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Everything posted by foryouruse

  1. I’ve advised my employer, my family and my neighbors of blackmail attempts. I figured why not after one guy posted me to the Citizen app after cloning my phone and posting videos. if you are blackmailed with threats of exposure for sex, you need to go to the police (depending on the state) or the FBI. if you are blackmailed for doing drugs, you are probably in more trouble, especially if you compensate OR provide drugs to anyone. You are in worse trouble if anyone gets sick or dies from doing drugs, so you can forget about just getting caught using, each state has its own criteria for drug sales. The issue at the moment is that so many guys are trying to be content creators and they are looking at each date as an opportunity to boost followers. There are also a lot of guys in New York doing blackmail. I would say try to find guys you trust and build on that before doing anything that you will regret permanently. In my case, I don’t want to see my body on video any way, but if I have to go to rehab or jail, I want to get the guys responsible in there too, rather than having them hurt more people.
  2. I haven’t had the problem here, but I’ve had it on NKP and A4A and I reported it and I posted about it here, filed a police complaint and spoke to the NYAG (in all the gooey details). Mostly, the problem comes down to blackmail attempts (secretly taping the whole date and threatening to post it or posting it after agreeing not to put it on OnlyFans or elsewhere), cloned phones (which I find increasingly common), efforts to clean out bank accounts, and stalking following and threats of violence. One guy told me he cloned the phone on the date and proved it by cancelling three Ubers. He also posted a warning on Citizen (freaking out my neighbors…and me too), and told me I would have problems with the police when I went outside. He changed my password on LastPass and I got a text saying “Fuck You” after I was able to change it again. I’ve talked to people who’ve had problems with the same people (as well as the same people using multiple profiles). I’ve come to appreciate the people who post who steals or is crazy or has attacked them. I’ve changed what I bring on dates and use a different phone with limited info and access, but the problem is that I haven’t seen NKP or A4A respond to my complaints in the past. The question is how to filter these guys out before meeting them.
  3. I usually try to do it this way, but it only seems to work if you don’t already have a hard-on. Once that starts to happen, I just give up and use a leather one. They can all get uncomfortable, but I’d have pulled it off long before that guy wound up in the emergency room.
  4. I know it must take a long time to think of the next part of the story and write each chapter (unless you have actually had these dates), but even with the holidays, I hope you post more soon.
  5. I know the writer left and stopped writing here 7 years ago. Does anyone know if he has a blog or writes somewhere else? When it comes to great porn, I guess I haven’t forgotten how to read.
  6. Either way, I hope it gets continued.
  7. I was hoping we’d get a Christmas gift and find out what happened at the Trap House finally. This is probably true for those of us nerds who’d like to be spiced out and used by Andre and DeShawn and their friends there…hoe, hoe, hoe, merry Christmas we’d be.
  8. I’d still love to see this continued.
  9. Are we sure this story is fiction, asking if we want the next chapter is nearly as cruel as the smoker’s experience. The smoker hasn’t gotten the eight inch dick yet and we are all waiting for it too.
  10. The links all seem to have expired. Can you get me in? @BKButt
  11. Did the profile get changed on Telegram? If not, can you add @BKButt
  12. Yup, we are all still hoping. It’s like a great date story.
  13. If you are adding, can you add @BKButt
  14. On the one hand (somehow, I guess that’s a pun), it always seems like a ball killer trying to get a solid metal cockring on (as cool as they look). On the other hand, GEEZ, I’m now happ(ier) with the ones I have.
  15. I never used poppers before this story. I bought them to bring on dates along with maximum impact. I’ve got a huge variety in the freezer. I did a let me see “follow-along” for the past three hours. All I can think is “how have I not been using these all these years?”. I was a raving maniac reading this and following along. I opened five different bottles and had a great time, but I’m lying here at 3AM on a work night wondering what Frank’s special blend would be like. I’ll take recommendations on what people think would be best to try next. I’ve got Amyl, Pentyl, Isopropyl, just tell me which one turns you into “Matt.”
  16. I read page 5 before reading 1-4 and I didn’t notice the location when I saw the coffin note. I just thought the others might have happened to others, but the coffin would be different. Then I wondered if the guy had done it with someone else who moved back home after graduating (I moved back to New York). I do feel almost staid next to people I’ve worked with. Several of the people I know took to having sex on their office desk - all with the drapes open where the people in the building across the street would gather to watch since one pair did it every day for a month.
  17. Damn, I didn’t see this first. I’m the other guy who did it in a coffin. Did your guy work north of Chicago too?
  18. Okay, I’m assuming one or two of these are not totally unusual, but all happened when I was in college. The first one was a cold night north of Chicago. Several guys in my frat lived on the other side of campus about a mile away. The school was liberal, but the frat was known for being filled with brains and some very religious guys (my roommates in the suite are now Born Again, Mater Dei and Orthodox) and I was engaged and having straight sex). It wasn’t unusual to bunk at the frat when it got to 10 degrees or below. One of the guys didn’t ride a bike or drive and was going to have to walk it so we had him bunk on the couch in my room as I had built a loft bed above it. Middle of the night I wake up with him in the loft and I’m about to cum. He stayed over in my room several times, but I understand I’m not the only guy he introduced to gay sex at the frat. I just never could figure out who. I wound up going to school in New York for a couple of years (and was definitely gay at this point). I had an internship and had a long train ride during rush hour and it often seemed like you were getting felt up on the train which alleviated the long ride. On one ride, a guy who turned out to be married and a neighbor, used the opportunity that I was pressed against a door to reach down the front of my pants and get me off. I did have to go home and change, but he also had a fondness for stairways and rooftops and the East Side Club. I went back to Chicago to go to grad school. I didn’t know a lot of my classmates since the school waived my first year. I was working to pay for school and heading back to campus when the sitting guy next to me started rubbing my leg and had me go home with him. I didn’t know he had a boyfriend or that his boyfriend was one of the 1st year students at the grad school whom I didn’t know who basically had engineered the whole thing. When we got to the apartment, the boyfriend turned to him and said see, “I told you he’d have a hairy chest.” And finally, the less common one. I got picked up by a guy near campus, who drove over to where he worked. He didn’t want me to see where he worked and he also had to wait till his co-workers left. After the cars cleared out, he blindfolded me, carried me in (I was only 130 pounds then), laid me down and got on top. I kept thinking, this is very comfy, but oddly shaped, what the hell would this be in an office. I had an inking and stopped for a second to ask, “Are we in a coffin?” He panicked and asked if I wanted to leave. I was like, “Hell no, not without cumming.” He worked there, and usually just used rooms with couches and carpets, but mostly blindfolded and walked bigger guys in trying not to creep them out. I didn’t want the full tour, but it was comfortable. I won’t count getting tied up in somebody’s closet, but I’ve gone to way scarier places for sex since.
  19. I’m going to be so depressed if this is the last chapter.
  20. Well…this is long and I apologize. The first time I had a dick go through my second ring, the guy was an Alvin Ailey dancer with a 12 inch not overly wide dick. He went through and I asked what in the world was that and he matter of factly said it was the second ring which wasn’t so matter of fact for me. These days, I find some guys with big dicks (9+ inches) are experts and some don’t have a clue or care. They pound and if it hurts at the end of the stroke, they didn’t get through and they won’t since pain locks things down (imagine the screaming bottoms in MachoFucker vids where the bottom is screaming to hell. Bottoms should think about this in advance since practice and prepping make it more likely you will succeed. I always use a soft 12 inch or longer douche attachment to clean out in case a guy goes past the second ring or is into fisting or you wind up with someone who plays for 12 hours and you need to clean deep. Lots of lube usually helps (it is easier than going in dry). Just a heads up though, if you use Imodium to slow the process of food moving through the system, you may lock the gate. If you are partying, K and G may be better for relaxing, but there is anal-Eze too. Just be careful, you nay want to reduce sensitivity to relax - not to let a guy beat up and damage the back of your anus. That all said, if you date a guy in Brooklyn who gets off on getting you to scream, he’s probably not going to worry about making sure you feel ecstasy. If you date the guy in Long Island City who goes through the second hole on every stroke, you may be a babbling idiot. Bill
  21. Damn, I drank wine, I would have actually felt better if I had TopBlkMale on top of me.
  22. Yeah, I definitely want to know this answer too. I saw a video recently, but it didn’t include what the guy was using except for glycerin. It did show what he used to pump the water in and the time, but needed more info.
  23. Geez. First time I saw this. I assume this is one of every bottom’s dreams. I sure as hell wish the kitchen guy took me.
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