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Everything posted by tomsawyer

  1. I think it's the funniest thing when I've decided to watch something particularly raunchy and the bottom is drinking piss, taking a fist, etc. and then they start fucking and they put on a condom lol.
  2. I'm bi and I love both femboys and trans women. The problem for me is that the people in my area that fit that description all seem to be escorts or looking for sugar daddies. I have no issues with that but it's not really what I'm looking for myself. So personally even though I'm into them I tend not to seek those profiles out. Not sure if that's prevalent in other areas or how you could work against that stereotype if it is, but I figured it might be worth mentioning.
  3. In addition to what others have said, he has a boyfriend now. He's very kinky so they might not exactly be exclusive, but they seem really happy together. They've also made some videos which he sells on his xtube - thecandyspookie.
  4. Most of my friends are straight guys. They understand it, even the ones who don't necessarily support it. Gay guys seem to be the ones who get up in arms about it. I remember one time I was at a party and we were talking in a group about condom use within the confines of a monogamous relationship and one of my exes happened to be there and chimed in with his supposed moral high ground and then I asked him why you would use condoms if you were in love with and trusted each other and were both tested together and knew you didn't have anything and he said something like "Well I guess in that case you could do it without a condom if you had to."
  5. You can flood me any time with that thing.
  6. https://breeding.zone/topic/31982-graduation-night/
  7. I know this is old but I just saw this post for the first time and it's really hot. Thanks for sharing your virginity with us.
  8. The answer to #3 is easy. Lots and lots of cum.
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