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Everything posted by viking8x6

  1. Happy Independence Day 2024, fellow BZ'ers! As our felonious ex-President is running for office again this year, I am refreshing this thread and reminding you that advocacy for persons and parties inimical to the LGBTQ+ community are not appropriate on this site. Please review this topic if you're not clear on it.
  2. Fuck yes! Yours especially...
  3. I will quibble with that. The American governmental system was originally designed to further the interests of the propertied class. It has since evolved to do a lot for the proletariat. That said, the propertied class still pretty much has the reins firmly in its hands. And that's true regardless of which political party happens to be in power.
  4. Perhaps this one:
  5. Tell me more! I'm pretty sure I need some...
  6. Excellent! Got me squirting!
  7. The "..." is new and means that the chat link has actually been removed from the menu. This suggests that @rawTOP is working on it.
  8. Yes. You can "ignore" a user, which does just that: "Ignoring a user allows you to block some or all of their content from showing. Users are not notified that you are ignoring them." Select "ignored users" from the drop-down menu on your screen name (upper left of the main page) and add them to the list. You can set preferences for types of content to block.
  9. Actually probably not. Women with undetectable HIV give birth to neg babies about 90% of the time.
  10. It appears that something in the system is broken right now, as this problem seems to be affecting everyone.
  11. Wow, that cover pic is HOT AF!!! Woof!

    1. AlB


      Thanks bud; I genuinely appreciate it. 

  12. Wearing my cloak of blackest cynicism, I'd say: They could certainly do that. But Netanyahu would never live to see it completed, or enjoy the legacy of it. If one can enjoy one's legacy in whatever passes for a hereafter in his cosmology.
  13. This is due to a bug in the code.
  14. That's what happens when you spend hours standing or kneeling and fucking like a beast? 😏 I've definitely been sore after a long hotel orgy session for that reason...
  15. Hot off the presses, a report on antibiotic resistance in gonorrhea in Europe: https://www.ecdc.europa.eu/en/news-events/antimicrobial-resistance-gonorrhoea-rising-threat-treatment-efficacy There are significant amounts of resistance to azithromycin and to ciprofloxacin (note that in all probability the latter would also be resistant to ofloxacin). However, they're probably trying to use these agents whenever they are effective, in order to prevent the development/spread of strains that are resistant to cephalosporins (which right now are still rare). It is interesting to note that the reported caseload for gonorrhea in Europe increased by 48% from 2021 to 2022. Probably that was partly post-pandemic, of course, but still that's a substantial increase!
  16. I use Cialis - prescribed for 20mg but usually take only half a tablet, which seems to be sufficient mostly. I figure on those occasions where I'm feeling a need for a performance boost, it's usually an outing of some kind (hotel, sex club, or bookstore) - if it's just a one-off I wouldn't bother. Hence the longer duration of action is a plus. In my opinion the potential downsides are needing to avoid poppers (which I occasionally do enjoy) and the potential for headaches (which don't seem to be much problem for me at 10mg dosage). The advantage of consistently maintaining an erection is worth it - I can almost always get one, but going limp in the middle of the action is really a buzzkill, especially when I'm consistently expected to be topping for at least part of the scene.
  17. Most of the data out there are on vaginal chlamydia. The body can sometimes (10-45% of the time in different studies) clear it on its own, but that can take a year or more. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC11017733/ https://academic.oup.com/jid/article/201/Supplement_2/S104/804889?login=false https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3654745/
  18. As the tooltip says, it takes you to the next topic in the forum that has content you haven't read yet. That's so it's easy to find (in the forum) stories or topics that have new chapters or comments/discussion. If you just want to find brand new topics, it works better to use sort tool in a forum index and sort by start date. For what it's worth, all of this functionality is provided by a rather antiquated third-party software platform, so we don't actually have much control over what bugs/features they decide to fix.
  19. The current CDC recommendation in the US is intramuscular ceftriaxone, because azithomycin resistance in gonorrhea has been increasing substantially over the last decade. So back to the doctor with you! From this web page: https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/69/wr/mm6950a6.htm
  20. The prequel was removed because it contained erotic descriptions of underage sex, which is not allowed even in fiction anywhere on Breeding Zone. That is why the link to it no longer works. You can find out more about this particular rule here. Long story short, it's illegal and so we must ban it to prevent the site from being shut down by the moral police.
  21. Wow, I had forgotten about this one. So hot! 🥵
  22. Yes, hair loss is one of the (many many) side effects of interferon. It also can have some really serious ones like heart damage and irreversible high blood pressure. The new drugs have only been available since 2014.
  23. See this topic: HIV resistance in humans is a real thing. One of the ways it happens (CCR5Δ32 mutation) is genetic and can be tested for.
  24. If she was a bit older, she might have been referring to patients who had HepC before the modern antivirals came out. Interferon treatment is rough.
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