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Rawnorthwest last won the day on March 18 2024

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About Rawnorthwest

  • Birthday 11/08/1965

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Blackpool UK
  • Interests
    Skinheads, Rubber, leather, dark minded deviants
  • HIV Status
    Poz, On Meds
  • Role
  • Background
    Two kiwis living in the North west of the UK, seeking like minded Men 😈
  • Looking For
    Couples, singles.... not into younger 35+

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  • Website URL
    [think before following links] [think before following links] https://darklandtales.blogspot.com/

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  1. Rawkiwi666@bsky.social
  2. Glad you enjoyed it 😈💉😈
  3. "The New Barber" Part 5 My eyes snapped open at the pings of my phone. I was in my own flat, dressed as normal and my head was spinning... confused I grabbed my phone, it was him; anger rising in me as I read the message. "I have sent you a few videos from your latest session... you seemed to enjoy yourself" followed by laughing emojis... this fucker played me like a fucking puppet and it was time I confronted him once and for all. I messaged him back "we have to talk" Within seconds he messaged back " be here in twenty" I felt sick sitting in my car outside this fuckers house. It was time to settle this... As I entered he stood in the doorway with a sinister grin on his face. As I settled into a chair as I started to speak he cut me off mid sentence. "Now, let me explain how this works" "How what works you cunt" I was boiling at this point as he continued to outline my future. "You see, I have programmed you to respond to certain words, certain music and suggestions" "From now on you will perform like the trained monkey you are and there is fuck all you can do about it" My mouth went dry, unable to form words I listened as he layed out my demise and my future as a money maker. I started for the door and he shouted "appointment" Sitting back down in the chair I lost control of my movements but was fully aware of what was happening. "You see you little kunt, I have you programmed to do exactly as I say and my investors will pay handsomely for your upcoming performance" I couldn't move, a single tear fell from my eye, panic rising now but I was trapped in my own mind. He moved closer now and he began to speak softly while making direct eye contact..."something to drink" he asked? I watched as my hand reached for a glass and began to swallow the clear liquid. Calmly I replaced the glass and settled into the chair as he dialed up a number on his phone and began a lengthy conversation. My mind drifted in and out, picking up bits of the conversation, my name being mentioned and how prepped and ready I was for the next performance...I remember the sensation of heat rising and feeling horny... this prompted a smile from my companion as he continued to talk on the phone. "Relax" he said as I turned towards the side table to see a syringe waiting for me...my hand instinctively reached out for it and brought it closer for inspection, he was in front of me again, the conversation finished he was tieing something sort of strap on my upper arm... I willingly positioned the needle against a vein and pushed it in... time seemed irrelevant now, his grin wider than ever... I was slipping now, deeper now and still aware of what was happening yet unable to stop it. Mindlessly I followed him to his sling room and made myself comfortable as the room began to swirl... lifting my legs into the stirrups and relaxing into position. His face came into view as tears formed in my eyes..."You want this kunt, you know you do" The hunger to be probed and opened up too hard to ignore, my head now flying, my eyes rolling back in my head as laughter rang out in the distance....
  4. "The New Barber" Part 4 I became aware of new sensations as I woke, a restricted feeling all over my body and suddenly realising I was in a bed next to the man that had been using me. I sat up and glanced into the large mirror strategically positioned at the bottom of the bed, I now understood the restriction on my body, I was covered in a tight fitting rubber suit complete with hood, my only view of the surrounding room was through pinprick holes, my breathing was unobstructed as there was a large hole for my mouth. I glanced across at the sleeping body beside me and then it started...I pushed the sheet back to reveal his slumbering cock, without a thought in my head I went straight down on the large uncut cock and began to suck. He stirred but didn't react, the firm cock now growing in my mouth... confused and conflicted I reached around to find the zipper to access my hole. He was fully awake now and grinning at me as I continued to slobber over his now rigid cock. Again I was acutely aware of my situation, like an out of body experience... watching myself, observing the rubber whore I had become and not wanting to be any part of it and yet the physical me climbed up onto his cock and allowed full penetration...he could tell there was some little residue of resistance left, but he fucked like a demon, my rubber body now his to use as he pleased. "Getting close now kunt" he growled into my ear as he pulled me close...."you know what to do" I immediately climbed off and swallowed the slime covered cock as the pulsing increased, his hands gripping the back of my head and then the eruption began. I had no other choice than to gag and swallow the ropes cum as it found it's way into my mouth. He pushed me off and lay there with a satisfied grin... I was lost now and yet the hunger in me was beyond anything I could understand. The familiar click of a lighter snapped me back to reality, as the glass pipe was placed between my lips, that familiar buzz returning to make me more pliable... Again I was falling, reaching down and fingering my hole as he lay beside me observing my demise... I wanted this and didn't want it at the same time...he relit the pipe and I slumped back into the bed and lifted my legs inviting him inside me. The bedroom door swung open as others entered the room... "He's pretty spun out" he said as I felt hands gripping my ankles, I was too far gone to resist and he knew it. Through the rubber I felt a sharp prick and then my final fall began...I was flying as fingers probed my hole and the group descended on me like a bunch of rabid dogs. I turned my head towards him now, in the fog I could hear him telling me how investment was paying off...I opened up myself to them, unable to fight, flying high and begging for more...
  5. Thank you, complete oversight on my part. Thank you for sorting out the order drscorpio
  6. Lucky pig 🐷
  7. I sat in my car for what seemed like hours, beyond angry... feeling betrayed and hurt. My attention snapped back to reality with a ping on my phone... my mate wanted to know how I got on at the Barbers.... I immediately dialled him. "Hey there, how's it going" I broke into a tirade of abuse directed at him, the fucker I had just been abused by and my own stupidity. Eventually he spoke, apologising over and over, assuring me he had no idea about the guy and that he was well known in the industry. "So what are you going to do ?" He asked.... Another ping on my phone..."hold on mate " I checked the message...it was a video of me being pounded and a countdown clock at the bottom. "FUCK, FUCK, FUCK" I went back to the conversation... "I don't know what to do " I mumbled" My mate assured me that anything police related would be seen as another fag getting himself into a dodgy situation..."you don't have a lot of choice mate " "That sounds harsh, but if this guy has all your info then.... for now it's best to play along" At this point I hated myself...he was right, maybe I could find a chink in this fuckers armour... but it's can't go on much longer.... The month passed slowly... I found myself checking the countdown clock more than I was happy to admit to... even getting a hard on at various times, what the fuck was wrong with me? The day came and the door opened up Infront of me... this time he was in full Rubber gear grinning like a cat that got the canary. "Good to see you back...smart move" as he ushered me in, hearing that all too familiar click as the door locked behind me. Before I had a chance to turn back to look I felt a jab in my neck... with no time to react I fell into his arms..."just a little something to help you relax... I want you aware this time" Everything was floating... it was like watching myself being dragged, undressed, positioned and placed in the sling ready for the onslaught. He leaned in and began to explain... "Okay, now that you're relaxed I'm going to start your education" I became aware of some sort of box thing coming down over my eyes... panic rising I began to breathe heavily, exactly what he wanted it seems as a pipe parted my lips and my lungs began to take in the fumes...my ability to focus losing its grip. Headphones came down over my head and a weird voice started talking, spirals appeared Infront of my eyes...I was falling... I was flying, feeling relaxed and down.... down I fell.... In the distance I found myself relaxing into the sling, widening my legs and pushing out my arse and that all too familiar feeling of being penetrated... my mental battle was lost, I opened up and let him in. My mind now breaking and darkness filling my very being. It was like standing outside myself watching a cock cage fitted and the subsequent onslaught of fucking...my limp body relaxing into the sling and my moaning growing....
  8. Thank you @PozBearWI🙏
  9. Having recently recovered from cancer and now have a stoma fitted, just wondering if there others out there in a similar situation and how you get on with it and getting involved sexually?
  10. Cheers for the follow M88

    1. BBSkin


      you are very welcome

  11. verbal always 😈
  12. Apologies for being a lazy arse.... I will update the story soon 😈
  13. Why do you hate the barber Slampabay
  14. The New Barber Part 3 I sat in my car for what seemed like hours, beyond angry... feeling betrayed and hurt. My attention snapped back to reality with a ping on my phone... my mate wanted to know how I got on at the Barbers.... I immediately dialled him. "Hey there, how's it going" I broke into a tirade of abuse directed at him, the fucker I had just been abused by and my own stupidity. Eventually he spoke, apologising over and over, assuring me he had no idea about the guy and that he was well known in the industry. "So what are you going to do ?" He asked.... Another ping on my phone..."hold on mate " I checked the message...it was a video of me being pounded and a countdown clock at the bottom. "FUCK, FUCK, FUCK" I went back to the conversation... "I don't know what to do " I mumbled" My mate assured me that anything police related would be seen as another fag getting himself into a dodgy situation..."you don't have a lot of choice mate " "That sounds harsh, but if this guy has all your info then.... for now it's best to play along" At this point I hated myself...he was right, maybe I could find a chink in this fuckers armour... but it's can't go on much longer.... The month passed slowly... I found myself checking the countdown clock more than I was happy to admit to... even getting a hard on at various times, what the fuck was wrong with me? The day came and the door opened up Infront of me... this time he was in full Rubber gear grinning like a cat that got the canary. "Good to see you back...smart move" as he ushered me in, hearing that all too familiar click as the door locked behind me. Before I had a chance to turn back to look I felt a jab in my neck... with no time to react I fell into his arms..."just a little something to help you relax... I want you aware this time" Everything was floating... it was like watching myself being dragged, undressed, positioned and placed in the sling ready for the onslaught. He leaned in and began to explain... "Okay, now that you're relaxed I'm going to start your education" I became aware of some sort of box thing coming down over my eyes... panic rising I began to breathe heavily, exactly what he wanted it seems as a pipe parted my lips and my lungs began to take in the fumes...my ability to focus losing its grip. Headphones came down over my head and a weird voice started talking, spirals appeared Infront of my eyes...I was falling... I was flying, feeling relaxed and down.... down I fell....
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