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  1. I had a bad encounter with a guy that left me bleed for awhile. and after two year I've been able too start to figure out what has been wrong with me. Went to gi and found I had a few problems one being hemorrhoids'. I don't have a lot of experience getting fisted and really only 1 guy I trust in my area. Everything I have read says guys have problems with anal sex let alone fisting. Just had one of them bust on me I feel a lot better but fear my days as a fisting bottom are over. I've always wanted a gapping hole where you see ever part. and still cant wait till I start to push out but now I'm asking myself if this is even possible? I'm no in an area with a lot of gay people let alone gay doctors so I guess IM just looking for feed back or other peoples perspective with this problem. I'm waiting for things to help up before any back door fun and understand I may be stating the journey over. I'm 32 as of the post and know there is time to get the type of hole I want but just fearful it might not even be a possible any more.
  2. Just got my first fuck machine and finally getting to use it what are your guys favorite positions and toys to use?
  3. Dream goal . . . I'm in love with you hole trying to shape mine now. Sadly not any alot of men in my area so I feel your pain. Your one sexy daddy would love to fag out with you
  4. Going to be up there in June for an workshop but wondering what some of the better or decent places are to find cock ? love all types daddies bears muscles just need to let men use my holes while im up there
  5. there are black orange gloves from home depot in the paint department. hope those might work for you
  6. This is so wonderful small town fag no one to use me. Can barely get bf to degrade me stories like this really help fill the void thank you
  7. Would love to be a bottom for party and group
  8. I've been struggling with this for years And coming to accept that I'm a faggot. The biggest problem I face is my partner is A sexual and doesn't like the same things. I'm looking to become a true hole for fisting cock cum and piss. Love being called a faggot while getting g used somehow it makes me feel warm inside like I have a place and purpose.
  9. Hi everyone I've been on here for a hot min total bottom slut. Trying to find the best was to release. Been in a sexless ltr for over 10 years now. I'm located in Southern IN and learning to be a ff bottom. I'm hoping to move to Chicago next year and try to find some tops who would help me learn the ropes and really help my dig out my hole into a cunt or pussy. Painter by day currently working from home which is really allowed me to kick up my anal training. Still addicted to jacking off but when I play with my hole I lose all desires to touch my little cock. Going to start chasity next week and trying to find a anal pump for my lips. Hoping one day I might find someone who will love me and my hole for what I truly am . . .
  10. What is some of the chairs or stools ? Or other furniture used to help really take solo toy play to a hard level ?
  11. Would be 1,14,5,6,or7 bottom boy knows what his holes are good for . Need to get loose open and wet !
  12. Not sure about them. Never really wore any looking to get into chastiy. I have a few but when i get on the 1.75 ring it fits perfect hard for me to get on ( probably bc I'm just starting ) but when I jack off my balls slip through it . Not sure going down a size would help? Also talking about metal . Any tips or advice. Love the feel of it on and jacking and goofing hard but if my balls keep slipping through it really kills the vibe for me
  13. So I took your guys advice and I was playing with my hole some and got about half of my right hand in tonight going to keep trying. I'm covered in piss from the toys and very happy too know how close I am ! Still no luck in finding a ff top near me sadly
  14. I'm able ti take a fist but it takes a bit of work. How do you guys learn to self fist ? I'm not sure I even know where to begin
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