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Everything posted by darkstalker

  1. Toxic unmedicated gifter in Bakersfield converting all neg holes that need their bug. 

  2. I've noticed it happen more often if the poppers are old, or if the smell is strong enough to actually hurt when you take a pull. Should probably push this over to the sex w enhancments though
  3. I got pozzed the day after my 35th birthday... ok, ok, I was chasing it for a couple of years. I needed that bug in my hole so damn bad! It really did free my hole and soul to finally be able to fuck completely bareback, and finally without that nagging little voice that freaked her ever loving shit every time I took an anon cock. I remember talking to so many fellow chasers on the forums, and I figured once I bugged up, it would be a free for all of Buggery! I'm not sure where the shortage is... Gifting tops or Chasing bottoms? Before my conversion, it was damn near IMPOSSIBLE to find an unmedicated top gifter that was not shooting those wretched blanks! Now, after having had my fuck flu for thanksgiving last year... I find myself with a shortage of holes to convert! Even with a silent HIV epidemic going on in Kern County, its a challenge to find those tender clean holes to destroy! Sure we have the stealthers around here, and the "I didnt know" bi married guys... but where are my horny slutty bugchasers at?? Was i the only one around here? Im even staying purely unmedicated so i can (Hopefully) become as notorious as BBSeroMan in his continuing count of confirmed conversions! (BBSeroMan 4 Prez!) Well, since there seems to be a lack of need around my area, I'm going to broaden my horizons a bit more... If there are any desperate NEG holes out there, that need their bug, we can discuss, and plan, for you to take a trip to me out here in Central CA (we have an airport) OR if you have the means financially, I would be willing to be "invited" over to deliver it personally, and probably even just stick around breeding and/or bloodslamming you till i'm sure youre pregnant with my AIDS baby! Fingers crossed that I can finally get what it was that I was really chasing after... a firstborn Son, and an entire bloodline to claim as my own
  4. if you ever make it to Bakersfield?? all over it in an instant
  5. wow.. ok so i'm at a slightly surprising 482... but I request that chasing and converting get tossed into the "10" or even as the only "11"!!
  6. Just had my first confirmed conversion

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. ChargeMe
    3. rednyellow
    4. Poz2play


      Love your profile ! Love your interest part , I'm in the same mode.

  7. maybe i should come down and tag that valley boy ass... i grew up in northridge
  8. i'd even be willing to be flown out anywhere if anyone needed it that bad... Darkstalker Delivery
  9. top in bakersfield if you want to make the trip
  10. i would probably let someone fly me out to them to get converted too... Darkstalker delivery!

  11. Toxic gifter in Central Ca (661) was a recently converted chaser, that is staying off meds for any chasers to come and get what they need inside them.
  12. Well it would have been a hot conversion, but he was shooting blanks... My real daddy was an unmedicated toxic fucker. I watched his biohazard necklace bounce over my head as he did the best thing to me ever! Got my fuck flu 2weeks like clockwork, and that was over by thanksgiving. Still off meds too
  13. Still looking to convert my first hole! Who is gonna become my firstborn?

    1. MackyJay


      Just too far away or you could use my hole all you want to.

  14. Rjtrey29 tumblr to see more randomness

  15. it hasn't yet.. but fun times still working on it
  16. just took a red rig full of my new daddy into me.. my hole is finally free! hes with me forever, and cuming in me right now
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  17. I was just got dropped off, returning home from the most amazing partied up conversion fuckfest with my new Daddy. I was alone and finally decided to take the plunge and get gifted. I had seen this stud on A4A plenty of times, and had chatted a couple of times, but never went anywhere. Then I found him on BBRT (YES!!) and knew, right then, he was a DL gifter. So, I hit him up on A4A, and asked him to party up my hot hole and have some fun all night long. He drove to my place, picked me up, and we returned to his place. I sat there and got high with him and then he started slowly getting the fun started. So I asked him point blank "Are you clean?" "Of course," he replied. I called him out on it. "I bet you're poz, and you don't care who gets it. 'Cause barebackers will eventually get it anyway. And it probably turns you on even more knowing that you gifted them." He thought I was getting mad and that the fun was over, but then I smiled at him and told him "I want to know the very moment that you convert my horny neg hole, and poz me with your Dark Gift, and mark me forever. I Want you in my DNA, Daddy." With that I kissed him deeply. Six hours, and five loads later, I write this, with Daddy's seed still swimming inside my ass. I'm about to brush the inside of my ass with toothbrush. Fingers crossed! Love my daddy forever. His boy forever.
  18. It's a Rectal/Anal self retaining retractor, but it's definitely an odd design. Dhgate.com has them listed under anal speculum. Not the same as a vaginal speculum though, so pay attention to what you're getting.
  19. I got my bi married buddy to come over this morning for a quick pump and dump before work. Bent him over and plowed him deep hard and fast. Blew a two day load deep in his guts. Love that married hole
  20. Had a random guy from CL come by this morning. 7" beautiful uncut smooth dick that I knew had to be in me bare. No breed unfortunately... He got the "I shouldn't be bare fuckng" panic and pulled out to shoot. Just got home right now from having an old FB wreck my cum hole. He's married, so playing with him is rare, but for a white 8.5" cut cock you drop everything! He makes love to his wife... Me, he fucks like a dirty slut and I love it! He pounded my ass so hard I might have blacked out! When it was over, I had 3 loads shot as deep as he could get them in me. Came right home so I could push out his cum and eat it fresh out of my hole. Tasted soo good!! Can't wait to get more from him!
  21. New fb bred me hard last night, and just had to come back for some more hole tonight! He bred me deep 4 times tonight! Feel like such a cum whore lately... I guess it is addictive!
  22. I like www.4poppers.com you can get all the popular US brands as well as some British ones
  23. just fucked a bi married bear out in the middle of nowhere. spit on my dick and his ass, and shoved it in! he loved getting pounded, and his ass was so tight that I ended up blowing my load in him pretty quick. sucked him off, and sent him back to his wife, with my seed in his ass. Then i had another buddy of mine meet me out there, so i could suck his load out. (we havent fucked yet!) we both got high on the poppers, and he fucked my throat untill he nutted a bid load deep in my belly. Turns out that some guy passed us by and saw the whole thing going on, and stopped to give me head afterwards. Im definitely getting hornier in my 30's than in my 20's! Anyone else in the south cali/north of LA area looking to play??
  24. Just had a quick pump and dump from my favorite married guy. Fucked me standing up, and told me that my ass was so much better than his wife's pussy, as he bred me hard and deep. Still have his babies in me as I go to work
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