white where it pulls up around the dildo." "You should feel this pussy gripping me, Nick....like a fuckin' vise. If I didn't know better, I'd swear you gave me a virgin." They laughed.... "I wonder....", Nick said....and I started to feel his thick fingers tracing around my hole.....I was almost limp in the sling, and then Nick pushed a finger inside my hole, too....right where D's cock rested against the dildo....and slipped in it to his knuckles and tugged....tugged outward. I yelped. "Shut the fuck up, faggot!.....actually, now to think about it...." I felt his finger slip out and he stepped away. A moment later, he came back up to my head and pulled the popper mask away. "I need to redose that anyway" and he tossed it down towards D. I heard D fumble with the bottle and heard him open it up. Nick grabbed my hair and shoved a small penis gag in my mouth. "That oughta keep things down some...hand me the mask again, D"....Nick slipped the mask over my face after he secured the gag. There was nothing more I could do....I was silenced and as a breathed through my nose, the poppers worked their way into my system and I floated away again. The swinging pattern started up again and I felt myself slide off and then back on, slowly the double fucking I was getting. I don't know when, but at some point, my body just accepted it all, and I was sliding easily on and off D's cock and the dildo. "Fuck yeah, Nick....this faggot is riding both of these now.....he's gonna be such a good fuckin whore for us." "Let's fill him up, D, and then we'll take a rest while he gets really opened up." I felt the dildo slip out of my hole and then D started fucking me. No more swinging up and down on his cock. He held my thighs and fucked me with brutal strokes. The chains rattled with each thrust, and I was biting down on the gag and moaning. After a few he roared, "FUCK YEAH, FAGGOT! TAKE MY LOAD!"....I could feel him spasming inside me as he buried himself deep and rode out his orgasm. No sooner than he pulled out did I feel Nick take his place and pound my hole again to give me another of his loads. When he pulled out, he said "I think we need roll that over here and see how he handles it, before making a few phone calls."....I couldn't see what was going on, but I could hear them moving stuff over...something heavy. "Redose the poppers in the mask, D"....and I saw D walk over and take the mask off me, and do as Nick asked. When the mask went back on, the fresh poppers hit me. "Hold him up, D....let me get this positioned right". I swung back up and I felt like I was going to swung back and forth again. "Ok....ease him forward"....and D let me slip down some. I felt a dildo slip inside my ass, and heard a machine turn on. They were going to use a fuck machine on me! I couldn't focus to much as the poppers were strong and hitting me good. "Bring him on down"....and I went down and a 2nd dildo joined the first..... D stepped away and went back towards Nick. "Fuck this is pretty, Nick....you gonna switch it up to go deeper?" "Yeah, man....all of it will be going here in a few.....start a video so we can put up an ad." Nick must have adjusted something because the machine started pushing deeper on each stroke.....and then I felt another dildo at my entrance. As the realization struck me, I grunted and squirmed. "Settle the fuck down, faggot....you ain't gotta do nothing but shut the fuck up and take it." The third dildo head was pushing the sling away, since my hole wasn't opening up to take it, and I felt a bit of relief. I could deal with feeling it punch at my hole, knowing it couldn't actually get in....but that wasn't what Nick wanted. He moved around to the head and held me still, this time when the 3rd dildo hit my hole, Nick prevented me from swinging away, and it popped in. And then immediately out. The pain shot through me and Nick reached down and pinched my nipples to add to it. Then the dildo came back up and popped in again...then out....then in....I wasn't positioned enough for the 3rd dildo to push deep. It just kept toying with my hold...popping in and out as the other two dildos pumped deeper inside me. "Yeah....he's taking that third one in his hole nice and smooth now, man." "Excellent....one more adjustment and then we'll go make some calls and place an ad" Nick stepped back down and I heard him do something....this time when the fuck machine pushed in, it went deeper with all 3 dildos. I could feel each of them stretching a different part of my hole apart. I was struggling and making noises. I don't know how my body was handling this. And then the machine picked up speed and was going faster here....and deeper there....and the 3rd one was popping out entirely here and there before being forced back inside. "Everything I wanted to see....god damned nothing is hotter than this, man....let me set it on random and then we'll leave this cunt to adjust to his new life." A second or two later, the machine picked up speed again, and then it was going deep sometimes, shallow others....sometimes the 3rd dildo head would pop out and sometimes not. 1 of the dildos was always past my 2nd hole and another was just sometimes past it, depending on if it was a deep stroke or not. My body couldn't do anything except give up and just accept it. I drifted off, I think...between the drugs and the poppers and my body just giving up with the fuck machine abusing my hole with 3 dildos....I just let go. I came to hearing voices again....the machine was still fucking my hole and it had become my entire world....having it feel so wonderful reaching all those sensitive spots deep inside me. "Jesus, Nick....you weren't lying! Fucking hell that's filthy.....and I love it!". It was a voice I didn't recognize. I heard shuffling in the room, but I had no idea who was there, or even how many. Nick came back over to my head and pulled the mask off my face and took the gag out of my mouth. He held my head so I couldn't lift it up beyond where he had me; I couldn't see who else was in the room. "Say it faggot....say the words so all these men can hear you say it!".....I mumbled "I surrender."...it was a whisper and Nick didn't seem to like it. He slapped me again, "I said say it, you worthless cunt!"....I yelled, or at least I think I did, "I surrender!". "Sounds fucking good to me!" another voice. And with that, Nick put a blindfold on me, and put the popper mask on my face again, with fresh poppers, and I heard someone say "let's turn this up a little more." ........
  11. Thanks for the posit8ve feedback guys. I especially appreciate the positivity around the dialogue because I often struggle with that the most in my other writing. Or maybe its just dirty, degrading sex talk comes more naturally to my mind. Ha! Regardless, though, thank you all. Side note: I may be away from thus for the next week. I'll be traveling for a death in the family and won't have time (and frankly don't have the mindset) to add a 3rd chapter right now. But I'll be back to this, promise.
  12. Part 2: My hair was hanging down in my face as my head was relaxed forward. I'd not but it up in a hairband since Nick told me he liked the long hair. But it wasn't the best in my current situation. Nick was kneeling in front of me....I could see his beautiful dark stomach and the faint Adonis belt before it disappeared behind the waistband of his faded jeans. My sex addled mind could focus on very little more than my desire to see what was hidden. Nick gathered my hair up in his hand and paused. "Hmmm. I think I need a solution for this pretty hair of yours....hold on a second". And with that, he disappeared from my view. A few moments later, he was kneeling again and I could see a thin cord of the same jute rope he had wrapped on my wrists. "I don't normally use this on a faggot's hair, but there's plenty enough time for me to use it elsewhere, too." He gathered up my hair tightly in his fist, and I knew he was basically tying my hair into a pony tail. When he was done it was just beyond be comfortable, but the soft "hmm"s and chuckles from Nick as he worked told me it was exactly what he wanted. "Now, back to you sucking my cock." He unbuttoned his jeans and let them drop down over his hips as he reached in and pulled out his cock. It was the biggest cock I'd played with, up to this point, and even bigger than the dildo I fucked myself with. He held my head up by my pony and slowly stroked himself. He was leaking precum, beading up at the head of his cock and slowly stretching towards the floor. I heard myself moan. I was so fucking hungry for that cock. Nick let my hair go and grabbed the poppers to hold under my nose again. "Take several strong huffs, pretty boy, and let go. Just ride the wave.....there you go....a couple of more...." Nick took a few hits himself and by the time he yanked on my pony again, I was well and truly in a popper haze. "Open your mouth and stick out your tongue. I better not feel any fucking teeth or I'll knock 'em down your throat. Stick out your tongue and open wide. I'll do the rest." I did as told and Nick guided his huge cock inside my mouth. I could taste all that precum and it was like heaven...a salty and sharp mix of flavor on my tongue and I knew I was hooked. Nick pushed in and used one hand on my pony to hold me steady and the other moved to my jaw. His grip in both places were like iron; he wasn't letting me go anywhere. He started slowly, pushing in to mouth and to the back of my throat...when it'd start to spasm he'd pull back...over and over...slowly giving my mouth and gag reflex time to adjust. "That's all the warm-up you get, pretty boy....time to take what I give you, now." With that, he pushed in forcefully, completely ignoring that spot where I'd start to gag and just pushed all the way down my throat. With my head in a vice, my wrists bound behind my back, there was nothing I could do. Nick set-up a brutal pace of fucking my throat....I immediately started crying and my spit was soaking his hand on my jaw and his cock was a slimy mess. Nick was calling me all sorts of names and yanking harder and harder on my hair. Every so often he would stop his fucking and just shove all the way down my throat...his curly pubes in my nose and his balls on my chin...and just hold it there. I couldn't breathe through all the snot and nose, and frankly even if I could Nick was so far down my throat, it wouldn't have mattered. "Choke on it faggot....choke on my fat cock."....and he'd pull back and start fucking again....then holding deep and making me struggle and go without breathing. "MMMMM. I love making a faggot choke out with my cock...can't breath can you, boy? So pretty watching you struggle....knowing in a few you're gonna go limp and black out...all from my cock. FUCK YEA! That's the best feeling in the world." But he'd pull out before that and brutally fuck my throat again. I have no idea how long this went on. I was lost in my own world of humiliation and domination and lightheadedness. Subspace or not, I just let Nick own my throat. And then he did it. He shoved back down my throat and held it. I'd given up struggling against him when he did this. I knew this game by now....over my head I heard him "Yea, pretty boy....such a good cocksucker. My pretty cocksucker now....time for a little nap." My chest was burning now, and a part of me knew he told me he'd do this and this was it.....he wasn't going to let me breathe...he was going to choke me out with his cock down my throat.....the darkness closed in around my eyes and....... I came to with a very hard slap across my cheek. "Wake the fuck up, faggot!" Nick growled at me. I opened my eyes to see him grinning at me and all I could think of was "fuck this man was a god and I worshipped him". He must have seen the look on my face because his grin got even wider and he rubbed my face telling me I was such a good boy for him. "Chase, pretty boy, you took that throat fucking like a champ. I'm so proud of you. You're making me so happy tonight." He kept running his hands over my face and smiling at me. "Now, whaddya say we make your fantasy come true and I piss up that beautiful hole of yours, hmm?" I could barely get out a whisper, "Yes, Sir, thank you, Sir". I tried to adjust my position on the ottoman, but found that even beyond my wrists being tied, now my hold upper body was wrapped in rope to the ottoman. Noticing, Nick told me "that's there to keep you safely on top....fucking your delicious throat made me realize you squirm a lot and I wanted to keep you secure." He patted my ass and moved around behind me. For a couple of minutes I had no idea what we was doing, but then he was back and talking to me. "Now, pretty boy, I know what you want tonight. And I'll give it to you. And you're such a pretty thing tied up for me and crying. You're the hottest little fag I've ever had, Chase. I'm a lucky man who gets to own you." He paused a second and was stroking my body from my shoulders to my ass and down my thigh. "Now, so far everything we've done was stuff you told me you were OK with, right?" I nodded. "Good, good. That's what a pretty boy like you deserves. We didn't discuss your safeword, and I've been good to not push things where you'd need it. Do you have a safeword, Chase?" "Yes, Sir....'peach' is my safeword." "Peach?!" Nick was chuckling..."how did you come up with that?" "From a joke....'what does a Junior Leaguer say during sex?....Peach...I think I'll paint the ceiling peach." I was smiling at the memory of my first BF telling me that joke. And Nick was full-on laughing with me. "Well, good as one as I suppose there is." I could hear the humor in his voice. But a second passed and the next time Nick spoke, he was close to my ear, and there was no humor in it. "But, my pretty little Chase....you don't get that tonight. Because you came into my world, all smiling and innocent and so fucking pretty. And you didn't once ask me about it...or mention it....and now you belong to me. And my faggots don't get safewords because I own them." I started panting and shaking. Fear gripped me and I was shaking me head. "Yeah, you're scared now, huh, faggot? I can see it....you're even whimpering for me. I love this part...I love seeing a new plaything realize just how fucked they are." I was babbling, and begging and crying and Nick stood up next to me....I could feel him towering over me as I begged to be let go, apologized, anything I could think to say, even if most of it was unintelligible through the tears. Nick straddled my bound body and he reached down, grabbing my head by the pony and pulling it up hard, craning my neck backwards. With his other hand he maneuvered a painters mask...a painters mask? over my nose and mouth....and then a second one on top of it. I immediately inhaled and knew there were poppers in/on? the masks. Once both were in place and I was inhaling the poppers with ever ragged breath, Nick let my head drop back down. "That should help keep you pliable, pretty boy. Don't worry, if you pass out, I'll take care of you. If you scream or yell or cry, I'll take care of you. But nobody will hear you, and nobody is going to stop you getting your fantasy tonight. You're tight little hole is going to be my piss pot right after I breed you like you were born to be." I was so high on the poppers I barely could tell what was happened from here and in what order. What I can remember is feeling Nick grab the plug in my ass and tug on it. He tugged a little and let it go.....tugged a bit more and let it go....tugged yet again and my hole struggled to stretch so he could pull it out, and he let it go....over and over tugging on it but never pulling it out. Then after a few minutes, and tugged and pulled the widest part out of my hole. I felt the stretch, just the wrong side of too much and it gave. But my relief was short lived. No sooner than it gave then Nick forced back in. I yelled. And he did it again. Over and over. As I started crying, he was laughing. "Oh, this is only the start, faggot. This hole is too tight and too fresh for all the plans I have" and "Cry all you want, pretty boy....it's music to my ears and only make me hungrier for what I have planned". My mind was barely aware of what was happening....the poppers in the painters mask had me so fucked up. I'd never had poppers like this and I struggled to stay conscious. I felt the mask suddenly fall away and Nick saying "that's enough of those"....and then he pulled the plug out of my hole for good. The entire length was gone and I could feel my hole clinching on nothing and trying to close. "oooooh, look at that pretty faggot hole....trying to close up after I gave it so much love....no, no, no....we can't have that can we, pretty boy?". I felt Nicks fingers slide inside me....there was at least 2....I wasn't sure....He was pumping his fingers in and out of my hole and what had been torture earlier was now so nice...I was moaning for him....moaning for his fingers and trying to twist and shimmy my ass to get more of them inside me. "Oh yeah, now your hole is wanting more....just how it always is....the first bit is always the hardest, making sure my new hole knows resistance means nothing to me and it will always give up to what I want." He pulled his fingers out. And then they came back and I knew my hole just opened up for him when he pushed them deep back inside. This time there was a sharp sting, like a nail caught on me, and then it burned. I yelped, "something's wrong...it's burning!"....Nick rubbed his hand on my ass, "nothing's wrong, pretty boy....sorry about that...it'll stop in a few and your hole will feel better than it ever has". He kept pumping his fingers in side me....the burning subsided....and then his fingers would leave my hole....then come back and I'd feel the little sharpness and burn again....but then it would fade....I think this happened 3 or 4 times, I'm not sure. I started feeling flush and hot all over my body. The popper haze was completely gone now but something else was making me feel weird. Like I felt weird in my own skin. Nick kept working my hole with fingers and and telling me I was such a good boy and a pretty boy and how my hole was becoming such a work of art. He reached forward and pulled the painters masks over my nose and mouth again "just for a few minutes, pretty boy....just until I get you used to my cock now." The scent of poppers overwhelmed me again and between the odd feelings in my head and body and hole, the poppers worked their way into my mind. I felt Nick remove his fingers and then I felt the head of his cock at my hole. I moaned when his head slipped inside, and he pulled it back out. "You sounded like you liked that, pretty boy. Did ya? Did you like your owner's cock slipping in your cunt?" He did it again, and I moaned even louder. "Oh yes, yes, I think you do." Ah few more times of teasing my hole like that and Nicked gripped my hips...painfully so, and then he fucked into my hole with one hard, unforgiving thrust. I yelled and the pain was overwhelming, especially when he breached my 2nd hole, without a single bit of prep. "Oh fuck yea!" Nick was yelling "Nothing better than forcing past a virgin second, especially a hole such as pretty as yours." Before I could really adjust, Nick was sliding all the way out and slamming back in, another shock of pain went through me and I cried out again. "mmm....yeah, faggot, keep crying for me like that". Over and over Nick kept slamming into me. Each time more pain and more cries and tears from me. "Ah...there it is, now your hole has given itself over to me....took more time than I thought it would, but I guess that just lets me know I'm the first man this deep inside you." I couldn't answer because I was in tears....my body was overwhelmed with the poppers, the odd feelings the rest of my body and hole feeling like they were on fire, and the pain. Nick reached forward and removed the mask again, and l could breath fresh hair, and he settled into a hard pounding, once the pain faded, the walls of my hole were like fire and Nick was rubbing them in all the right ways....I was moaning. "Yeah, moan like the slut in heat you are, faggot....I know what I got with you." He fucked me and I was in heaven. His long strokes and thick cock was everything I didn't know I was craving. After what felt like an eternity, Nick buried himself deep and draped himself over my back, pulling my pony back and biting down hard on my shoulder. I felt him convulse and his cock plump and knew he was breeding me. The first time I'd ever been bred, and here was this brutal man who refused to listen to a safeword and I was in heaven. I didn't know why I felt like I did, but I wanted him to keep fucking me more and more. But here he was filling me with his cum, and soon to be his piss. He pushed himself back up and and kept ahold of my hips. "Hold on, boy, you're about to get your fantasy." We both waited a moment, our breaths ragged. Then I felt it. "Aaaaaah, there it is, boy", Nick barely whispers. I felt the strangest sensation....a warmth that I wasn't expecting. Then I could feel the weight; Nick's piss was filling me up, fuller than I had expected. "Mmmm....such a wonderful feeling filling up my boy's cunt with my piss. All done now. Now, when I pull out, I want you to clinch up and hold it in."..."Yes, Sir." Nick began to slowly pull out and my hole was almost yelling at me to beg him "no" to not pull out. But he did, and I clinched up like he'd told me. Nick rubbed my ass, and then I felt something pushing at my hole again. "Let this in, boy....this is going to hold all my special piss inside you for a bit...make sure you get everything you need." As soon as I relaxed a bit, Nick forced the huge plug in my hole and even I could hear the squelch. "Such a pretty hole....you did a good job boy not letting my piss out. Now, we're going to keep you just like this for awhile. I'm going to get you some Advil and then, in a little while, we'll take you to the shower and get you emptied out. How does that sound, Chase? Does my pretty boy want to do this for me?" "Yes, Sir....very much for you, Sir" Nick stepped away and a few minutes later, he was back in front of me, holding two pills in his hand and a glass of water. "Take these, Chase, and it'll make you feel better, ease some of your discomfort." I let him put them on my tongue and drank the water through a straw. Nick patted my cheek softly and leaned over and kissed me. "There you are boy. Now you're going to feel really good, and you'll be mine. My pretty boy, my pretty little faggot, and my hole to abuse and share." "I'm sorry, what, Sir?" "You dumbass pretty boy. You've got a gut full of chem piss that's getting you higher and higher the longer it sits inside you. You had 3 shards shoved up your cunt and didn't even realize it. And now you just took a couple of pills of MDMA. You may've never been high before, but in about half an hour, you're going to be so fucking high, you won't even remember why this was a bad idea." Nick's voice was getting deeper and rougher as he told me this. "And now, you're mine. Tied down and going no where, and there's not a fucking thing you can do. You are now my property, and you won't ever walk out that door without a chain around your neck. Do you understand what property means, now, Chase? My very pretty piece of property?" I couldn't reply. Through whatever drugs or sex haze was in my head, I registered everything he said. But I couldn't speak....all I could do was let my head fall down when he let go of my pony and I cried. Sobs wrecked my body, and all Nick did was stand over me and laugh. "Don't worry....those drugs will make you feel good about everything soon enough. You'll soon be craving everything I have in mind for you. We just have to wait." With that, a bag or pillowcase or something went over my head and I heard Nick walk away leaving me right there on his ottoman.
  13. I started off pretty innocent, all things said. I'd made it all the way through college without getting high once, not even pot. My oldest brother was a serious stoner and dropped out of college, and I never wanted to hear my parents talk about me in the way they did about him. So I was a model child - straight As and drug-free. Right up until I was 23. I'd known I was kinky. My first sexual experiences was jerking off while smelling the undershirts and briefs of my uncles. I'd sneak in and steal jocks from the football locker room in high school. In college, I experimented more, and was 100% sure I was a submissive. I longed for a Dom, but was often too shy to do anything about it. Anyways, after graduating college and joining the "real world", I'd moved to Atlanta and started hooking up here and there. And on one particular Friday, I decided to make a fantasy of mine come true: I wanted to have a guy piss in me after coming. I got online and went to NKP and made a post. I was honest about things - what I was looking for, etc. I got a few responses from men who were definitely offering more than I was interested in, either by partying or they were poz or whatnot. I longed for the darkness they offered, but I wasn't there. I waited for something more my speed. It finally came in the response from a profile that could have been tailor made for me. Nice older black man, in his early 40s, muscular from work, and not a gym, negative and didn't mention drugs in his profile at all. Nick sounded perfect. "hey there, cutie. I see you're looking for something specific tonight". I replied that I was; it had been a fantasy of mine. We chatted a bit more, talking about my interests and limits. Yes, we could do bondage. Yes to oral. Yes that I while I didn't bareback, I knew I'd have to for this. And the big one, no, I didn't use any drugs. Nick said he was in, told me to get myself cleaned out and come over to his place about 8:30pm. I headed over and pulled into his driveway about 8:20. I texted him and he said to come on inside, the door was unlocked. He wanted me to strip and kneel when I got inside. I did so, and then Nick walked into the foyer. He was everything his profile showed and then some. I was smitten just seeing him walking towards me in nothing but a pair of well worn jeans. Nick had a smooth solid chest, tightly curled black hairs covering his chest, and I could see his pubes just above the waistline of his low-fitting jeans. Everything about Nick was my type. "Damn, you are one pretty little white boy," he drawled. His accent was much deeper than my own. "Um...thank you, Sir. Most men think I'm a little too femme." "No worries about that, boy. I like you girly ones even better." He was standing over me and I was shaking like a leaf looking up at him. "Don't be nervous. I can see you shaking. I'll make this good for you." Nick reached around and gathered my long hair up in his hand and held on. He started walking away, pulling on my hair and making me stumble forward on all fours and struggle to crawl behind him to keep up. "That's right, on your knees and trailing after me like a good boy. You was made for this." In the middle of Nick's living room he had a low ottoman and he led me over to it. "Lay your chest over it, boy, with your hands behind your back." I did as he told and he gathered up my wrists and I could feel the roughness of a jute rope wrapping around them and tying them together. "I like to use rope that leaves a mark, boy. This way you'll remember you were bound at my mercy for a few days later....every time you see these marks." I tried to adjust my wrists to get comfortable, "don't struggle too much boy or you'll sure to mark up your wrists and rub em raw. Make sure you can move and feel your fingers. I don't want them too tight." I did as told and let him know they were OK. "Now, lets get these shoes and jeans off". While I was draped over his stool, Nick went about undressing me from the waist down. I was wearing a cute pair of lacy purple thongs and Nick told me how sexy they were and how he was going to leave them on me. He settled back behind me and I sort of relaxed into the ottoman holding my weight, and Nick started rubbing my ass and my hole. I felt him dribble some lube on my crack and jumped at the coldness. "Settle down now!" Nick yelled at me and gave a powerful smack on my ass that had almost had me crying from the start. "I don't want to hear nothing from you, boy, while I work you open. You aren't nearly ready for my cock, so you shut the fuck up and give me your ass to open!" He brutally shoved 2 fingers in all the way to the knuckles right away. I yelped and got another heavy slap on my ass. "Do I need to gag you to shut you up?!"...."No, Sir....I'll be quiet and good." Nick played with my hole....2 fingers....and then a 3rd....then two fingers from each hand and pulling my hole apart. I struggled to keep quiet, because Nick was absolutely not going easy with any of it, but I did. I wanted his cock and piss inside me, and if I had to suffer a little to get it, I would. Working my hole with 3 fingers, I heard Nick lubing up something behind me...and I just assumed it was his cock. But next thing I know, he's moved to my side, has one hand holding my bound wrists in my back and holding me down. His fingers are stretching me wide as he fucks them in and out of me. "Now, faggot, you take this quietly, and don't tell me 'no' or to stop, and you'll get my piss inside you. You pussy out and cry or beg me to stop and I will, and I'll send your ass home." "Yes, Sir, I understand". With that, he removed his fingers and a few seconds later, I felt something hard and blunt pushing my hole. "This is bigger than my fingers, faggot, but you need to wear this to get ready for my cock. Take it like a good hole...like the good hole you said you are." I accepted the tip, but it flared large fairly quickly and started stretching me beyond what Nick had already prepped me for. He knew the moment when I began to struggle because his hand clamped tightly around my wrists and his entire arm held me in place. "Not a fucking sound from you, faggot!". He growled at me and applied more pressure. I was trembling underneath them and fighting to keep from crying out as he pushed it deeper....when I thought I was about to tear into, I felt it pop in, and my ass clinched up around it. "Such a good faggot. Stayed good and quiet, too". Nick was rubbing my back and down my over my ass...jostling the plug a little just because. He paused for a moment and wiped his hands on a towel he had ready, and moved around in front of me. He lifted my head and brushed the tears on my face away. "Here, take a few hit of these and relax....your hole knows it has what it wants and it'll accept it." Nick held an open bottle of poppers under my nose, and I did 4 deep inhales on his instruction....four on the left side and hold....then release....then 4 on the right side and hold....then release. By the time that last exhale the poppers were hitting me hard, and I could relax some around the large plug in my hole. I didn't think I'd ever had anything that big inside me. "You look so pretty, Chase, bent over my stool....wearing my ropes.....crying for me." It was the first time he'd said my name, and I felt like the best boy in the world. "Now, you said you could deep throat, right pretty boy?"...I nodded "Yes, Sir". He gave a low growl and said, "that's exactly what I wanted to hear. Here, have some more poppers and then I want to feel your throat around my cockhead."
  14. CHAPTER 7 EV I was high and barely aware really of my surroundings, but my body was overwhelmed. Sensations everywhere. The toy in my very stuffed ass was vibrating madly. I was smothered by someone’s ass, very musky ass, and being made to lick it clean, whatever that meant. And my cock was my fire as it felt like someone was shoving a red hot poker down it. Somewhere in the back of my mind, the word “sounding” floated to me. I grasped for it but couldn’t hold on. A pain flared in my cock as I felt something even larger sliding down me, stretching that virgin hole even wider. I grunted, and suddenly the vibrations in my ass jumped up even more intense. I couldn’t think; I couldn’t breathe. I was in so much pain at the moment because nothing was feeling good right now. I felt myself getting lightheaded and thought “maybe I’ll pass out and it’ll all go away.” I felt another set of hands on me, grabbing my nipples. Twisting and pinching them. I felt them stiffen with the attention and then sharp pain. A biting sharp pain clamped onto one. I started to struggle and felt a very firm pair of hands against my chest. “Stay still faggot, or this’ll get worse!” No clue which one said it, but I obeyed, and felt the same sharp clamp in my other nipple. I whimpered and fought to control my body. “Fuck yeah! Look at that men!” “Like some WaHo hashbrowns…scatted, smothered, and STUFFED!” Raucous laughter sounded around me. From above me, “their tongue is magic….getting my hole slick and clean. I could sit like this for hours!” “You’ll get your chance for hours, later, Horse. There’s so much more I want to do before that.” Intense pain flared through my nipples as they were tugged on. Whatever had ahold of them wasn’t letting go, and the pain of the biting clamps and the stretch of the skin was more than I’d ever felt before. I realized I was whining, all the while I focused on eating this man’s ass like my life depended on it. Actually, it could. I wasn’t sure yet. My nipples were screaming in pain and then it eased. The stretch again and then it eased. Stretched and ease…over and over, barely enough time for me to register that the pulling had eased off. My ass was vibrating all through this and, against what I thought was imaginable, the vibrations when up in intensity another notch. I felt something slide out of my cock and felt rough hands caressing my balls. I felt them gripped and massaged…rolled around in their hand. Finally something felt good. And then it didn’t. Pressure on my balls crept higher. They were being squeezed and it went beyond feeling good to uncomfortable….beyond uncomfortable to downright painful….and then, a sharp squeeze that send intense pain up my stomach and a hard jerk on my nipples as I felt the clamps give way and my world went white. NEEDLES I saw the moment it happened, everything in this kids body went haywire like they’d just been shocked. I pulled the massage gun back, I was worried they’d blacked out on us. Bull was brutalizing squeezing and massaging their nuts with a viscous grin on his face. Ben yanked the alligator clips off the nipples, and I swear I didn’t know those would rip off like that. But I saw blood on the chest and figured, that was what happened when they did. I saw Horse’s face and the look of bliss as he grinded his ass down on their mouth. “They still licking?” I asked. If they were, then they were still conscious. “Fuck yeah it is! Actually going at it like they’re starved”. Hmmm…I looked again at the scene before me. This wasn’t unconsciousness I was seeing. This was a body that had just crossed into that disassociated state I knew of. “Bull, squeeze ‘em super hard again….make it hurt like a motherfucker again.” “Gladly!”. I saw the muscles in Bull’s forearms flex and ripple. I reached down and grabbed the base of the plug. I jiggled it and got a good grip and started tugging it back some. Then I heard I most beautiful sound…a plaintive moan from under Horse’s ass, I knew I was right. “Harder Bull. The kid’s hit subspace and is flying!” Our Hole was moaning from under Horse…their hips started to writhe and I saw Bull squeeze more and felt our tight little cunt let go of the plug. It slipped out and we all heard the most beautiful noises. And I was rock hard and ready to play. I started fucking their sloppy cunt with the huge plug, watching and hearing our Hole’s painful ecstasy. They pushed down on it, no matter how much doing so increased the painful pressure Bull had on their nuts. He was rolling them and squeezing like he was trying to crush walnuts, and looking like he was as happy as he could ever get. “Axel…do me a favor and bring my bag over. Our plaything is where I want him for now.” Ben was still torturing those bloody nipples and I was ready for my turn. “Take over for me here, Axel”. And he did…got between those limp legs that Horse held up. I grabbed the alcohol and a few tools. I sat next to Ben and he scooted to the side. I took the swabs and wiped the blood from the nipples and took a clamp and gripped it good. I increased the pressure more than I needed, because I wanted to. I took a needle and in one motion pierced through the nipple. The sound from our Claim was like music to my ears. I clamped the far nipple and not gently pushed a needle through that one. I got Horse’s attention and got him to move back and sit on their arms so they were trapped underneath Horse’s weight. I leaned over and looked in those beautiful eyes. “Ben, how do they look to you? I see a Hole in the rapture of subspace, but wanted to make sure I wasn’t seeing things.” Everyone else kind of leaned forward and Horse lifted up their head. A round of “sure does” and “looks like it me” sounded around me. “If their cunt is any indication, they can’t seem to get enough right now”. And Axel went back to the sloppiest fucking toy play I think I’d heard. I leaned over and kissed those sweet lips. I could taste Horse’s ass, but didn’t care. I looked into unfocused eyes, “baby you’re gonna bleed so sweetly for me, eventually, but for now, just lie here and let me decorate you.” “Gentlemen, if I may……Horse, keep their arms pinned….and Axel, plug that hole and hold the spreader bar down.” Everyone give me a bit more space and this sweet little offering was stretched out before me. Two of my needles already had homes in their nipples, but I wasn’t finished. I capped each of the needles in their nipples with small corks, and got more out of my bag. I carefully held the already pierced nipples and slipped another one, this one going up and down, through it. This time I let the piercing push slowly. I wanted our claim to feel the needle slipping through. And I could see it. I knew exactly what sensations were happening to our abused little Hole. But the sounds of pain and pleasure were so obvious that I knew this was erotic to them as it was to me. I corked this needle and prepared another. Another slow piercing in the other nipple and it was done. Our sweet little cunt had my version of a holy cross in each nipple, and I was smiling like a kid on his birthday. I pulled the soft little cock flat against their chest. My mind wandered as it massaged it, seeing if it would respond at all. I’d long ago figured that T showed the world who was a MAN and who was hole. Real men would get rock hard with Lady T and want to ruin any hole they could find. Holes, on the other hand, went so limp and soft and nothing would get an erection out of them except Viagra or sobriety. And as I suspected, we had us a natural Hole on our hand. No matter how sweetly I played, our little claim wasn’t going to get hard. They knew they were made for men like us, and I was more than pleased with it. Getting Bull to help, I pulled their soft cock taut, and pinched some skin on the top….and slid in another needle. Once….twice….three times…..and that was all I could fit on this soft cock. No more until I was ready to do more permanent ones. I stood back to admire my work, and smiled. I saw Ben stepping back over to us. He wrapped a cable to the spreader bar and pulled it tight, letting Axel get up and stop holding. He cuffed our kid’s wrists and did the same thing there so Horse could get up. Then Ben fitted a gag in their mouth and screwed in a funnel. I could tell by the look on Horse’s face he was confused. I thought I’d help out, “It’s so we can piss in it and they have no choice but to drink it.” Ben pulled out the plug from their ass and replaced it with an inflatable one. He started pumping it up and I reached over the funnel I knew was getting attached to that. I handed it to Ben and he screwed it into the now inflated plug. “Guys, let’s give our kid a break again and let him float and enjoy their gift from Needles. Let’s get some more beer down here.” As they began to step away, I picked up the nearby poppers and held it under their nose a few times, keeping them off-kilter. “Such a beautiful thing wearing my jewelry. Just wait until you’re wearing my brands and scars.” With that I gave a very wicked slap on their well-abused balls and walked over to get a beer.
  15. Chapter 6 EV I’m starting to come back to myself. I know I’m high as fuck, and this isn’t just some molly like I’ve done in the past. I don’t know what that guy…these men…has given me but I’m barely aware of what’s going on. My ass hurts; it’s feeling needy…like a cat in heat. I’m plugged with something huge. It’s not comfortable, but when I rock my hips and my hole clinches around it, pain and pleasure shoot up my spine, and I’m not sure which one is stronger. It’s both the worst thing ever and the hottest thing ever. I let a out little groan with my next clinch around the plug, and I hear chuckles from somewhere. I try to move and look over and it only jostles the plug more and I whimper and moan more. “Well, gentlemen, looks like someone’s starting to come back to themselves.” I hear more laughs. I want to say something but my throat hurts, badly. I vaguely remember having someone’s cock (or is it cocks) in my mouth, and not gently. I’m trying to piece together the events of the last few hours…or is it a nights. I don’t know. “Hey darlin, I got you.” The bed or mattress I’m on sinks a bit on my left and I move toward the voice. A hand comes to rest on my face and I lean into it. “Shhhh. You’re safe. Can you open your pretty eyes and look at me?” I moan as I’m drawn up against a hard chest. I struggle to open my eyes, and when I get them open and somewhat focused, I see the handsome man I met in the bar….what’s his name…Brian? Bran?....no, Ben! So Ben did this to me….but I feel so good and so worn out. “There you are beautiful, starting to float down from the sky we had you in.” I feel the bed shake again and move and I close my eyes. Too much struggle to keep them open. “Now ain’t that a pretty sight, gents.” It’s another voice from somewhere else. “So subby and clinging to Ben. They’ll come to do that with all of us, eventually.” I must have a look of confusion on my face because Ben, I’m sure it’s him, cradles me against him and humms. A deeper, gruffer voice from somewhere just off my side pipes up “So, is this it now? This cunt goes clingy and we all just sap the fuck up?” “Fuck you, Horse! Claims don’t happen immediately and sure as shit not from as little as what we’ve done.” I don’t know this voice but it’s close…right almost….I jerk in Ben’s arms as more calloused hands start to rub me. I can’t make out all the noises around me, but my head is guided away from Ben’s shoulder and I feel rough lips against mine, demanding a kiss. I give in, and feel smoke enter my lungs. In my ear, Ben says “just inhale it, baby….let Axel make you feel good.” Axel’s kiss go on and on, it seems. He pulls back and let loose the breath he filled my lungs with. The bed moves again, and more lips come to mine, but different. “Such a good Hole for us, baby…..take Bull’s breathe, too. All of it will make you feel so good again.” That kiss ends, and there’s another….then another. I’m honestly not sure how many kisses like that I get from ever how many of these men there are. I’m floating again. I catch myself groaning and whimpering in Ben’s arms. He cradles me like I’m something special, and I hear “just let go and soar, baby. Your our Hole now.” BULL This kid is so fucking high, and so fucking beautiful, too. They’re limp against Ben’s body and just swiveling their hips from time to time, feeling that plug in their cunt. I reach over and tap it a few times and get a hearty groan for it. I fucking love it. “Ben, position him against your chest and throw his legs over yours.” Ben does as I ask and our Hole’s head just falls back against his shoulder. I’m in awe of this beautiful thing spread out before us and knowing it’s ours to do with as we please. My mind races with ideas and depraved ideas. I’m sure the grin that crosses my face isn’t a nice one. “Needles….I want a spreader and 4 cuffs, a massager, your sounding set…and the poppers, yeah.” We position our Hole flat on the mattress. I ask Horse and Needles to stay with me and tell Axel and Ben to enjoy the show. Needles comes back with what I’ve asked for and I start to work: cuff the ankles and attach them to the spreader, spread WIIIIIDE; cuff his wrists together and up over his head. I give the massage gun to Needles and notice as he catches onto my plan with that. I know I have tastes that maybe not all my other guys have, but I think Horse is enough of a mean and dirty fucker to be into this. I pull him off to the side some. “So…I want you to strip out your jeans and straddle our toy’s face and make him eat your ass. And hold the spreader up so his ass is open for Needles.” “Um, Bull, probably not a good idea….you know I haven’t been home to shower in a coupla days.” “Yeah I know that” I grin at him. “That’s exactly why it’s gonna happen. Look, this is new to you, I get it, but when this Hole moves to the clubhouse….let’s just say it’s gonna be easier to start the training now than later, if’n ya follow.” Horse’s brows pops up and he shakes his head side to side, “This just gets more twisted by the minute.” “Oh, and you’ll have the poppers with you….give him a good 4 or 5 deep inhales of that before you straddle his face. Pull his arms up and pin them between between your legs and then you’ll just be able to sit back and enjoy.” We step back over and Needles has the sounding set all ready to go. Everyone gets into positions and Horse starts feeding our Hole the poppers. Needles turns on the massage gun and puts it up against the plug and I watch our toy buck under the sensations, even as the poppers relax them even further. I pick up this soft tina-dicked little cock and squirt some lube into the tip and let it start to slide inside. Horse throws his leg over Ev’s face and sits back, completely smothering him with, what I’m absolutely sure, is probably a very ripe and rank hole. Our Hole starts bucking against everything. They aren’t at all happy with what’s his on face or with what’s going on in his cunt. They’re protesting more than I expected. Maybe Horse was even dirtier than I thought. “Fuckin lick it, you cunt!” Horse is growling and holding the spreader bar up with one hand and pinching the hell out of their nipple. “Clean my fucking nasty hole, bitch. You know you like it and deserve it”. He dismounted their face, held the poppers over it a few more times and slapped them hard and spit in their face. Leaning down he whispered in their ear where only I could hear, “you’ll lick my nasty hole clean and eventually you’ll be trained to love it. If you don’t I’ll beat the training into you and you’ll have to do it anyways.” With that, Horse straddled our Hole’s face and grinded back down on him. I’m guessing Ev was scared into it or was too out of it to protest because they just let it happen and Horse grinned as I’m sure that sweet tongue was licking him up. Needles turned the massage gun even higher, and I grabbed a twisted metal rod and started to let it slip down this little cock I held.
  16. Sorry for the delay in getting back to this. Been traveling for work and just haven't had the time. In any event, I got the next installment ready. Chapter 5 BEN: I loved seeing my Hole laid up in the sling. A watching Horse’s rip into it was a thing of beauty. Our Hole wasn’t completely in Heaven right now – it was feeling horny and wanting but it was still a little too resistant, even after Bull and Needles took it’s throat and Horse tore up that Hole. Axel had him plugged at the moment, and we all stood around, watching this beautiful body laid out before us. Needles was passing around the pipe, cock still out, and I could see throat slobber hanging off his huge PA. And this gave me an idea. “Axel, how much struggle was there on that plug you put in?” “Not much at all. Horse broke it in right.” I smirked, “find something about 3 sizes larger than what you put him it. And grab some of that powdered T”. Before he could speak up, I looked to Needles “I heard you…and I’m making this call. If you don’t like it, you can leave.” Needles nodded and kept his mouth shut. “Get a popper rag ready…our Hole will need it here in a few min”. I saw Horse make the move; I got a big swell of feeling knowing that he was enjoying this far more than he expected. I rolled a little stool over between these split legs, and tugged on the plug. Ev moaned as I jiggled it and spun it inside his hole. I pulled it in and out, toying with the ring, making sure it wasn’t going to giving resistances to the widest part. I pulled it out and rolled the tip around in a good amount of crushed T and then shoved it back in. I was toying with it; I wanted to let that fresh T get my Hole is a place of utter and complete need. I was fucking in and out of our Hole with this plug and looked over to see what Axel has brought me. “Ben, does this one work for what you had in mind?” Axel knew exactly it was, and I almost felt a twinge of guilt, but I was too far gone. Axel lubed it up and glanced at the crushed T. I nodded. I knew I was playing risky here, but frankly wasn’t in a mood to care about it right now. Lubed and T’d, I grabbed the flare with my right hand and toyed with the one in our Hole for a few, then yanked it out and immediately pushed the larger one in. It got about 2-3 inches in before I felt resistance and I heard a noise from Ev that told me they were on the same page yet. “Horse…poppers. Do it like a chloroform rag. Count to 5, remove it….count to 5….repeat. 3 times please.” Horse grabbed a handful of hair and pulled Ev’s face up and covered his mouth and nose with the rag and his huge hand. The look on Horse’s face was pure feral. I held the plug where it was and waited for Horse to remove the rag, and then I pulled back some and started to push in again. Our Hole was fighting it, still tight and resisting, and then watched Horse repeat it for the second time. While he was counting to 5, I got another inch or so in….we had about another inch before the widest part….a fat 5 inches across. Horse went in for the 3rd and final time and I knew this was it. I wasn’t taking “no” from this Hole. As soon as the poppers were removed, I pulled it back and shoved forward again. There was still resistance, but I wasn’t stopped until I got what I wanted: this giant plug in our Hole. Ev was whining and definitely was not enjoying this piece, which I was A-OK with. I heard a “I can’t stand that whining” from Needles as he stepped over and buried his cock down Ev’s throat. “At least this will keep it quiet until you’re finished”. With one final push I felt the Hole give up against my pressure and it stretched beautifully around the plug before sucking it in. Ev was shaking and struggling in the sling, between their ass hurting from the stretch and their throat full of Needles. I grabbed the plug and tugged on it some. Pulling hard enough to where it was almost slipping back out past the thickest part, before letting it slip back inside. I picked up a bit more lube and pulled the plug back, until the thickest part popped back outside. I didn’t pull it all the way out, no, just enough and I drizzled more lube on the thickest part and pushed again. Pushed it back inside against the resistance, but didn’t let it settle in….as soon as the thickest part breached, I pulled it back out. Over and over. I wanted to teach this Hole that it didn’t resist what I put inside it. After about 5 or 6 times, I let it settle in, Ev’s ass gripping the smaller part of the plug and keeping it firmly seated and stuffed. They were still whimpering around Needles’ cock, but I didn’t care. I was rock hard. I got off the stool and walked around to Ev’s head. Needles pulled out and I leaned over looking into Ev’s eyes. Their pupils were saucers; I could barely tell their color. I knelt down and cradled their head, whispering in their ears, “I know beautiful, I know you don’t know which was it up or down; I know your hurting and scared and higher than a fucking kite. And you’re so beautiful for me. So fucking beautiful, and I can’t wait to take you to new places.” “Axel, take the stool. I want to play my favorite game.” “Ben, are you sure that’s where you want to go? This is supposed to be a claim.” “Fuck yes, Axel. Do you not trust me to know where that fine line is?” “Sure, man….sure. This is your find, anyways.” Axel took a seat and reached up to jiggle the plug in Ev’s ass. I undid my pants and finally let my hard 9” out. I lined up and pushed against Ev’s lips, feeling them part as I slid inside their mouth. I wasn’t going to deep, just deep enough to get them used to my cock. I could see Axel playing with the plug. I started fucking Ev’s throat deeper and deeper, forcing past his gag reflex and resting my balls on his nose. I could see my cockhead stretching his throat as it pushed deep and dammit if that wasn’t the hottest thing. Once I could get a rhythm of fucking in and out and going deep, I pushed all the way in and held it. I grabbed Ev’s shoulders and steadied them. I held it in. Ev struggled. And then….Ev went limp and I immediately pulled out. I could see Axel moving. I couldn’t see what he was doing, but I knew what it was: pulling the plug out of Ev’s relaxed hole and pushing it right back in. I slapped Ev to bring him back to me and leaned over “So beautiful for me, Ev….you’re so beautiful, and this will help you be compliant.” I looked into glazed over eyes, and saw that flicker I saw in the bar…one of need. I grinned. I shoved my cock back in their throat and went back to fucking in and out, long steady strokes. Another few min, I went in and held. Ev struggled some before they went limp again. I watched Axel as he repeated his job down between their legs. I got Ev back with me, and whispered, “just once more, baby, and then we’ll let you rest for a few….can you do that for me? Just give me one more?” I pushed in again. This time, I wasn’t going to just lazily fuck it. I went with more force. Holding it down longer and making Ev wonder if this time was when I’d pull back or not. Over and over, teasing them; fucking with their mind, before I slipped balls deep and braced myself. This time there was very little struggle before they went limp, and I saw Axel do his thing one more time. I got Ev’s awake again and gave them a deep, passionate kiss. “Such a good Hole for me. So compliant and brave.” “Ok guys, let’s get them out of the sling and on the mattress. I think our Hole needs to rest for a few before we keep going. Bull, get some water for them and for us.” Horse and Axel maneuvered Ev to the mattress and got them laid out and looking as comfortable as can be with that huge plug in their ass. I sat next to them and helped them drink some water, since I knew they needed it. “Ok, pretty baby…lay right here and rest for a few. We aren’t going anywhere and you’re perfectly safe right here.” The guys were all sitting around on the sofa and chatting, and I joined them with a big grin. “You men having fun, yet?”. A round of chuckles went around the room. I screwed the top off the water and kicked back where I could keep an eye on Ev on the mattress. They were squirming some, rocking their hips, and wincing when I knew they’d squeezed down on the plug. The T was doing it’s thing and make their hole so fucking hungry. I was doing my thing and breaking down their mental barriers. Slowly the conversations turned back to where the rest of the night/day was going, and the different things they’d like to see or maybe try. I didn’t really veto anything, but also didn’t want to have any set plans. Things would go exactly as they should, regardless of what we planned.
  17. CHAPTER 4: BULL Fuck this felt like a virgin throat. This kid was still coughing from Needle’s slam and I had my cock buried to the hilt. Their throat spasmed over and over around my cockhead and I loved it. I pulled out and started fucking. I didn’t care if they puked or not, but I sure as fuck didn’t care about a Hole’s gag reflex. I was gonna feed it my first load tonight. I could hear the sobs but couldn’t tell what was tears or spit or whatever else on this Hole’s face. I craved the struggle and got even rougher since Axel had it’s hands pinned up overhead. I could see Needles jacking off and playing with his PA. I knew he loved watching his piercings ruin a hole, and I could almost see in his mind. I kept fucking the throat and started to feel my balls draw up – my load was about to get fed. I shoved my cock all the way deep and held it, trying to will myself a bit more time. I closed my eyes, but as soon as I felt the kid go limp, I opened them and growled, “Fuck yeah, cunt, choke on it!” I didn’t care, though, I’d repeat this a few times, I guessed. I pulled out and backhanded them across the face, “Wake the fuck up! I ain’t finished!”. I heard Horse make a noise and looked over to catch his eye. He looked entranced and I knew he wasn’t backing out. I could see his monster cock in his jeans and was surprised he wasn’t jacking it yet. I shoved back in once I knew the Hole was at least aware enough that it was getting skull fucked. Over and over, out and balls deep….out and balls deep. I’d feel myself getting close and I’d bury myself again and hold it while mentally steeling myself. That and I just wanted to choke them out a couple of more times before I had to stop. Nothing made me feel more powerful than using my cock to almost end someone. The Hole blacked out again, and I pulled out. I watched their head loll forward in my loose grip and looked around, “This is a good look on it, Ben. You cool if I keep going?” He looked up at me, “so long as they’re still breathing when you pull out, I don’t care how many times you do it. I want this Hole to be scared.” “Fear makes a hole and throat tighter. Makes it easier to ruin, too.” I backhanded the Hole again, getting it awake. I saw blood oozing from their split lip, but I didn’t care. It just made me all the harder. I pushed back in and went back to fucking like a madman. Ben called out, “Horse, check the sling…specifically the cuffs and locks. We’ll move the Hole over there once Bull is finished. Oh, and make sure the head is the right height; we aren’t ignoring either end while we’re over there.” Horse strolled over and got to fiddling around with that, and I focused again on these busted lips around my cock. Ben was giving me time, but I could tell he was ready to have this beauty spread wide for us. Just because I could, I went harder; this time I didn’t want to hold off blowing my load. As I busted, I shoved balls deep again and held it. I wanted two things: one to fill this cunt’s stomach with my load and to choke it out one more time. I grinned as I held it there and got my wish, feeling it go limp in my hold and I pulled out. Axel eased them down to the floor. AXEL: I picked up the limp body from the floor and carried them over the sling. I got this pretty angel settled in and got a really good look at them. Ben had definitely chosen a gorgeous one, even with a split lip from Bull and all the tears. They had a beautiful blush all over their neck and chest from the T and exertion. They suffered so beautifully. I nodded to Horse to get their hands cuffed while I positioned their ankles. Opening up the most beautiful ass and hole I think I’d ever seen. They were stuffed with a plug, and I knew Ben had already done a little work on softening it up for us. When we were done, we all stepped back and looked over at Ben. “Gentleman,” Ben started, “look at this beautiful thing laid out before us. There’s 5 of us and 2 holes, and I know y’all want to enjoy both. Let’s have it.” He looked directly at Horse, “you still with us, or you ready to leave?” “Oh I’m fucking staying. My cock is into it”. We all chuckled. Needles passed around a pipe while we sort of took it all in and started to undress. The Hole was moaning and wiggling in the sling. I knew it wanted more than that plug…I could feel the neediness. “Well, now I know why you’re called Horse” Ben smiled. “How do you feel about breaking it in for us and dumping the first load in that Hole?” Horse moved over and came between their legs. Glancing around, he asked “so, anything special you expect of me or what?” Needles piped up, “whatever you do, don’t give ‘em a booty bump. I gave ‘em a .5 and for a newbie we want to hold for another couple of hours on that again.” I heard the grunt of assent and we all got a little closer. We wanted to watch this with a good vantage point. Needles started feeding poppers to our Hole, and I watched Horse slick up his meat. And yes, we called him Horse for a reason – if he was less than 10” I’d eat my Harley. And easily as big as a beer can. Very few women even went after him. He was slick and stepped up. He nodded to Needles and he held the popper cloth over the Hole’s mouth and nose, making him take big, deep breaths. After a few of those, he removed it and nodded back to Horse. Horse stepped forward and lined up. “Hold their shoulders, Needles”. And then with one hand he held his cock and with the other gripped their thigh and shoved in with a powerful thrust. Our Hole yelled in pain. Horse yelled at Needle’s to push him down while he Horse forced even deeper. Our captive trashed as much as they could in the sling but there wasn’t anything they could do to stop getting impaled. Horse grunted again and pulled out. Needles had draped the popper cloth over the Hole’s face again and use his body to prevent the sling from moving backwards. Horse lined up and rammed balls deep in one thrust this time. And pulled out. Lined up again and repeated this….a third…a fourth….a fifth time. After the fifth time, he looked over at Ben “well, this hole aint resisting nothing now.” Horse gripped the chains at the Hole’s hips and started up a pace that was as hot as it was brutal. NEEDLES: Horse was power fucking the Hole and I looked down at this sweet, innocent face crying and yowling and finally they started to beg us to stop, complaining about the pain. They even said please. I held the popper cloth over their mouth and nose again and got right next to their ear. “Oh sweet thing, begging ain’t gonna stop us. You got claimed by the Big Bad Wolf, and he’s sharing you with the pack.” They weren’t listening to me, so I held the cloth even tighter and stopped their head from thrashing. “Stop it now. Just inhale and let go. We’ll keep you floating enough that you don’t have to be here for this. Just let us have our fun and you can float away.” I stood up and removed the cloth. I slid the blindfold away and looked down into their eyes. Through the tear and fear I could see a sweetness. No wonder Ben chose this one. Even though their pupils were blown wide from the T, I could see a pretty little ring of green. I knew I’d love looking into them when they weren’t saucer-eyed, but right now, it made my cock jump. I backed up and grabbed my cock, bringing it to their lips. “Open up, sweetness, and let me in. You don’t want to make me ask again”. Their lips parted, and the moment I could I slid down into their throat. I didn’t have to move much – Horse’s fucking was swinging our Hole back and forth enough that Horse basically fucked them onto my cock for me. I let go of the chains and pulled the pipe out for another couple of hits. I blew large clouds down on my cock and the Hole’s face. Not enough to make them higher, just really for show. I passed the pipe and torch off to Axel and reached forward to pinch both nipples laid out before me. HORSE: I’d never fucked a guy before, but goddammit this hole gripped my cock like a warm glove. Just knowing I didn’t have to worry about being “too big” or being “too rough” gave me a freedom I’d never had before when fucking. I didn’t care. I looked down and slowed my fucking a big. I could see some pink slick showing on my cock. I looked around for Ben, finding him sitting in a chair and hitting Needles’ pipe. “I think I tore something; I see blood in the lube.” “A lot? Like is it bright read or just a bit of pink?” “More a bit of pink than bright red.” “Nothing to care about it.” He waved me off, and then said “You look like you’re enjoying yourself.” I had started fucking deep, long and hard strokes at this point. I knew I was fucking this whore’s throat onto Needles’ cock, too. “Oh fuck yeah I am. I’ve never been able to fuck a Hole like this.” “This claim belongs to you, too, now that Axel brought you in. No reason this will have to be the only time.” My rhythm stuttered a bit when I looked back over at him, “what? Seriously? This ain’t a one time thing?” Axel laughed from the other side of me, “No brother…a claim means we keep it, and since the 5 of us are breaking it in, it means we also get free use of it.” I was surprised, and looked back down watching this swollen pink ring stretched around my monster. “Mmmmm. I’m going to get used to this, boys.” I sped up again and wanted to breed this Hole. As turned on as I was, I wanted to blow my load, hit the pipe and watch whatever else was in store. I had an idea of what to expect from Axel and Bull, but Needles was a sick fucker, and I didn’t have any idea of Ben’s tastes. Whatever I could imagine, I knew it’d fall short of what we were doing. I let go of the though and focused on this Hole squeezing my cock. It was rippling around me as it swallowed me deep. Another couple of strokes and I was there, blowing the biggest load I think I’d ever shot. It kept going….and going. Fuck me…if that’s what fucking a dude was like, I needed to rethink things. This was better than breeding a cunt any day. After my last shudder, I heard Needles and looked up to see him blow his wad all over that pretty face. I pulled out and watch my own load start to leak out of that swollen gape. Axel shoved me out of the way and rammed a plug in. I looked up at him. “This is our Hole. Our cumdump. Don’t waste your cum by letting it drip out.”
  18. Chapter 3 BEN: As I ran the blade through the torch, I realized just how innocent and pure this pretty creature still looked. Red face, eyes rolling back and tear stained, they remained a picture of innocence. My soul rebelled against this and wanted to lash out, but I had a second thought: I shouldn’t be the only witness to this angel’s fall. Ev deserved an audience…I deserved an audience to appreciate and encourage me. I got on the bed and straddled their slim hips, pinning them to the bed. I used one hand to remove the mask; I leaned over, “you’re so pretty for me. I want to ruin you, darlin’, and you’re gonna let me, aren’t you?” Ev moaned and squirmed, so I leaned over and kissed them like my life depended on it. I wanted them floating. “Now, baby, I need you to do something for me…” I searched their face to see if they were even registering my words. Ev’s face showed it all – high, rolling, and relaxed, but with such sweetness. “I need you to say ‘yes’….say ‘yes, Master, I want you to ruin me.’ Can you do that for me, darlin’?” Breathlessly I got a “please…anything, please make me feel good.” I grinned so hard I almost broke my face. I leaned in for another kiss, and when I broke, “now, baby, before I do that, I need to do something you’re really not going to like. You can yell and scream and cry, and that’s OK…but your Master needs to do this.” I saw a fleeting grimace, and then a slight nod. I put the popper mask back over their face and counted 6 deep breaths, all while running my knife in the torch. I removed the mask and quickly laid the flat of the heated blade against my Hole’s smooth chest – right where their heart would be. My Hole wailed and bucked and struggled, but my weight held them down and their wrists were secured at the headboard. I didn’t want to brand my Hole, not yet, and not like this….this was just a taste, just a mark to remind me that this Hole was now mine. I removed the blade and watched my Hole’s reaction. They we sobbing and struggling to catch breath. They still squirmed, but either the immediate reaction has passed or they realized it was no use. I leaned over for a brief kiss, “so pretty, darlin’, you did so well for your Master. That’s all for now. I’ll let you rest and catch your breath for a bit…but don’t go anywhere.” I crawled off the bed, walked out of the room and grabbed my phone. AXLE: My phone was vibrating in my pocket, and I had no idea who the fuck would call me at this hour. I reached in and saw it was Ben. I thought twice about answering it, but decided why not. “What the fuck do you want, Ben.” “Well hello to you, too” I heard Ben chuckle on the other end. “I have something new. I think you’d like it.” My interest was definitely piqued. “Oh yeah? Fresh or broken?” “Not broken, as of yet, but not exactly perfectly fresh. I’ve had a little time. Want to help with the rest?” “Does a bear shit in the woods, man! Me or more?” “You and three. I want to have fun, but make sure they’re cool – you know my tastes here, and I don’t want to deal with assholes. Oh, and can you bring plenty of goods, I’ll pay.” “Me and three and plenty of goods – Got it. Let me see who I can bring….say 30 minutes to your place?” “Looking forward to it. We’ll be waiting.” I heard the other end of the line go dead, and put my phone back in my pocket. I looked around the clubhouse seeing who was still awake enough or who hadn’t already paired up with one of the club sluts. Hmm…who here was into femme twinks, or would totally get off on hate fucking one? I saw Horse – I caught his eye and nodded him over to me. “What’s up, man?” He asked “Want to play? Ben has a pretty thing in his hands and wants us to come join and play.” I watched Horse raise an eyebrow. “Ben’s gay, man. You know I ain’t into dudes.” “I do, but I’m asking if you want to take out a little hatred on a little femboy.” Horse’s eyes went dark. “He walking out of there?” “It’s a claim. He won’t leave Ben’s place, but we ain’t ending him.” “Hmmm. Not really my scene, but I’m interested enough. I’m in, but know I’ll leave if I ain’t feeling it.” “Heard, man. I’m inviting 2 more, but this is vault. No one else knows about our plans for the next few days, ya hear? “Gotcha.” I glance around and saw Needles and Bull walking into the clubhouse. Didn’t know where they’d been tonight, but I waved them over anyways. Needles nodded when he walked over, and Bull said, “I know that look. You and Horse are planning something.” “We are. We’re going to Ben’s,” I said and gave them a look that communicated everything they needed to know. “We’re down. What we need?” “Plenty of goods, Needles. And bring your bag, I think that will come in handy” I saw Needles’ face light up like a kid on Christmas, and he headed off to his room. 20 minutes later, our Harleys rumbled up Ben’s long drive. I could see him sitting on the porch, looking like the cat that got the canary. Ben met us in the yard, and took in the boys I brought. He nodded at me, and looked to Horse, “Wasn’t expecting you to show up for this. What gives?” Horse looked over at me, “Axel says this one is pretty as a girl, so, I figured I can get off some aggression, even if I decide not to get my cock wet.” “I suppose that’s OK, but I don’t need you freaking out. This turns out to not be your scene, keep quiet and leave.” I looked hard at Horse, “You keep quiet, regardless.” I looked back at Ben, “I’ll make sure all’s good.” That got a smirk from Ben, “Well let’s go see our Hole.” HORSE: I didn’t know what to expect when we followed Ben into his place. He led us to the kitchen and then down to a basement. As he turned on the light, I got a good look. It was completely finished, with concrete floors and a drain in it. But this wasn’t a basement; it was a dungeon. There was a cage in one corner, and a few smaller dog crates along that wall. Over there was a St. Andrew’s cross, a doctor’s chair, and a padded bench. A sling hung in yet another corner. And there, kneeled in the middle of the floor, blindfolded and bound on his knees, was definitely a young boy. Though his hair was nicer than the last dozen women I’d fucked, he still lacked the tits and cunt I went for. In spite of that, I felt my cock harden in my jeans and was honestly taken aback. Ben walked over the boy and pulled his head back with a handful of hair and kissed him. He stepped behind the boy with his hands still in his hair and turned his face to us. He leaned in to say something I couldn’t quite hear, but then the boy started speaking. Quietly at first, barely a whisper, but I got it. “Master says you’re his friends, and since I’m his, it means I’m yours, too. I’m your Hole.” Axel and Bull groaned. My cock was harder than steel and leaking in my boxer briefs, I could feel it. Ben put ear plugs in the boy’s ears and then a head set over it. “He doesn’t need to hear us for this.” Needles walked over and started running his hands over the boy while Ben continued. “My beast is feeling it tonight. I’m taking this Hole as a claim. I want us to ruin them, not permanently, but enough that they won’t be good for anyone else but me….and y’all. Needles, you get the honor of slamming them – as often and as strong as you decide. To my knowledge, and based on what I’ve seen the last several weeks, it’s virgin veins for you. Other than that, their Hole and throat are yours to play with as you like. Axel, I’m guessing you brought Needles other tools with us?” I saw him not at Ben. “Good, then, we may give the Hole a few scars by the time this is said and done with. Now, it’s been a bit over and hour since I gave it a booty bump, I think it’s time for Needles.” We were all hovering over this kneeling boy….well, I heard Ben say “them”, so maybe not a boy, so I’ll just go with Hole like he did. So we’re all standing over this clueless bitch. Ben removes the headphones and ear plugs from it. “Let’s get started. Axel, on the right and secure his body. Horse, hold out and secure the right arm. Needles, you’re up.” I watched Needles make up a rig. Didn’t see how much he used, but I knew Needles. He wouldn’t go easy, even on a newbie. I held their arm out, in a vise grip, as they struggle against me and Axel’s holds. Ben was whispering to him, getting him to stop resisting. I watched as Needles put on the tourniquet, quickly find a vein and drew just a bit of blood in to make sure he was good, and then, in a slow and steady push, he pushed his Hole off the ledge. Quickly as he removed the tourniquet, we all let go. Our Hole started coughing and went to fall over onto their hands and knees, but Axle caught both arms and pull them up over his head. I saw Bull step forward, jeans open, and he grabbed a handful of hair and shoved his fat cock balls deep into their throat. Now our Hole was struggling against the rush and now being choked by Bull’s meat. I stepped back and watched mesmerized as Axel held their arms high and secure while Bull fucked their throat. Brutally fucked this Hole’s throat; I’d never seen anyone go at it like this. Bull seemed to want to get his entire body down this throat and didn’t give a single shit whether the throat wanted it or could even take it. I looked over and saw Needles with his cock out jacking it. Ben was standing to the side, grinning, growling like a fucking beast, and with a look that simply scared me. It scared, even me. It was only then that I noticed a red mark on their check…looked like…holy fuck, Ben, I’m assuming, had taken a hot knife and basically branded him already. I might not be gay, but I knew I was sticking around for this. And I knew my loads would end up in this Hole. I then saw them go limp…in Axel’s grip and Bull’s grip, I saw the body just melt. I grinned when I heard Bull yell “Fuck yeah, cunt, choke on it” and realized Bull has just choked out this bitch with his cock.
  19. CHAPTER 2 EV: As I woke up, I knew I wasn’t in my own bed, and something was very wrong. Nothing seemed to be wrong, other than being groggy, but I was safe and whole, still fully dressed. Then I remembered the Mr. Rugged and panicked a bit. I started to move to sit up. “Easy now, beautiful, you’re OK, and safe. You passed out on me in the truck, and since I didn’t have your home address, yet, I brought to home and put you in the guest room.” “Oh. Thank you. I’m sorry, I don’t know what happened. That’s never happened to me before.” “Here, take these ibuprofen and drink some water.” My handsome savior handed over a couple of pills and a bottle of water. I opened the bottle, popped the pills and emptied the bottle. “Thanks again” “Sure. Now, unless you want me to take you home right now, why don’t you sit up here with me tell me what you had in mind before crashing out on me.” He grabbed me and pulled me over to sit between his stretched out legs; my back to his chest. I gave out a sigh and let myself sink into his embrace. “Well, I like getting manhandled, like you just did.” He pulled my hair back and laid a kiss under my ear. “I like getting kissed under my ear, too. But really, I just like being submissive.” “That’s music to my ears.” We sat like that and chatted for bit. His scruff making my neck raw from his kissing and his rubbing. His hands roaming my chest and under my top. In no time, I was sweating and felt too hot in my skin. His touches and grunts were like sparks under my skin. I felt wired. I couldn’t stop squirming and just wanted more and more of him. BEN: I knew when the ecstasy had kicked in. My little hole was moaning and writhing in my hands. I’d had to clamp my legs over his to keep him still. It was time to get this show on the road. I moved out from under them and rolled them under me, pinning them to the mattress. Grinding against them to keep them distracted. I moved their hands over their head and before they knew it, I had their wristed secured to the cuffs on the headboard. “Hey! What the fuck!” I cut his complaint off with a kiss. “Ssssh, beautiful, and be good for me. Let me be in charge here, and I promise to make you fly.” I grabbed a handful of their head and bared their throat to me, and I went after it, sucking a nice big bruise into their skin. I grinned at myself, knowing this wouldn’t be the only bruise I left. “Stay right there, and I’ll be back for you in just a moment”. I left the room and quickly picked up a few things I wanted to use as this stage: more restraints, a gag, my bowie knife, and a blindfold. I had plenty of T and other things in the room with my Hole, already. Now my beast was ready to come out to play. I walked back into the room and sat everything down at the foot of the bed out of my Hole’s sight. I held onto the blindfold and crawled onto the bed, straddling Ev, leaning over and giving him a big wet kiss. I knew the ecstasy was in full effect as they moaned into my mouth and squirmed under me. I slipped the blindfold over their eyes with sweet talk calming their nerves. Once I had my Hole bound, blindfolded, and squirming, it was time to really get started on his training. I grabbed stuff out of the nightstand, including lube and a small plug. I lubed up the plug and leaned over and started sucking Ev’s cock while gently playing with their ass with the plug. I wanted to get them squirming and begging for more. Once I got the plug seated, I removed it and stuffed my Hole over and over; I wanted to train it to not resist. I grabbed a very well dosed booty bump and pulled the plug out, quicky replaced it with the syringe and flooded it with the chemmed saline. I forced another bigger plug up my Hole with one forceful push, eliciting a whine and moan from Ev. I left the plug for a few minutes, as I wanted the saline to properly absorb for anything more. I leaned over and gave Ev more and more kisses and spent more time sucking bruises into their tender neck and shoulders. Once I was sure thing were well absorbed based on Ev’s reactions, I grabbed the gag and calmed them with sweet talk as I gagged my Hole’s sweet mouth. At this point, it was time to really start training. I moved back down between their legs….I had pulled out a few dildos and plugs, some quite large. I had some finely crushed T on hand. I pulled out the plug from my Hole’s cunt and toyed with it…plunging it back in, making that tight rim stretch around it until it wasn’t giving me any more resistance. I rolled the tip of the plug in the crushed T and then brutally shoved it back inside the cunt, hearing Ev squeak and whine and groan around the gag in the mouth. I picked up and lubed up a fat 10” dildo. My beast was over this play and it was time to ruin. I yanked out the plug and immediately shoved the fat dildo to the hilt. I loved the sounds of pain and discomfort coming from higher up on the bed. I watched my Hole struggle to adjust, but I wasn’t letting that happen. I pulled it all the way out and before the little cunt could even close it went all the way back in. I did this over and over, again and again until I could fell no more resistance. I was growling with ever sob and jerk of this lithe body bound in this bed. Over and over….over and over, I brutalized my Hole. I grabbed another plug and coated the tip in crushed T again and forced it deep inside. My Hole wasn’t nearly out of their mind enough for what I planned next. I stepped off the bed and grabbed my knife and a torch from the bedside table. I leaned over and removed my Hole’s gag. I wanted to hear them for this part. Ev was sobbing and moaning and begging me. I was kissing them and brushing their hair back and calming them with quiet words. “It’s OK sweetheart, you were so good for me. I loved watching how your beautiful body sang for me. You’re such a sweet thing. So beautiful, so submissive, so mine.” I calmed them to the best I could given I know their cunt was stuffed and sore, knowing they were high and the chems had their body wanting something…just more of whatever something it was. “Be a good little hole for me and let your Master have you. I know you want like this next part, but I will, and I know you want to please me and satisfy me”. I stepped back and slid a little paper mask over his mouth and nose; a little paper mask that held a cotton ball soaked in poppers. My little Hole would need to a little more now. I reached over and picked up the knife, lit the torch and started running my blade through the blue flame. A huge grin crossed my face and could hardly wait.
  20. Hi all, OK this is my first attempt at writing, so please don't be too brutal (in your feedback; I do love it otherwise). It's going to start slow, so if this isn't your thing, that's OK. Just give a me a chance, is all I ask. CHAPTER 1: BEN: Tonight was the night. I’d spent the last 4 weeks being the perfect predator, and tonight was the night I was taking down my prey. Four weeks ago, I’d seen him/her/them (cause I didn’t know) coming out of a gay bar on 7th street, dressed in heels, jeans, and a soft sweater. I knew they had the boy bits, but they never really wore men’s clothing. If they identified as a boy, they were definitely the femboy kind: thin, short, and maybe buck-ten soaking wet; long brown hair that looked better than most women’s; and puffy, pouty lips that gave a man ideas. The first time I saw them, I knew I wanted to ruin them and own them. Something about the blatant femininity on a male body made my cock jerk and I wanted to do mean and painful things, even more than the other little twinks I took an interest in from time to time. Somewhere along the way I stopped thinking of them in any way other than My Hole….nothing else, just an it, that was My Hole. I had planned my approach carefully. I knew the bar on 7th had cameras and tight security, so I’d have to make meet My Hole at another bar it frequented. I was there at the bar when it walked in, and I was ready – calm, cool, and prepared to be the most charming version of myself. My Hole came in and sauntered my way, and perched up a few stools down from me. I could hear it order a gin and tonic from the bartender. I watched beautiful lips wrap around a straw and take a sip, and all I could think about was those lips wrapped around my cock. I got up to make my move. EV: I felt a giant mass next to me take a seat and caught sight of him out of the corner of my eye. “Hey beautiful, you’re awfully delicate for this crowd, aren’t ya?” His voice sent a shudder down my spine – deep, a heavy southern accent, and enough rasp to file nails. I turned and looked at him. He was sort of handsome, in a rugged way; wasn’t classically handsome, but good looking. Broad and fit, he looked like a man who worked for a living and could bend me in half in the most delicious of ways. I smiled. “Sometimes a little silk likes to snagged on barbed wire, and you look like you would be sharp and pointy.” I saw a glimmer in his eye, and he leaned in. I inhaled as he was right next to my ear and could smell a musk that told me he was every bit the working man he looked to me. I felt his warm breath at my ear. “Darlin, you be careful before you get yourself snagged in something you can’t handle.” I laughed and turned back to my drink, and watched him take a swallow of his beer. Maybe it was because I had been in a slump or what, but I ignored my usual caution. “I don’t live very far from here, shall we go see?” “Sure, you want me to follow you, or what? I’m parked down the street” “Oh, I walk, but if you don’t mind driving, I can direct you.” “Then beautiful, either finish quick or leave it. We’re heading out.” BEN: Jesus fuck, they are stupider than I thought. This is too easy. I put my hand on the small of their back and lead them out the door and down the street to my truck. I play the part of the gentleman and open their door. I get them settled in and reach over to buckle them in, flashing a big grin. “Don’t want anything to happen to my precious cargo.” Walked around to my side and slid in. Once I was settled in my seat, leaned over and took their mouth in a scorching kiss. Wrapped my hand in their hair and held them tight while I plundered their mouth. “You chugged that gin and tonic pretty quickly. Don’t want you too drunk to play, so why don’t you have some water.” I handled them a small bottle of Gatorade and unscrewed the top in front of them, showing I was a gentleman and not handing them something spiked. Little did My Hole realize it was heavily spiked with GHB. It’d have a flavor and I just hoped my prey would finish it and not think. “It tastes a little off”. I sighed, knowing it seemed too easy, so I thought of something quick. “Probably from sitting in here and getting hot in the truck off and on. Sorry about that.” I watched them finish it off, and I reached up and swiped my thumb across their lip and leaned in for another kiss. They went limp and moaned in my kiss, and I knew it was just a matter of time. “So, where to?” “Oh, I live down over near The Square; you can just go out 35.” “Easy enough, darlin. Be there in 20 minutes or so, I guess”. I pulled started the truck and pulled out the parking lot. I drove down to 35 and made the left heading out to The Square. About halfway there, I looked over, and they were already asleep. Down for the count. I pulled into the nearest lot and turned around. Not heading in that direction anymore, and I turned my truck back to my place.
  21. I haven't been counting for the year, but this week so far, I've taken 7: 3 from a couple I sometimes play with (Tuesday) 4 randoms at the bathhouse last night (Thursday). Hopefully this weekend will get me far more!
  22. Hi. Longtime lurker, first time poster. I found this site because I love, love, love reading the stories on here. About me: I'm 29 (for realz), submissive total bottom, from Georgia. Yes, I recognize that makes me like 1 out of every 2 boys in the world, but I can't help my nature. I'm both a nice guy and a sleazy boy, sometimes both for the same man. Mostly here to read stories, maybe try my hand at writing some, and just be quasi-social. Nice "meeting" all y'all and hope to run into in the threads.
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