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Everything posted by viking8x6

  1. Fellow American here. Normal tip is 18-20%, possibly slightly more at a bar if it's only 1 or 2 drinks (because the amounts are small). If the bartender were to, er, "adjust" the price of the drinks arbitrarily? Sudden EVAPORATION of the tip. Seriously. Alcohol is ALREADY an enormous markup item with a GIANT profit margin. Most restaurants make their real money on the bar tab. This is common knowledge. Bartender dude is apparently not only an asshole but a stupid one (or at least arrogant enough to believe that everyone else is completely ignorant).
  2. You can delete or edit your own posts for approximately 10 minutes after you put them up. If you need to do so after that, report your own post and explain in the text of the report what you want done; a moderator will take care of it.
  3. It is, as @Scout noted in the introduction. Here's a link to @Tanbbottom's excellent story, for those who asked:
  4. OK, I'm not a (medical) doctor. I am a scientist, though. Based on the evidence and events you've cited above, it's far more likely that the symptoms you had in November were due to Covid, RSV, influenza, or another easily transmissible virus than that they were due to HIV seroconversion. Those first three in particular were extremely prevalent in that timeframe (so much so that it was in the national news), and all are far more contagious than HIV. You had prophylaxis for HIV and for Covid, but what about the other two?
  5. Moderator's note: Discussion of the book referenced by the original poster is OK. Discussion of practical health strategies is OK. Promotion of denialism is NOT. BZ policy forbids promotion of conspiracy theories and demonstrably false statements. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HIV/AIDS_denialism
  6. There's an app for that... (actually there are a whole raft of them by now). I've been using one (Duolingo) for a year and a half to refresh my HS Spanish, with excellent results. Recommend.
  7. I re-read your story and I agree there's nothing that seems an obvious reason for downvoting. I'd hazard a guess that it might have been the race/cultural content. Either that or your lousy Spanish 😉 For what it's worth, that story was the most upvoted thing on the entire site on the day you published it (including gallery pictures, which usually win that distinction). @hntnhole I read the post in question and think it's fairly obvious what the word was. But the meaning is clear from context anyway. @austin_submale Of course there is a list - somewhere in the code that makes it happen. It's confidential (even from staff) because having it published would give people an easy workaround. The purpose of the list here on BZ is pretty specific: It's because certain words were being used as code for practices that are illegal and are against the rules of the site (with good reason). Yes, it's annoying because the words have legitimate uses. Consider it a challenge to your vocabulary.
  8. <AudreyTooVoice> Must be FRESH! </AudreyTooVoice>
  9. Yes, please keep all the chapters of a continuous story in one topic. That way people can find them easily and come back to check for continuing chapters!
  10. @Phallarchist is correct. Blocking people won't hide your posts from them, only hide their posts from you. It's a public forum, so your posts are public, either to the site membership (if in the Backroom), or to the internet at large (elsewhere on the site). That said, you (specifically) really don't have to worry about people downvoting your posts. There will always be someone out there who dislikes or disagrees with things, and occasionally they will act on it. That is their prerogative. It's unlikely you'll agree with them (after all, you wrote the post in the first place). With the number of posts you have made in your tenure, and the tremendous overall positive response they have received, the occasional downvote is vastly outvoted by the upvotes.
  11. It did. But that post was a link to Tumblr (which no longer exists), and one can infer from the other posts about it that the link was to an image. I removed it because it was confusing and annoying.
  12. Nothing has been censored. The last episode of the story ends with the protagonist getting pozzed and looking at the skyline contemplating the future. The author is still active on BZ (within the last year), so you could message him if you want to beg for a sequel.
  13. LMGTFY: https://www.imrl.com/ It's not exactly a "party"...
  14. This information would seem more relevant with some information about what doses were used in the studies, or better yet links to the actual studies. That said, side effects can be expected to vary quite a lot across the population; some people (such as yourself) may experience substantial side effects where others experience few or none. That's true for any substance we put into our bodies, of course. So, as with most things in life, "YMMV"
  15. Steamworks is a bathhouse. All about the sex. https://www.swbaths.ca/
  16. Here's a nice one https://barebackbastards.com/72324/barebacking/
  17. You have a huge dick, which, as you say, "makes [you] a top by default". Men are pigs... stupid pigs. Practical advice? Work on your versatility. Move to a big city.
  18. Not trolling, merely confusion. The contents of (most of) the Forums on Breeding Zone are visible to the public on the internet. It's intentionally built that way, so that people in general can see (and benefit from) the discussions. That is the definition of a public forum. The OP was under the (incorrect) impression that it was not the case. All of one's personal login data (email address, IP address, password...) are of course not available to the public (nor to other members).
  19. If it were visible only to other registered users, it wouldn't be a public forum, it would be a private forum. Reddit is an excellent and well-established example of a public forum. This is not a new concept on the WWW; it has been around since shortly after the public release of WWW technology in the mid 1990's, if not earlier. As @rawTOP pointed out, the fact that you could see (almost) all the content of the site upon your initial visit to it, before you had created a login, really ought to have made its nature evident. We are well aware of this fact. That is why there are several private subforums, the content of which can NOT be seen on the WWW unless you are a logged-in member. The great bulk of the job of the Moderators is to keep the more alarming topics on the site in those subforums.
  20. Agree that if no one has been in there since your possible infection, you are quite unlikely to have passed it on. The secondary syphilis rash is fairly subtle and can vary. In my experience it was a rather modest sprinkling of pink dots, not raised or itchy, on my chest. That said, syphilis is well known for having highly variable symptomatology. My BF at the time (we never knew who caught it first) had it and was misdiagnosed with scurvy, of all things! Consider the possibility that what you have on you arm is simply pimples, brought on by the stress! In any case, hope you get successfully tested (and treated if necessary) with all dispatch.
  21. Presuming the time lag since your encounter is relatively short (less than 3 months), it's rather unlikely. I'd say possible, but a rather remote possibility. From the Mayo Clinic web site: https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/syphilis/symptoms-causes/syc-20351756
  22. I suspect I've probably fucked some guy who was talking on the phone at least once. Not surprisingly, it wasn't memorable. The height of rudeness!
  23. "left"... say WHAT?
  24. Per @rawTOP in another topic in this subforum, as regards freedom of speech:
  25. You are correct. Even if they are using the doxycycline as PrEP (taking it before the sex event), the drug in their system will not kill the bacteria from the infected top's load, just prevent it from establishing a foothold.* So if the bacteria escapes their system into some other top's urethra, it could find a suitable environment to take hold. * In technical terms, doxycycline (like many other commonly used antibiotics) is bacteriostatic - it prevents bacteria from growing - as opposed to bacteriocidal, which would actually kill bacteria.
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