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Everything posted by nate88

  1. Not a requirement but it's always nice when it happens. I've had a few bottoms offer it and there's really nothing like the feeling of relaxing a letting it go after blowing a load.
  2. I started messing around with a friend when we were 9, but it only went as far as sucking and rimming. The first time I got fucked I was 15 and he was in his 20s. He fucked me on his backseat and then drove me home - I sat at the dining table and ate dinner with my parents while I held his load in. That broke the dam because I started having sex with other guys and girls around my age right after that.
  3. I know first time stories are a bit of a cliche but a few guys have asked me about mine so I thought it would be best to post it here. I don't think I'm allowed to say this is a true story according to the rules so I'll let you decide for yourself. In the mid 2000's my hormones were raging and I was constantly horny, like any other lad my age I suppose. By this stage I had already had some experience with other guys close to my age but blowjobs were as far as we'd gone - I had never had anal sex, and I had never been with an older man. It was summer and I was over at my best friend's house for a barbecue. It was more of a family day for them but they also invited some friends of the family, like me. Another of those family friends was named Adam - he was friends with my friend's older brother. He was in his early 20s with dark hair and tanned skin, and he was a skater. We had been around each other a few times before at events like this and I thought he was a hot guy, but we had never spoken or paid attention to each other. I also knew he had a girlfriend so I assumed he was straight. For some reason the energy between us was different this time though. He caught me staring at him a few times and I noticed him staring back. It was one of those classic situations where there was a certain mood in the air between us but we were both too nervous to break it. He was older than me and despite my previous encounters I didn't fully understand the subtleties of flirting yet. It was unexpected and exciting but I still didn't expect anything to come from it. Later in the afternoon it was time for me to leave. I was saying goodbye to my friend and his family when I noticed Adam was getting ready to leave too. I was planning to walk home because I didn't have my license yet and my house wasn't far away but somehow we figured out he was heading in the same direction, so he offered me a lift home. The electricity in the car was palpable - I had never experienced anything like this before. He asked me for directions to my house, and - doing my best to be casual but suggestive - said something like "take the next left, or keep going down this road if you want to mess around". He kept driving. We drove for a few minutes and he pulled off onto a dirt road which led nowhere - where we'd be safe from anyone driving by. I was nervous but he seemed more nervous than I did, which gave me a strange sense of confidence too. "You can't tell anyone about this" he told me, "especially not Christine" (his girlfriend). We got into the backseat and started stripping each other. As soon as his undies were off I dived head first onto his cock. He was a good size at 7 inches or so, and he was uncut - which was exciting for me. I'd never been with someone who was uncut except for when I was much younger. This was the first fully developed uncut cock I'd had. He tasted clean but musky, I fucking loved it. While I sucked him he reached back and rubbed my asshole. After a while I sat up and asked if he wanted to fuck me - he was breathing heavily from the bj as he nodded, but then said "fuck I don't have a condom with me". I said "don't worry about it". He seemed to think about it for a few seconds but then reached into one of the pockets on the back of the front seat and pulled out a bottle of lube. I guess I wasn't going to be the first fuck this backseat had seen. I don't remember telling him I was a virgin but he seemed to know, either through intuition or some other way. I lay on my back with my legs raised while he fingered me for a few minutes to lube me up. The backseat was uncomfortable and the car was hot, but I was too horny and excited to care. Finally he moved into position and I could feel his cockhead against my asshole. I remembered to relax and push out from the time I'd spent fingering myself and using vegetables or whatever else I could find to fuck myself with. I distinctly remember the tip of his foreskin touching my ass and feeling it roll back as he pushed forward. I never expected to actually feel his foreskin roll back over his cockhead as he pushed into me, but I did. It took us about a minute before his head finally pushed through and entered my asshole. He was thicker than what I was used to and it was an uncomfortable feeling, but not as painful as I expected. He didn't wait long to start pushing the rest of his cock in - I think his nerves about what we were doing and doing it in such a public place were getting the best of him. I wish he had taken more time and let me adjust to his size, but although it was uncomfortable my horniness was overriding most of the discomfort. I don't know why because I was used to playing with my ass, but I remember thinking "wow it really does feel like taking a backwards shit" as I kept pushing out with my rectal muscles while he pushed in. I tried to stay quiet and not sound like I was being a pussy, I didn't want him to think less of me, but I would have grunted and made some sounds which I couldn't hold back. Finally I felt his pubes press against my taint and balls as he bottomed out - another new sensation I hadn't expected. This time he stayed put and gave me some time to adjust. He probably wanted some time to adjust to the feeling of my virgin asshole squeezing his cock too. I remember my asshole twitching and squeezing him and the moans he made each time. After a while he started moving in and out and fucking me properly. Again I remembered thinking it didn't feel as painful as I expected it to feel, although it was still a strange sensation having something move in and out of my ass without me controlling it. I zoned out for a few minutes while I tried to get used to that feeling, and just as I started to feel my muscles relax and that slight burning sensation change into pleasure, he pushed all the way in and shot his load. I was disappointed because I didn't want it to end yet - especially because I was just starting to enjoy it. But I smiled at myself knowing I had a load of cum up my ass. I had jerked off to so many bareback and creampie videos, now it had happened to me. He pulled out and started wiping the lube off his cock with a rag he kept on the floor. Some part of me wanted to wipe it off for him and wanted him to wipe the lube off my ass for me - something about that idea of us cleaning up each other and sharing that intimacy appealed to me, but instead he just passed me the rag when he was done and I cleaned myself up. On the drive to my house we barely said anything to each other, and we never hooked up again. I hoped it could become a regular thing and he'd want to fuck me all the time now that we'd broken the seal, but for whatever reason he wasn't interested. But I had finally gotten fucked and I was so happy with myself for days afterwards. I remember sitting at the dining table eating dinner with my parents that night and feeling my guts rumble as his load moved around trying to get out - I stayed hard the whole time until after dinner when I finally sat on the toilet and jerked off while I farted out the load and lube he left in me. That began my career as a vers bottom in my later teens and early 20s, although I grew into a vers top as I got older. It might not have been a perfect first time experience, whatever that is, but I've used the memories of this first experience as lessons learnt for the bottoms I fuck - especially the first timers. I like being intimate, I like taking my time to make sure he's comfortable, I like learning what feels good for him and teaching them about what feels good for me. I like exploring all the different dimensions of sex beyond just the physical fuck, and I always try to make sure his first experience lasts as long as possible to let him savour and experience those new sensations for the first time. I try to give him the type of first time I wish I had. I've shared those experiences with about 4 virgin bottoms so far and it never gets old.
  4. I'm the same - normal sized loads, but when I'm turned on I can leak like crazy. Especially if it's been a while since my last load.
  5. I love guys like that. It's a huge turn on being with a guy when you know his balls are busy churning up a fresh load, or feeling my balls working up another load to join the one he's still holding up his ass.
  6. Sometimes we forget lubing inside is just as important as lubing outside, especially for first timers. And especially if he has douched because that process will remove the mucus/moisture the rectum usually has. Take the time to finger him - it will help lube his insides and also help his muscles stretch, and help him adjust to the sensation of being penetrated. Some lube brands include nozzles which are almost like mini douches - buy lube like that so you can squirt lube inside him too, or find a lube injector on Amazon. It will help your cock stay lubed as you penetrate him deeper.
  7. This has been my experience with virgins and newer bottoms too - the spooning position is usually the most comfortable and relaxing for them. It also helps us maximise body contact and lets me kiss/breathe on their ears and neck. Laying the bottom on his tummy is another favourite of mine for the same reason, but something about that position seems to need a bit more trust established first.
  8. I don't think there's anything wrong with what you did. You're lucky that you had the confidence to express yourself like that - as long as you had a positive experience there's no need to feel regret.
  9. I'm glad you enjoyed yourself but it always bothers me hearing about a top who puts his own needs ahead of his bottom like this, especially when the bottom is new and still learning. Going at his pace is so important at those ages - I always make sure the younger lads I'm with are comfortable and enjoying themselves. Nothing is more gratifying than helping a younger bottom get started.
  10. If only you were in Sydney!
  11. They're not allowed to be more emotionally mature because we're not teaching them how to be.
  12. You have a very strange view of the world, Erik. There's no point in arguing with you further because you seem unwilling to consider anything outside the worldview you've already formed - but I strongly believe attitudes like yours are a big part of the reason why so many kids are growing up with a narrow and sheltered view of the world around them.
  13. Again, you're assuming that something which is a basic part of the human existence is a horrible thing. I'm not talking about allowing rape, molestation or coercion - I'm talking about helping kids understand the feelings and urges many of them already experience amongst themselves. That doesn't mean they're all going to have or want sex, but it means they will better understand how their bodies and psychology work as they grow. It's just as equally about what to do when they're not ready too. Any kid which is confused or scared about their bodies will be more susceptible to grooming or exploitation from somebody with bad intentions. This type of education is just as important for giving kids the tools to know when NOT to consent and how to get help if somebody isn't respecting that decision.
  14. My point is education will help negate whatever negative consequences you're imagining. This is exactly the type of attitude I was referring to in my last reply.
  15. That's the type of thing I'm referring to, hntnhole - giving kids those basic mental building blocks so they can recognise and understand those feelings when they start to develop. I became sexually active with my friends very early on and we knew we were being "naughty" so we had to keep our thoughts secret and figure it out ourselves - but why? Why do we demonise something that should be fun and natural? I assume it's because most people prefer to think of kids as being perfect little creatures rather than young human beings who experience the same type of existence as adults do, just in their own way. In retrospect I felt a lot of confusion, frustration and fear about sex when I was younger - but that's because I was feeling things I *wanted* to feel but didn't know how to process yet, and I was afraid of getting caught and being in trouble. Those aren't the type of feelings and emotions we should be letting young people associate with sex. For the benefit of my younger self and anyone else like me, I wish we (as a society) stopped treating these feelings as something we're only allowed to feel beyond a certain age and stopped kidding ourselves into thinking these type of instincts can be ignored or suppressed.
  16. I'd suggest the solution to that is teaching kids how to process their feelings and the proper ways to seek/give consent.
  17. I was more of a bottom when I was younger. When I was 19 I rented the spare room in another guy's flat - he was 32 and we started fucking pretty soon after I moved in, and a few months later he started giving me piss enemas. He had a big dick even when he was soft so it went deep, and it always seemed to take a few hours for it to fully work its way back out so we couldn't do it all the time, but I always fucking loved the way it felt. There's nothing like laying in bed afterwards with a cock still up your ass and feeling that sensation of being filled up even deeper. I prefer being a top now but I still miss that feeling sometimes.
  18. Me too - I love giving a guy his first time. I'm not an overtly dominant top but I enjoy being in that position as the "leader" when I'm with a virgin for his first time. Plus their combination of excitement and nervousness is very sexy to me. The whole process of foreplay, teaching him what feels good for me, learning what feels good for him, stretching his muscles and being the first to feel the inside of his body is so nice. it sounds like Drew was a lucky lad.
  19. I've only experienced this with one other guy but it's such a good feeling dropping a load and then getting your piss swallowed too. There's something special about a guy who can drain your cock entirely.
  20. Thats horrible, I'm sorry man.
  21. For those of you who had your first experience when you were young, I'm curious about whether you consider it a positive experience or not? I was eager to start sooner then I did, but I have a friend who was very young for his first time and he has mixed feelings about it.
  22. I knew I liked boys since I was very young. I started fooling around with a friend when we were 9 - it was nice but I remember wanting to be with an older boy or man, I somehow knew what we were doing was just "playing" and there was more to it. I didn't get that chance until I was 15 though.
  23. My first was also uncut - my friend when we were the same age. I didn't know what foreskin was so I thought there was something wrong with his dick when I first saw it, but then he pulled it back and it made more sense. I had a lot of fun with that boy's foreskin 🙂 I prefer uncut cock now and I definitely think that first cock is why. As a cut guy it's nice to have that extra bit of skin to play with.
  24. From the opposite perspective - I've helped a few younger lads explore and experience their first times. I was a sexual kid when I was younger too so I understand what it's like to feel that way and not always have an outlet for it, or to not have a partner who can let you satisfy those urges. Sex is a wonderful and natural thing, I really hate the way our society tries to repress and demonise it. We're doing younger people a lot more harm by making them feel like they're wrong for having these feelings instead of giving them the tools and knowledge to express themselves safely and healthily.
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