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Posts posted by viking8x6

  1. 1 hour ago, Read1 said:

    Fellow sexpigs, I'm trying to find a very hot story (with several addenda) about an older poz guy, who seeded a younger guy (I don't remember if he was poz too), being invited by the younger guy back to his sex-positive family's home in a trailer park. I remember one detail: the family was very liberal about sex, and there were no doors on any bedrooms in their home. It was a welcoming, free-for-all when it came to sex with family members and guests who happened to visit.

    I do remember reading this series of stories when I came back from a bathroom visit. I was captivated and hard-as-a-rock reading all of it. Any leads would be so welcome! OINK, pigs!

    I didn't read through the following for the detailed narrative, but the setting seems to be spot-on:


  2. I thought I'd share this experience, as it seems relevant to all of those people who post symptoms on here asking "what bug do you think this is?"

    About eight weeks ago, I started to get some irritation in my ass crack, fairly minor but annoying. It didn't seem to be on my anus proper, but in the little fold right above it. I had played with a few guys recently, but only two or so, and they were people I knew and didn't think likely to pass any type of STI to me.

    So I washed it well and treated it with OTC antibiotic (triple antibiotic ointment), thinking it a mild skin infection or something.

    It did not improve; in fact, it got worse. I managed to get a picture with my phone and it was inflamed, swollen, and somewhat ulcerated.

    Now, I knew this could be syphilis, though it didn't look typical, and when I googled "perianal ulcer" it pointed to gono or chlamydia.

    So I went to the clinic. This is the urgent care arm of my primary care clinic. They do a lot of women's health, are current on sexual health for gay men (that's one reason I have stayed there), and are generally communicative about detailed diagnosis.

    The FNP there looked at it and said most likely a fungal infection, and gave me a topical cream for that.

    Five days later, still worsening. I went back.  FNP looked again, said, guess it's a bacterial cellulitis, let's try cephixime.

    That seemed to work pretty well for 3 days - pain and swelling went down a lot.  Then it leveled off and stayed the same.

    After 5 days of that, went back again. A different FNP this time looked at it, asked about STIs, talked about different things, and said that it might be herpes (which I've never had as far as I know, certainly not there). Apparently the symptoms are different in areas with friction (she mentioned lady parts). So we  did a culture of the wound area and started me on an antiviral med. I wasn't sure to hope it would work, or to hope it wouldn't - because that means I've got herpes - LOL...

    5 days later, no change and no word regrading the culture. And then yesterday morning, at last! The clinic called with the culture results.

    Apparently, there's a nasty infection there with K. aerogenes, and we've sent in a prescription for cipro.

    K. aerogenes ?!? WTF is that?

    Glad you asked. It's not an STI, it's not staph or strep, it's a bacterium that is seen in infections of surgical wounds and catheters and such. How I got it in my ass crack, I have absolutely no clue. Hopefully that's all that's wrong in there, but I have high hopes.


    So, when you ask, "what does this look/sound like", just be aware that people here can tell you very little about what you actually have.

    • Upvote 6
  3. I haven't done much proper cruising in years. I did it a lot between 1985 and 2005 or so.  All those hours spent in bathrooms of every description. Walking or running trails - twisty ones through the bushes, more open ones through the wooded park, and wide open ones along the lakefront (with conveniently placed tearoom).

    I imagine more than a little use of smart phones would transform it into something so different as to be unrecognizable.

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  4. 14 hours ago, Guest50 said:

    That is why I am getting these sti symptoms. 

    As others have stated, you need to go to a doctor to get a real diagnosis. While some of your symptoms are consistent with and STI, there are many other things with which they are also consistent. Furthermore, once you do have a diagnosis, you'll be on much firmer ground in any communication you choose to do with your erstwhile sex partner.

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  5. 58 minutes ago, hairyone said:
    9 hours ago, Guest50 said:

    I just found out the guy I am with doesn't do oral and anal swabs when he gets tested, is that concerning?

     That means he doesn't tell his doctor he has sex with men or his doctor is an idiot.

    Either that or his doctor is inexperienced with the typical test regimes for sexually active/promiscuous people or just doesn't have the face time with any given patient to consider it carefully. My FNP is reasonably competent, but still didn't order the oral/anal swabs last time I tested, even though I specifically told him to.

    I'd hazard a guess that female providers pay a wee bit more attention to the orifices than do male ones. This based on my experience with a female FNP who practices in a clinic that emphasizes women's health, and strangely enough had a wealth of information about the different presentation of HSV in different anatomical sites, including detailed explanation of differences in friction during various activities.

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  6. Sorry to hear your news, @ErosWired  A thought -

    Because you're a poster child for compliance, it might be worth discussing with your clinician going on a non-premixed combination to find a second (or third) antiviral that's easier on the kidneys but still works against your strain. Clearly the one in Juluca isn't it, but there are at least half a dozen NRTI and NNRTI drugs that could be combined with the same integrase inhibitor in Biktarvy. You'd just have to take two pills a day instead of one. I know clinicians are worried that more pills will cause people not to do that... but that seems unlikely in your case.


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  7. On 10/18/2023 at 8:21 AM, Iker80 said:

    He's a pretty big guy, about 6', slim, kinda hairy and has one of the best beards I've seen. Thick, dark, soft and a bit wavy.

    He sounds cute AF!

    On 10/18/2023 at 8:21 AM, Iker80 said:

    He was rock hard

    My experience has been that smaller penises get a lot harder than bigger ones.

    I certainly bottom for smaller guys. If I can convince them to top. A lot of times it seems they're bashful (certainly sounds like "Brian" is), and my rather large endowment aggravates that. But I'd much rather get a small dick in my ass than no dick at all, and sometimes (like the time the OP had) they can actually be a lot more fun.

    Not so much that size doesn't matter as that other things matter a lot more. Attitude especially.

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  8. 51 minutes ago, chargedodger said:

    I would like to write additional chapters to this story but am apprehensive about stepping on someone elses work.Would it be okay to add to it?

    If the original author is still active on the site (which this one is), you clearly should ask him that!

    Regardless of whether he is or isn't (still active), the right way to do this is to create your own new story topic and start your continuation with a short intro that references the original piece and author.


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  9. I'm pretty well 50/50 versatile - I greatly enjoy both fucking and getting fucked.

    What I actually do varies depending on what's available (some days it seems there are no people to be found who are willing to top). Between living in a fairly rural area and having a lot of other things in my life besides sex, it generally pays to be flexible and go with what I can get rather than what I'd ideally want.

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  10. 11 hours ago, TabooSonDad said:

    Hello all.  We're new here and REALLY enjoying the site a lot!  But we're getting a little frustrated with technical restrictions we're running into.


    Is this because we are new and will eventually be able to answer more email and notifications?  And eventually be able to post our photos?

    Short answer: Yes, it's because you are new. When you keep posting in the public forums, you will (fairly quickly) accrue enough reputation points that you'll be promoted to "Junior Member", which has substantially more privileges.

    That includes private messages, the ability to post reaction emojis, etc.

    The photo size limit is a *total* upload space limit, and I think there are separate ones for things in the Galleries and for attachments on private messages and things posted to your Activity. I'm not sure whether those increase with membership level. There are some tools you can use to manage your uploads; you can find those in the "My Attachments" menu option (pull-down from your screen name in the upper left corner of the UI) and on your own Albums and Images tabs. I recommend you delete images with large file sizes and repost lower-resolution versions of them. The site runs on fairly old software (it started in 2010) and camera file sizes have ballooned since then, so it's not set up for those.

    Below are a couple of topics in Tips & Tricks that discuss all this in more detail:


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  11. 2 hours ago, rawboytoi said:

    The other day I had receptive anal sex with another guy and at the end of the play he said something like "you are getting my babies", "you are getting knocked up" , etc. 

    I don't know if he has a pozzing fetish. Assuming the worst case scenario that he truly has a high viral load how effective is PrEP against high viral load. I am on Descovy. Thanks. 

    He might just have a breeding fetish. Or he might have a pozzing fetish but actually be negative or undetectable.

    Someone asked almost the same question back in June, so I'm merging your topic with that. Read the above to get some answers to the HVL question (to the extent that there are any).

  12. I do get this from time to time, though it's only occasional. I'm using Firefox on Windows 10.

    I suspect, though I haven't been paying close attention, that it happens each time the browser is updated. And thanks to evergreen software, that happens relatively often (about once a week). I see similar behavior with authentication on various sites.

  13. I'll add to that.

    I know the majority of people on this site probably don't vote Republican. BUT. If you live in a red state, you might seriously consider registering as one and getting involved at the local level so that the people there have decent options in the primary. Because that's where these crazies are coming from, and if we want the sane people in those states to have a chance of booting them out, they maybe need our help.

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  14. 55 minutes ago, stephaniecd51 said:

    I really wish that my chat would work. All I get is (PDOStatement: Duplicate entry 'stephaniecd51' for key 'name_UNIQUE') This is very frustrating when I see people sending me chats.

    This has been a problem for a while. The chat page runs on completely different and separate software from the main site, and it has some database glitches that @rawTOP has not been able to fix yet.

    As far as I know, you can not "see people sending you chats" without being logged in to the chat. Perhaps you are referring to private messages on the main site (which are a separate and unrelated thing). New members don't have the privilege to send those, but they do gain that privilege when they get promoted to Junior Member. That will happen automatically after you have participated in the site a certain amount by making posts in the forums.

    All that said, Breeding Zone is a discussion forum. It is not really a chat or hookup site, and it's actually not all that great for those purposes.

  15. Interesting article in my news feed this morning about same-sex sexual behaviors in (non-human) mammals, with some hypotheses about why it (repeatedly) evolves.


    TL;DR - One of the hypotheses (excerpt below) focuses on mediating lethal conflicts by substituting sexual behavior in the establishment of dominance hierarchies, particularly among males. Gee, doesn't that sound an awful lot like the whole "alpha" dynamic that we talk about here? Hmmm.... interesting!


    Same-sex sexual behaviour contributes to diminishing intrasexual aggression and conflict. This hypothesis postulates that same-sex sexual interactions may serve to communicate social status and establish and reinforce dominance hierarchies, thus preventing future conflicts, or may contribute to diverting aggressive behaviour toward courtship behaviour, providing subordinate males with greater opportunities to furtively copulate with females. Because same-sex sexual behaviour is suggested to mitigate rather than completely eliminate aggressive behaviour, this second hypothesis predicts that same-sex sexual behaviour should be more frequent in species with aggressive and lethal intrasexual interactions than in more peaceful and nonlethal species.


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