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About robotworld01

  • Birthday 09/03/1992

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    Poz, Not On Meds
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    Versatile Bottom

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  1. i had an ass hole room mate like that once. he was gay though. wish i coulda pozzed his stupid ass.
  2. OOPPS This is ‘bassed’ on a true story, the names have been changed. When I was 26 I had this terrible roommate in Chicago that would always steal my guys from me. It would happen every time. I’d bring a guy over, we’d be getting along great, then he’d come out of his room, and schmooze my guy. Needless to say, I decided to finally get even with him. He had this hotty over one night. I came in after a night of drinking and purposely went into the living room where I could clearly see them having sex. I grabbed a soda from the kitchen and stood there watching the two of them fumbling around after being caught. The roommate introduced the boy and me, his name was Kyle. He and I just stood there staring at each other. About a month later I was riding the red line to a bar with my roommate and he was texting Kyle. I’d forgotten all about that night until just then. Roommate said Kyle wanted to meet us there. We went into a tunnel, so he lost service on his phone. I always had service underground so I got the number and began texting him. I told him to meet us there, but whenever the roommate goes pee, we need to chat, cause I totally think he should be into me, not the roommate’s. He agreed with me. We arrived at the bar, ordered drinks and said hello to the bar tender, a mutual friend/fuck buddy to both of us. We sat there for about 5 minutes before Kyle came walking in. Wow! He’s even cuter than I remembered him being. He’s about 5-7 or 5-8, thin, becoming muscular, with his dark brown hair, cut to be sort of like a faux hawk, only way cuter. He sat down by us at the bar and ordered his drink. We all said our hellos and my roommate almost immediately excused himself and went to the bathroom. So Kyle and I got to chat for a few minutes. I told him he was soooo hot, and wondered why he was with my ugly ass roommate. He said he hadn’t seen him since that night and he was a drugged up, drunken mess. He continued by telling me that when he saw me, his heart sank a bit. That’s as far as we got before the roommate came back in. We all got drunk, and Kyle went home. The following day he was back at my apartment, but not for the roommate, he was there for me! The roommate was at work overnight, so we had the place to ourselves for hours. We watched tv, chatted, got to know each other and eventually fucked with condoms. Our relationship grew over the next several weeks, we fucked nightly, and were pretty much boyfriends at that point. Eventually I ended it, cause Kyle was having sex with someone else. To his defense, we never made anything official… A few months went by, and I couldn’t get him off my mind, so I invited him over. We became super close friends/fuck buddies, and decided to move in with each other. My lease was up and so was his. It was good timing. We got our place and fucked the next night. I would seduce him all the time. Just walk around in underwear and Kyle would do the rest. That place was a lot of fun, but he was hardly ever home. He stayed in a studio apartment above his job mostly. I fell on hard times and moved back home for 8 months near Cincinnati, but kept in touch with him. Especially once I moved back to his Chicago. He had a boyfriend by then, but would still come have sex with me quite frequently. He just couldn’t stay away and neither could I. After about a month, he broke up with the boyfriend and came to my place that night. I tried getting him to fuck me bare but he said it was safer with condoms. I reluctantly agreed and it was still amazing sex. There is so much passion between the two of us, all he has to do is touch me sometimes and he can cum. I loved being with him anytime I could. I had become quite slutty by then and was sleeping around with a lot of folks, all bare, no condoms. I got scared and went to get tested. I was shocked to hear I was neg. So I told Kyle the great news! He seemed happy to hear it came over to fuck me that night! I tried again to remove the condom and he said no. I told him I was neg and he couldn’t catch anything from me! He still kept it on. I was so in love with him, but he seemed to really enjoy what we had; sex, no strings attached, fun times. I tried so hard begging him to be my boyfriend again. But he said no, and continued his constant condom use. This continued for the next year, until I devised a plan. I was gonna have his load in me if it was the last thing I did. So I pulled out a few condoms and cut holes in them with my exacto knife, then put them back in the container. I told him to come over after work and of course he did. We drank a lot of booze and smoked a lot of pot. We watched everything on my Tivo, and then decided to “go to bed.” I asked if we could cuddle, cause it was cold. This also was code for, let’s fuck! We cuddled up together and within minutes he was undressing me. I had the biggest smile on my face and he was just going to town playing with my body. After a long session of foreplay, he grabbed out a condom and some lube. I took the condom from him, opened it and slid it over his dick. He was fingering my hole with lube at the same time. Then he pushed me back against the head board and with a little work, he pushed his dick in me. It always takes a little work, cause his dick is pretty fat and hurts at first. I watched as the condom rolled up around the bottom of his shaft and relaxed in prep for what I was about to receive! Kyle fucked me for the longest time ever, eventually filling me up with his load, which he claimed was left in there for two days. I kissed him passionately for a few minutes until his dick went soft and plopped out on the bed. He looked down and got this terrified look on his face. I asked if I was bleeding or something. He said I was a little, but the condom broke. He sounded freaked out. I calmly kissed him and told him it was fine. He pleaded with me that it wasn’t. I was thinking oh my god just shut up to myself, when he told me he was poz…..................
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