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Posts posted by viking8x6

  1. I'll add to that.

    I know the majority of people on this site probably don't vote Republican. BUT. If you live in a red state, you might seriously consider registering as one and getting involved at the local level so that the people there have decent options in the primary. Because that's where these crazies are coming from, and if we want the sane people in those states to have a chance of booting them out, they maybe need our help.

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  2. 55 minutes ago, stephaniecd51 said:

    I really wish that my chat would work. All I get is (PDOStatement: Duplicate entry 'stephaniecd51' for key 'name_UNIQUE') This is very frustrating when I see people sending me chats.

    This has been a problem for a while. The chat page runs on completely different and separate software from the main site, and it has some database glitches that @rawTOP has not been able to fix yet.

    As far as I know, you can not "see people sending you chats" without being logged in to the chat. Perhaps you are referring to private messages on the main site (which are a separate and unrelated thing). New members don't have the privilege to send those, but they do gain that privilege when they get promoted to Junior Member. That will happen automatically after you have participated in the site a certain amount by making posts in the forums.

    All that said, Breeding Zone is a discussion forum. It is not really a chat or hookup site, and it's actually not all that great for those purposes.

  3. Interesting article in my news feed this morning about same-sex sexual behaviors in (non-human) mammals, with some hypotheses about why it (repeatedly) evolves.


    TL;DR - One of the hypotheses (excerpt below) focuses on mediating lethal conflicts by substituting sexual behavior in the establishment of dominance hierarchies, particularly among males. Gee, doesn't that sound an awful lot like the whole "alpha" dynamic that we talk about here? Hmmm.... interesting!


    Same-sex sexual behaviour contributes to diminishing intrasexual aggression and conflict. This hypothesis postulates that same-sex sexual interactions may serve to communicate social status and establish and reinforce dominance hierarchies, thus preventing future conflicts, or may contribute to diverting aggressive behaviour toward courtship behaviour, providing subordinate males with greater opportunities to furtively copulate with females. Because same-sex sexual behaviour is suggested to mitigate rather than completely eliminate aggressive behaviour, this second hypothesis predicts that same-sex sexual behaviour should be more frequent in species with aggressive and lethal intrasexual interactions than in more peaceful and nonlethal species.


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  4. 12 hours ago, ErosWired said:

    Now, there’s no ambiguity about the nature of the online viewers such a guy is talking to on the app where he finds them, and what their likely motivation is for being there, to wit: They ain’t there looking for a back rub. So, the guy clearly nudge-nudge-wink-wink-say-no-more knows he’s actually selling sexual work and calling it something that isn’t fooling anybody, or even really trying

    Except, of course, in the minds of those few of us who are actually looking for a back rub. Which happened to me one time - there is a guy near me on Grindr offering massage, and I took him up on it, because I wanted an actual therapeutic deep tissue massage because my back hurt like a sonofabitch. What I got was a passable erotic massage complete with penetration (both with toys and the real thing), but the actual muscle work and therapeutic value was minimal at best. Amusing in retrospect, but at the time I was rather peeved.

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  5. So a few weeks ago, I was supposed to have a play date with this FB of mine, on the day I was doing a 4-hour drive that went near his place. He's a super sexy Venezuelan cub, totally vers, and we have the best flip fucks ever. He calls me "daddy" and we do it hot and bare with lots of sexy breeding talk.

    So I'm on the road the morning of, texting him about ETA, and he suddenly says we are going to have a 3-way with a submissive bottom then go back to his place and fuck each other. And we're going to meet at the sub's house. Now, that's not my usual scene, but I'm feeling frisky and in a good mood, so I'm willing to roll with it. I know the sub is not his husband, because I usually meet my buddy at his own house, and we have to be quiet if hubby is working. He sends the address and says the door will be unlocked, and I'm on my way.

    I arrive at the place (Google maps did great despite some twisty roads), and it's in a newish exurban development, condos I think (they're so generic I honestly don't remember). And I bounce up to the door and go on in. Nice clean house, very white bread looking, not too much character in view, and there in the middle of the living room on a little square blanket is our sub, hooded, on his knees, blowing my buddy. Shaven all over. Looking, well, like a submissive cumdump. Definitely not my usual.

    My buddy beckons me over, and he's clearly into it, and into the fact that I'm there too. He and I kiss some and he invites me to use the sub's mouth, which I do, and my buddy moves around back of the sub. I'm generally down for a good spit-roast, and this is no exception. And I have to say, the sub's mouth looks mighty good with my fat tool going in and out of it. I can see just enough around the edges of the hood to guess that I'd find his face fairly cute with it off. Tempting to take it off and see, but I'm not a spoilsport, and doing that would clearly ruin his fun.

    My buddy is having a good time fucking him. And after a while he cums, and the sub is clearly enjoying this. Less cum for me, but my buddy's young and I guess he'll be still able to take care of me later. And then he gets a text and suddenly says he has to get going. And that I'm welcome to fuck the sub (who clearly is in subspace and therefore not telling me this himself, my buddy is dom du jour and therefore responsible for policy). But I have to use a condom. And he gestures at the pile of them sitting there.

    So I allow as to how that's good (although TBH I really hate them and they often make me go soft, but that's not happening today...). And I put one on (can't remember when the last time I did that was) and I'm fussing at the end of it, a bit, with my fingernails, before starting, but my buddy is still there. So I start fucking the sub while he, uh, pretends to clean my buddy off, I guess? Sucks him a bit more, anyway. I guess he's getting at least some cum off of there, since my buddy did come.

    And I'm fucking him, and my buddy is getting dressed and getting on out of there. Fucking with the condom doesn't feel great, and I pull it out and fuss at the tip a bit more with my fingernails and actually manage to nick it.  So I put it back in and that feels at least a bit better, because there's some sensation on my glans, and the sub seems to be enjoying it too, so I fuck him for a while longer. And I'm getting close...

    But all the while I've been here I've been getting a subtle vibe that this guy is actually "straight" and married and all of this is on the DL. So I figure he might actually be really upset if he discovered his ass full of cum afterward. And that it might get back to my buddy, and that would be awkward. So I pull it out to cool off a bit, and sure enough my entire mushroom head has emerged from the condom. Lovely and pink and bare, sticking out beyond the black rubber. Just like in those C2BB vids I always find so hot.

    I slide back in that way and fuck him a little more, but no, I'm just way... too... close...

    In a miracle of self-discipline, I pull out and dash to the bathroom to dispose of the condom, then come back and feed the sub my enormous load.

    And head out.

    And my buddy texts me to tell me his hubby is in a bad mood and doesn't want him to have me over to play. Well, fuck. No dick for me.

    possibly to be continued

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  6. My last load was Wednesday. It was a rematch with a super sexy (well, I think he is...) big hairy bear top, about my age (we've each got just a bit of gray), married on the DL.

    Our chemistry is fucking amazing... I let him in and we kiss and I can feel it instantly. I hope he can, too. I'm hard as a rock in seconds.

    I get him upstairs and he offers poppers, which are just the dregs, so I make a quick run to the fridge to get mine. And we're getting naked and on the bed ASAP. Kissing and heavy body contact - he's really a big guy, but all over, not just in the belly - maybe 6'1" and 250# or a bit more, and lots of fur. My cup of tea. And I've lost some weight this year so I actually feel enveloped in his hug, and we're playing with each other's nipples (his are wired), and, yeah, more of that!

    I suck him for a while - he gets hard nicely even without a cock ring (lucky him), and then we flip around and he sucks me... and puts his hand around back, which makes me melt. So he rolls me over and plows me... And fuck is that good! Just a little lube to get him in - I'm tight but very hot for it - and then he's inside and fucks me on my belly for a good while, and then on my side. Then he comes out and we're kissing some more.

    At some point he says, "how does your boyfriend ever let you out of his sight?" - so I guess the chemistry is good for him, too.

    He's on his back, so I climb up on top and ride him. Ride him hard, leaning back, and he's super into it, and I love this because I can look at his face (looking into a guy's eyes when we're fucking is one of my hot buttons). And I lean into it and I'm so wanting his load but I'm not getting him over the edge, quite, and then suddenly I'm the one who's going over the edge and I'm cumming. Hard and long, all over his belly and chest, in fountains.

    He tells me to lick it off him, and I do... bitter tasting.

    And we're kissing some more and he's stroking and suddenly he's getting close and I try to hop back on and take his load, but I'm too slow and he shoots it all over where mine was. So I lick that off, too, and it tastes very different, rather sweet.

    Fuck, I needed that! It was a little disappointing not to get bred, but hell, I'll take it - fireworks sex is always good!

    We agreed that we must do it again soon. Hope he remembers (he won't give me his number).


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    On 9/27/2023 at 7:28 PM, ErosWired said:


    Since this seems to be eating you alive, allow me to clarify.

    The fundamental error you are making in interpreting my post is that you assume that I am suggesting that a person ought to have a negative self-reflection if he stops to consider the implications of paying for sex....

    Pay attention to the context: When I said a man’s self-image ‘can only’ suffer, the context is in ‘can only be expected to suffer, if he is prone to negative self-analysis.’ The statement has bupkis to do with anybody who doesn’t think that way, not does it suggest that anybody should.



    On 9/27/2023 at 7:28 PM, ErosWired said:


    Since this seems to be eating you alive, allow me to clarify.

    The fundamental error you are making in interpreting my post is that you assume that I am suggesting that a person ought to have a negative self-reflection if he stops to consider the implications of paying for sex....

    Pay attention to the context: When I said a man’s self-image ‘can only’ suffer, the context is in ‘can only be expected to suffer, if he is prone to negative self-analysis.’ The statement has bupkis to do with anybody who doesn’t think that way, not does it suggest that anybody should.



    I think you both have now made your positions sufficiently clear to ascertain from the thread that:

    1. @BootmanLA did not identify the person he was talking about as a friend in the original statement, and

    2. @ErosWired made a transition from talking about that person to talking about a different hypothetical person, without perhaps making that transition very clear in his text, and

    3. That as far as I can tell, neither of you were actually intending to offend the other.

    So perhaps we have beaten this horse enough.

    Just sayin.


    • Thanks 1
  8. 28 minutes ago, hntnhole said:

    Rumors have it though, that she only partially passed away years ago, and is buried in a casket deep below Soldier Field.  On game days, they dig her up, administer some more preservative, and she comes to life again.  The Bears have been paying for her formaldehyde transfusions for decades now

    Not true! I heard from someone who swore me to secrecy that she ate much too much food with high levels of preservatives and additives, and as a result her body lived longer than she did.

    • Haha 3
  9. You'd probably be fine now.

    The tenofovir component of Descovy has a very long half-life in the body (150 to 180 hours), so even after three days missed you'd have had pretty significant levels active in your peripheral white blood cells (where it does its work). Three doses in, you'd have built that most of the way back up to the steady state level.

    But ideally, you should wait. You knew that.

    • Haha 1
  10. 27 minutes ago, Alex60 said:

    The late Cass Mann said it so eloquently in his videos, gay men have created a lifestyle drugs alcohol self destructive way of living  that not worth living...

    He overstated the case. Gay men (or some of them) may have glorified that lifestyle, but we certainly didn't create it. Just ask Caligula.


    HIV meds will make you u=u, until the day an opportunistic infection hits.

    Though an opportunistic infection will be a lot less likely if you start meds early and thereby preserve your immune system from destruction. Besides, you could just die in a car crash first. Or commit suicide. I know, I'm just a fucking ray of sunshine...


    I'm not trying to say that your original point isn't valid (it completely is!).

    But there are a whole lot of gay men out there, both HIV+ and HIV-, who don't deserve to be tarred with that brush. Plain ordinary gay, or bi, or "straight" (kinda) men, who have ordinary lives, and spend most of their time doing mundane things and having (or too often not having) mundane sex, neither of which resemble porn in the least.


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  11. Short answer: No, you're not (depending, of course, on what you mean by "considerable risk"). Nobody knows exactly how much risk, because nobody has ever done a controlled study on that particular usage pattern (which should be no surprise). But (1) the presumption you specify (at least one detectable top) is moderately unlikely, because the rate of detectable poz tops is relatively low these days, and (2) even if you did cross paths with a detectable top, your chances of seroconverting by taking a load from him are only (roughly) 1 in 70.

    Longer answer: Your body levels of medication will be somewhat lower than they would be at steady-state (if you had been taking one pill a day regularly for at least a week). Not a lot lower - although pharmacokinetics vary between individuals, it takes the body significant time to clear the drugs from your system, plus you already re-started. So your chances will be substantially lower than they would be without it.

    What I would do: Given what I know about drugs, antibiotics, and pharmacology, in your shoes I'd take an extra pill today and then continue with one per day. That would be exactly the same (over the next 3 days) as the standard 2-1-1 "on-demand" PrEP protocol, which has been validated to be effective (though admittedly not with Descovy, but there are good chemical reasons to believe that it will behave comparably).


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  12. 51 minutes ago, BootmanLA said:

    you don't get to invoke the "this is a private matter" cover when you're working to harm others on the basis of THEIR private matters. You're making their private lives a public issue, so yours gets to be one too.

    ^^^ SO MUCH THIS! ^^^

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  13. 1 hour ago, Flared said:

    Sometimes it feels that my sexual drive takes control. It's not easy finding someone. I recently made a profile on a gay site

    As a teenage male, is completely normal for your sex drive to feel overwhelming! Try not to let it make you crazy. Finding sex is great, but if you can't do that, jerking off helps.

    It's always difficult finding someone, it seems. I think a lot of that is because people have a lot of specific ideas about what they want. Sometimes it is very helpful to let go of some of those and be flexible. If you give up some of your pickiness, you can try things you might otherwise not and also as an added bonus actually get some sex! The internet can be very unhelpful in finding sex, because people there are all being picky, too, and also it throws time and location into the mix, and actually meeting someone in person can be a seemingly impossible task. This is where parties and gatherings are superior, especially ones where sex, or at least flirting, is expected. It's why people go out dancing, for example.

  14. 11 hours ago, ErosWired said:

    Only two? And two sets of societal rules that happen to agree that, for varying reasons, outing someone is not unethical?



    Well, I did say I was splitting hairs. I chose what appear to me to be the two dominant paradigms in American society with regard to perception and treatment of homosexuals.


    One of the fundamentals is to do unto others as you would wish them to do unto you. Because this is a matter of equivalent social exchange that promotes parity between individuals - thereby discouraging or de-escalating conflict - it becomes part of the fabric of social expectation...

    So one must ask oneself, “How would I react if I were the one being outed?” How many people would shrug and say, “Meh - I’m good with it.” Precious few, I’d say. From this perspective, is it ethical to force someone into a situation if you would object to the same treatment? Objectively, and considered in isolation, it is not.

    You are perfectly correct here, and I completely agree.

  15. 2 hours ago, hntnhole said:

    Sure.  I had the same question when I first joined up.

    Hover over that little white heart in the blue circle at the bottom right corner of a post (or response to the post).  You will see the various choices of emoticons appear to the left of the heart.  Move your cursor left until you're over the one you want, and click, and presto - your reaction will be there for all to see. 

    You will be commenting only on that particular text; not the entire post.  If you want to, go to the initial post and choose an emoticon to comment on the subject matter.  

    Note that (as explained above) if your profile says "New Members" by your avatar pic, this will not work for you. Reactions are a privilege that you earn (along with more private messages per day and other things) when you have participated in the forum a certain amount. No, I cannot tell you how much that amount is (it's some confidential formula built into the system). Somewhere between 20 and 50 posts for most people.

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  16. Well, after cogitating on this for a long while about 4am, I can't exactly say "I slept on it", but I have a bit of different perspective, which may seem to some like hair-splitting, but here goes:

    ethics are the societal rules within which we are acting (or which we are flouting). There are two sets in operation here:

    1. The "old" ethics of the repressed anti-gay culture of the 1950s, as derived from roots in puritanism and Victorian society. These are the ethics that the closet case promulgates and purports to live by. By these ethics, there's nothing wrong with outing him; in fact, we are expected to do so.

    2. The "new" ethics of the sexual revolution and the modern LGBTQ+ movement. These are the ethics that many of us here (including the site owner) promote. By these ethics, there's nothing wrong with outing him, because there's nothing wrong with him being gay, nor even with him having fun outside his partnership (as long as the partner permits that).

    So the problem with the outing isn't really an ethical one. It's a moral one.

    morals are our individual ideas of right and wrong, from wherever each of us derives those. They might align with the ethical codes to which we subscribe, and they might not. And that can vary on a case-by-case basis.

    Is there anything morally wrong about outing the guy? It seems to me that the question here is whether it's OK to create trouble in his life (public and private) because he's a hypocrite whose actions promote an ethical code with which we personally disagree while flouting that ethical code himself in his private actions. Ironically, if we align our morals with the ethical code he's promoting, that's OK (an eye for an eye). But if we align our morals with the ethical code that says gay is OK, we're much more likely to say outing him is NOT OK (judge not, lest ye be judged).


  17. 1 hour ago, fertilehole said:

    i've been here over a year and a ton of things are still locked. what do they want me to do, start a weekly webcam party? write a blog? lol

    You've made only 16 posts. That's about the bare minimum that can get you to Junior Member status. For some people it takes twice or three times that many posts. So yes, in order to earn those privileges, you have to participate. This is a discussion forum.

  18. I'm with @PozTalkAuthor in feeling conflicted on this one.

    If the person in question is taking actions in their life that harm gay people (e.g. conservative politicians and religious figures), I do think it can be justified. To be harming a group of people of which you are a member and not sharing in that harm yourself is malfeasance of the worst sort.

    But I am also mindful that judging and hurting other people is seldom, possibly never, constructive, and that no one should be entitled to do so.

    Justice and mercy are altogether too often in conflict.

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  19. Moderator's Note:

    The duplicate key problem cited above by many people ("Duplicate entry for key...") is, as far as I can tell, due to a flaw in the either the user database for the chat program (which is not the same software as the main site), or the code that accesses it. The only person who can fix it is @rawTOP. If you are having this problem, you will just have to wait until he can get to it.

    6 minutes ago, Jeanscumpig said:

    yeah man that's quite annoying, you see that you have 5 chats, you can't even answer. Hopefully they resolve this quickly.

    People who have the above problem cannot log in to the chat site at all, so no one there will be sending them chats, and even if they did, they wouldn't be able to see them. These are not the same as private messages on the main BZ site.

  20. 1 hour ago, BlindRawFucker1 said:

    I always thought that you took the first two within 24 hours, 12 is better, before the encounter, then 1 every 24 hours until 48 hours after your last encounter.

    Meaning, if you were to fuck Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights, it would be best to take the first 2 Friday morning, then 1 every 24 hours through Tuesday night.

    Is that not correct?

    That is not the protocol that was tested in the French study.

    It is, however, a completely logical extension of that protocol, and there is no logical reason to believe that it would work any less well. It simply hasn't been proven to work (i.e. in a study subject to statistical verification).


  21. If you are planning on taking fists bare (as opposed to with gloves), then you should definitely consider PrEP.

    Hangnails are a fact of life, and without a barrier, would allow blood/blood contact between a fisting top with a hangnail and the fisting bottom.

    I actually know someone who (back in the 90s when viral loads were less well-controlled on average than they are now) acquired HIV through a hangnail on his own hand when it came in contact with HIV+ blood that he was helping to clean up after a nipple piercing bleed. Or so he claims.

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