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Everything posted by ryanroman

  1. Every chance I can
  2. Like this?
  3. They dont set off alarms. A panel on the side facing the TSA agent lights up with the location of the metal on the human body. What the TSA agent does is up to them.
  4. Be happy to help
  5. Your buddy is probably a 0g or 00g - I'd ask him. The bigger the cock, the bigger the PA is can have. I'm a 0g - that's as big as I can go based on the size of my cock. You'll love having a pierced cock.
  6. As deep as I can push my load into that mankunt and try to knock him up good 😈
  7. Same. I haven't worn underwear in at least 25 years. I have a few jockstraps to wear as needed, but otherwise, my pierced cock is commando
  8. I feel that. Had Hep B when I was 19 but didn't know it at the time... When I found out I'd had Hep B as a result of blood test 😈, I had to think really think about any previous time I was really sick, and I remembered being sick the entire summer I was 19 (no health insurance back then, so I had to suffer all summer and didn't feel better until a few weeks before going back to University). I really was a whore lol...
  9. Viagra can cause indigestion for me at times, but I don't have any other side effects - daddy's little helper. Cialis made me dizzy and light headed. Go figure, right?
  10. I've found that to be true myself 😈
  11. I've had herpes for 20 years and extreme stress was always a trigger. Once I went on valtrex, I stopped having outbreaks altogether.
  12. Or all of the time for me... I'd blow off work or family events or holidays and spend that time in bathhouses breeding as many bttms as I could.
  13. Most of my sex life was 'don't know' - no regrets.
  14. So yes, if a bottom is not fully clean, my PA will come out dirty. Not the end of the world, just need to shower right away. My personal favourite PA is my 0g closed tribal ring, but I do love the weight of my 0g captive ball ring.
  15. Sexual monogamy is a social construct and is not natural in nature, if for nothing less, biodiversity. Men are genetically programmed to spread and share our DNA to propagate. Even if your sexually fluid, you still have that primal need based on biological evolution. I have been in an open relationship for almost 8 years - since the first date. I believe in polyamory as well as emotional monogamy, but sexual monogamy is a social construct the str8s can't get - there's a reason why the divorce rate is as high as it is. IMHO...
  16. Hey Chicagoland... I'm IN you from 4/24 - 4/27... Looking for some asses to breed and have some fun... DM if you're around Broadway/Northalsted...
  17. Hey @pozbb84 DM me please. Thanks man.
  18. In Cleveland for a couple days would love to collab and shoot some vids with some poz brothers ☣️😈 hit me up if interested... Around until 3/25...
  19. I'm actually fucking @tonycruz right now - I'm trying to see if I can get him up for doing a live stream on justforfans...
  20. Suck it off my cock after I breed you and kiss me let me taste our fuck juice from your tongue
  21. My pierced cock runs everything I do in my life. And, to be honest, I wouldn't have it any other way. I never used condoms ever because I was raised the my cum belongs inside whoever I chose to fuck and unload into. He/she/they/them - it doesn't matter. My pierced cock will always fuck bareback and pump whatever hole I'm fucking full of my DNA. A piece of me will live on inside of them one way or another. Just this past weekend I knocked up a man of God in trade so my bf could take a nap in in his room after a cruise. I knew as soon as I saw the man of God I'd have to fuck him, but my bf got his nap, and the man of God took his first pierced cock. Maybe something else took as well, but that's the mystery of life and letting your cock make decisions for you... I wouldn't have it any other way
  22. Im dtf anytime you are 😈
  23. I'd love to fuck in storefront during the day in any city 😈
  24. That's very true - guys are judgemental if you're getting laid more than they are (or if they perceive you getting laid more than them). I find it ironic that many of the same guys who judge others are getting their whore on when they think no one is looking. I've run into into them at bathhouses/sex clubs/etc. And I think it's great (I'm very sexy positive)... But if you're gonna live in a glass whore house, don't throw stones 😈
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