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Everything posted by Erik62

  1. fuck, Fuck, FUCK😵‍💫. You've got me spinning already. Imagining where both James & Anthony can go has already piqued my dirty piggy 🐽desires. Chapter 2 soon, PLEASE.
  2. You could also ask why they would want to work there. Why is it that ANYONE can demand employment BUT an employer cannot refuse to hire. A very one sided & discriminatory position. If you had bothered to read MY CASES of discrimination you may have a better understanding of my point of view.
  3. NB: Any gay student attempting, by legal action, to enter an anti anti-homo orientated school is an attack on theology to change their basic tenets.
  4. I am not your educator, research yourself. As I have stated, the cases are too numerous to & not necessary to cite on this forum. None of us a writing a thesis.
  5. Wrong, unless the country or state that you wish a gay CIVIL union recognises such, then you are not able to "marry" as heterosexuals are allowed to do.
  6. IF rimming becomes a kink in your playbook, it will happen by your own natural desires to get your tongue 👅 into the hole you're playing with. Don't force it or feel you must Rim your partner. IF it happens YOU'LL probably love it but, it doesn't matter if you don't. Keep playing & be a pig for YOUR KINKS.
  7. Totally AGREE 👍 but, I do like a well fucked 🍆 used hole to sit on my face, to end a totally pig 🐽 night out.
  8. I will withdraw, with apology, for my assumption & inclusion of the US. Also adding that so many of your taxes are also our sales taxes. Australia's Fed government uses our wage taxes & product sales taxes for many nationally full / partially funded areas & we "expect" the state & fed governments to provide these services. My intention was not so much, what taxes are paid but, how they are often harsh for many & unusually soft on others as direct taxes on money earnt. I will limit my next comment to Australia. Australians want the "luxury" of government provided health (hospitals & GP bulk billing), pharmaceuticals, education, transport (in Australia rail, ferries & buses), road systems, defence & emergency services (state & fed police only) but, to actually increase TAXES ON WAGES for their provision is a very sore point, as is extraordinary sales tax increases, eg: on nicotine & alcohol products. An example of additional sales taxes is that on nicotine products. A packet of 30 cigarettes will cost upwards of $50+ AUD. Something like a 63% sales tax mark-up. I shall, in the future, attempt to avoid assumptions. I always appreciate your responses & commentary finding them very educational in understanding the current, dare I say, turmoil afflicting the US today.
  9. As I said many instances & I did include areas such as education & religion. To make the list that you "REQUIRE" would keep me busy for at least a week & I would still not cover the gammut of legal actions taken in this country, to push an issue for, often publicity, rather than find a much more appropriate option / solution. The catalyst for the current world right wing crisis has been the "trans" issue of men in women's spaces, sports etc.
  10. Please, please, PLEASE, don't give up now. You have two wonderful, normal everyday, characters starting out in a life together. There is so many directions you can take this from happy go luck adventures along with the children or you can go dark & send them into total dirty pig adventures. Take your time & a direction will show itself. I just love 💖💖💖your story telling abilities. GOOD LUCK🍀🥰😘.
  11. Both Australia & the US populations suffer from a, "government provide but I won't pay syndrome", TAXATION. Lower economic groups want education, health etc & the wealthy want government support for private schools & beautiful big airports BUT, neither group want to pay THEIR SHARE of taxes.
  12. "dominance of religion ..... " appears to be, being used as a tool for gain, much as with the Roman Catholic Inquisition, the Salem Witch Trials, Henry VIII & other religious or quasi religious occurrences. Trump & the Heritage Foundation are simply using the "out of mainstream Christian" evangelicals 🤔??? as an electoral base because they will inevitably be of a lower socio-economic-education group & be more malleable & prone to manipulation by people with strong coercive speeches that prey on this groups fears of social & economic injustices. Trump is using religion as a method to attain his desires rather than for the populations benefit.
  13. Also as applicable to extreme right wing & moronic Trumpists.
  14. In Australia, we have had many instances of costly legal battles because, eg: a gay student wants to attend a discriminatory school, employees & organisations also. Why would anybody want to school or work in an antagonistic environment. Anti-discrimination (DEI) laws can also be heavily biased to one side & the end result is a "FORCED" solution which in many cases benefits no one. As a male nurse I faced many work placements when DON's (Matrons) were lesbians & simply REFUSED to employ male staff. I applied to 10 training hospitals & was rejected, as a male, by 7 With that environment I would NEVER have taken legal action to force them to employ me. NB: You say that this would not happen in the US, then I ask, "How did Trump get into power???" & "Why is the US currently in such a fucked up mess???". It is precisely because of these conflicting social issues of ALL types of discrimination & I honestly believe the trans issue has been the catalyst.
  15. Syphylitic CHANCRES (cank-ers) & please do not ask which stage they appear. I was nursing ID - Infectious Diseases back in 1981-83 & my brain has "gone west" with age 😢😁😁😁.
  16. gay billionaire - do tell, please 🤭🤭??? I still think of Vance as a "Smokey" but, I will aquiese to as you are closer to ground zero (LoL), for info.
  17. Warped 🤔🤔??? There are a huge number of guys visiting clubs, saunas etc who have this attitude of "fuck & I'm finished with you". Warped would be someone who went around raping or [banned word]. Chained Boy enjoyed the interaction, can't have been to warped.
  18. You must be very cloistered if this is the case. There are those in the LGB++++ community & many other groups who will take a church (religion), schools, workplaces, organisations etc into expensive & long drawn court actions in order to achieve their desires. Instead of just going to a place where they are able to achieve their purposes.
  19. What & left it DIRTY for everybody who CUMS after you🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣.
  20. That is ONE issue🤔!!! There are people who are not happy with such practicalities. Those believe EVERY church should be forced to accept gay marriage. Like all radical groups simple solutions are not acceptable.
  21. Yep👍blood pressure. Another question I would ask is, "What exactly does that 'ORANGE' fake tan cover 🤔???" I can't remember when he actually started being orange but, NO ONE would choose to look like that unless they had SOMETHING TO HIDE.
  22. Wishes aside, Trump is DEFINITELY NOT in the best of health. He is displaying to many "symptoms" that indicate major health issues. He is grossly obese, certainly high BP, continually repeats / slurs words & statements, rambles / irrelevant in speeches, forgetfulness, definite right sided leg weakness, rapid fluctuation in moods. These are just some of his obvious health issues & with rumours that his last Presidency was held under a falsified medical examination (examining Dr stated, he had not signed the report) his prospects of seeing out 4yrs do not look good.
  23. Don't think it would be Trump, even if possible but Heritage Foundation will have Vance well primed. I belive JD to be a very dangerous man & that's exclusive of claims by lip readers as to comments he ??? 🤔 has made.
  24. As an inherently Christian believer of the "HOLY TRINITY" but, NOT a Sunday Christian, I will only say that you'll need to pound me into believing otherwise 🍆. Maybe just pound me & I'll still believe🤣🤣🤣
  25. Chinese chime balls are always a bit of fun. When you get fucked with 2+ inserted, sound almost religious on cock pull back. If hosting greet your guests. Always a good discussion opener if not everyone is familiar.
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