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    Trans Feminine (MTF)
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  1. Sadly, I have. However, they were probably fishing and not worth my time anyways.
  2. While I do feel the natural awesomeness of skin and skin, I’m not going to pass up the opportunity if my gut tells me to do so. Unless he takes the condom with him, I still have his DNA if I want it. I’m not saying I’ve done it before. I’m just saying it’s an option.
  3. Thank you very much for your interest in this story. I am very sorry for the typos. There definitely will be more details in future chapters.
  4. I love the first four of these. I kind of hope there is a part five and perhaps more.
  5. I think the question is what do you define as homeless? Are we talking about someone that lives on the street? Are we talking about someone that technically is homeless and lives in the shelter? when I was homeless, and I lived in a shelter, I was dying to find someone that would fuck me. However, I wasn’t really out, so never happened. I was in the smoking lounge, one day, and my arch nemesis somehow heard me come out to somebody. I moved her to another shelter, and there was this guy at a convenience store that could since I was homeless, and he brought his back to his place, and would occasionally buy me food and get nasty with me. We drifted apart, and I eventually found a more stable place to live, and ran into my arch nemesis from that one shelter. For some bizarre reason, we became friends. Friends to the point that I came out to him. He told me he already knew, he admitted that he liked me and was bi. It took a while before we ever did anything. He became homeless again, I saw him waking up outside the library one day. I knew that I had to have him. I’m sorry for not answering the question directly. But would I pursue someone that was homeless? Only if they either hit on me or I knew for sure they went that way.
  6. On the 1st day of college, I, Brock Grant bumped into this goddess named Maria. We challenged each other and became each other’s rock throughout college. Things were great until graduation night when she introduced me to meth. It didn’t take long for me to become addicted. Maria had enough and broke up with me. I checked myself into rehab and by the time I got out, I realized that I was gay. I began dating Charlie and things were amazing for the first 9 months, I came to the realization that I needed to be pozzed. Believe it or not, Charlie was supportive of it and he recommended that we have an open relationship. I started sleeping around with new partners each week. However, I was unlucky and never got the bug. I don’t know how, but I was convinced to go on PrEP. Actually, once Charlie got infected, he asked me to go on PrEP. I finally convinced myself I wasn’t ready to get HIV. It was the best of both worlds as I enjoyed the sex, and I was still protected. I started using meth again and I was lucky that I wasn’t addicted. I was able to use it only twice a month. 2 years later, I find out that Charlie hasn’t been taking his meds and that he has 6 months left to live. Once he passed away, I decided I was done with meth, and it was my turn to become poz. I began sporadically taking PrEP as I made it look like I was taking it every day. In reality, I was only taking it on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays. I was stupid enough to post messages on social media saying that I was ready for the bug. I made it my mission to find men who were HIV +. Yet, I was still negative as it turns out that all the guys were undetectable. I truly had no clue what detectable or what undetectable meant. I only found out what that meant when I asked someone how a slut like me was still negative. Suddenly, I started dating Chad who was detectable. For some weird reason, he would only sleep with me if I agreed to use condom every time that I had sex. I must have really loved him and myself because for the next 2 years, I always used a condom. That is until I became smart or reckless again…..
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