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Everything posted by skinster

  1. I an sure that french site is a bit more greedy then the rest of them - half of Europe is selling 501's from the same place - http://bleachers.co.uk/retail/trousers/bleached-jeans . They started that ziparound style, I've seen it firsthand and love them.
  2. hey, anyone local, what about Mutschmann's? I see there is a playroom but all pics are overexposed and are dark. How good/playful does it get?
  3. Good idea with the certs. At least data in-flight will not be listened to. Although modern proxy servers are more evolved than years earlier, they could still be caching even SSL-encrypted content (data at rest). Just like your local web browser. Simply put it is only incrementally more difficult to re-assemble if a (3rd-party) need arizes but it is not impossible. Mindful network admins will either let it or disable that type of content caching, depending on house or P.C. policies if you're not browing from home. Also, visited URL's could be logged at a proxy/gateway regardless of content type/protocol and reviewed later. Firewalls per se will just pass or stop SSL traffic on a certain configured port/IP address. Your better bet in that regard is a point-to-point VPN tunnel, but we are definitely not talking about that here.
  4. Totally true. Right on! Oh yes it's not for the timid. You should try Folsom Europe and Pig Party in early September. Thousands cruising, humping, dancing and the dark room is just that - pitch black, wall to wall asses. Love it.
  5. Completely agree, layedback. I also know someone where just 1 time was all it took. My close calls were std's, nasty little buggers. Not quite sure how they can be seen as a pleasant or glorifying experience. I like a bare ass so much better.
  6. Dude, all in the eye. I've seen one too many of the former. And as for the latter - my only argument is that one can be with "a lifetime of good health, fitness and unlimited bareback sex with no apologies, fears or regrets" WITHOUT first becoming poz. You might become poz in the process, but in my opinion it is not a/thee requirement nor a guarantee nor thee vehicle that will get you to that state of mind. I really can't say that any simpler. I agree, it is about choices and open mind but towards oneself first and foremost. If you accept yourself as a bareback pig and you are happy being a pervert, being neg is not a drawback or a reason for self-discrimination or grounds for any inferiority complex to go completely mental. <stepping down from the soap box> On the other hand, relying on becoming poz as a foundation to one's personal vision of freedom or happiness (note that I don't include health here, it is too much of a wild card) is just missing some brain chemistry for me. I don't see it as a #1 Appealing Idea in my sea of fantasies. Yet I'd say in my experience poz guys are in general more perverted and more accepting to enjoy many things I practice without much coersion. Cheers
  7. It is all a state of your own mind and is very arbitrary. Some change it as often as damn seasons, some even faster. And some can't distinguish fantasy from reality and indulge in the whole hyped up hoopla and with no abandon and no bottom to that barrel. Although I agree humans are not mostly reasonable when they are so overwhelmingly horny, and it is easy to fall for an illusion or two, perceived happiness and freedom (of action seeking joyous entertainment I presume) is a result of so much overall more than just sexual relief or state of your blood serum. Your general wellbeing should give you that feeling of yourself. If you're looking to oversimplify your life and scoot ahead to blissfull happiness by becoming poz, I assure you - it won't happen: you will be pozzed, and it won't make you happy. On the other side, I would dare to suggest that one can be quite happy fucking around and not dliberately chasing. Seroconversion is still a consequence but not a paramount or a corner stone of your personality. Being poz is not a requirement for or prerequisite to such behavior or practice. You can believe me when I say that predominant majority of guys, fags, pigs and other kinds that I came across in recent years and gotten to talk details on sex, freak when I traverse the list of things I do (not as a phone sex fantasy) and tell them that I expect the other party to entertain it as well. And I am not poz, just an utter and uninhibited pervert. Cheers to that! No, I tend to think that it is not. But damn so extremely seductive and tempting, so much so that all the proper consequences that are in focus all other time tend to diminish to near zero and drift away into the fog of a humping orgy or mystery of the darkroom.
  8. I agree with you on Amsterdam. It's history in the last coupla years, bottom of the barrel.
  9. Cellar was a great disappointment the only time I was there. Too many drunk straights, empty darkroom and no action. And the staff closed up the darkroom since there is no traffic, why keep it open eh? Steamie was hit and miss but at least no straight rubbish.
  10. I think you are. A whole package rarely comes along. And he sounds rather amazing. Good for you. Cheers!
  11. Personal favorite. Cheers, Spermpig
  12. In my experience far too many of us (myself included) fall into a gap category that is not well reflected and is under-defined in the online-provided declarations for finding a possible mating partner in most places around. Ones who are not actively looking for poz as a chaser would but on the other hand accept reality of fucking raw that some time one's status may change without a prior "major public announcement". Not a thrill-seeker, not a tamed individual. Own ups and downs. Unrestricted sex habits with a lot of practice. I have had similar mirrored situations when a hole I've fucked later, soon or more than that, said or showed that it was poz. Different levels of enjoyment all across. But in my experience the most hot, intense, mind-blowing kinds are always random, out-of-the-blue, unscripted head-over-heels hookups, something to get in the moment of and give and take the most of it, for as long as it goes, the type without a written guarantee for a repetative quality replay later. You know the kind. Something that is memorable and will keep you going for some time. The one you can wear a grin about later. As to your aquaintance, he might have been one of those. I'd say put it up to him, don't push it forward and down the throat but do mention. Shouldn't kill the mood, but if he acknowledges, it eases your conscience and you know what you are dealing with.
  13. Going. Haven't set up the place yet but likely in Schöneberg.
  14. Some times the biggest is all the distraction from getting all the ass you want ;o)
  15. Well put, LatinDom. I agree.
  16. Absolutely love giving loads in darkrooms. Ass-grabbin all over the place. Berlin, Amsterdam, Munich, Los Angeles, San Diego, San Fran, Sydney, Melbourn, and none in New York. Berlin by far has the biggest variety. NYC sucks. Heard of Omega Room in Queens and Paddles in Manhattan but no references on traffic. Never ventured. Suggestions?
  17. Damn boy, I would collar that ass and make it a proper owned cunt. Willing to jump the pond? I am also on Recon. Let's talk and make it happen.
  18. hi there, I try to be. Looking very horny there yourself, like you could take some loving and then more. Cheers mate

  19. Or The Zone. Strictly a cruising place/sex club, no bar. Plenty of dark nooks.
  20. Thanks for details. Cheers mate
  21. I like Schöneberg. Any place there will do - most bb venues are local. Tom's is just a bar but a good quickie blackroom in the basement after 11. Schune, Connection, New Action - all good with themed days. Check schedules online, they are usually pretty accurate. Easter In Berlin and Folsom Europe do get crowds, so sharing some cum is no prob. siegessaeule.de will have a downloadable PDF (follow "Download hier >>" link) with all events by date, see SEX listings. Cheers
  22. Thanks for the insight and details, mates. Descriptions on barebackcity.info now make a bit more sense. Siegessäule too. Time to go back to Berlin :@)
  23. Hi there, general question: Have seen plenty of listings for Coffee & Cream events all over Germany in all the times that I've been but never made over to one - themed places take most of my time. Is it something of a "meet-n-greet-n-fuck" type (for the cream part, like a regular sex party) or may be even an all-nighter (so that then there is a need for morning coffee if you hang long enough) or may be something inter-racial if that's not a far stretch of imagination - can't make a definitive reference. Lil help? Cheers
  24. Planning too, but nothing set yet. Gotta love Berlin - holes are so willing every time I come there. Folsom is always a blast. I mean - many blasts, hehehe.
  25. That is one very fuckable hole. Cheers
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