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Everything posted by Pigtoy

  1. Thanks you guys, you make me happy knowing you're enjoy my perversity. Sadly, it may be 2-3 days before I can post Joey's next step to destruction. But a teaser for you: Joey getsVERY wet, inside and out in a very quick turn of events for our sweet little whore.
  2. 1981V, this story is really fucking hot. Wish I was the bottom slut
  3. Part 2: As I walked across campus, heading towards the locker room, I couldn’t avoid stares from several people. Some saw the dried spit and clumped hair around my face. Some, who got too close to me, caught the undeniable scents of piss and cum emanating from my body. When those people stared, I just put my head down and felt tears drip down my face. Those were not the worst. The worst were the pointers and laughers, the ones who called me faggot or asked where my owner was. How far had this already gone? Did everyone know? A couple of the biggest guys grabbed their crotches and gestured towards me. I could only mutter a weak, “Go to Hell,” and they only laughed. I could feel with every step, cum leaking from my ass. One guy walked up beside me and moaned, "Damn, baby, you look so hot with that spunk sliding down your legs. I wish I was that big a WHORE," yelling the last word and laughing with several other guys. My only hope to avoid a scene was to get to the locker room before anyone else and change into my uniform. No luck. I opened the locker room door and several of the players were already there. The catcher and an outfielder looked up from their phones, laughing and said, “Hey, BOY, nice video.” I looked at them, tears still wet on my face. I heard the word queer muttered, and walked to my locker. I grabbed my uniform, with a hope to put at least the pants on. “You won’t be needing those Collins.” The coach’s voice bellowed from across the locker room. I turned and watched him walking to the front of the benches. “Alright you guys, shut up and sit your asses down.” We all found seats and the room got very quiet. Coach glared at me before turning his glance away. “Alright. I know you’re all trying to figure out why there is a meeting this morning. We have to make some changes to the team,” again his eyes focused on me. There was whispering from all the guys, wondering what was going on. Coach continued, “We have an opening for Team Captain, and you’re gonna vote now.” Clearly, some of the guys hadn’t seen the video yet, because some started to yell in confusion over what was happening. Coach smirked at me, the catcher muttered, “faggot.” Coach asked, “Collins, you want to say anything?” Everybody looked at me, wondering what the hell was going on. “Please coach, don’t do this.” It came out as a croaked whisper. “You tell them, or I do.” “Please, coach…” “Collins is…” “I’m quitting the team,” I blurted out. Guys looked at me in shock. Some laughed, thinking it was a joke. “I’m quitting because I…” Coach smirked at me, “Trying to take the pussy way out there Collins. You aren’t quitting the team. I told you.” I could feel tears in my eyes, but would not cry. “I’m quitting. I quit. You can’t stop me.” Coach said, “You’re not quitting. Tell the guys what is going on. Tell them what you are, or I will.” I looked back at him and, knowing there was no way I was getting out of this with dignity, I simply said, “Fuck you, COACH.” There was shocked silence from everyone. We’ve all said that to each other, but no one ever dared to even think of saying it to him. Coach, a very brief flash of anger and disgust in his face, soon replaced by that damn smirk again, “Watch your mouth. Stand up, now.” I stood up and stared him down. “Last chance, you tell them or I do.” I heard someone whisper, “What the hell is going on?” I looked at the Coach and said, “I don’t think you’re going to say anything about me are you Coach? Unless you want them to know your side.” Coach walked up to me and said, “Don’t you threaten me boy. I own your ass.” Coach waited, I stared at him. “Collins is stepping down as Captain, effective today. He is not quitting the team, despite his little theatrics. He’s also not getting kicked off the team, despite his outburst. No, Collins, you’re going to be staying involved in the team, deeply involved.” I turned to walk away and coach grabbed the back of my shirt, causing it to start to rip, but also to really show the nipple piercings. A couple of guys saw them and laughed, pointing them out. “Don’t you ever turn your back on me again, BOY. Do you hear me?” “Fuck you, Coach. Fuck you AND your fucking rules.” “You stupid little punk,” was followed by a punch to the gut. “Collins is out as Captain, because I will not have a cock sucking faggot representing my team.” “What?” “You’re gay?” “What the hell, JC???” I stood upright and glared at the coach. “Take off the shirt, show them. Take it off, or I’ll rip it off.” I glared at him, pulled it off and threw it in his face. “What am I showing them coach?” I looked down and saw the piercings, which did not appear to be new. I also saw the number 77 and yesterday’s date tattooed above my right pec. It took a second for it to hit me. “Oh god… what the…” Coach smiled, and simply said, “You sure were busy last night, and this morning. Take the shorts off.” I was lost, more memories of my defiling floating in and out, a hideous cacophony of my screams, guys grunting and the sounds of cocks shoving into my wet hole. “I’m sorry, Coach. Please don’t do this.” “Take them off NOW.” I took off the shorts, peeling them from legs, and feeling my ass sticking to them from the cum leaking out. “Turn around. Show them who you are. Show them the pathetic thing you became.” I turned around, showing the rest of my team, my brothers, my ass. “Dude, what the fuck.” “I think I’m gonna be sick.” “Is that… You fucking sicko.” The tears came, and I did not stop them. They fell down my face, as guys continued to make comments, calling me all kinds of names. “Turn back around Joey, let them fully understand.” I slowly turned back around, putting my hands across my marking. “Move your hands, Joey. Show them how proud you are of being a whore.” I dropped my hands to my sides. The 77 seemed to be in bright lights, in huge print, calling out to everyone about me. “Tell them what that means. I want to hear you tell them everything.” I looked at the guys, could see looks of disgust, contempt and hatred on their faces. One face in the back had a different look; a look of interest. “I got ra…” “The truth Joey.” “I got,” (raped, that’s what I wanted to say), “fucked by,” (why did I say fucked? It was rape), “a bunch of guys.” Despite knowing the truth in my mind, my mouth was saying the opposite. “I got fucked by a bunch of guys. They fucked me over and over, and I took 77 loads in my ass. I fucking loved every minute of it. Begged them to fuck my cunt, make me a cum dump. I drank several loads of piss from them, and from my own cock. They fucked me like a whore, even going two at a time in my ass. I have no idea who they were, except for one, who I guess is my owner or Sir as I call him.” “You fucking queer. You are so fucking disgusting. You should get off the fucking team. None of us want you here.” This was one of the pitchers, who stood up and spit in my face. Again, my thoughts and words were opposites. I was disgusted with what I’d said, and with what this teammate, this friend, just said and did. But what I heard myself say was, “Thank you,” as I licked up his spit. “Sit down Michaels. Now, I’ve already decided what is going to happen. You’re going to choose a new team captain. Everyone but the homo is voting. Collins is going to stay on the team, no changes there. But, he is going to play a very different role off the field. He is yours to use however you want from now on. He will do whatever you tell him to do. If he refuses, do whatever you want to him; he can take it.” “Now, while we handle team business, get the fuck out of my sight faggot.” Seeing no support, I walked to my locker, got dressed, including the now torn shirt, and walked out. The guy who had the interested look, one of the outfielders, grabbed his crotch and said, “I’m gonna have some fun in your pussy.” I couldn’t muster any response and walked out.
  4. Joey’s New Life, Day 1: Sir and I got back in the car, this time I was made to sit in the passenger seat. He drove and I asked him where we were going. “I’m taking you back to your dorm.” We sat mostly in silence as he drove. “Sir, why me?” He looked at me and said, “What do you mean?” “Why did you do this to me? Why did you rape me and then let those other guys rape me?” “To make you learn a lesson you needed to know. You flaunt your ass around in places you shouldn’t, to guys you REALLY shouldn’t, and then don’t spread your legs? You were a fucking cock tease and you got punished. You enjoyed it though; you shot five loads, all while getting fucked and taking loads. Only a true cum whore would cum, without touching himself, so many times while getting fucked.” “No, I didn’t enjoy it. I wanted to die each time a guy shoved his dick in me. More so, each time another load was shot in me.” “I don’t know boy, your cock tells me you liked it. In fact, it’s telling me that now.” I looked down, and my crotch was sticking up in the tight shorts. “No, this isn’t… I’m not…” “Take your cock out boy, right now.” “I can’t, not in the car.” A slap across the face, bouncing my head off the window, “Do it now, boy.” I unbuttoned the shorts and pulled my cock out. It was rock hard and the head was glistening with fresh pre-cum. My pubes were crusted together in clumps from cum drying in them. “Jerk off boy. Show me how you didn’t like being a cum dump.” I reached down and began jerking off as we drove down the freeway. Memories of some of the more brutal and disgusting incidents flashed into my head, causing me to gag in disgust and want to scream in agony. My cock was rock hard, but no matter what the thoughts were, it continued to throb. I looked over and there was an older guy driving a SUV, and he was glancing over. He saw me jerking off and smiled and nodded his approval. I mouthed, “Fuck you,” and Sir slapped me again, causing the other driver to laugh. As we pulled onto campus, I felt the tell-tale sign of my cumming. However, when I finally came, only a drop or two of cum came out. “That’s what your last couple of loads were like last night. I think you successfully emptied every set of balls, even yours, in your partying.” We pulled into the parking lot of the dorm, finding a parking space as far from my building as we could. “Let’s go boy, time for your walk of shame.” We got out and walked toward the dorm. People looked at me, some briefly glancing and turning away in revulsion, others staring. Several girls, and a few guys smiled and nodded approval. One guy watched me, licked his lips, and as I passed him, grabbed my ass. I turned on him and snapped, “Don’t touch me.” He smiled back and said, “Oooh, look at you trying to be a man. I think I’ll be more than touching that fine ass pretty soon.” I noticed several people standing around and watching, some with phones out recording this. I weakly responded, “Fuck you.” He slapped my ass, with several people laughing at me, leaned in to my ear and whispered, “Bitch, you the one getting fucked. And as wet as your ass is, I think you know that.” People laughed as my face turned red and I tried to run toward my dorm. “BOY.” I froze at the severity of his tone and turned back to him. “Get your ass back over here, NOW.” I started back toward him and the other guy was looking from my face to Sir, who continued to stare at me. Everyone else had stopped at the snap of Sir’s command, and all eyes were on me. I stopped in front of Sir and hung my head down. What the hell am I doing, acting like some whipped puppy in front of dozens of people, some who I recognized from classes or the dorms. “What do you say to this man?” I looked at the guy who grabbed me and could not say anything. “Boy…” I looked to Sir and back to the guy and mumbled an apology. He heard me and smirked, but Sir was not satisfied. “Louder and clearer, so everyone hears.” The red in my face and the heat of the embarrassment increased ten-fold. “I apologize for being disrespectful to you.” The guy just smirked more and said, “You’ll be sorry later, BITCH.” People laughed and resumed their travels. Sir and I walked on, him smiling at my clear embarrassment. Sir handed me my wallet, keys and my phone as we stood by the door. He gently took my chin in his hand, and lifted my head to look at him. For a brief second, I feared he was gonna kiss me. I wish he had. He spat, loudly and wetly, right onto my face, causing a splatter due to the closeness on impact. “Enjoy your day boy. I think your world is going to change very quickly and very soon. Don’t wipe that off. Go, get your bag for class, and don’t even think of changing clothes; that’s your outfit for the rest of the day, or at least until you’re told to strip. I’ll check in on you when the time is right. Until then, GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY SIGHT YOU PATHETIC FAGGOT.” People looked at us, at me after he turned and walked away. I wanted to curl up and die, but I knew that wouldn’t happen. As I turned go into the dorm, my phone buzzed as a text came in. “Emergency team meeting, 9:30. Locker room.” I had just over an hour until my world ended. I went upstairs and to my room, noticing stares from other guys and hearing laughter from rooms. At one door, which was wide open, I heard a couple of guys laughing and heard the unmistakable sounds of Sir yelling “Boy.” One of the guys laughed and said, “I never thought he was a faggot. But, at least now I know where to go when my girl won’t put out.” They both laughed and I got out of the doorway, before they could see me. I got my bag and opened my closet, thinking of changing clothes. More memories of my gangrape came back, causing my hole to burn in agony. I closed the door and walked out of the room.
  5. Sorry about the delay in continuing this story, but life gets priority sometimes. If you have not read Joey's first exposure, Trouble at the Rest Stop, stop now. This is the continuation of that story.
  6. Think I've seen similar in TIM - 100 load fuck and Dawson Creampie. But those were multiple loads, not a single
  7. Part 11 I glared at my coach, his wet cock dangling over my mouth. When I didn’t open my mouth, coach punched me hard in the guts. I fought the reaction of screaming, clenching my jaw and squinting at the pain. “Let me see if I can help you out here, Coach.” Marquise was now standing at my ass, holding what could be described as a club in his hand. The cock was light brown, contrasting with his darker skin. I couldn’t figure the length, but the width was terrifying. “Alright pussy, here comes your first black dick in that cum dump you got going on. This is gonna hurt you a lot more then it will me. I’m gonna make you regret calling me nigger.” He shoved my legs as wide apart as they would go and slammed his cock into me, ripping me apart again, taking my cherry again. I opened my mouth to scream and coach took that opportunity to shove his cock, now soft but still impressively long, in to my mouth. “Yeah, Joey, you are such a dirty little slut, taking cock at both ends. Taste all that cum, three different flavors. Suck it clean, I don’t want your fucking ass on me, or the cum.” Marquise was enjoying the pain I was experiencing as he pounded mercilessly into my hole. “Sunnofabitch. I don’t know how, but this little bitch is tighter then my girl the first time I ripped her open. You got a serious gift with this pussy.” I could hear some disgusting noises coming from my ass: a slurping noise when Marquise pulled out, a squelching sound when he slammed back in. I could feel cum drooling out of my hole, sliming my hole, my ass crack and down my back. “Hey bro, what’s the limit that we can do to this little queer?” His brother responded, “Limit? Fuck limits. This bitch is here for anything you fucking sickos can throw at him. What do you want to do?” Coach leaned across me, his cock still lodged in my mouth, and said something to his brother. “Damn, bro, you sure you want to do that to him already? He’s just a cute, innocent young boy.” I could hear the sarcasm in his voice as both started laughing. “Drink up, Joey.” I was confused until I tasted a hot, bitter fluid filling my mouth. “Oh, god, he’s pissing in my mouth,” flashed briefly in my mind, before the panic of drowning replaced it. “Start swallowing, Joey. Unless you wanna be known as the queer slut who died choking on piss while having a huge black dick stretching his ass.” The guys laughed and shouted insults at me. I started swallowing, fighting the urge to throw up with each gulp I took. Coach finally finished pissing and pulled his cock out of my mouth. “That was awesome Joey, I’ve never been able to get a woman to do that for me. I think I’m gonna have some fun using you after all you little faggot.” Coach looked me straight in the eyes, spit as hard as he could into one of them, and punched me in the jaw. “You still make me sick.” Marquise pulled my attention back to him, “Hey cunt boy, watch me.” I slowly turned to look into his face, which was covered in a gleam of sweat. The pain of the punch to my jaw, and the continued humiliation of being turned into a pussy, blocked the pain of the rape that was going on. I closed my eyes, which only caused Marquise to lash out. My eyes snapped open after he punched my balls as hard as he could. “Don’t you ever close your eyes when I’m fucking you cunt. You need to look at me and know that my black MASTER cock is raping that little white pussy of yours. Making you know your role is to be a white cunt boi for all men, but especially for BLACK MEN.” He looked me in the eyes, asking coach’s brother, “How many poz loads did he take?” “One poz and one from HIM.” Marquise smiled and grunted, “Here’s a toxic, AIDS load for your slime hole bitch.” Another load of scalding hot cum was shot deep in my guts, this one burning deeper than before. I simply mouthed, “Please, no.” “What the fuck did you just say bitch?” followed by another ball crushing punch. “Please, no. I can’t take anymore. I don’t want this.” Marquise finished pumping his seed in me. “Doesn’t matter, it’s in you boy. You got a big load of AIDS cum swimming up your guts, looking for a way in. Oh there’s a few other things in there too, been saving up for you.” He pulled his still hard cock out of my battered cunt. I reached down and could feel my hole gaping wide open. Soon, the hole retracted back around my finger, tightening up again. The brutality went on for hours, ending as the sun started to come up. I lost track of the number of cocks that fucked me, the faces becoming a blur of painful rape after painful rape. The guys were a mix of atrocious to gorgeous, skinny to fat, and younger than me to old enough to be my grandpa. In fact, one of the old guys made me call him “Granddaddy” as he raped me. The guys were freaks. Some kept me on my back, making me look in their eyes as they dumped their loads in me. Some flipped me over, enjoying ripping my head back, wrapping their arms around my throat and almost choking me unconscious. I lost track of the amount of piss I drank, only knowing that I had my own cock aimed at my face as I emptied my own bladder several times straight into my own mouth, making me the ultimate recycler. Guys forced me to take two cocks in my ass several times. The most brutal pairing was Marquise with his huge black dick and coach with his cock flaring up with his pure disgust, but he was grunting as loud as the other as he pumped loads into me. I know that some guys only did me once, while others came for seconds and thirds. One guy whispered, “Here cums my fourth load boy.” Some of the guys were even worse as they began to realize that the physical abuse was causing me pain, but there were no physical signs. I had guys strapping my back with their belts, beating my ass as they fucked loads in me. One guy repeatedly slapped me as he fucked me, smiling as he did it, saying, “Finally, I get to treat a bitch the way I really want to.” I was taken down from the table a couple of times, and had my face rubbed in the puddle of cum that had been deposited and then forced out of my hole as the fucking continued. Numerous times, guys would wipe all the cum from my ass crack and make me suck it from their fingers. Finally, the guys all dispersed. I lay there as cars and trucks roared to life and drove away. The agony was indescribable, as from head to toe there was almost no area of my body that had not been abused, assaulted and tormented. My ass was on fire, my hole tight, but still feeling the pain of all the rapes, the stretching from the double penetrations. “Get up Joey, you aren’t quite done yet for tonight.” I looked at him and said, “I can’t take anymore. Please just kill me, I can’t go on.” He laughed at my plea, but then the look on his face changed to, sympathy? “I know boy. But, this is only the beginning for you. Now get the fuck off the table, before the cleaning crew gets here. By the way, you really need to begin addressing me correctly, as Sir.” The sympathy quickly disappeared. I climbed off the table and looked around for the remainders of my pants or my shirt. “Don’t bother, they were taken by guys. You’re lucky you still have your jockstrap. Now walk to your fucking car. You don’t have a lot of time left.” He walked, I sort of hobbled/stumbled, to my car and he instructed me to get in the back seat and lay face down, with my ass up. I was afraid he was planning to fuck me and I whimpered a plea for him to not do it. “Don’t worry boy, I’m done with your ass for now.” I followed his order and he shut the door after me, getting in the driver’s seat. We drove for about 20 minutes, intermittent honking from other cars as they saw my sticking up. We arrived in downtown, in front of a tattoo shop. I heard him talking to someone on the phone and soon the door by my head was yanked open. “Come on bitch, hurry the fuck up.” I was dragged out, and then thrown over the shoulder of a huge, tattooed biker looking guy. He carried me in and tossed me down on the chair. Before I could say anything, Sir pulled out the ball-gag and blindfold again. “Open.” I chose not to fight and the ball was inserted and both it and the blindfold were strapped on me. “What’s he getting? The usual?” Sir confirmed it and mentioned a number. Over the next hour, both nipples were pierced, as was my cock. I was tattooed on my chest. The gag and blindfold were removed following an instruction to keep my eyes straight ahead. I was photographed by Sir, full body from the front and back. “Bend over and spread your ass bitch.” I did and could hear the snap of my phone camera taking a picture of my hole. “Push some of it out.” I made like I was trying to shit, and felt a load of cum slime it’s way out of my ass. “That is fucking disgusting, you faggot,” the biker said. “Don’t be dripping cum all over my floor. Clean it up.” I reached back between my cheeks and wiped all the spunk that had leaked out. “Don’t waste it bitch.” I brought my hand to my mouth and was photographed and videoed as I sucked all the cum from my hand. “Thunder, you got some clothes he can use? He seems to have lost them in all his fun last night.” I started to say something, but Thunder backhanded me across the face, almost sending me to the ground. “Shut your fucking mouth boy. Respect your owner.” I glared at him and then hung my head down. “I think I have something just right for him.” He walked into the back and returned with a shirt and white shorts. I looked at them and was immediately appalled. The shirt was two sizes too small and was stained with god knows what. The shorts were barely shorts; it’d be hard to describe them even as booty shorts. “I can’t wear these, I’ll get arrested.” “You can wear those, or walk across campus in your jockstrap, leaking cum from your pussy. Choose.” I felt shame and disgust as I slid into the shorts, which were so brief that either the leg straps or the waist strap of my jock was showing. The shirt was so tight, that it rode up on my abs, showing off the hair that led to my crotch and the new piercings were clearly visible. More pictures were taken of me in this outfit, the red flaring up in my face. Thunder asked, "Should I be expecting the bitch every week?" Sir responded, "Yeah he will be getting marked every week. And I think you're going to enjoy your payment, won't you T?" Thunder raised his hand in front, causing me to flinch. He and Sir both laughed at my reaction. Thunder said, "Don't worry boy, I won't be using this on your face, unless you're disrespectful again. No, this is going to find a wonderful home in your ass every time you come for your new marking..." “Let’s go, boy. You have somewhere to be soon…”
  8. So, I've been fine tuning it. I've written the final chapter of Joey's night at the rest stop. thank you all for the positive feedback on my first attempt at long form story. Now, while this is the end of the rest stop, I've already decided to continue, even if just for my perverted jerking off, Joey's descent into his new life. As always, if you guys want, I can post the continuing saga, either in the same posting, or as a new entry. You'll just need to let me know what to do. Pigtoy.
  9. Hey guys, home alone tonight and need to get fucked up hard. Whoring out my ass to any man who wants to use, as hard as you want, until you fill it with cum. No load refused by this wannabe fucktard. I'll be blindfolded and you can bring something to gag me. I'll have my phone available to take pics or videos of you using my cunt
  10. God, I thought I was the only one? I remember some great restroom action at Sac State and American river college. Took some hot loads at Del Paso Park before it fell apart. Craigslist was my only success in planned hookups. Other than that and some fun at Arden Fair, sac was pretty boring. I'm in the east bay now, quick access to SF and Steamworks
  11. That's great news right? If you're wanting to stay neg, you win. If you're chasing the bug, it's great. More chances to earn that special gift. Keep spreading your ass and taking loads
  12. Um, yeah. I want more
  13. Part 10 – Turning of the Screw “It’s time for you to spread your cunt, bitch.” My mind was a haze, what just happened? I’d been raped twice, taken both their loads. As my mind cleared, I could still remember a second rape, but there was only brief snippets of what happened the second time. “Stand up, bitch. The guys out there are getting very impatient, they want their turn in that cunt.” I stood upright, getting a little light headed from being bent over. I moved closer to the wall as the sadistic, black mailer unlocked my cuffs. “Now, we’re gonna get you ready for your first service.” After removing the cuffs, he unbuckled the gag and the blindfold and removed them from my head. “You won’t be needing those anymore, will you cunt?” I looked at him and said, “I’m not a cunt. My name is Joey.” The man looked at me and chuckled. “Whatever you say, whore. The way you spread that ass so willingly and took my load so willingly, without asking my status. You’re a whore, you little punk.” “Fuck y-,” is what I tried to say. Before I could say it, a fist was delivered straight to my gut. I doubled over in pain, only to have my head yanked up by the hair. “I am enjoying your misery and will enjoy causing you any type of physical pain I can imagine. Feel free to mouth off to me any time you want. Every time you do, I get to punish you. The great thing that you’ve received is that you will feel that pain, but there will be no damage visible. Although that nose and eye are going to remain visible since the damage occurred before the change.” “Now stand the fuck up, you little whore.” I stood back up and looked him in the eyes, “I’m not a whore.” “Whatever you say. You’re first job begins now. Each man out there is paying $50 to fuck your ass and dump a load in you. Great thing for them? That $50 covers as many fucks and loads as they want to give you. In fact, there is one very special man out there who paid $100 to have the privilege of fucking you first.” “Please don’t make me do this. Haven’t you already done enough to me? You already raped me and probably gave me your fucking disease. And, I can’t remember what else, but there was a second guy too.” “Your stuff is there, right where you left it. You can get dressed and leave now.” I grabbed the bag, and he was telling the truth. I grabbed my clothes and got dressed, never taking my eyes off of him. I finished dressing and walked towards the door. “Joey.” I turned to him and he smiled at me and simply said, “You know you have no say in this.” “Fuck you, you sick faggot.” I walked out the door. I thought I was going to go to my car, but for some reason I was walking towards the trucks. I stopped and stared down the walkway that paralleled the truck parking spaces and took my shirt off. It’s a warm night. I walked down the walkway, moving further from my car. I could hear whistles and catcalls from the truckers, could even hear some of them getting out. “Yeah, boy, take the pants off too,” “Show us that fine ass of yours.” “Fuck you, faggots.” “Did you hear that guys, this stupid little whore called US faggots. He’s the one walking around, showing off that ass.” One of the truckers who got out, a black guy about 6’4” and looking to weigh about 250, walked toward me. I stepped back, but could not move fast enough. A punch to the jaw, sent me sprawling to the ground, followed by a booted foot to my side. “Get away from you fucking nigg…” the boot that kicked my side was now delivering a stomp to my crotch. “Watch your mouth boy. That kind of talk will get you into a lot of trouble.” I was writhing in pain from the kick and the stomp. “Get up punk.” I lay on the ground, focusing on the pain. “GET. THE. FUCK. UP. BITCH.” I rolled on to my side, then on my hands and knees. I reached out to the guy, to try and pull myself up. He saw this and turned so that I grabbed his crotch. “Yeah, faggot, I knew that’s what you wanted. That’s why you’re out here.” He reached down, grabbed me by the hair and pulled me, dragging me to a table in the middle of the rest stop. “Take off your pants, bitch. We’ve been promised some good pussy tonight.” “Please, don’t do this to me. I’m not a faggot. Please, let me go…” He looked at me, smiled an evil grin, and said, “I don’t care if you’re a faggot or not. Your ass is ours tonight, until we’re done.” With that, he reached around to the back of my pants and tore them from the waist, down to the ass. “TAKE THE FUCKING RAG OFF NOW. Before I break another rib.” I began to cry, whimpering “please…” as I reached down, pushed the shredded sweats down and stepped out of them. The black man reached down to my crotch, and covered it completely with his right hand. Using his grip, which felt like it was crushing my cock and balls, he pushed me back, until my knees hit a table. “Lay down, whore. I wanna watch your face as I rape that queer ass. Although, you’re a faggot, so is it really rape when you love taking it up the ass?” And he laughed as he pushed me down. “Slow down Marquise, you don’t get to go first.” I looked over and the guy from the restroom was staring down at me. “What the fuck man, thought this cunt was open game.” “It’s open game, but there is one man here who gets first shot at fucking this little bitch. Don’t worry about him getting loose though, he’s gonna be tight as he is now, for the rest of the night. Even after you get through with him.” “Fuck man, I want this bitch to spread for me, but I’ll follow the rules.” “You ready, man?” the bathroom guy called out. Soon, there were men surrounding me, I couldn’t see how many, but there were a lot. “Please don’t do this. I’m not a fag.” The guys laughed, some taunted me, but soon the guys at my feet parted and the guy who would apparently fuck me first, walked through. The guy moved closer into the light, and my gut dropped as his face came clearer. “Joey, you fucking little queer.” The bathroom guy smiled and looked at the guy. “Hey little brother, I told you this little bitch was a fucking cum hungry queer pussy boy.” “You fucking disgust me Joey. Letting my brother fuck you in the bathroom, taking his load in your cunt. If I’d known this is what you were, you’d never have been on the team.” “Please Coach, get me out of here. I’m not a queer, I don’t want this.” “Get you out of here? Bitch I watched you take my brother’s cock up that pussy. I’m gonna get a little piece of that ass before we turn you over to the other guys. But don’t worry boy, I’m not gonna kick you off the team. No, I think you’re gonna have a new role as the cum rag mascot for the other guys. They win, they get to use you.” “Marquise, was it? Can you do me a favor? Hold this little bitch’s legs up so I can get in that cunt?” For the third time that night, a zipper was pulled down and a cock was taken out to fuck my cunt. My legs were pulled to my chest, leaving my ass an open target. “How many loads did he take? Should I lube up?” Coach’s brother told him, “He’s got two loads in him. He doesn’t get any lube other then the cum in his pussy.” I felt coach move between my legs, his thick cock head touching my hole. “Here cums your next cock, faggot.” I screamed out loud as he ripped into my ass. My hole should have been loose after the first two fuckers, but it felt like I was losing my virginity again. “NOOOO. Take it out, I can’t take it.” The guys all around only laughed. “Fuck that pussy.” “Rape his cunt.” “Breed his ass.” “Let his legs go Marquise. I want him to hold them himself.” The coach’s brother took one of my hands, Marquise took the other, and moved them to the back of my knees. “Spread those legs wide bitch. You’ve got about 60 guys to go after Coach is down plowing that cunt.” He leaned down to look me in the face, and said, “Open your eyes, princess.” I opened them and looked at him, struggling through the agony of the cock raping my ass. “Each time you get fucked, each time a new cock rips into that hole? You’re gonna feel like it’s the first time. It will hurt like a son of a bitch each time. And each time you take a load, you’re gonna feel the scalding hot cum burn into your ass. This will never be something you like. But we’re going to love raping you over and over again.” He reached down with his mouth, stuck out his tongue and lightly licked up a tear from my cheek. “I can taste your pain. So can your Master.” The fucking that I was getting from the coach increased in intensity. He was long dicking me, shoving his cock deep into my guts. “Oh fuck, I’m about ready to shoot. Do you want my load Joey? You want that hot cum deep in your pussy?” I looked at the coach, feeling his cock pound in and out of my cunt. “Tell me you want me to shoot my cum in your cunt. Let me hear you beg for it.” I glared at him, “I’m not a cunt you sick faggot.” I spat directly in the coach’s face, “I don’t want your cum in me. I’m not a queer.” Coach wiped his face off, and reached down and slapped my face as hard as he could. “You’re a faggot, on his back, legs up and taking my cock up your ass. You may not want it, but here it cums.” His speed increased, as did the pain. “Here’s my first load for you, you little whore.” He spat in my face as his cock began shooting his load in my guts. As his brother promised, I felt each scalding blast of cum as it shot into my ass. “Yeah, bitch take his load.” “Breed him.” “Knock him up.” Chanting from the guys surrounding me egged the coach on as he continued to pump his cum in me. Even after he wasn’t shooting anything more, he kept fucking me. “Don’t wreck his hole, we want some too.” Coach slowly came back down to earth and pulled his cock out of my ass. My hole felt like it was on fire and I could feel the cool air briefly in my open pussy. This lasted only a second or two, before I heard one guy mutter, “Holy fuck. This queer is something good. His hole just closed back up.” Marquise and the coach switched places. “Open that mouth Joey. You need to clean my cock off.”
  14. Part 9 My first rapist reached around and spread my ass to reveal my still sore hole to this monster who would kill me with his cock. I felt the metal skull touch my hole and while I was expecting it to be cold, it actually felt hot, like it had just been in an oven. “That’s the beginning of the fire you will be trying to extinguish the rest of your pathetic, cum hunting life. No amount of fucking, cum taking or accepting your place as a whore for men will ever extinguish that fire. But you will not remember me telling you that in a minute. You will always be seeking that extinguisher.” The pain I felt at the first penetration of my hole was nothing compared to the absolute shredding of my…cunt. The skull forced my hole open, bringing the burning sensation into my inner walls, followed by the large ring. My hole tried to resist, to protect itself from its abject destruction, but it was not going to stop the monstrosity. There was laughter from behind and the rest of the cock was ripped into my pussy and shoved deep into my cum filled ass. The agony was a thousand times worse than the first rape. The heat that was emanating from the whole of this demon’s cock was unbearable, from the skull and ring, all the way to the base which was stretching my once tight hole into a loose cunt. I screamed with the agony of my destruction and agony, the terror so load it actually was heard from around and behind the gag. “Do you feel that Joey? My demon dick in your once virgin hole? The hell fire that is marking you as a slut? A pussy for men to use and abuse? Are you enjoying it yet boy?” I could barely hear his taunts and could not respond. Suddenly, the pain was doubled when the large cock was ripped out of my ass. “Boy, pull him back as far as possible and bend him over. I have one more destruction to complete.” I felt my body being pulled as far from the wall as the cuffs and my arms would allow, and then being bent over to give this Beast a direct aim to my cunt, which felt like it was wide open and empty. “Master, do you think he’ll be able to…survive that?” “Do you think I care? If the bitch survives, his hole will be prepared to take his new life. If it doesn’t survive, he will be an unwilling participant in the life that will be his going forward. It’s always more fun when the punks are not as strong and able as you are boy, to survive this initiation. It’s always more fun when they remain a non-consenting breeding sow who doesn’t enjoy serving our Master with their ass and mouth. The only better ones are the straight boys who never wanted it at all.” What the hell were they talking about? What did he mean survive? I felt the cock again at my cunt. “Oh Father, prepare this loathsome punk for his final destruction, cursed be his ultimate fate.” The beast shoved his cock back in, not stopping and making me again wail in agony. This time, the pain was worse because there was a new penetration, deep in my ass, another hole was ripped asunder. This rape continued for an eternity, alternating between slow but deep penetration and full removal and reentry, and hard painful rammings that tore my deepest innards apart. During the entire time, I screamed and cried, tried to force my mind away from feeling what was going on. I even tried slamming my head into the wall and the railing, hoping that I would blackout or something more. “Here is your final cumunion with your new Master. Demon Father, poison this whore with your demon seed, to slowly destroy him and make him the newest unholy depository to your gift.” One final, destructive thrust was paired with a blast of what felt like liquid fire. “Take your destruction boy, your death by demon sperm.” Several shots were fired into my cunt, deep into my body, into my soul it seemed. After the spasms of cum slowed and then stopped, the cock was left to shrink in battered cunt before getting pulled out. My hole stayed open, but all I could feel was cold air blowing into my ass, no cum was dripping out. “Look at me Joey.” My face, still contorted in agony, hatred and humiliation, turned to the loathsome creature. “Did you like that Joey? Did you enjoy the blessing that was bestowed upon you by my Father through his seed? I glared at him and shook my head. The demon smiled and looked to my first rapist. “We have found a true disciple. An unwilling participant in our quest.” Both laughed and I watched in terror as the demon reached to my still open hole and stuck a finger in, to wet it with cum. He reached back to his stomach and marked another hash on his list. “99.” The demon again turned to the other man. “Prepare him for his first usage. The guys are very anxious to take their turns. He should be healed and tightened up in a few minutes.” Turning back to me, “Joey, I am so happy to welcome you to your new life and am so glad you have been successful in remaining an unwilling participant in your new life. That will bring my Father immense joy in your pain and humiliation. It will also bring us immense monetary pleasure as we will continue to sell you, an unwilling cum whore, a tight jock pussy no matter how many cocks you are forced to take and how many loads. I think your first test tonight will be a success as there are several men here to use your cunt.” “I look forward to seeing you around campus and hearing stories of the jock who can’t stop throwing himself at every man on campus. And if you think you can escape this in any way, be assured, that has been foreseen and is not an option. There will be no death for you, no alcohol or drug to dampen your experience. You will never enjoy being a whore, and you will never be a willing participant. You will know every time a man uses your cunt and pumps his sperm into you like a cum dump. You will never forget this night or any fucking, breeding, rape, or physical attack against your body for any minute of any day for the rest of your pathetic life.” With that promise made, the demon put his cock away, put a shirt on and walked out of the stall. Within seconds, I could hear the noise from outside again. The first rapist stood there, looking at my ass and simply said, “It’s time for you to spread your cunt bitch.”
  15. Part 9 is ready to go, a longer section. I want guys to know that I took this darker then I planned. Hope you guys don't get upset/disappointed, but it may not be the direction you were hoping for poor Joey to be taken.
  16. SirPhillipe, as a sub bottom here, i have to disagree with the others here. i am very similar, on the opposite extreme, to your "selfishness." min would be considered selflessness i suppose. i do not want to be pleasured at all, my main desire and pleasure is being a hole, a mouth, a body for tops to use and get their pleasure from. I don't want to get sucked, fuck, etc (however, will acquiesce if directed to do so by a dominant male.) I think that you will always find guys to serve you. if you are looking for a long term/permanent relationship, there might be a challenge unless you find a sub boy like myself who is able to seperate physical sex from emotional love.
  17. Part 8 Behind me was an image that will be scarred into my psyche the rest of my life. It had to be a mask, but it looked so….real. The image staring back was that of the Devil himself, blood red with horns. The eyes were also red, and staring back at me, almost to my soul. “Look down Joey. Look what will be your destruction. Or your Salvation. Only you can determine that.” I struggled to break eye contact and moved down slowly. At the developed chest, which normally would turn me on, the nipples were surrounded by blood red bio-hazard markings. “Look closely.” At that command, I saw them. On each tattoo, on the downward points, were laughing skull tattoos. Each nipple was pierced with a very painful looking piercing, what looked like miniature spurs hanging from each side. I shuddered in fear, and the Devil grinned. “They are as sharp as you think. Keep going, boy.” I moved my eyes further and saw a paunch gut, not too big, but definitely more than I’d find attractive. “Count.” I noticed red hash marks, in groups of five, tattooed from his chest almost half way down his stomach. My final count came to 98. I looked back to his face, but was greeted with a severe slap across the face. “I did not give you permission to look upon my face.” “Lower.” As my eyes reached his cock, they spread further in terror at what I was seeing. The cock looked to be about 9” long, maybe more. But the length was nothing compared to the size around. Soda can is the best I could compare it to at it’s biggest. Even worse was the horror at the tip. A blood red ring pierced through the head of his cock and again, the laughing devil image, this one looking up at me form the front of the ring. “You better hope your cunt can stretch, because Luc will be ripping you open and will bring the rest of my cock with it.” Seeing the terror, and question, in my eyes, he said, “Luc is the skull. Short for Lucifer. My personal Master. He who I serve and who gifted me with my special gift.” This was now, officially, the beginning of my own personal hell. “Spread his ass for me, boy.”
  18. Fort troff website
  19. Part 7 I heard footsteps coming towards me, and I knew it was going to happen again. “How’s the little bitch doing? Did he enjoy his first breeding?” This was a new voice, but something seemed familiar. “Oh, he says he didn’t, but he was rock hard and dripping. And he lost a little of my seed, so he had to be punished. Hope you don’t mind the damage. He might have a broken nose and the workings of a black eye.” “That’s fine. This little bitch has been teasing for so long with that hard jock ass parading around here. And even more when he’s in the locker room. Strutting around showing off that ass and then acting like a pure little angel and not spreading his ass. It’s about time he learns his lesson.” “With what you’re about to shove up him, he’s gonna learn more than just a lesson.” “He’s gonna be seeing stars when this rips him open. Did you spoil the fun and tell him?” “Yeah, wanted to see his reaction when he learned he was taking my poz load. But there’s more to tell.” “Oh, you didn’t tell him the best part?” “No, Sir. I’m not looking to piss you off and face your wrath. I’m not that stupid, more than 3-4 times.” Both men laughed as they talked about me like I wasn’t there. “Boy, you flatter me. You know I love giving you the wrath. And you know you love feeling it ripping into your ass.” Without any warning, my head was again yanked back by the hair. “Pretty soon Joey, you’ll learn that you love being on your knees in front of men, spreading that ass for any man to fuck that sloppy cunt and add another load of cum to your guts. But I really hope you don’t like it. Because then it will be even more fun to watch you be a bitch for every man to use and abuse, each cock another reminder that you are nothing. Nothing but a pussy for men, a cunt who is so worthless you can’t even get knocked up. A sloppy, stretched out, gaping hole that will take fists, cocks, piss, and what ever a guy wants to put up there. How’s that sound?” I tried looking in what I thought his direction and shaking my head. “Keep fighting boy, it’ll make me enjoy your destruction and humiliation even more. It’ll make seeing you walk around campus more fun to see you go from a proud, macho jock, to a depraved cum dump, looking around for you next deposit. And the best part? You may never realize who I am and what I will be telling people about you. You’re gonna be our new campus whore. Bending over any time, any where, prepping for another fuck. Another load of cum.” Why is this happening to me? What did I do to deserve this? The voice moved, and said, “Boy, pin his head to the wall. I want him to see what’s cumming.” My head was again shoved into the wall, again to face the camera. I heard some shuffling and then the tell tale zipper rasp again. A deep grunt was soon followed by, “Sir, did you go bigger again?” A muffled response of, “Yes” was followed by, “Take his blindfold off.” Again, the blindfold was loosened and dropped to hang around my neck. “Look at me Joey. Look into your reckoning.”
  20. I'd love to volunteer for that. but to go a step or two further: have an external mic going to pickup the sounds and have multiple tops pumping loads in and seeing what it looks like as the strains get mixed and churned
  21. sorry for the delay. wrote a longer section to make up for it. As always, let me know if you want more. Also, feel free to make any suggestions for Joey to experience Part 6 “If I see you waste a drop of my load, I’m gonna make you regret it.” What the hell have I gotten myself into? I just got fucked. No not fucked, I just got raped. Some faggot trucker just raped my ass and turned it into a pussy. And he shot his load in me. Oh god, he fucking shot a load of HIV cum in me. I looked at him, still with tears on my face, as he pulled his cock out of me. In fear of what would happen, I tried as hard as I could to tighten my hole, but I felt his cum run down my leg. “You sloppy little cunt, I told you to not waste my cum.” Before I could react or try and turn away, a hard slap struck my face, hitting both my nose and left eye. I screamed out as it felt like my nose was broken, but again, there was little noise. I felt his reach down to my spread ass and rub my hole. “Good boy, you’re tight still. You’re next fuck is gonna like that. You, not so much since, well, if you thought I was rough, he’s much, um, worse,” and he smiled as he said it. “Now, I’m going to take the gag out for a second, but if you scream or yell, your balls get more than what I gave your nose. You’re gonna have fun explaining to all the guys how your nose got so swollen. Remember, not a sound.” He reached up and loosened the strap on the gag enough so the ball could drop out. “Now, baby, be honest. You loved me fucking that hot little cunt of yours right? Loved giving me your cherry and taking my toxic cum up your hole.” He smiled an evil smirk, and waited for my answer. “No.” I could barely make the word come out. “Aww, Joey, that hurts my feelings,” again, with the smirk. “I did this all for you and all you are is an ungrateful little queer who won’t thank his Daddy for knocking him up and giving him his first taste of being a pussy.” “I, I didn’t want this. I didn’t.” I felt his hand reach further between my legs, and graze my balls, causing me to jerk in fear. He continued to my cock. “If you didn’t want this, then why is your cock so fucking hard?” I only now realized that he was telling the truth; my cock was hard. “Oh, now I see why you are such a hot cunt; that tiny little cock, even as hard as it is? And, aww yeah, you’re dripping like a horny little bitch.” He pulled his hand back and lifted it to my face. I could see his finger tips were wet, and I knew what it was. “I…” As soon as my mouth opened, the fingers were shoved in. “Lick it off bitch, taste your cum.” I tried to pull away, and then I tried to bite his fingers. “Well, it seems like you want a beating in addition to your fucking. I love rough punks like you.” He pulled his fingers out, grabbed my hair and yanked my head back as hard as he could. His other hand went to my asshole again and two fingers were shoved deep. “Now you are going to open your mouth and leave it open. Understood?” I refused to do it and stayed silent. My head was pulled back further. “Open your faggot mouth boy. Or the next injury to your face is a permanent change to your nose.” For a second, I thought about fighting. I slowly gave up, and opened my mouth. “Good boy.” The fingers were pulled from my ass and appeared in front of my face. “Tongue.” One word, a simple order. I stuck my tongue out and he placed his fingers on it. “Taste your pussy, punk. Taste my cum that you took up your cunt. Taste it.” I licked the fingers and closed my lips around them. “I didn’t tell you to do that prag. But suck them clean.” I took his fingers all the way to the webbing, so disgusted with myself for liking the taste, knowing the cum was just in my ass and was possibly going to kill me. “Open.” I opened my mouth and he pulled his fingers out. “Did you enjoy that taste boy?” “N…yes.” “Good little faggot, loves ass cum.” “Now, I know you thought you’d be done after me. But, I have a surprise for you.” “Please, let me go. I don’t want any more.” “Bitch, this isn’t about what you want. It never was, and it never will be. Open your mouth, time for your gag to go back in.” “Please don’t do…” the red ball was shoved back in. The straps were tightened. Blackness came over me again as the blindfold was lowered again and also tightened. “He’s ready for Round 2.”
  22. Part 6 should be ready tonight, sorry for the delay
  23. Friday/Saturday nights at blow buddies are also good. There's the tub in the wet restroom, and the wooden trough in the back side room with the sling. I've usually played in the tub and get a good amount of piss
  24. Part 5 The pain was almost indescribable, the feeling of a knife both stabbing in and stretching out at the same instant. My body below my waist felt like it was on fire and my asshole, once so tight, felt like a log covered in acid was being shoved into it. I could hear silence in my mind as the agony took control. The silence was gone as quickly as it came. Soon my head was filled with the horrible screams of agony of the pain my ass was sending through every nerve cell in my body. All that was coming out of my mouth were muffled whimpers of pure agony. “Good thing that gag is working because you are a loud little slut. Does that hurt boy?” I nodded my head lightly, not out of deference to him, but because my body could barely function any movement. I was struggling to keep my footing, afraid of what this sadistic fucker would do if I slipped. “Most sluts are able to take the whole thing when I do that. Your something else. You only got half my deathstick up your ass this time.” My eyes bulged when I understood that all the pain I was in and only half of his dick was in me? “I guess we should give it the old college try for me to bottom out in that tight little cunt of yours.” I shook my head more vigorously this time, knowing it would not help me. Suddenly, I felt his cock pull backwards and almost out of me. “Damn, wait until you see your cunt from my view. Your lips are stretched out like a true cunt, trying to hold my deathstick in you. You ready boy? I’m going all in on this trip, pubes to pubes, whether your ass wants it or not.” I felt another glob of spit drop down, and a finger smearing some of it all around my wrecked hole and the rest on the cock that was partially in me. “One…two…” and the pain returned, slightly less than before at first, but much worse at the end when he kept pushing in, kept ripping my ass open. “Remember? It’s bigger near the base.” I think I blacked out when I felt his balls hit my ass. The next thing I remember is my nose being shoved in the wall and force being continued, with the words, “Wake up cunt, you don’t want to miss out on feeling your first of many loads being dumped into your pussy. They say you never forget your first time. And you’re going to have several things to remember me by. I was the first man you gave your cunt to. You let me take that sweet cherry of yours, and by the little bit of blood I’m fucking out of you, I know you weren’t lying.” The thought of the blood, combined with a deep thrust into my hole, almost made me gag. “I’ll also be the first man to pump a hot load of cum into your sweet pussy. I know I won’t be the last, because this ass is going to be very busy, very popular, and is going to be bringing me some very good money. How much will guys pay to breed your ass, have you suck them off. And we haven’t even started thinking about the darker things that guys will pay me to use you for.” I just cried more and more as he told me all this. “But you know what is the hottest thing about all this? The hottest of everything I’m going to be the first of for you? I’m gonna be your first dirty load. Your first poz load. I’m the first load on your road to HIV and being nothing more than a poz bottom pig.” I started lashing about, trying to get away from him, to no avail. There is no way that I wanted this. I never wanted to get fucked, not by a poz guy, and I definitely didn’t want his dirty cum in me. “Look at me boy. LOOK. AT. ME. YOU POZ WHORE.” With each word, he emphasized his command with another deep thrust. “Look into the eyes of your bug daddy, your Poz Master, the man who owns you and controls every aspect of your life from now until the day I let you die.” I slowly turned my head, seeing now the face of the man who would destroy my life. I could barely make out his face, through the tears and the pain. Something in his face seemed familiar. “Look at me Joey. I’m gonna shoot in your cunt and it’s gonna swallow my load just as eagerly as your throat did.” With that, he shoved my head into the wall again and kept me pinned there, with my only being able to switch between his face and the camera. I closed my eyes to the agony of the hard and fast fucking he was giving me, sometimes pulling all the way out and slamming back in all the way. “Don’t you fucking close your eyes. Open them. See the man who is destroying…your… worthless…faggot…cunt…” With the last word, he slammed all the way in and began to shoot his load in me. “Yeah, cunt, take that dirty poz load. TAKE…IT…ALLLLL!!!!” He finally stopped spasming and stood there, cock still buried in my ass. “Fuck boy, that was so worth it. Tighten that hole as I pull out. If I see you waste a drop of my load, I’m gonna make you regret it.”
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