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Everything posted by fluffybutt

  1. This is so much fucking hotter. Not enough bottoms do this tbh
  2. You would probably like mine then haha
  3. I have a 7 inch cock with a mushroom head on it, guys love it when i do top because they all say how good it feels in them, it takes some foreplay with any guy mostly to get it in but thats part of the fun right? 😉
  4. It was a joke... Hence the lol? @PozBearWI asked and nobody responded for almost a week so i put a little humor there, sorry if i hurt your feelings dude but it's a joke not a dick, don't take it so hard sheesh @Jaygusher take your time. You can't rush excellence and we all know how well you write. 🫂
  5. Id breed you mmmmm
  6. Such a good story, can't wait for the next part!
  7. So hot. The story and the artwork. Keep going, your work is amazing ❤️
  8. Damn! You do a great job of story telling and artwork ☺️ Patiently waiting on your new story to continue, hopefully you didn't abandon it!
  9. I think he forgot about it or something... dude just went m.i.a. and stopped writting or responding to this topic completely
  10. I know some besrs going that way and im interested as well
  11. When is the next installment coming? Its been a while now
  12. Hot! Hopefully the boy takes his bare cock next time
  13. You are so right, he makes the best stories i have read on this site. Hopefully this continues!
  14. It really turns me on when a hot man cumfarts, i love doing it myself, but id love to watch you fart out your husbands cum 😉 Got any videos of you cumfarting?
  15. I love being bred and cumfarting is such a huge turn on for me, either watching someone else do it or doing it myself, i have become addicted to farting cum out of my hole so i video it and an old top of mine used to love it too because it would never just dribble out of me, we are not sure if its from all the fucking and air being pushed up there or if its just the way my hole is anatomy wise, but i ALWAYS fart cum across the room, we even laughed about it a few times because a top told me i could shoot cum out of my ass better than most men cum from their cocks! I have vids of my hole shooting cum out of it and it turns me on so much, i want to find more guys into this!
  16. This morning, a 5 day load from an older top i recently reconnected with. I love how much he fills me up ❤️
  17. I never push the cum out after im bred. I got filled up this morning with a load from an older gentleman who is such a nice man i missed him eating my ass and breeding me, but i NEVER let the load out i jeep it in me as long as possible unless my top asks me to push it out for him which i have done a few times before as well... some guys love seeing my hole squirt their load and i can understand that side of things as well since its FUCKING HOT watching my hole shoot a mans cumload across the room!( an old top of mine used to record me doing this for him.) Nothing ever leaked out of me either, maybe i just have good control over my hole?
  18. Your number 5 is my number 1. To take such a massive load up my hole from a top with hyperspermia that every other guy can never fill my ass up as much as he did! If anything, id want to date and keep a guy thay that happy everyday, but i feel like that is a pipe dream because honestly, im not even lucky enough to find a top in my area here. What are the chances ill find a top who cums fountains when he fucks me? Lol If anyone does cum like this, please dm me. I want to make you feel good
  19. Where do you meet guys like this? I need to find a man who cums buckets so i can take care of him everytime he needs to nut
  20. How do i find you to fill my hole? 🥵
  21. Love older men, bottoms or tops, they tend to be so much more enjoyable to be with, kinder, more respectful and very wise
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