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Everything posted by skinster

  1. IMHO nothing will say it better than Nasty Pig. Bike and Aussiebum are good too.
  2. That's the usual problem with fairies - too much fantasy, not enough hands-on reality.
  3. Your SLRN is making me very horny!
  4. Nice. I would have done the same thing.
  5. One of the reasons - a very dogmatic view of humanity without much understanding or respect of anything about it. Why do I have to "love thy neighbor" if I get shit in return! Damn right!
  6. 1. Scat party at The lab/Berlin (don't think it needs extra details but way too pervy for your average pig) 2. Coffe & Cream Fuckup! (fuckfest party marathon literally of 100's) 3. Feed, cum and fist it into one very willing toilet. We will meet yet again!
  7. Absolutely best. Nothing like creaming a willing tight hole. May be tease the crack with all my skin, but stick it in as soon as I see the back bending forward.
  8. Love smooth holes. Can eat it out right. Like being rimmed too.
  9. Damn editing rules. It is not a failure to communicate. What if he was a top? Far fetched hypothetically but we sleep in any position. And you can argue gay rules and customs and personal sex habits and clothing-optional all you want till the cows come home. Police will look at it in the judicially-prescribed easiest and most straight-n-narrow way. They don't need a failure to prove charges publicly recorded for their own stat reports - there is a shitload of paperwork involved, they are not doing it for personal entertainment. Consider random theft situation - you fell asleep on the train. Someone stole your backpack. Is that a larceny or a misunderstanding that you have failed to properly and fully agree to a temporary loan and willingly offer future forfeiture of your posession of your backpack to the thief??? Get the drift. Not-smart moves by both, but the law will protect the plaintiff. Had he been in agreement with said customs, he would have not complained, and cops would have not been involved. Simple as that. Like at the baths.
  10. Totally agree. Rather dumb situation of a very horny human. The plaintiff has a legally protected right to consent in an activity. Unilateral advance on the part of the top is battery. Creuzer is lucky it wasn't qualified as an aggravated assault with intent to bodily injury - the bottom was asleep. He does not even have to ask or proove anything.
  11. I concur, human sexuality is even more twisted than initially suspected and observed by Dr. Kinsey and alike. The amount, scope and range of things that had been produced by straights' and gays' fancy to get off on one another is absolutely overwhelming, in recent years more than ever. That is before you even start considering pathology classifications. But you know what - fuck the weird. 'Normal' is just a deviation from crazy. And carbon lifeforms with brainpower are just that - weird and crazy and not well explained by physical and metaphysical. If it tickles you somewhere physically or emotionally - you will probably do it out of sheer temptation regardless of well-rationalized reasons pro and contra your brain comes up with. Because once you release the brakes on your sexual conscience self, almost anything becomes possible, recognized as either or both good and bad. And any addicted personality will push it along, past its own or common limits just to see what is there missing/on the other side of things, if anything at all. And some times curiosity kills the cat. Not something I agree with. And a balance is so elusive, I am thinking there is none regardless of how you tilt the scale or where you break through the cautionary lines. vrsbbltn, thanks for the topic. Can only agree with so many things observed and expressed above. Thoroughly enjoyed. So chasers and not, and all otherwise sexually deranged individuals, describe and enjoy your unstable chemical self. There will be an echo to your brainwaves.
  12. PlayClay, it does exist but probably will entail something else to play with as well.
  13. Condolences, Hung. Sorry to hear that. Regardless of way, it is always so empty after. At least he has someone around to remember him.
  14. I'd say there is always a fair chance with TIM that star(-s) are high one way ot another. The studio had been banned from Folsom in mid-2000's more than (I believe) once for lewd and explicit behavior in public at their stand at the fair, filming sex and raunch happening in open view and between many participants, actors and general public. I recall Folsom banned them from attending and banned the release of the shot material under a threat of a lawsuit. Had I not seen it happening myself, I probably would have been much more doubtful. You can't be sober doing that, even in San Francisco.
  15. Most consistently - my best friend and biggest jock in class, all through high school. Must have started around when we were 14-15. Had other guys in class join us for j-o's and such at different times in the same years. Not a rubber in sight - it was such a taboo even to mention it in public. It broke off when we went to college. But the first experience - I must have been 7 or 8. My best friend at the time lived in the same building as me, and an older kid from his family friends' invited us over to hang out. Where upon our arrival he proclaimed that he was overly horny, he was about 4-5 years older, proceeded to strip naked and lay down on the living room floor with a raging hard-on. I still remember us playing around him with plastic toy cars slamming into his dick and bare ass on purpose while he was ferrociously jerking off.
  16. Thanks, German. Your drive for precision is spot on. I love you for that. P.S. Always do the homework before your travels so you'd enjoy going off into the deep end proper, children.
  17. Nearly any and all gay bars in Berlin, Amsterdam, et al major gay destinations have a sizable and furnished/equipped darkroom at the venue, not a bare walled backroom american style. Not talking about dedicated sex clubs, just gay bars of non-restaurant variety. Some venues will have free entry or entry/1-drink combo charge. But most will have some sort of cover charged regardless of beverages, especially on theme nights or special events/parties. The free entry places usually enjoy a lot of foot traffic to and from the darkroom and are well known with locals and regulars as such. The darkroom won't be open at all times though, but late at night it will be - 11 pm or even 1 am on for a few hours. So what that guy told you is true with only minor comments. In the States the whole drink-n-drive routine happens due to lack of common public transport coverage. And the encouragingly low alcohol content in domestic brews {my personal opinion, scold it all you want if you will}. Anywhere in Europe I've been it is not the case. I don't know local DWI laws there, but having a car is not even necessary to get yourself reliably around town at ANY hour. And even if you're buzzed, and hoppy beers are so much better at it, you work off that alcohol in the same dark room before hiting the road anyway. I haven't seen many intoxicated cases in public other than hitching a taxi outside a club. It is really the colonial [uS] level of sex atrocities (as in not gettin any) vs. more civilized and established cruising [EU] that comes to mind as an analogy for darkroom experience and comparison. As if there is any civility in the dark and intrigueing labyrinths of every sleazy grimy spot I've been to, I'd say: give me that any day, and I'll obey any DWI you wanna wind up on top of it.
  18. It is probably a 99% of the non-barebakers that made those 52% surveyed that lied, lol.
  19. Both! Absolutely fun and satisfying
  20. Ass up with an open door will def work! Don't even look back who's checking that ass out - direct stare puts people off. If you put your hand out and play with your hole - everyone will get the drift. Don't be nervous - everyone is there for the same thing, you're not inventing a wheel. And if someone would start talking to you to find out more - simply say: "I want your load." No further assurances would be needed. Don't forget - you're there to enjoy yourself.
  21. I think the insecurity is yours alone, and the disconnect that you now find is something initialy both of you have omitted from sight just because of being warm and fuzzy. It is a wonderful feeling while it lasts but very unintentionally misleading. We all meander in ideas and fantasies at times, some successful some not. You need to know what the other side wants out of you coming from THEM before you fill it in on your own from your own fantasy role that you gave them only later to realize it has nothing to do with reality. See if the other side is willing to discuss the matter in the open and put everything on the table. Make a bullet point plan for it and target it on the 2 of you in the future, not the past of who said what and did what else. If the mood and circumstances are right, you will clear a lot of air in the room. Then you will see what's left to sort or figure out. And may be you will stay together.
  22. I can't say about '06, Hung. I was mostly in Montreal back then, and it was a fair mix of safe and bare. Then my friends moved to TO, I decided to check out the scene on next visit, and found near none. Must have been some public message from DOH or something or an inspection scare. Even around and past Christmas holidays. Literally a cold and empty darkroom at Steamworks, all kinds of rushed foot traffic in hallways at night and no major action. All hookups insisted on rubber. I understand there is a known heavy footprint of HIV in the community, and Steamworks is right there at the village center. I hope things have since changed for the better.
  23. IDK man, I haven't been to XS. But every time I went to Steamworks TO, bottoms were rare and far between. Don't even start about bare. Must be something tidal over there.
  24. Most major chain names present in the city have no issues with uncontrolled foot traffic through the lobby. It is possible though that they try to lock out non-customers at 11 pm or so. So keep that in mind setting time up.
  25. I think it is all in amount of nerve endings in the right places and proper positions. Have you tried many? or may be a thicker lube for better grip and .... mmm.... abrasion/breaking power?
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