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Everything posted by viking8x6

  1. If that ever happens (continued spread and worsening symptoms after starting antibiotics), it is a red flag that the causative agent is resistant to those antibiotics and you should get back to the doctor ASAP to follow up. Because we don't want that shit spread around.
  2. I'd say the Regional Forum would be a shade better, though General is perfectly reasonable, too. If you have that kind of question, please report the post yourself to have the first available Moderator take care of it. Also, that way if the question is about whether it needs to go in the Backroom (for example), you won't get a penalty if it does.
  3. "Nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public."
  4. You can certainly take it as DoxyPrEP - it works whether you know for sure that you've been exposed, or simply know that it's likely in a given situation. I took mine last week when I was headed to a little orgy that a FB of mine was hosting, where I knew we'd be inviting strangers to a hotel room and I'd be crossing paths with whatever 4-6 of them had. But you don't want to be taking doxycycline all the time. That is just an invitation for antibiotic resistance to develop in whatever bacteria you happen to be hosting. Also, it's hell on your digestive bacteria.
  5. I have a Rx for it - mainly because I'm concerned about syphilis. The hard part is deciding whether to take it on a particular occasion. If I'm just playing with one person who is known to me (FB or what have you) I generally don't, as I trust those people to tell me if they've been whoring around (or I know that they generally do or don't). If I go out to a club or bookstore and have many partners, I take it. It's an old drug (doxycycline) that actually used to be the front-line treatment for chlamydia about 30 or 40 years ago. There's more information in the topic above (into which your question has been merged), including links to info on how well it works.
  6. It would not be directly linked. That said, the available evidence indicates that increasing the population of animals (including humans) beyond the carrying capacity of a system inevitably results in an increase in "unnatural" deaths by one cause or another. Which strongly suggests that if we keep suppressing disease and increasing our numbers, the remaining Four Horsemen, or alternative diseases, will be showing up any time now. I suspect that is what @leakyhole meant by his post.
  7. No doubt he gave all his money to the Church. And it takes verrrry good care of him. Tax-free, of course.
  8. BZ is not a hookup or cruising site, nor is it intended to be one. It's a discussion forum. As it happens, there a quite a few discussions here about good hookup sites & apps. You might review these:
  9. As far as I know, tags can be added just when you start a new topic Unless it's a whole new story (like a different year of college, or a move to another city), it's better to keep it in the same topic; that way people can find it easily and follow it if they want to get notifications of new chapters. Tags are attached to the topic (not the individual posts), so in order to change them you have to edit the original post of the topic. That can only be done by the members within the first 5 or 10 minutes after posting it. After that, you can request that a moderator make the edit, by reporting your own post and explaining the desired edit in the text of the report.
  10. Prep is not as expensive as HAART treatment that suppresses an active infection. It's some of the same drugs, but not all of them. Prep is NOT free. It may be provided to people in the US free of charge to the end-user, but it certainly costs a substantial amount of money, and that money comes from somewhere. In the US, that's mostly health care premiums.
  11. A-C: The church can't marry gay people. It can't even seem to marry gay people. Anything like that is right out. D-E: The church can bless gay people if it's just a blessing and not something that seems like marriage. F: Makes no sense at all. Seems tangential to the argument, and "on the other hand" has no sensible antecedent. G: It's not appropriate for the church to make a policy of that blessing thing. It basically has to stay a one-off by special request only. After that last bit, next thing you know they'll be selling indulgences... 🙄
  12. @hntnhole I think you misconstrued the scope of @BlackDude's comment. I read it as referring to the Democrats who are saying Biden is too old.
  13. I love this, and am in strong agreement here. The parties, and the people in power (the plutocracy to an equal or greater extent than the public officials), manipulate the feelings of the people, fomenting hatred. Only the rich win. This level of cynicism is a bit new for me, but in the last five or ten years I've come to feel that it's sadly appropriate and more accurate than I wish it were. One thing that I try to do personally, and that I see as a thing that may indeed help, is to act personally, as I can, to reach across those divisions and find our common ground. Most of the people who vote Republican don't actually wish ill on their fellow people. The echo chamber and the internet can easily make it seem otherwise. Things that seem to work for me: Listen hard, a lot. Try to see the good in people. Share with my Republican relatives - like my barely-older uncle (my mother's kid brother), who is a staunch NRA member. He and I are good friends. Participate in activities that cross political boundaries - a couple that have worked for me are square dancing and choral singing.
  14. They have always believed that - just ask Hester Prynne. Haters gonna hate. The more important question is, how did tens of millions of citizens collectively come to believe that it is OK for them to do so, if they do it -- supposedly -- within the structure of our governmental system?
  15. I don't recall having refused on the basis of size, and I've taken a few that were pretty big. If I were in a situation where the top was not respectful of my enjoyment of the experience, and insisted on going too fast despite his size, I'd give him the boot. Interpret "insisted" as "went too fast more than once" or "went too fast even once" depending on how just how fast that was.
  16. I'm not sure what you mean by "tame", but I will say that the extremity of a story in the sense of how lurid the kink gets (raunch, domination/abuse bordering on violence, etc) has very little to do with how erotic and how enjoyable I personally find it. "Hotness" can very well derive from better realization of the character's internal experience, fine description, excellent dialog, or interesting plot.
  17. Yes - I was pleased that the lab did a panel of susceptibilities. Apparently K. aerogenes is well-known for frequent resistance to cephalosporins.
  18. I didn't read through the following for the detailed narrative, but the setting seems to be spot-on:
  19. I thought I'd share this experience, as it seems relevant to all of those people who post symptoms on here asking "what bug do you think this is?" About eight weeks ago, I started to get some irritation in my ass crack, fairly minor but annoying. It didn't seem to be on my anus proper, but in the little fold right above it. I had played with a few guys recently, but only two or so, and they were people I knew and didn't think likely to pass any type of STI to me. So I washed it well and treated it with OTC antibiotic (triple antibiotic ointment), thinking it a mild skin infection or something. It did not improve; in fact, it got worse. I managed to get a picture with my phone and it was inflamed, swollen, and somewhat ulcerated. Now, I knew this could be syphilis, though it didn't look typical, and when I googled "perianal ulcer" it pointed to gono or chlamydia. So I went to the clinic. This is the urgent care arm of my primary care clinic. They do a lot of women's health, are current on sexual health for gay men (that's one reason I have stayed there), and are generally communicative about detailed diagnosis. The FNP there looked at it and said most likely a fungal infection, and gave me a topical cream for that. Five days later, still worsening. I went back. FNP looked again, said, guess it's a bacterial cellulitis, let's try cephixime. That seemed to work pretty well for 3 days - pain and swelling went down a lot. Then it leveled off and stayed the same. After 5 days of that, went back again. A different FNP this time looked at it, asked about STIs, talked about different things, and said that it might be herpes (which I've never had as far as I know, certainly not there). Apparently the symptoms are different in areas with friction (she mentioned lady parts). So we did a culture of the wound area and started me on an antiviral med. I wasn't sure to hope it would work, or to hope it wouldn't - because that means I've got herpes - LOL... 5 days later, no change and no word regrading the culture. And then yesterday morning, at last! The clinic called with the culture results. Apparently, there's a nasty infection there with K. aerogenes, and we've sent in a prescription for cipro. K. aerogenes ?!? WTF is that? Glad you asked. It's not an STI, it's not staph or strep, it's a bacterium that is seen in infections of surgical wounds and catheters and such. How I got it in my ass crack, I have absolutely no clue. Hopefully that's all that's wrong in there, but I have high hopes. 🤷‍♂️ So, when you ask, "what does this look/sound like", just be aware that people here can tell you very little about what you actually have.
  20. I haven't done much proper cruising in years. I did it a lot between 1985 and 2005 or so. All those hours spent in bathrooms of every description. Walking or running trails - twisty ones through the bushes, more open ones through the wooded park, and wide open ones along the lakefront (with conveniently placed tearoom). I imagine more than a little use of smart phones would transform it into something so different as to be unrecognizable.
  21. As others have stated, you need to go to a doctor to get a real diagnosis. While some of your symptoms are consistent with and STI, there are many other things with which they are also consistent. Furthermore, once you do have a diagnosis, you'll be on much firmer ground in any communication you choose to do with your erstwhile sex partner.
  22. PREACH! Goddess BLESS you, @ErosWired, and send you good health and long life!
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