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Everything posted by skinster

  1. Don't leave too many Ask-Me's and fill out the most options applicable. I understand there are no ratio options how much into something you may or may not be, but you can always elaborate further when you are conversing what you like out of it more or less - at least you'd have a reason to. Blank profiles are just that - empty. Use a greeting and a compliment - single-worded one liners don't resonate well for follow up. You'd also filter out people with ADD. By all means enjoy yourself. No one knows you better than you.
  2. Well, by all means a verbal description would work better that any color code. Especially if vanilla people around you have no clue (woopsie doopsie do!) - they just keep doing it to me. But anyway, jockstraps follow the same hankie codes for everything else gay with a fetish inclination. Google it - you'll get the gist. Just don't go for rare ones - stick to main colors. You can always expand rather than narrowing down focus to find absolutely nothing that matches your expectations. Plus the colored ones usually have more than 1 included in trim, so choose wisely.
  3. @ vrsbbltn - you're absolutely right. And as many threads that had been put up recently, nobody has expressed as much clarity and insight in the subject. I can only agree, no one (at least not many) is looking in the details of what happens after. Not even hypothetically. Could be that is the ignorance of youth, could be your average infantilism or inability to process.
  4. My sentiments exactly. Very few brave ones are rocking the goodies in the wide open, but a jock is still cool. Especially if the rest of the bod is matching the purpose of the garment. Otherwise the towel is pretty much uniform across countries and continents. Flip-flops are just too tidious to me - they slip at a different time than bare feet in them and may have actually less grip, give out that flapping slapping sound wet and dry. Not convenient on stairs either. And to me it just brings up an image that has nothing arousing or sexual - one of a custodian or a cleaner or an elder asian woman at a market. Total turn off. Wanna give it a shot - wear a baseball hat with the visor hiked upwards and roll the buns in darkness. If you keep your towel on your neck, I would jump that ass regardless of what else it is wearing. But it better be nothing at all.
  5. I am thinking that 1 release at your age is simply cutting the fun short. If it is not a diagnosed premature ejaculation (and only a doctor[-s] can arrive there), try changing of tempo throughout, changing positions in different sessions, may be some herbal help to maintain erection longer (I know it's not what you're talking about just yet). May that it will give some extention to time. And if you are able to cum more than once that would also be an improvement, eh?
  6. Hard1, from what I have seen at this point (and I am not a professional) this could have been a guy before you. Understandably the boy may not have been overly forthcoming to elaborate before you got together. 1 week in between is a bit too soon. And if it is a general flu, regular OTC medicine would have helped before limph nodes get a hit. With fuck flu I recall that limph nodes get very swollen - armpits and thighs. Let him check for that too.
  7. Go big or go home.
  8. I'd suggest by all means to tell him ASAP. Better in person, as delivering such news over the phone just adds to the misery and gives you less chances to turn it in your favor should emotions take over. And try to read his reaction while you build up to it, as casual as you were - may be he is into it, may be he is completely unaware of possibilities. Just don't unload it in the first sentence, you don't need that shock value. It is obviously a serious matter that you need to have his full attention about, only then you can evaluate how concerned should you be. May be it is all long since set, and you're the one unaware, or may be not. Since it obviously concerns you a lot, you should find out. It's the right thing to do in my opinion.
  9. Damn, BBB. May be if you tell more about yourself you would find it sooner ;o)
  10. Since it will be a weekend, success rate should be high ;o) Try places along Warmoesstraat - currently Argos and Dirty Dicks, used to be Eagle also, IDK it might be back. As a more expensive solution - Thermos (4th floor). And don't worry, they are about 30 min apart on foot if GVB trams are not running. Have a map with you for navigation.
  11. I believe it is entirely cultural and more of a european thing. Gays of ethnic varieties are more "integrated" there than in US, with no ghetto-machismo on display or pier pressure about it either. I may be wrong, but every time I come over, black guys are .. just ... regular horny guys, tops and bottoms. Non-English main language also contributes to that integration - Dutch blacks have very proliferous bottoms, personal experience there, the latest - 2 days ago. German blacks are not shy either - very proactive in fact <live from Berlin at the moment>. No local ghetto rap done by blacks like it is all over US media (god bless if you found it in yourself to get out of it, but in my opinion that is rather rare than predominant commonplace). All of that comes (to Europe) as clearly an american import. And as soon as influence sourcing turns to US, ethnic black social minorities are nowhere to be found, and the loud ghetto 'kulture' takes over. That must be the self-perpetuating perversion of the self-esteem that the misguided and maladjusted worship as an anti-racist legacy of and in the inner cities. There is not much of african roots legacy in it, just non-white affiliation as the most recent memory of self. There is no gay in it, sad or happy. One is born into it, does not see anything else, grows up and spawns off feeding same stagnated ideas to the new generation all over the place perpetuating the stereotypes. Slavery is gone for 150 years, but it is still a very sore subject with raw emotions running surreally high, also personal experience there. It is all about social division and non-inclusion (as the country with deep immigration legacy should have not had) and not wider social opporunity as the historically more recent country grew to be. Somehow being black and being fucked is not socially accepted as a possibility, and it comes fom within. And if you are of a queer variety even within your own ethnic minority - that is shoved by social force even farther from display. Who wants to be further excluded by your own people? Assholes white and black are all over the place. Very few can and are willing to counter such bigotry. Harsh, but that is what I see nearly every day that I have to traverse my city.
  12. Yes, you're correct. Sorry for the typos, I was a bit tanked and still jetlagged - as it shows. With a case of proper beveraging and roaming hands too!
  13. I think it is very educational to this general public to review accounts of real M/s couples. I came across that book entirely by accident - I was in town, the book was just publicshed, the author was having a public appearance, my acquaintance was in the loop with that, etc. This is not work of fiction, nor is it any statistical study. Granted, most if not all of the demografic is white, but the ethnic aspect was not the focus of the authors. The subjects were voluntarily included into the compillation, they have vetted the language that made it into the book on behalf of their intervues. Anyway, the book is "Ask the Man Who Owns Him" by david stein with David Schachter (capitalization as stated by authors), ISBN-10: 098236931X, ISBN-13: 978-0982369319. $20 well spent. You will see that real people have real lives, and most things floating in chatrooms and net in general are mostly fantasies indulged to various varieties of individual hornliness and time spent. And for me personally those accounts gave an insight how to analyse people who come on to me, or I take a chance on. It's the side view that is now never out of sight. Granted, I am still single but not for that single reason alone, and I get to see things much earlier, earlier and to greated extent of wisdom then I had before.
  14. I would totally support the filtered/bottled water supply for colonics. Yet I use a permanently-attached Shur Shot system ith an upgraded nozzle with just tap supply for it. Luckily it is not very chloronated but it is getting dirtier over the years. Just be careful with applying water pressure - it is a very uncomfortable hydrolic punch all over the intestines when you just flip it open all the way. Plus, you need to realise that colon capacity is not in gallons nor even in liters but rather very modest. No need to get gallons-worth if you're not going industrial, even a small system done right and more than once for consistency does proper result to enjoy. And colonic supplies' search on Goo-gle comes back with enormous amount of matches. And some good opinions.
  15. Absolutely true - it is a state of mind and how far that mind takes you. In Mind vs. Matter - if you don't mind, it does not matter!
  16. I think novelty would wear off real fast. Try it before you buy it.
  17. Fag, I don't think it is that restrictive, they are just doing CYA. There is a cover charge, capitalism will take over. Plus, how would one check at the door against it?
  18. After many times of Folsom SF, I can only say that it beats other things in terms of territory and number of porn vendors. Quality and traffic at associated events is rather hit-or-miss IMHO, and that traffic at times stomps out everything else. Folsom Berlin is much smaller and is more like Dore Alley SF. But the quality and variety in local attendance is better. I know the grass is always greener, but you just know where that extra money went once you find yourself in Schöneberg and not in SOMA. And most people at parties don't hold off on ANYTHING.
  19. Pig Berlin, hands down.
  20. Wet (water), spit or cum
  21. Inconsiderate bitches at group play, both top and bottom. Pay attention or get out of the way!
  22. Dude, check bbrt
  23. Hey, gonna be in Berlin for Folsom in September?
  24. Like any hole soaking activity - clean out well and beforehand. Or enjoy a new kink afterwards.
  25. I kinda gotten used to Jungle Juice Platinum (whatever that premium has - there was no 'Basic" at the place). Someone gave me Blue Boy to try at a club in Amsterdam - near lost my footing on that one, and such a nasty zing after. Won't suggest it.
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