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Posts posted by viking8x6

  1. I always thought Vaseline was too viscous, even when it warmed to body temperature.  Vegetable oils are good, but have much more tendency (IMO) to stain fabric.

    A few years ago I tried mineral oil (which many pharmacies sell as a laxative), and found it great, although a little thinner than would be optimal. But totally non-drying and washes out easily with detergent.

    Many years ago (in the late 80s) they used to sell a lube product that had a consistency far more similar to precum than anything I've seen since. It would form long strands when dripping out of its container (non-Newtonian behavior for you geeks out there) and truly resembled the real thing. It was made from some kind of modified cellulose, I think, and preserved with grapefruit extract - synthetic polymers replaced those not long thereafter (probably because they were cheaper) and I haven't seen anything like it since. It reminded me of a certain gentleman I met in a college bathroom, whose precum dripped in exactly similar long strands (a foot or more) and for whom I had an unholy fascination. I wanted him to fuck me so badly. Bare, though I don't think I comprehended that completely at the time. Those fluids in me... Such a naughty twink I was! 😈

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  2. 1 hour ago, pupHawaii said:

    I don't want to give up my cell number for Telegram .. i tried using a google number and got banned in about a minute

    I had that issue too. I decided to risk it (feeling I could probably trust the provider). After poking around a bit more, it turns out that while they do require a real cell number, they don't require you to publish it (or any other information). So you can use it anonymously to any of the people you're chatting with, if you want to.

    I also discovered that if you allow it to access your contacts, it's rather convenient, as quite a lot of your old friends may be using it. I wound up getting in touch with someone I haven't seen in decades this way, so it turned out to be a real bonus. It's easy to forget that while online chat services are great for nasty sexy talk, they're also handy for catching up with old friends, discussing their coming out as non-binary, planning board game and disc golf sessions, shaming one another into going to the gym... well, you get the idea.

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  3. 22 hours ago, TaKinGDeePanal said:

    If I've read every story in a Forum, is there an option to mark them all as "Unread" so that I can enjoy them all again?

    I don't believe so. You can, however, sort them by start date, which allows you to read through them in order without regard to whether you've read them before or when the last reply was.

  4. 4 hours ago, hntnhole said:

    FWIW:  "fraught" is an adjective, not a noun...

    Thus, nothing can ever be merely "fraught".  Something (noun) can be "fraught" with danger, for example.

    However, "fraught" can be simple (i.e. non-verb-linking) adjective, applied to a noun, as in @seekingversatility's post "edits were fraught" (the edits being the noun, i.e. these are fraught edits, i.e. difficult edits). See sense 2 in the Collins entry https://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english/fraught

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  5. 4 hours ago, birthdaywoes said:

    Hey guys, appreciate the positive feedback. not sure what is up with my account but I can still sign in, so hoping I'm not banned (lol)


    1 hour ago, UKFFBBBtm said:

    @viking8x6 isn't the Gone info page when loading a profileprofile the final steps for account deletion?

    @birthdaywoes it does appear that you requested your account be deleted back on Dec 4th. If you didn't want that, you should ask to have it reversed.


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  6. 12 hours ago, tomzefis said:

    What scared me most at my last appointment was that she told me several times that this BLIP is the result of me not taking the medication correctly.

    You have the facts. If in fact you were taking the medication every day, she's wrong. If she didn't believe you when you told her that you were, she's a bad doctor, unless there's some good reason for her to believe that you're mistaken or lying.


    The whole time the doctor insisted on how my long-term treatment is going to fail and that my virus gonna be resistant to the medications. and that if I don't stop having unprotected sex, I will have a very serious problem


    She made me very scared about even syphilis, she told me that I could get other types of syphilis whose antibiotics don't work well

    Both of these suggestions are greatly exaggerated. Here in the U.S.A. less than 1/3 of socioeconomically advantaged people living with HIV die of HIV related causes (2017 numbers). That rate is still improving and it includes cases of HIV that are NOT treatedI couldn't easily find numbers for only cases that ARE treated, but they must be lower. Multi-drug resistant syphilis is not, as far as I know, significantly prevalent right now, although MDR gonorrhea is. The main problem with syphilis is that its symptoms are frequently subtle and similar to other diseases, so it's easy to miss. Regular testing is our best tool for controlling is. Does her manner of talking about it encourage you to test regularly? I think not.


    going to this medical appointment traumatized me because it seems like the doctor wanted to shock me all the time, leave me with fear...

    I don't want to go back to this doctor. I felt that I was being judged

    It certainly sounds like she may have been judging you and she certainly was trying to belittle you and manipulate you. In your place, I would definitely find a new doctor.

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  7. 11 hours ago, seekingversatility said:

    overdose on tanning radiation

    Just my opinion, but judging from the hue of his tan, he doesn't even have the patience to do that. Orangish tans are a product of quick-tan lotions that produce skin coloration artificially rather than stimulating a natural tan as UV does.

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  8. 16 hours ago, BootmanLA said:

    I would only note that the Mozilla team in no way "started the internet," which dates back to the late 1960's at a time when Mark Andreessen, the guy who created Netscape (and moved on to Mozilla) wasn't even born yet.

    What Andreessen did was create one of the first graphical browsers - but that was in 1994, by which time the internet was already 25+ years old. 

    What is colloquially referred to as "the internet" was originally called the world wide web, and was created in 1989 and opened to the public in 1991 (per wikipedia, which is right about this one, as we were there). Before that there was no such thing as a web site; one could transfer files and email (via their separate protocols), but there was no concept of a publicly viewable hypertext document that could be rendered as what we now know as a web page.

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  9. 12 hours ago, GyroLover said:

    Well, it was inevitable...
    i know it’s stupid but I cried my eyes out all day for two days.   I just loved holding him and kissing him worshiping him   


    3 hours ago, GyroLover said:

    I’m not wallowing in it any longer...

    I  must not get so attached going forward.

    Heartbreak is inevitable. And a rite of passage.

    Glad you have moved beyond wallowing.

    Having had mine broken a few times, and broken a few myself, I'm offering free advice (worth its weight in gold) -

    DO get so attached going forward. Yes, heartbreak hurts, it hurts like death if the love was truly good, but it's worth it. Love is the best thing there is.

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  10. 48 minutes ago, 3eelzebub said:

    Hi BZ, whenever I try to respond to a chat request I get the following (screenshot). Any ideas?


    The chat room has a bug that causes it to throw that error for some users. See the topic above.

    The chat room is NOT the same as a private message from another user. Those should work fine, but you may not have the privilege to send one yet - it is granted to new users after they have participated in the site for a little while (this keeps the spammers and bots down to a minimum). You can certainly post a reply on the sender's activity page if they have allowed others to post there, or on your own activity page in any case.

  11. To add pics on a personal message, you have to post them in a gallery and then attach them to the message. The sequence goes something like this:

    1. Create a new public album (use the "Create" pull-down at the top to create a new photo album)
    2. Upload your images into it
    3. Select the image you want to add to your message
    4. Copy the URL from the browser address bar
    5. Create the private message
    6. Position the cursor where you want the image inserted
    7. Click "Insert image from URL"
    8. Paste the URL in the box
    9. Click "insert into post"
  12. @BigBearSean - you are preaching to the choir. In a lot of such cases, there literally aren't appropriate places to place individual posts that are edge cases or are intersectional (e.g. hetero chemsex). If you have a case like that, make your best guess and if you're in doubt about whether it's a sensitive topic, feel free to report it yourself and have a moderator weigh in. If you report things yourself, you will not get a penalty.

    As for revising and improving the structure, we moderators can only suggest things; @rawTOP has to make any actual changes. His intent (for quite some time now) has been to reboot the site entirely using a completely new infrastructure, because the old infrastructure is antiquated and is really not that well-suited for the purposes he's putting it to here anyway. Therefore he's not focused on making the current site better, so much as making the new one better than the old one. Then of course he also was out for a big chunk of time last year for health reasons.


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