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Everything posted by PGHBttmBear

  1. I fail to see the purpose of this poll? Am I missing something that should be obvious about it? If I’m ass up at the bathhouse, I rarely look back to see who’s fucking me. So really race doesn’t matter. If I’m on the prowl looking for dick, race still doesn’t matter. It’s always about attraction and chemistry. Race still doesn’t factor into my decision to sleep with someone.
  2. It’s funny to me how my mind works in regard to how tops and I refer to my body. Before coming out as trans nonbinary I only wanted ass or hole used. Pussy to me is too feminine. Cunt to me is gender neutral, but I didn’t like that being used. I mean after all damn it I’m a man don’t use non masculine ways to refer to my body. There’s another reason I don’t like pussy they I’ll mention later. Yes, I am self aware and realize that last statement was LOADED with toxic masculinity. Just a quick aside. I see cunt as gender neutral because I watch too much imported stuff from the UK. Everyone regardless of gender is a cunt at some point. As a result even when referring to an ass or vagina, my brain hears cunt as doesn’t assign a gender. Now back to the topic on hand. Now that I’m nonbinary, what do I prefer? Since I use gender neutral pronouns, I prefer the gender neutral cunt. I know not everyone views cunt as gender neutral. I will always respect another persons views on gender labels they use. My next option would be hole. My brain assigns a male gender to that word, but it is close to being neutral. Then we have ass. After 40 years of telling tops to fuck my ass longer feels right. Yes it is a unisex word that all genders can use, but I’ve used for so long with a male identity I no longer want to be reminded of that. It’s like deadnaming that part of my anatomy. Finally we have pussy. Sure it’s feminine. That’s not why I don’t want to use that word. If it wasn’t for this other thing, cunt and pussy could be used interchangeably. You can thank the BBC for my aversion to calling my cunt pussy. Every damn time I hear pussy I have visions of Mrs. Slocombe saying something like needing to run home and pet her pussy. Yes she’s talking about her cat, but the writers, being more clever than I, always managed to make it sound like she was talking about HER pussy. LOL
  3. Yes. I absolutely have refused tops that want to use a condom. Before inviting him over I would make it clear raw only. I’ve only had a couple of tops show up with condoms. I remind them what were discussed online. When they insisted I sent them home.
  4. Shove a butt plug in and let it absorb into me.
  5. I have a regular that enjoys watching me get fucked by random pigs. He will sometimes bring a friend with him to load me up. With him I get to enjoy both.
  6. Same name as here. PGHBttmBear
  7. I’m moving to West Virginia in a few days and hoping to find some new fuck buds. PM me if you’re close to Beckley.
  8. Thanks for the follow

  9. Woke up horny and craving toxic loads. Wish I had a poz pig or two to help knock me up. ☣️🐷☣️

  10. Tony Bishop Sean Hunter Sebastian Rio Joel Someone Logan Stevens John Thomas Otto Samson Silver Steele Ryan Powers just to name a few…
  11. Amazing how a one time thing will turn into a never satisfied hunger. 😀
  12. I’m ready for the pandemic to end so I can go back to being a cum dump. 

  13. Ant tops in the DFW area enjoy breeding chub bottoms?
  14. I need to be used HARD by a group of poz pigs.

  15. Any poz pigs looking for a cum dump to knock up?

  16. Any pig tops in the DFW area looking for a cum dump bear bottom to whore out to friends? Hit me up if you are. No load refused!
  17. Just set up my profile. DFWBareBear
  18. Damn you're hot. My neg ass would love to have your toxic seed deep inside it.

  19. Hot fucking profile! I need you to knock me up with your AIDS load.

  20. Hey pig! Would love to have you breed me.

  21. I had to reset my password there. Once I did I found they are still having issues. The forums are still down. Glad I found this site when I did.
  22. It's back up, but not at 100% yet. The forums still seem to be down.
  23. Glad to see I'm not the only one having problems logging on they.
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