It’s funny to me how my mind works in regard to how tops and I refer to my body.
Before coming out as trans nonbinary I only wanted ass or hole used. Pussy to me is too feminine. Cunt to me is gender neutral, but I didn’t like that being used. I mean after all damn it I’m a man don’t use non masculine ways to refer to my body. There’s another reason I don’t like pussy they I’ll mention later.
Yes, I am self aware and realize that last statement was LOADED with toxic masculinity.
Just a quick aside. I see cunt as gender neutral because I watch too much imported stuff from the UK. Everyone regardless of gender is a cunt at some point. As a result even when referring to an ass or vagina, my brain hears cunt as doesn’t assign a gender. Now back to the topic on hand.
Now that I’m nonbinary, what do I prefer?
Since I use gender neutral pronouns, I prefer the gender neutral cunt. I know not everyone views cunt as gender neutral. I will always respect another persons views on gender labels they use.
My next option would be hole. My brain assigns a male gender to that word, but it is close to being neutral.
Then we have ass. After 40 years of telling tops to fuck my ass longer feels right. Yes it is a unisex word that all genders can use, but I’ve used for so long with a male identity I no longer want to be reminded of that. It’s like deadnaming that part of my anatomy.
Finally we have pussy. Sure it’s feminine. That’s not why I don’t want to use that word. If it wasn’t for this other thing, cunt and pussy could be used interchangeably.
You can thank the BBC for my aversion to calling my cunt pussy. Every damn time I hear pussy I have visions of Mrs. Slocombe saying something like needing to run home and pet her pussy. Yes she’s talking about her cat, but the writers, being more clever than I, always managed to make it sound like she was talking about HER pussy. LOL