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Everything posted by skinster

  1. Thanks, bandit. First-hand info and experience trumps anything else one can read, hands down. I've come across diet needs and guidance with other medications before, the idea of different absorption rates or reduced/enhanced effect is not foreign to me. Going back to the abstract from the study, I believe it was done as an ambulatory. So who knows if there were any individual diet deficiencies promoting weaker immune system/inflammation in this or that user which could have also skewed resulting infection rate. Math is a wonderful tool to confuse medicinally unaccustomed. CDC material is also listing different prevention rate for heterosexual and homosexual subjects. Must be one bigoted pill, lol. I wonder if it has anything to do with involved sex practices that result in infection. But along that path you are very much correct saying that side effects may be more damaging then not. And as with any major impact drug these days, effects are traversing multiple body systems at once - you're saving one and bashing more-than-one other at the same time. Cancer drugs and regiments seem to have the same pattern - if not frequently and closely monitored, they could reverse the action or clog other organs to a point of failure. Who'd wish for that? The study mentions it, but I don't recall seeing similar warnings or recommendations in PrEP promo materials. Your personal physician may not cover all angles due to other constraints during one's visit and probably won't push for specifically-adjusted bloodwork all that often either. Drug Co's will happily sell you any garbage as medicine as many recalls have shown. And common laymen's opinion is that it's next-to-wonderpill protective umbrella because you'd instinctively want to see that 90% number going all the way to a 100. That's what makes me even more cautious than not considering. And I am still of the opinion to take my chances without it. Thanks for sharing. Feel better.
  2. Came across of a piece of scientific news today, it kinda tripped my attention. I understand the demographic in the study below is injecting drug (ab)users first, and PrEP for HIV is only a secondary criteria, and that it is not a combo pill used as suggested farther below: Study - "Antiretroviral prophylaxis for HIV infection in injecting drug users in Bangkok, Thailand (the Bangkok Tenofovir Study)" http://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(13)61127-7/fulltext But in light of effectiveness on HIV side alone, what number is realistic (for lack of a better word) if one had to examine relevant info from multiple sources? Is it 49%, 44%, or 90%, as stated in a span of 1 paragraph in CDC fact sheet for PrEP, August 2012: "Research among Men Who Have Sex with Men In November 2010, the multinational iPrEx study showed that a once-daily pill containing tenofovir plus emtricitabine was safe and provided an average of 44 percent additional protection against HIV infection among men who have sex with men (MSM) who were also provided with a comprehensive package of prevention services. These services included provision of condoms, monthly HIV testing, counseling to reduce risk behavior and encourage adherence to the daily pill regimen, and management of other sexually transmitted infections. The level of protection varied widely depending on how consistently participants used PrEP, with significantly greater levels of protection among those who adhered well to the daily dosing regimen. Among MSM with detectable levels of the medication in their blood, the risk of HIV acquisition was reduced by more than 90 percent." Has anyone come across stats on the matter? As 100% difference between different methods is just not very assuring to me - "level of protection varied widely...". Am I misreading it?
  3. You need to have an idea what countries you're visiting, as travel options, transport, timing and demographic will vary greately not only from place to place but also within the same locale day in and day out. And your whole experience with be entirely thumbs up or down. If you've never been, narrow your country/city choices.
  4. PPL, it would have really helped if most of you filled out those many little details in your profiles. Exit numbers is all cool, but I still doubt you're all morbidly shy vanilla bunch with nothing to look at and no interests to speak of.
  5. RT, I am thinking it is only risk reduction protocol, not protection "protection". Risk would still be there, however small. But it is nice there was no lecturing.
  6. I was discussing this with a friend just yesterday. Guys putting "neg for neg" ads eventually, when climax comes tubling down, feel it and start begging "breed me!" as opposed to 'I want your cum' or 'shoot! shoot in my hole'. While colloquially the meanings are close, examined individually but within context they invite an argument made out to me that a bottom in question wanted my 'babies', et al. and not something more serious along the lines of flat out seroconversion. Now, the guy I was fucking is one of my regulars, not the guy I was talking to about it yesteday. Last known status just as for myself is neg. And we met on a BB site. We always fucked bare. So within that narrative I can make him a creampie but I won't be able to breed him in the full meaning of the word. So my point is - the secret may be in the verbal soup of the poll. Some read it straight up, just like a hard core statistitian should. Some allow for stretching of words and meanings outside common sense leaps and bounds. Or shrinkage, to sway it some definite way opposite of streching and shoehorn some personal understanding into it. Without questioning the method behind the poll, I'd say the numbers for gays alone still have to be taken with a grain of salt. I can't imagine someone going back to rubbers after developing a habit for bare ass or cock, but the trend is unmistakable - sex bare is very much accepted, quite popular and addictive. The number shown is only the demographic that has accepted what they are and is unafraid to say out loud to what they are. Keep in mind, that straight couples do make an effort to make a baby or a few, and they also fuck bare. So the number across all sexual denominations is much higher. And I am an addict.
  7. I am with you, fuckboy. Once you come to that understanding, it's useless to look at things that are not exciting. Just a sign of you maturing as a proper pig.
  8. Affirmatively - 4 different people, at 3 different locations in the past 4 mo's. Work in progress. Side note: fuckboi - fucking pornstars is a lot of fun. Till the last drop. And they don't hold back, at least as I've seen it. That's where I started to appreciate quality of service.
  9. Wet Original. Or Pjur (german). Both water-based and liked in small amounts. Hate silicon - it's a bitch to clean off. Even Crisco is better, natural oils.
  10. Bare, mostly fucking, never seen anyone using rubbers. Haven't even noticed if they are anywhere around play area. Seen wrappers up the loft place, may be leftovers? As to truly piggy - no, can't say that. But we already know I can go pretty far there, so my bar on the matter is not set low. Some are indeed less inhibited than many.
  11. Boi, I'd say Club80 should set you right. Weekend's on, go spend some time there.
  12. No reason to feel bad, man.
  13. I can see your point, FH. I can agree with you, it does apply, but in my view to a smaller slice of circumstances for cum collectors where they thrive in - bath house, play party, or some other semi-/ completely controlled environment. If you try to make online moves on the street in the open - i.e. set up a meet on the fly, head on, say with a smartphone for extra mobility - you will have more flakes and dead ends with majority of people completely failing on proclaimed intentions/location/gear/access/timing/pics, etc, etc. With you wasting time, battery and effort for some dumbass. And a regular FB would work for the purpose completely. Or a bar. Or a bathhouse. Earlier I was referring to a hypothetical favorable experience to be the outcome to majority of meets. Most hookups should work as intended. When people are serious, every hookup should work, and a load should be dumped to a mutual enjoyment. Then I am willing to consider immediate gratification and acknowledge reliability of. An owned hole will produce immediate gratification. 24/7 will do the same
  14. We do exist. It is a vanilla town these days though, and I think immediate gratification is overrated.
  15. Any more details you might share about it, PissBear? Cheers
  16. A small rosebud is sexy. And here - wow. Some industrial grade.
  17. Try to piss when you're early into play, before massive precum builds up. Well into it precum and cum make it very difficult to pass urine as they are more gooey and naturally stick to the pipes and temporarily seal off more liquid piss. If you overindulge with diuretics (water, beer, etc), you might put more pressure on your bladder and kill the mood as it may become very painful and you still won't piss to relieve it.
  18. Something in that map data is nonsecured content - my IE9 on win7 has not shown anything until I selected "show all content" from the security prompt on the page. The pin is off by about 2 miles, at least I think it is the one representing me, but for suburbs not very important and it is better like that. It is only accurate as long as google thinks it is accurate.
  19. I am not rubbing extra salt into this, but there is an upside to it - at least someone somewhere cares enough about you to take notice. As far as trembles and discomforts of your personal secrets goes - everyone's got them. You'll get over it, I mean the trembles. Evidently something tempts you more than that.
  20. Hmm, gay.com is prolly still in business. They used to have the largest list of rooms in many specialties, but I haven't been there in years, too many flakes back in the day, and now the whole thing is redone, I have no patience to find it. Try it, but looks too much like Grindr. What I do if the mood is right is starting on any hookup site and then simply moving over to regular chat platforms (Yahoo, MSN, AOL, etc) to continue. FYI - over the years different porn, dating sites, stores and what not had and sometimes to much disappointment have removed live chat options, including Recon, and it's not a small site. Also on a different note, pretty much any major country has it's own most traffic'd hookup site. Interestingly enough, if you google 'gay dating website', a few names pop up. I am sure there is some version of online chat attached. Try before you buy, I won't insist to endorse any. I undestand you're prolly looking for US, mostly hookup and not dating.
  21. I don't think it is a good idea - you're going to a place where people hook up in person, without asking a 100 questions and not demo'ing toys. Why do you need a dildo when you can get a raw hard dick in your ass live? <Rhetorical> You don't need to pour your heart out to the first complete stranger to get a sympathetic outcome for your horny ass. Barely anyone talks in bath houses anyway, you'd look like an odd duck and a white crow at the same time. Another guess - Monday morning is not a known high-traffic time. Try later at night Thursday, Friday or over a weekend. Most horny people work Mondays, I'd assume, even in Oregon.
  22. NastyRig, that idea is my favorite. You should put in a zipper all the way front to back, like in Bleachers & Co.
  23. I agree that any stretching garment has to be of higher quality to ensure long service. It is a hit and miss across all brands. I've had things literally fall apart after 2 uses. On the other hand, there are leather jocks and strapped thongs. Could be an extra kick for a kinky piglet to rock something suggestive like that. I've seen people use rubber and neoprene as well. It might withstand extra mileage, and you won't have to be constantly shopping for a replacement.
  24. It's all in the eye, and them are many. I am thinking it is 7-8 for me. In others - probably the upper half of the scale. But I have also dumped in holes in complete darkness, so appearance did not matter and was not known. As long as you find a willing hole, and your dick is in agreement, you should dump a load or more.
  25. I second that. Different places and different times will show you that sluttiness in a bottom comes in many ways, and not only through specific clothes or bare ass demo. Although getting easily naked helps ;o) It is the willingness to take a load or many and not being shy about it. Use hankie colors and wrist bands if you need to - it will ring enough bells around you.
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